I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 218

Chapter 212 Confirmed the thesis, it’s you

Before coming to the United States, Alan Muller taught at the University of Bonn in Germany. At that time, Mary Schmidt was a student of Muller as an undergraduate in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Bonn.

After graduating from the University of Bonn, Dr. Mary Schultz Schmidt came to the Princeton Department of Mathematics as an assistant professor for Mueller.

From undergraduate to doctoral student, Mary’s last name has changed.

She married a man named Schultz when she was a PhD student, so her current name is Marie-Schultz-Schmidt, and she wears a wedding ring on her finger.

“Dr. Schultz-Schmidt, your hair is dyed blond?” Shen Qi asked tentatively.

“It was originally golden, but I dyed it red when I was studying for a Ph.D. in Germany,” Schultz-Schmidt said.

The profile picture P of the German female doctor on the Internet is too powerful. She has the face of Kate-Blatcht, and she abruptly turns P into Nicole Kidman, with a halo effect.

“Your doctoral dissertation is very exciting. I have read it many times. The Eweze method of proof of Diophantine equation is a magical stroke.” Shen Qi could not confirm the look in his eyes, so he could only confirm the thesis.

“Thank you for your effective algebraic approximation, Shen Qi.”

Schultz-Schmidt smiled playfully: “I quoted your algorithm on page 7 of the doctoral dissertation. However, the strange thing is that you withdrew your thesis from arVix shortly afterwards. See the official announcement. From now on we will all work in a team, you can call me Mary.”

That’s right!

Confirmed the paper!

It’s her!

It is you, a German woman, who made me fail to fulfill my promise. I promised that Ou Ye’s paper has not been published yet, but you are so proud and prosperous!

“It’s nice to meet you, Mary, your beauty makes other women in the world feel jealous.” Shen Qi smiled and shook hands with Mary. Even if you feel upset, you must have demeanor on your face.

“Do you also include your girlfriend?” Mary shook hands with Shen Qi. Her temperament was mature and her personality was different from that of Mueller and Jonas, who were following.

Shen Qi continued to smile: “My girlfriend is an angel.”

“Haha.” Mary and Shen Qi’s first communication ended here.

Jonas drank his coffee boredly, seemingly indifferent to the smile between Shen Qi and Mary, and the tit-for-tat confrontation.

Mueller was very interested: “Mary, Shen Qi, do you know each other?”

“I haven’t seen each other, I’m already an old friend.” With a calm look, Shen Qi succinctly recounted the past thesis between him and Mary.

According to seniority, Mary is Shen Qi’s senior sister, but Shen Qi feels that this German mature senior sister is not cute at all, she has a strong aggressiveness.

“It turns out there is still this story between you two.” Mueller said, “Close to the subject, today’s regular meeting will begin now, Jonas, let’s talk about your doctoral thesis first.”

Jonas picked up the coffee cup and said calmly: “My doctoral dissertation will take some time to complete, yes, I am thinking.”

“You have been thinking about it for two and a half years, and you haven’t written a word, and you haven’t published a paper.” Mueller just reminded, without urging.

“I need some time, yes, I need time, mathematics is a subject, the thinking process is better than the final result.” Jonas took a sip of coffee, felt a little bitter and added some sugar.

“Well, Jonas, what you said is right, please continue to think.” Jonas is not in a hurry, and Mueller is not in a hurry. Professor Mueller agrees with Jonas’s view that thinking is a very important thing. Mr. Andrew Wiles, who had taught at UPU, did not publish an article for ten years until Fermat’s last theorem was proved by him.

Princeton’s academic atmosphere is indeed very tolerant, and Universal’s broad mind accommodates all kinds of Frankensteins, madmen, and even mental patients.

In the best Oscar film “Beautiful Mind”, Russell Crowe successfully played the talented mathematician Nash.

Nash suffering from mental illness, his true story happened in Princeton, he eventually won the Nobel Prize in Economics.

General University only has three subjects: Liberal Arts, Science, and Engineering. Business administration, law, and medicine, which are very popular in the United States, are not included in General University’s disciplines.

From the establishment of the school in the 18th century to today, the University has never set up disciplines such as commerce, law, and medicine that are popular in the market.

This research university upholds the tenet of the supremacy of academic research, and seldom considers utilitarian matters.

So Jonas stayed as long as he wanted to stay in UPU, not in a hurry.

“So Mary, how about you?” Mueller turned to ask Mary about the progress of her research project.

Mary opened the folder and handed Mueller a written report very formally, not like Jonas verbally haha.

From this detail, we can see the rigorousness and procedural nature of Mary’s character. She said: “My project progress is implemented as planned. Of course, I also encountered some minor troubles. Before the Christmas holiday, I should be able to make important progress.”

Mueller took a quick look at Mary’s report, which was actually an unfinished mathematics paper: “Mary, you have worked hard in the past few months, but you don’t seem to see anything new. IMHO, this The current specific expositions and proofs of this paper are clichéd, and even a little boring. More than a hundred years have passed, and all the methods that should be used have been exhausted. We must stimulate innovative thinking models before it is possible to crack RH.”

“Professor, you are right.” Mary was a little depressed, but did not lower her proud head.

“RH?” Shen Qi in the audience was inexplicably excited. There are not many RH abbreviations in mathematics. Mary studies number theory. In the field of number theory, RH stands for Riemann’s conjecture.

Riemann-Hypothesis, one of the seven thousand-year mathematics puzzles.

In 1858, Professor Riemann of the University of Göttingen proposed the famous Riemann conjecture in an 8-page paper on the distribution of prime numbers.

One or two hundred years have passed. As Mueller said, mathematicians racked their brains, all the methods that should be used have been exhausted, and RH has not yet been fully proven.

“Yes, as you understand, Shen Qi, RH is Riemann’s conjecture.” Muller handed the manuscript of the paper to Shen Qi, and said lightly: “This subject is difficult, but it is also full of fun.”

After receiving the paper, Shen Qi first looked at the abstract and introduction. He was extremely excited. Professor Mueller’s team was launching a fierce offensive against RH!

The core of the Riemann hypothesis is the Riemann zeta function ζ(s)=Σn^-1 (Re(s)>1). Its nature is a powerful tool for solving number theory problems. It plays a pivotal role in analytic number theory. It has always been Analyze the hot topics in number theory research.

As we all know, the distribution of prime numbers in natural numbers does not follow any law, but Riemann observes that the distribution of prime numbers is closely related to the function ζ(s): all complex zeros of the function ζ(s) are perpendicular to σ=1/2 On the straight line.

If this guess is correct, then the distribution of prime numbers has a law to follow, and many problems in number theory can be easily solved.

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