I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 221

Chapter 215 Wine fighting articles 0

In Princeton, in addition to studying, you have to sleep, and you also need to socialize when you wake up.

Food clubs are the main social organization in Princeton, and clubs are usually named after bars or restaurants frequented by members.

“Tiger Hotel” is a bar on Princeton campus, and it is also the most famous eating club in Princeton.

The bar is the most important social place in the United States. People here talk about business, relationship, and ideals in life. They are happy, depressed, and have nothing to do. They will go to the bar to sit and sit.

In principle, only students who have been in Princeton for two years are eligible to join the “Tiger Hotel.” Shen Qi is obviously not eligible, but this is the third time he has come to the Tiger Hotel to drink.

Jonas spent seven years in Princeton. He is the honorary chairman of the “Tiger Hotel” food club and one of the shareholders of the Tiger Hotel bar.

The title of honorary chairman of Jonas, Shen Qi, has long been heard. It is precisely because Jonas is the honorary chairman of “Tiger Hotel” that Shen Qi can make an exception to join the club.

And Jonas owns shares in the Tiger Hotel bar, Shen Qi just learned.

“Jonas, it turns out that you are one of the owners of this bar. No wonder you asked me to drink and didn’t pay for it the first two times. You signed the bill and it was done.” Shen Qi suddenly realized.

“Two years ago, a shareholder returned to China, and I happened to have some spare money, so I bought 60% of his shares. I like the decoration of the Tiger Hotel and the agave here.” Jonas picked up the tequila. Lan’s glass, drank it all in one go.

“The salary that Professor Mueller paid you is not enough to buy 60% of the shares here, right?” Shen Qi asked.

“I used to have a house on the outskirts of Stockholm. I sold it, so I have some spare money.” Jonas waved the bartender and pointed at Shen Qi again: “Nick, the mathematics guy for me, from China. The outstanding mathematician poured a glass of tequila. Just now, he proved the Walsh conjecture, which is worth celebrating.”

“It’s really great news. It’s so exciting. This year’s Fields Medal belongs to a mathematician from China!” Bartender Nick is an American. The American expression is more exaggerated. The neighbor’s Husky disease The more they are discharged from the hospital, they can be excited for half a month.

“There is no Fields Award this year, and there will be only the next year…Hey, Nick, a small cup will be fine!” Shen Qi placed a large glass of tequila in front of him. This wine is very strong, and it is on the same level as vodka and better than Erguotou. The degree is high.

“Happiness night, let’s enjoy the carnival, cheers, for Walsh’s guess.” Jonas toasted and smiled at Shen Qi, his green eyes were very charming and full of charm.

“I’m not good at alcohol, let’s take a sip.” Shen Qi also raised the glass.

“It’s okay, whatever.” After Jonas finished speaking, he drank the tequila in his glass.

“Jonas, you can really drink it!” Shen Qi was gone, so he could only kill a large glass of tequila. It was not that he couldn’t drink, but he didn’t want to drink too much spirits, and he had to write a paper later when he went back.

Then Jonas and Shen Qi confronted the tequila. At the end of the drink, Jonas drank too much and became unconscious.

“Nick, Jonas will leave it to you.” Shen Qi told the bartender and left the Tiger Hotel. Jonas is the boss of the Tiger Hotel, and the bar staff will naturally take care of Jonas.

Returning to the apartment of the Graduate Residence College, Shen Qi was slightly drunk. This feeling was very strange. The door to a new world opened in his consciousness, both hazy and real, and mathematics inspiration constantly poured out.

“There were a hundred poems on Li Baidou’s wine in ancient times, and now there are old Shen Lianye writing papers!”

Shen Qi completed the last part of “The Proof of the Walsh Conjecture of Diophantus Equation”, and he wrote two author names:

Shen-Qi*, Ou-Ye*

The asterisk after the name means that Shen Qi and Ou Ye are the co-first authors of this paper.

The inspiration is not over, Professor Mueller’s ζ(2n+1) subject has new ideas!

Shen Qi was very provocative. He picked up a pencil and ran a pen on the draft paper like flying:

It is known that when Re(s)=σ>1


“I should have thought about it, I should have thought about it! The most correct way to deal with this is to do a Merlin transformation!”

Shen Qi slapped his forehead fiercely, both upset and excited.

The chagrin is because half a month of time was wasted for nothing, struggling with Hardy’s testimony.

Excitement is because failure is the mother of success!

Without experiencing the meaningless trap of the infinite loop of Hardy’s testimony, how can we see the vast sky transformed by Merlin!

If one road fails, try another one.

In many cases, what is needed is a little bit of inspiration, inspiration in the right direction!

Today this wine was not drunk for nothing.

No wonder Jonas drank a lot, and he was inspired to drink!

The higher the degree, the more inspiration, the agave of Tiger Hotel is close to 70 degrees.

“The world laughs at me as crazy, hahaha…”

In a state of extreme excitement, Shen Qi skillfully uses Merlin transformation:


After changing α to 2nα and multiplying it by n^2k-1, the trouble that plagued Shen Qi for half a month was completely solved.

So the next thing to do is to prove a new lemma, which returns to Shen Qi’s original assumption and proves that the directionality of Shen Qi’s previous judgment is correct.

Judging the general direction is as important as dealing with specific details. Insight and logical derivation are two of Shen Qi’s most important mathematical talents.

“I… I’ll sleep for a while…” Shen Qi found that the spirit of tequila had a lot of stamina. He was slightly drunk just now, but now he needs to rest for a while.

The alarm clock rang punctually at 6 o’clock in the morning, my head ached, and my body still smelled of alcohol.

Shen Qi wrote a one-page essay to sober up, then wash, run, eat breakfast, and go to Spelman’s Hall for class.

If a person is in the United States, if he can’t discipline himself, the fall will follow one after another.

Shen Qi strictly demanded that he can drink alcohol, and he must get up on time the next day. What should he do?

Jonas slept until noon, and after applying the mask, he walked towards Luther Hall empty-handed.

This afternoon, there will be a semi-monthly academic meeting of Professor Mueller’s research team Jonas arrived at Mueller’s office in advance.

“Jonas, you pour your own coffee, I’ll go out to make an important call.” Professor Mueller left the office with his mobile phone.

After a while, Mary came, she looked very haggard, and dark circles under her eyes were obvious.

“Mary, beauty is a gift from God to a woman. Please be kind to your beauty. You need sleep.” Jonas’s 30-year-old man has better skin care than women of the same age. A man has 31 flowers.

“Can’t sleep at all!” Mary poured herself a cup of black coffee, no sugar or milk.

“Well, when I didn’t say it.” Jonas said indifferently.

“Jonas, help me look at pages 6 to 8. I am a little hesitant, should I use Ramanujan’s formula to deal with this identity?” Mary opened the folder, took out a few pages of papers, and placed them in front of Jonas.

“You have got a PhD in mathematics from the University of Bonn, and I haven’t graduated yet.” Jonas didn’t bother to read Mary’s thesis.

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