I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 241

Chapter 234 Mathematics is the most mysterious betwe

“Here, I set a, b, a1, b1 as the algebraic integers in Q(√-D), and convert Equation 16 into a family of Tuer equations. At this point, the conclusion becomes clear.”

“Actually, when I was studying at Yan University, I had already deduced this step, but I just missed the shot. With this regret, I went to Princeton to study abroad.”

“Mathematics, sometimes it takes a little bit of coincidence.”

“On a quiet night in Princeton, I suddenly realized a truth. Everyone, please see the last page…”

Shen Qi smoothly reported to the last page, ready to finish.

At this moment, the door of the meeting room was gently pushed open, and an elderly man came in.

“Old Wu!” Sun Erxiong trembled.

“Old Wu!” Professor Su’s eyes gleamed.

“Old Wu!” Professor Yan showed respect.

“Wu… Mr. Wu?” Zhou Yuan felt that the old man was so familiar, but he couldn’t name him for a while.

“Wu… Mr. Wu.” Shen Qi recognized the old man. He was a little surprised, but he still finished the report at a normal speaking speed: “I set △=K(±B1q-pA1)≠0. It can be seen from Corollary 2.1, Wo What’s conjecture is true.”

The arrival of Wu Lao attracted the attention of all the experts and scholars in the audience. Wu Lao currently sits in the Institute of Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the most authoritative expert in the field of number theory.

The arrival of the big boss made Shen Qi feel that this seminar was a little interesting, although Academician Wu only heard the last sentence in Shen Qi’s report.

Academician Wu found a chair and sat down at random, knocked on the tabletop and said, “What are you doing? Shen Qi is the protagonist. I’m here to listen.”

“Old Wu, I have finished the report.” Shen Qi said regretfully.

It is a great honor to be able to communicate with academicians on academic issues, but it is a pity that Academician Wu is late, which makes Shen Qi feel sorry.

“The report is over? Let’s enter the questioning session.” Wu Lao looked around the venue for a week and said to the experts and scholars present: “Shen Qi is the protagonist, and you are also the protagonists. The progress of Chinese mathematics requires everyone to work together. I am just an observer today, no Speak, you continue, when I don’t exist.”

You are always an academician, and it is not air. You always think that if it doesn’t exist, it doesn’t exist?


The venue adopts a free discussion mode, and there is no full-time moderator, and the reporter is equivalent to the moderator.

As the host, Shen Qi said to all the participants: “This is the end of the report on the proof of Walsh’s conjecture. Now I invite experts to ask questions.”

Professor Yan took the lead to ask: “Shen Qi, please go back to page 22. I think Equation 16 is transformed into a family of Tuer equations. Can your processing method be more concise? For example, find a minimum number that satisfies this property?”

At this stage, it is almost impossible for someone to completely overthrow Shen Qi’s conclusion.

To overthrow Shen Qi is tantamount to slapping the Chinese Mathematical Society in the face, and slapping the Yan University school who has shocked China in the face.

As soon as the Chinese Mathematical Society awarded the Chern Mathematical Prize to Shen Qi, you overthrew one of Shen Qi’s most important contributions. What are you doing? Enemy with all of China?

Of course, no one has the strength to overturn Shen Qi’s proof of Walsh’s conjecture.

The Journal of the American Mathematical Society, one of the four major journals, has recognized Shen Qi’s paper. Dozens of Princeton Fields Medal, Wolfe, and Abel Prize winners have passed Shen Qi’s proof.

Who has this strength to be the enemy of the whole world?

Unless he is God.

Professor Yan is obviously not a god, and he also knows that Shen Qi’s overall proof of Walsh’s conjecture is correct.

Slap on the face, it can only hit the face on the local details, and put forward some local processing methods that need to be improved, which will not affect the overall conclusion.

Professor Yan has painstakingly studied the Walsh conjecture for eight years, and he hopes to correct some of Shen Qi’s unreasonable statements in some details.

It’s you again, Professor Yan. Shen Qi is a little annoyed, did I provoke you? I didn’t even know you before!

