I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 586

Chapter 562 I only hate that I read less

?Autumn and winter come, the new year is near.

The Phase I clinical trial of C01C-2 tablet developed by Shen Qi’s team was conducted in Yanda People’s Hospital.

The results of the clinical phase I trial were satisfactory, and the C01C-2 tablet successfully entered the clinical phase II.

The main purpose of the Phase II clinical trial of C01C-2 tablets is to test whether the new drug is effective, and the volunteers participating in the trial are patients with type II diabetes.

The clinical trial staff divided the volunteers into two groups. One group was the experimental group. They would take C01C-2 tablets. The other group is the control group. They follow the outpatient model and take drugs that have been on the market to suppress type II diabetes.

Winter goes to spring solstice, another year.

The initial results of the Phase II clinical trial of C01C-2 tablets were good. The volunteers’ plasma blood glucose, liver and kidney function, blood lipids, hematuria routine, electrocardiogram, weight, blood pressure and other test indicators are very beautiful.

Moreover, only 3% of the volunteers in the test group who took C01C-2 tablets observed the side effects of hypoglycemia. In the glimepiride tablet control group, the incidence of this side effect was 32%.

Combining personal wishes and production-university-research policies, Shen Qi sent Comrade Cheng Haonan, an associate researcher of the central chemistry team, to Nangang Obeqi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. to develop a new synthesis method for C01C-2 tablets in order to study a higher yield and cost-effective method. Lower, new method suitable for mass production.

There are certain differences between the laboratory synthesis method and the industrial batch synthesis method for the same compound.

The C01C-2 tablet research and development team headed by Shen Qi, their purpose is to make this drug mass-produced on the assembly line, and finally to the market.

Cheng Haonan, who has worked in an organic synthesis outsourcing company for several years, is pleased to take the lead. He graduated from the Yanda Chemical Institute with a master’s degree and has some practical experience. He is very familiar with C01C-2 films. He is the most suitable candidate.

Cheng Haonan went to Obeiqi Pharmaceutical as the chief technical consultant, which can improve his professional level and reap a lot of money.

Old Shen prepared a house for Cheng Haonan. It is located in the CBD area of ​​Nangang City, just on the edge of the Pearl River, with unique scenery.

Cheng Haonan lived in this 120-square-meter house with three bedrooms and one living room during his business trip to Nangang. If C01C-2 is successfully listed, this house worth 10 million yuan will be assigned to Cheng Haonan.

Lao Yan continued to stay at Yan University and assisted Shen Qi in researching new chemical projects.

The new chemistry project is very complicated. The development of macrocyclic compounds with more than eight yuan, the evolution of chemistry to chirality, the leap process of the origin of life, the new drugs for the treatment of European leaf diseases… Shen Qi always feels that there are several research directions that seem chaotic. There is a vague connection.

To study such a huge project, Shen Qi and Lao Yan were stretched out, so they had to recruit people.

Shen Qi set his sights on overseas, and he decided to recruit a group of returned chemical elites.

The digging of people in China has strengthened himself, but weakened the strength of friendly schools and friendly departments. Shen Qi didn’t want to do this.

All units and departments supported the summoning of Chinese chemistry researchers who had lived abroad back to China.

At the status of Shen Qi, it is not difficult to bring a group of scholars back to China.

At the same time, the Shenqi Mathematics Research Center of Yantai University was officially renamed as “Shenqi Science Research Center of Yantai University.”

It is necessary to change from “mathematical research” to “scientific research”. The newly-listed Yanda Shenqi Scientific Research Center upgraded the chemistry team to a chemistry room.

The head of the chemistry room is at the same level as the heads of the math and physics rooms. The head of the math room has been officially appointed as Zhou Yuan.

The status of the Shen Qi Scientific Research Center of Yan University is half a level higher than that of other colleges of Yan University. The administrative power of the director of the center is smaller than that of the president of Yan University, and a bit larger than the deans of Yan University.

Shen Qi’s administrative power is not very high, but his scientific research power is supreme.

In terms of scientific research, as long as Shen Qi speaks, the President of Yan University will basically give the green light all the way.

Zhou Yuan, the head of the mathematics room, is at the same level as the deputy dean of the Yanda University of Mathematics, and the deputy director of the center is equivalent to the deans of the Yanda School.

The position of deputy director of the center is still vacant, and Shen Qi is temporarily serving as the director of the physics room and the chemistry room.

The Chemistry Department of the Shenqi Science Research Center of Yantai University is open to recruiting a head, a deputy head, a number of chemical researchers and associate researchers.

The application criteria for heads and deputy heads of the chemistry department are: “Graduated from the top 10 universities in the global chemistry major, with a doctorate degree, a professorship, and as an academic leader, he has solved at least one major chemistry topic, and is listed in the four major international chemistry journals. He has published at least one article, has good morals, loves the motherland, and the specific treatment is negotiable.”

The application criteria for researchers and associate researchers are: “Graduated from a TOP100 university in the global chemistry major, with a doctoral degree, published at least one article in an internationally renowned chemistry journal, good morals, love the motherland, and specific treatment is negotiable.”

After Shen Qi’s recruitment order was issued, applicants were enthusiastic.

Lao Yan couldn’t sit still, he said to Shen Qi: “Boss, your newly recruited associate researcher in chemistry, they are all returnees who graduated from the top 100 universities in global chemistry. I have a master’s degree, and I can’t get along anymore. You just send me to Obagi Pharmaceuticals as a technical consultant, and let me be a company with Honam, do you think it will be okay?”

“Do you really want to go?” Shen Qi asked.

“Reading is a continuous project. After finishing my master’s degree and then reading a Ph.D., it is the most appropriate rhythm. I have graduated with a master’s degree for so many years, and I have tried to do a Ph. You have to recruit at least 20 overseas returnees with Ph.Ds in chemistry this time, otherwise your grand plan will be difficult to achieve. In short, you should send me to a company as a consultant. I can adapt to long-term business trips.”

“Old Yan, you don’t hate me, do you?”

“How can I hate you? I only hate myself for reading less. Really, I hate less when I use the book.” Old Yan smiled and said, “Actually, I am very grateful to you Director Shen. Without your care, I don’t Perhaps I have published more than one article in the four major chemical journals as a work. I have been allocated a certain amount of chemical patent transfer fees after working with you over the past few years. I don’t have the money. It is impossible for me to take out the down payment for the house within the fourth ring road. You introduced my fiancee too. By the way, I am getting married soon. After the wedding, will you send me to Nangang?”

“Your big wedding is coming soon. The days after the marriage are the sweetest time for the young couple. I am stationing you to Nangang. You can’t go back to the capital to visit relatives every day. Old Yan, you really don’t hate me?”

“A man can’t make money, and it’s useless to watch his wife every day. My wife has to say you have no abilities. The most important thing is that I have a lot of affection for the C01C-2 film. It is like my child. I hope to see it in person. Seeing that it was mass-produced and successfully listed, I wanted to personally participate in this process, but in the Yanda laboratory, I can only read the news.”

Shen Qi patted Lao Yan on the shoulder: “Okay, brother, I respect your wishes. In fact, you are the original creator of the C series compound. Although your original process includes mistakes and mistakes, it is undeniable. , You are the father of C series compounds. By the way, what month do you have wine? I have to give you a big gift.”

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