I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 587

Chapter 563 Video conference

? Shen Qi bought a Tesla out of his pocket and gave it to Lao Yan, and he got married with He Lao Yan.

Lao Yan got married on time, and after the marriage, he went on a business trip to Nangang Oubai Pharmaceutical.

Shen Qi personally reviewed many resumes from all over the world. The owners of these resumes are all chemistry researchers, including Chinese nationals and foreigners.

One of the resumes surprised Shen Qi. The owner of the resume is the Nobel Prize in Chemistry nominee, Stanford University professor Charles Barton.

Professor Patton was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry last year, but unfortunately, he did not win the prize.

Even if he did not win the prize, being nominated for Nuohua is enough to prove the academic strength of Professor Barton.

Shen Qi does not exclude foreign scholars. He himself worked as a foreign scholar in the United States for many years.

The global reputation of the center has spread, and applicants who have Philippine prizes and promises in the fields of mathematics and physics will not be surprised by Shen Qi. Mr. Witten holds the Philippine prize and promises, and he works as a consultant at the center.

In the field of chemistry, Shen Qi did not expect to attract Novochem nominees to submit resumes.

Stanford University’s chemistry major has long been ranked among the top five in the world, and it has cultivated many Nuo Hua winners.

Professor Barton is under 50 years old this year and is in the golden age of his academic career.

“Professor Barton, it’s a personal thing.” Shen Qi contacted Professor Barton via email, and the two agreed to hold a teleconference.

At 9 am China time, Shen Qi met Professor Barton in the video.

“Professor Barton, I am very happy to have this chat.”

“Professor Shen, I hope to go to China and work with you.”

Shen Qi and Button had never met. Why did Professor Button express such a strong desire?

Is it because of my personal charm? Shen Qi asked: “I want to know what Professor Barton really thinks about you?”

“For the research on macrocyclic compounds, I cannot apply for sufficient research funding in the United States. I understand that Professor Shen’s research funding is very sufficient, so I hope we can cooperate.”

Oh, I see.

Shen Qi understands that Professor Barton can’t stay in the United States anymore, so he wants to come to China.

After all, Professor Barton is the nominee for the promise, not the winner of the promise.

If it is a promised winner, then he will be supported by various resources in any place.

In the field of organic chemistry, the research direction of macrocyclic compounds belongs to the nature of “researching for a lifetime, but once it is done, it will be awesome”.

Shen Qi understands the American scientific research system fairly well.

The research funding of American professors needs to be sponsored by themselves, either from the US government or from enterprises.

The research direction of “research will never yield results, but once you get results, it will be awesome”. In fact, it is not easy to get sponsorship for many years.

Shen Qi’s understanding is that Professor Barton has encountered a break in the funding chain on the road to “there will be great results once they get results”.

“Professor Barton, how much research funding do you need for the study of macrocyclic compounds?” Shen Qi asked.

Professor Barton: “Five million a year, I mean US dollars.”

Shen Qi showed a surprised expression: “Water?”

Professor Barton on the other side of the ocean saw how shocked Shen Qi was, and quickly said: “Four million will do!”

Really, there is no money to play scientific research.

The research funding that Shen Qi can adjust at hand is more than one billion US dollars. He himself has studied macrocyclic compounds. He thinks that the investment of 5 million US dollars a year in this research direction is too little. At least 8 million US dollars to start. No results.

There are very few domestic scholars studying macrocyclic compounds. Shen Qi and his colleagues in the organic chemistry textbook of Yan University clearly stated: “One of the principles of organic synthesis, try to avoid macrocyclic compounds, because macrocyclic compounds with more than eight members are not easy to obtain. The chemical reactions in this area are rarely developed. Of course, with the improvement and development of the methodological research on the synthesis of macrocyclic compounds, this principle will be gradually revised.”

Anyway, after many years of research, no one has developed a new principle related to macrocyclic compounds.

The difficulty of revising a chemical principle and developing a new compound is not an order of magnitude.

Shen Qi really wants to deal with macrocyclic compounds, which is one of the requirements for his chemistry to continue to upgrade.

Shen Qi said: “Professor Barton, I think it is not enough to invest four or five million US dollars in researching macrocyclic compounds every year. The scientific research system in my country is different from that in the United States, and the scientific research funds I can use are not counted. A lot, 8 million dollars a year, do you think it’s okay?”

Professor Barton’s shock and joy crossed the vast Pacific Ocean. The Canadian chemist working in the United States wanted to fly to China immediately: “Oh, my God! When can I come to work with you?”

“It can be done at any time.” Shen Qi said, “but what I want to remind Professor Barton is that the patent ownership of the scientific research results researched at Yan University belongs to Yan University, and the patent development rights can be freely controlled by the original personnel. After approval by the relevant departments, it can be converted into material income for the original staff. To put it straight, if we overcome the problems in the field of macrocyclic compounds, the honor belongs to us, and anything other than honor belongs to Yanda University.”

“No problem, I just want to complete the work I think should be done.” Professor Barton stated that I came to China not for money, but for dreams.

Called by his dream, Professor Barton set off for China.

Professor Barton has a team in the Stanford Department of Chemistry. Now, the boss has gone and the team members are temporarily unemployed.

Team members have two choices, either follow the boss or find a new boss.

Not everyone who works in the United States is willing to come to China.

In the end, only two PhDs in chemistry followed Professor Patton to China, an Iranian and a Bulgarian, both of whom were students of Professor Patton.

The Shenqi Science Research Center is becoming more and more international Internationalization means that the confidentiality work needs to be improved.

“Professor Barton, Dr. Aziz, Dr. Kosonov, this is a confidentiality agreement, please sign it.” Shen Qi handed three confidentiality agreements to three foreign scholars.

The confidentiality agreement stipulates that Professor Patton, Dr. Aziz, and Dr. Kosonov must abide by Chinese laws and the confidentiality rules of Yan University during their work at Yan University. Big.

This is done internationally. When Shen Qi left Princeton that year, all the relevant academic materials during his work in Princeton were left to Princeton.

Three foreign scholars signed a non-disclosure agreement and then went into formal work.

Shen Qi continued to recruit chemistry researchers to strengthen the strength of Professor Barton’s team.

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