It’s just a domestic award in China, not a Fields Medal. Is it necessary to dwell on the details? Pick the bones, you are picking the bones in the egg.

Master demeanor, master demeanor.

Shen Qi restrained his inner discomfort and smiled: “OK, thanks to Professor Yan for his advice, then let me explain…”

“No need to explain.” Suddenly, Academician Wu spoke.

The audience’s attention shifted to Academician Wu again. Don’t you always just listen and not speak?

“I can’t help it, I really can’t help it.” Academician Wu is also a lover. He looked at Professor Yan’s famous brand and said to Professor Yan: “Xiao Yan, you are very poor in raising this question. , This is the Chinese Mathematicians Conference. To improve the efficiency of the meeting, Xiao Yan, everyone’s time is very precious. What about finding a minimum number that satisfies this property? Does the third way of writing the fennel word for fennel bean make sense? Those who do math don’t be so imaginary, can you say something real?”

“I…” Professor Yan’s face was green and white, speechless.

“Hehe.” Sun Erxiong was stunned, your kid was shrunken and wanted to hit Shen Qi in the face. As a result, the academician helped Shen Qi come forward and hit you in the face.

Forget it, my grandson is going to watch the theater, it seems that I don’t need to act, Shen Qi has his own help.

“Xiao Yan, your question is very poor.” Only Academician Wu dared to say such words. After all, Professor Yan is an upright professor, and he is on the same level as Sun Erxiong.

“Forget it, forget it, you guys don’t ask any more questions, let me ask, I will ask a question, and I will end the meeting to save time.” Academician Wu stood up, although his head is full of gray hair, he is old and strong.

Academician Wu, you really did it!

Shen Qi was excited and was able to face the most authoritative number theory experts in China. This kind of opportunity is not often encountered, and it is also at the official national conference of the Chinese Mathematicians Conference.

Shen Qi really didn’t bother to answer Professor Yan’s question, but there was no way, the form still had to go.

Academician Wu, he will certainly not ask some very lo-catable questions.

Shen Qi was ready, even a little nervous.

Academician Wu walked to the front of the conference room and took a water-based pen to write down a bunch of mathematical symbols on the whiteboard. He asked Shen Qi questions in writing:

r0>1,2∣fq∣(e^2.37ε2/8)≥1, B^2t+A^2=(t+1)N1^8, f=∣A∣/∣B∣√t

After writing, Academician Wu gestured to Shen Qi and never said a word from beginning to end.

“This…what did Mr. Wu write? It’s related to Walsh’s conjecture?” Zhou Yu’an was stunned and couldn’t understand it at all. I thought I was a person who had studied number theory.

“Of course.” Sun Erxiong condensed his eyebrows in thought. He found a little clue, but he was not completely sure.

“It’s interesting.” Professor Su, who came from Yanda University, saw some clues, but did not dare to jump to a conclusion.

“So, this is…” Professor Yan’s heart trembled. If he met Academician Wu a few years earlier, it would be me who would be the first to complete the proof of Walsh’s conjecture! However, Academician Wu gave f=∣A∣/∣B∣√t, what is the intention?

Everyone’s eyes focused on Shen Qi, wanting to see how the youngest winner responded to Academician Wu’s silent questions.

Shen Qi was shocked, this…this…this is too weird!

In an unreal scene a few days ago, Shen Qi simulated this scene in his brain: the unreal “Director of the Institute of Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences” wrote a bunch of irregular mathematical symbols in the air.

At this moment, in reality, Academician Wu wrote a bunch of regular mathematical symbols on the whiteboard.

Regardless of the order of permutation and combination, the mathematical symbols in the unreal scene and the real scene are very similar!

Shen Qi calmed himself down, there was no way, he had to pretend if he didn’t pretend it.

Mathematics is a science to the high-end level, and sometimes it is difficult to use mathematics itself to explain it, and it even gets a little bit sideways with metaphysics.

In other words, metaphysics is originally part of mathematics.

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