I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 222

Chapter 216 Write for you, stand still for you, do t

Mary awkwardly retracted a few pages of the paper and said: “Don’t pretend to be confused about Jonas, I know your true level.”

“No, you don’t know.” Jonas smiled.

Mary chattered: “In addition to your math level, I also know…”

“Hush.” ​​Jonas made a silent gesture. “Knowing too much is not good for you, isn’t it?”

“Weirdo.” Mary muttered, looking down at today’s written report.

At this moment, Shen Qi was holding a pile of documents, and he walked into the office with Professor Mueller talking and laughing.

“Number theory, she is so beautiful, and the prime numbers and indeterminate equations in it are the most beautiful and elusive stunners, but they can’t be rejected.” Professor Muller said, his eyes twinkling.

“Yes, it reminds me of my girlfriend.” Shen Qi felt very happy today.

“Yanfu is not shallow!” Muller laughed and patted Shen Qi on the shoulder. “You must let me see your girlfriend another day.”

“There is a chance.” Shen Qi said, “She is a genius in number theory and proficient in calculations. I don’t think Professor Mueller would mind accepting an extra female disciple.”

“If she is as good as you, I will consider it.” Mueller sat down at a fixed position on the round table and said solemnly: “First of all, let us celebrate the emergence of a new theorem in mathematics. Walsh conjecture starts today. It will become Walsh’s theorem, and the prover of this new theorem is Shen Qi.”

“Wow!” Jonas applauded, cheering for Shen Qi.

Actually Jonas knew the result last night, he just wanted to applaud.

Mary Chrysanthemum tightened, she deliberately sullen her face, her face was frosty and unsmiling, in fact, she was hiding the tension and anxiety in her heart.

“Then Shen Qi, can you enjoy your work?” Mueller asked.

“Of course.” Shen Qi handed the printout of “The Proof of the Walsh Conjecture of Diophantus Equation” to Mueller, and then smiled and glanced at Mary.

Mary’s chrysanthemum tightened again. She pretended to be indifferent and drank coffee, but she was full of prying eyes on the printed manuscript of Shen Qi’s thesis in her heart.

This paper is a gift from Shen Qi to Ou Ye. After ups and downs and sniping, on a beautiful night in Princeton, Shen Qi finally fulfilled his merits.

The former sniper was Mary.

The reason why Shen Qi dared to bring the printed version of the Walsh conjecture proof is because he uploaded this paper to arVix this morning, and the world will know that he is the original author of this paper.

When drinking with Jonas last night, Shen Qi verbally told Jonas the good news.

Just now outside the Luther Hall, Shen Qi met Professor Mueller, also verbally informed, Shen Qi briefly talked about the core idea of ​​the proof of the Walsh conjecture.

Professor Muller is proficient in four martial arts such as mathematical physics, algebraic geometry, number theory, and group theory. Of course, he is very interested in this number theory paper by Shen Qi.

So Professor Mueller focused on reviewing Shen Qi’s formal papers to see if Shen Qi thoroughly proved Walsh’s conjecture and whether there were loopholes.

The equation of the form a1x1^b1+a2x2^b2+……anxn^bn=c is called Diophantine equation.

This form of equation, also known as indeterminate equation, polynomial equation with integer coefficients, was proposed by the Greek mathematician Diophantus in the 3rd century AD. It is one of the oldest branches of number theory.

Diophantus is a mysterious figure, perhaps because of his age, only three of his handed down mathematics books remain.

There are very few records about Diophantu’s life in the history of mathematics, and the most famous is probably Diophantu’s epitaph:

“God gave him one-sixth of his childhood, another one-twelfth, and whiskers on his cheeks, and another one-seventh to light the candle of marriage.”

“Five years later, Godsends the precious son, the poor late son, only half of his father’s life, enters the cold tomb.”

“After another four years, he has also finished the journey of life.”

I don’t know who wrote the epitaph of Diophantus. What is certain is that this friend must know mathematics.

The epitaph of Diophantus is a mathematical question: How long did Diophantus live?

“Oh, God, Shen Qi, you have used the Gap criterion and Merlin transformation to solve the problem that the quartic equation is equivalent to determining all the square numbers in the sequence {u2k+1} very cleverly.” Mr. Mueller talked about it. Crazy, the more I read Shen Qi’s thesis, the more excited he is.

“Thanks to Jonas for his wine.” Shen Qi helped Jonas to add a cup of coffee, expressing his heart: “Alcohol inspired me in mathematics. Of course, I don’t promote alcoholism, just enjoy it in place. Yes, I Enjoy the faint feeling.”

“Before I invited you to drink, you have completed the proof of Walsh’s conjecture, so I have no credit at all, but I am still happy and proud of you, my Chinese mathematician, my mathematics department buddy.” Jonah Si said modestly.

“You’re wrong Jonas, I’m talking about last time and last time. You invited me to the Tiger Hotel twice before last night and got me drunk. The first time was Johnnie Walker, the second Next is Jack Daniels.”

“Do you remember what wine you drank, not drunk at all!”

Jonas and Shen Qi talked and laughed, and Mueller focused on reviewing the papers and praised Shen Qi from time to time.

Mary is the only one who is lonely and dangling, her face is extremely ugly.

The Diophantine equation has such a long history. It is simple but complicated. It looks cute and simple. It is just a study of integers.

However, this simple, cute and lovely person, if the solver does not understand her heart, she will reject you thousands of miles away, cold and arrogant, ignoring your words.

If you have mastered the cracking skills, she will treat you one by one and stay with you for life.

Shen Qi looked out the window. At this moment, he missed his girlfriend far in the East very much. She was innocent and cute, cold on the outside and cute on the inside. She waved her small fist from time to time. Her angry look was the most charming.

Ou Ye, how are you?

This paper on the Diophantine equation is written for you.

For this reason, I have to prove a new mathematical theorem, making Walsh conjecture become Walsh theorem.

Yes, I did it.

Even if it takes more than a year, it is worth it.

The main meaning of the Diophantine equation is to discuss the understanding or integer solution of the integer coefficient polynomial f(x1, x2…, xn) = 0. Sometimes it also discusses the number of solutions of the equation system composed of multiple equations.

Many famous Diophantine equations and their research enriched and promoted the development of mathematics.

The Pythagorean theorem corresponds to a Diophantine equation x^2+y^2=z^2

From the perspective of number theory, the positive integer solution of the Pythagorean equation satisfying gcd (x, y, z) = 1 can be given by a parameter family, which is a typical curve with a genus of 0. It is a modern elementary and middle school mathematics textbook. The writing provides concise and powerful theoretical support.

There are infinitely many Diophantine equations in theory. The most famous one should be Fermat’s unproven guess That is, when n≥3, the equation x^n+y^n=z^n There is no integer solution for xyz≠0.

This conjecture is so difficult that many mathematicians at the mathematician level have been exhausted for more than three hundred years before finally completing the proof by Mr. Wiles, so the “Fermat’s Big Conjecture” became the “Fermat’s Last Theorem”.

Wiles’ study of this Diophantine equation directly led to the emergence of algebraic number theory, leaving a strong mark in the history of mathematics.

When Shen Qi got the IMO gold medal in high school, the award winner was Professor Andrew Wiles.

A few years later, Professor Wiles still teaches in Oxford.

And Shen Qi came to Princeton where Professor Wiles once fought, and Luther Hall where he used to work.

Here, Shen Qi is engaged in what Wiles did in the past, and it seems to be done.

(Look for a monthly pass! I’m still at work today, and at least three changes tomorrow!)

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