I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 219

Chapter 213 The new idea of ​​Riemann hypothesis

Seven thousand-year math puzzles are really hard to solve.

At present, only the Poincaré conjecture has been conquered. The Russian mathematician Perelman thoroughly proved the Poincaré conjecture on the basis of the mathematical genius Lu Qiujian.

The Riemann hypothesis was put forward in the 19th century, spanning the entire 20th century, and remains unbreakable in the 21st century.

Any mathematician who studies number theory has the desire to prove RH, which will be a great achievement recorded in the annals of history.

Just as difficult as Ge Guai’s proof process, RH has not been fully proven after three centuries.

Ge Guai’s 1+1 has not been proved, but Mr. Chen Jingrun proved 1+2, which is the closest result to Ge Guai.

One step in place completely proves that RH and Ge guess are not easy to do. History tells everything.

The staged proof of RH by mathematicians lasted for centuries.

Regarding the expression formula of the Riemann zeta function ζ(s), for any complex number, if Re(s)>1, then:


Where n is a natural number and p is a prime number.

Mathematicians tried every means and every means, from Euler’s classic formula to Bernoulli number, to Ramanujan’s formula for positive odd numbers, and finally made important progress, k=3 The special case of, 5 and k=4, 6, 7 has been recognized by all contemporary mathematicians.

Now, there is still a bridge between the staged progress and the complete proof of RH.

The key bridge to this link is the two recurrence formulas of ζ(2n+1).

If the two recurrence formulas of ζ(2n+1) can be proved, then Shen Qi believes that Professor Mueller’s team is not far from finally proving RH.

What excites Shen Qi is that the semi-finished paper in his hand is exactly the proof of the two recurrence formulas of ζ(2n+1).

The framework of this paper was set by Mueller, and the specific argument proved to be written by Mary.

Obviously, Professor Mueller’s strategic direction is correct, but Mary’s tactical execution has little effect.

Mary’s tactical play is too old-fashioned. According to your calculations to prove the deduction logic, RH should have been fully proven long ago, but it is not the case. Shen Qi returned the manuscript to Mueller, saying: “We need a new lemma to prove that the conclusion when k=1 is true, then the two recursive formulas of ζ(2n+1) are expected to be deduced reasonably and reasonably. So as to launch a general attack to RH’s complete proof.”

“Hey, boy, I thought about that too!” Mueller’s eyes lit up and looked at Shen Qi.

“We?” Mary looked at Shen Qi questioningly, and then naturally said: “Yes, we, this is a topic that I and Allen are researching together.”

“Mary, I have a bold idea. I can invite Shen Qi to join our team to study the subject of ζ(2n+1). What do you think?” Mueller is very democratic, and he politely asked his student Mary.

“I think we should maintain the status quo, because there is nothing wrong with the status quo.” Mary showed a strange expression.

“I am happy to join the project team of Professor Mueller ζ (2n+1).” Shen Qi ignored Mary’s questioning expression and directly expressed his determination to Mueller.

“Your main direction is mathematical physics, and the auxiliary direction is algebraic geometry. Shen, don’t tell me you want to add another number theory direction.” Mary said coldly.

“Professor Muller is my idol. He is proficient in many fields such as mathematical physics, algebraic geometry, number theory, group theory, etc. My second assistant, number theory, is not harmful to me or to the entire team.” Shen Qi replied.

“Shen Qi, if your girlfriend agrees with you to minor in number theory, I have no problem. I told you before, why didn’t you choose number theory, after all, you are a student praised by Elon.” Mueller deliberately asked Shen Qi to follow Mary cooperates.

“She will agree.” Shen Qi couldn’t miss the opportunity to conquer RH with the Mathematics Research Team of Pudong University. Ou Ye will definitely agree and support him in doing so.

“Mary, why don’t you give Shen Qi a chance? You need his help. You also admit that you have quoted Shen Qi’s algorithm in your doctoral dissertation, and you have actually collaborated once.” Mueller smiled amiably. Said, “Shen Qi is an amazing student. He published ten mathematics papers in two years. Mary, the number of papers you and I combined during your undergraduate studies is exactly half of Shen Qi’s.”

Mary was expressionless, and finally agreed to Mueller’s proposal, after all, Mueller is the boss of the team.

“Then Shen Qi, you are Mary’s assistant from now on, I wish you a happy cooperation.” Mueller gave final instructions and the meeting adjourned.

Shen Qi got a copy of the ζ(2n+1) subject. He is ambitious and has a mature idea. He will use an innovative idea to complete the proof of the two recursive formulas of ζ(2n+1).

“You’d better not make trouble for me.” Mary asked Shen Qi to drink coffee in the on-campus cafe, and the two stayed alone to exchange plans for the next step of the project.

“Mary, do you think I’m a messy person?” Shen Qi asked back.

“Who knows?” Mary was noncommittal.

“If I am a random person, so are you. Your doctoral dissertation quoted my algebraic approximation algorithm. If you complete this algebraic approximation algorithm by yourself, you may have just graduated with a PhD right now, or you will not be able to graduate until next spring. This algebraic approximation algorithm can’t be calculated in a few months.” Shen Qi stated the fact that this Diophantine equation Walsh conjecture has always been a pain in his heart.

“The paper on the Walsh conjecture of the Diophantine equation is in the past tense.” Mary said lightly, “Let’s talk about it, how do you want to carry out the next work on the ζ(2n+1) subject?”

“Professor Mueller’s frame setting remains unchanged, and the specific discussion proves to be overthrown and restarted.” Shen Qi said firmly.

“Are you sure?” Mary sneered.

“Very sure.” Shen Qi nodded resolutely, “Mary, I know you are very busy, and you have to take tutorials for undergraduates and correct their homework and test papers. If you don’t mind, ζ(2n+1) The new discussion work on the subject is done by me alone. I will finish this work before Christmas. Don’t worry, the co-first author will have your name.”

“Hahaha.” Mary laughed, her stomach hurting, she seemed to have heard the most ridiculous joke in the world.

“Arrogant, ignorant, and incurable.” Mary took a $10 bill from the beautiful lady’s purse, pressed it under the coffee cup, and got up and left.

“Coffee, please.” Mary turned around and said after a few steps, “but there are only two co-first authors, me and Professor Mueller.”

“Then show off their magical powers.” Shen Qi said with his hands outstretched.

“Humph Mary left coldly, her collaboration with Shen Qi didn’t look happy.

Shen Qi published a total of ten papers during his stay at Yan’an University. It is such a wealth of scientific research experience that he became the only graduate student in China to enter the Department of Mathematics of General University this fall.

Of these ten papers, Shen Qi is the first author or co-first author.

A paper can have more than one author. The authors under the paper name are sorted, counting from left to right, and the first author is the first author.

Shen Qi once put a mark behind the names of himself, Ou Ye, Sun Erxiong, and Lu Guozhen, and the mark number represents the identity of the co-first author.

The second author, the third author…

Writing a paper is not a picture of the first author or co-first author, so it’s a ghost.

Shen Qi could not accept that his name was ranked after the first author or co-first author.

Mary didn’t wait to see Shen Qi, she was gone, and Shen Qi could only do it alone.

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