I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 240

Chapter 233 Communication between intellectuals

A proof usually defines the preconditions. If the definition of the preconditions is wrong, then all subsequent work is meaningless.

Shen Qishun’s popularity has gone, and the doubter is Professor Yan.

Professor Yan He Xu Ren Ye, his name tag says “Professor Yan Gang of Hubei University”.

Shen Qi didn’t know Professor Yan.

The Chinese mathematics circle is not large, and the number theory circle is even smaller, but not every expert and scholar, Shen Qi knows it.

Based on the principle of friendly communication, Shen Qi asked in a soliciting tone: “Professor Yan, I would like to hear more.”

Professor Yan smiled faintly and began to explain his reasons: “In your report, Shen Qi, the number of integral points on the curve determined by Equation 2 is determined by the number of prime factors of k. Please return to the previous page. ”

Shen Qi turned to the previous PPT and waited for Professor Yan’s next explanation.

“For this Diophantine equation, I have done research for up to 8 years. The general view is that if m is equal to 0.1, according to the classic theory of William-Junglen, the equation has only positive integer solutions (X, Y). =(1,1), this is somewhat different from the prerequisites you set by Shen Qi.” Professor Yan speaks slowly. He wears gold-rimmed glasses, giving a gentle impression.

“This…” Zhou Yuan, who attended the meeting, showed a puzzled expression. He couldn’t remember exactly what Joan Glenn’s classic theory was about.

Ordinary people sometimes find it strange, why can mathematicians remember so many mathematical formulas, theorems, hypotheses, and inferences?

Can mathematicians remember it wrong? Will Jon Glenn’s theorem and Jack Jones’s theorem be confused?

Of course, mathematicians also make mistakes and remember mistakes. It’s just that their memory is stronger than ordinary people, and they are studying mathematics every day, so the probability of making mistakes is low.

Even a mathematician with a strong memory cannot remember all the mathematical formulas, theorems, hypotheses, and inferences, so mathematicians usually choose one or two, and no more than five main directions, specializing in a few.

William Jonggren is a Norwegian mathematician who is not well-known. The Jongren theorem he left behind is a less popular theorem in the Diophantine equation branch in the field of number theory.

If you are not dealing with number theory every day and devoting yourself to the study of the Diophantine series of equations, even a top student in the Mathematics Department of Yantai University may not be able to remember the specific nature of Jonggren’s theorem. For example, Zhou Yuan.

For high-end conferences like the Chinese Mathematicians Conference, it is very embarrassing to use a mathematics book to look up formula theorems when participating in the seminar.

Zhou Yuan has studied the basics of number theory and studied it for a semester. All students of their mathematics department have to take this course.

Zhou Yu’an, who has chosen Depth for differential geometry, cannot remember the unpopular number theory theorems.

Ou Yeh is very familiar with number theory. She remembers Joan Glen’s theorem, but she is not in good health. She rested in the hotel and did not come to the exchange meeting.

Zhou Yuan was an observer and was not qualified to speak, but Sun Erxiong, who led him into the venue, was qualified to speak.

After all, Sun Erxiong has been in mathematics for so many years, he can understand Professor Yan’s point of view.

“Does this professor with the surname Yan want Shen Qi to be unable to get off the stage?” Sun Erxiong frowned, thinking about countermeasures, trying to help Shen Qi get out of the siege.

However, Sun Erxiong was worried.

After a little thought, Shen Qi answered in a cool and unrestrained manner: “First of all, I fully agree with Professor Yan’s point of view that Jon Glen’s theorem is applicable here. In fact, in my first edition of the paper, I used Jonge Theorem.”

“Thinking about it and thinking about it, the manuscript, combined with the opinions and suggestions of Yanda number theory experts and Princeton related researchers, I finally made up my mind to redefine the Tuer equation in the ninth edition of the manuscript.”

“In this definition, if u2k+1 is a square number for a certain k> equal to 0, then u1 is also a square number. This is not inconsistent with Professor Yan’s point of view, and I am also grateful to Professor Yan for his insights.” Shen Qi Make a calm statement without arrogance or rashness, stick to your own opinions, and at the same time do not deny Professor Yan’s opinions.

At this time, a young and middle-aged expert expressed his opinion: “Shen Qi redefines the Tuer equation as a prerequisite. There is no problem. I have read the original Walsh conjecture proof published by Shen Qi on JAMS, which redefines the groundwork for the Tuer equation. It seems complicated, but considering the overall situation, sharpening the knife does not cut the firewood by mistake. All the solutions can be given by (u2k+1, v2k+1). On the contrary, it improves the accuracy of the full text and reduces unnecessary repetitive arguments.”

Shen Qi looked at this young and middle-aged expert, who was thirty-four-five years old, with thick hair, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a Chinese character face. His name tag was printed with the words “Professor Su Yiwen, Huake University”.

Well, Professor Su is a sensible person, praise one. Shen Qi didn’t know Professor Su, but the first impression that Professor Su gave to Shen Qi was very good. He is a fellow, and it is worth getting acquainted with.

Sun Erxiong looked at Professor Su and smiled, Xiaosu, should you go back to Yan Da?

Professor Su and Sun Erxiong had an imperceptible eye contact. Old Sun, you are still so fat, and it seems that Yanda’s treatment is good.

As an observer and learner, Zhou Yuan didn’t understand the arguments of Shen Qi, Professor Yan, and Professor Su, but he was keenly aware that there must be a historical connection between Sun Erxiong and Professor Su of the University of Science and Technology of China.

Zhou Yuan’s observation is keen and accurate. Professor Su studied at the Yanda University from undergraduate to Ph.D. and currently teaches at Hua University of Science and Technology.

Professor Su, who has a background of Yan University, supported Shen Qi with reason and evidence. The work he is doing is similar to annotating Shen Qi’s works The experts and scholars at the conference have no objection to this issue anymore, Shen Qi The exposition of + Professor Su’s comment is perfect, without any flaws. The Tuer equation redefined by Shen Qi is a necessary prerequisite to prove Walsh’s conjecture, and it is irreplaceable.

Professor Yan said politely: “I have reservations, please continue to report by Shen Qi.”

Shen Qi smiled slightly and entered the follow-up report.

The debate among intellectuals is not about swearing at the street or agreeing with or denying the opinions of others. It must be well-founded and logically clear.

Shen Qi’s proof of Walsh’s conjecture has been published in four major mathematics journals. He has just won the Chern Mathematics Prize and is gaining momentum.

In the face of doubt, Shen Qi can say, “You can do it, you can do it. You spent 8 years doing research before, but why didn’t you succeed in proving Walsh’s conjecture?”

But Shen Qi can’t say that. He is a senior elite, and he is about to be promoted to a mathematics master.

What is master demeanor?

Conquer you gracefully and calmly.

Shen Qi continued to give the report elegantly and calmly. He was a figure who passed the test organized by the Princeton mathematics tycoon. The number theory textbook for undergraduates in the Princeton Department of Mathematics was revised due to a proof by Shen Qi.

Shen Qi didn’t say this, so it would be boring to say it by himself.

Wait for Princeton’s new edition of number theory textbooks to be published, all in black and white, and everyone will do their own research.

“I used the effective approximation of algebraic numbers here. Everyone is an expert. I won’t repeat the proof of the lemma, and just focus on the key point.” Shen Qi explained all the way to the second half of the report, and most of the experts nodded frequently and praised. Constantly speaking.

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