I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 638

Chapter 612 Happy and Prosperous Home

Shen Qi’s chemistry concept has been verified in experiments, and the various research groups chase after me to catch up with healthy competition. Shen Qi is happy to see such a situation.

This morning, Shen Qi came to Weihua Kindergarten in Xicheng. He paced to the door of a classroom following the sound of the piano. Through the glass, he saw his home Shen Nuofei sitting in front of the piano knocking.

The chaotic notes could not be connected into a complete rhythm. Nophie was not familiar with the use of fingering. She kept tapping the keys with two index fingers. Although her posture was naive, she was surprisingly agile and accurate.

The beautiful, charming and elegant teacher Qi guided Shen Nuofei. There were only two teachers and students in the music classroom, and Nuofei received special care from Qi teacher.

“Nuofei, Teacher Qi will show you again.” Teacher Qi said in a gentle tone.

“Yeah!” Nuofei nodded seriously.

Teacher Qi’s slender fingers knocked out a few simple eight-beat chords on the keys. She told Nuofei how to use the **** and how to grasp the chords.

Nophie kept saying “Hmm”, she absorbed music knowledge eagerly like a sponge.

Teacher Qi played faster and faster, and the notes jumped and rotated under her command, gurgling like a small stream, and finally merged into the big river and the sea, setting off huge waves.

Shen Qi stood quietly outside the door. He felt Teacher Qi’s high professionalism in music. She played great and delighted. She was really a soul pianist.

Shen Qi has always believed that it is music that can rival mathematics. Both subjects have overcome the language barrier, and learning both subjects requires a certain amount of talent.

If the family’s financial conditions permit, parents will of course ask the best teachers to teach their children to learn various specialties.

Shen Qi was very satisfied with Teacher Qi’s music education for Noffi, and he wanted to learn piano lessons with Teacher Qi.

After Teacher Qi finished playing the song, Nophie slapped happily.

“Nuofei, you come.” Teacher Qi gave Nuofei an encouraging look.

“Yeah!” Nuofei was a good baby in front of Teacher Qi, she put away her rebelliousness, she was docile like a white rabbit.

Nophie’s little fingers hit the keys again, the fingers rising and falling, the music was messy at first, and then gradually became regular.

The scattered notes slowly converge into a complete melody. Although it is not on the same level as the innocent teacher Qi, it also allows Shen Qi, a private visitor to the WeChat account, to hear some ways.

Nophie entered the state, she bounced faster and faster, as if the light rain in early summer was falling, and the rain fell more and more urgently until the heavy rain was torrential.

Shen Qi couldn’t help holding his breath. He was very surprised and pleasantly surprised. My girl will learn soon, she is a genius in music!

Of course, this is also inseparable from Teacher Qi’s guidance, which is often found in Chollima but not in Bole.

At noon, Shen Qi personally picked Nophie home.

Nophie kept complaining, why only let me learn Bantian Qin?

“Because in addition to music, you have to learn other knowledge, oh my dear.” Shen Qi is responsible for imparting knowledge in the natural sciences of Nofi. In this family, Nofi has the best science teacher in the world.

In addition to mathematics and natural sciences, Shen Qi can also teach Nuofei in Chinese and English.

Parents can teach everything, so why do they need school?

Nophie is definitely going to school, isn’t it still age.

A few days later, Shen Qi’s father and cousin came to the capital, and they were arranged to stay in Academician Shen’s villa.

“Nuofei, my dear granddaughter, don’t you want Grandpa?” Old Shen was very happy when he saw Nophie. He picked up Nophie and lifted it high, but found that his old bone was getting more and more difficult and could not move Good granddaughter!

Shen Nuofi struggled in midair and said, “Well, I miss Grandpa so much. Grandpa put me down, I’m a fat man.”


Old Shen Le couldn’t close his mouth. He wanted to give everything he had to his granddaughter, but he couldn’t give anything of value except money.

Shen Qi’s cousin, Shen Mengmeng, has just turned 18 years old. She has been admitted to Yan University and will be a freshman at Yan University in September.

Shen Mengmeng sees Shen Nuofi once a year on average. In the eyes of her young aunt, every time she sees Nuofi, her elder niece changes: “Nofi is getting smarter and smarter, awesome.”

“Auntie eats candy.” Nuofei grabbed a handful of candy and handed it to Shen Mengmeng, as if she was the little master of the family.

Family reunion is a lot of joy.

In addition to visiting his son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter, Old Shen also wanted to discuss business matters with Shen Qi.

“We at Obiqi Pharmaceutical, currently 95% of the sales profit comes from Kangshuen, this medicine is the lifeblood of our factory.” Old Shen chatted with Shen Qi alone in Shen Qi’s study.

Kangshuen (the name of the drug was compiled by me, it is definitely not found in the pharmacopoeia, don’t be entangled) is a drug developed by Shen Qi Research Center, and its production and sales side is Lao Shen’s Obiqi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Kangshuen is used for the treatment of diabetes. It cannot be completely cured, but it also shows excellent efficacy in improving blood sugar, plasma, β-cell function and other indicators, and its side effects are significantly reduced compared with similar drugs.

The base of diabetic patients is large, and our country has the highest prevalence of diabetes in the world.

Scientific investigations have revealed a terrifying data. The current prevalence of prediabetes over 18 years old in my country exceeds 50%.

Diabetes was considered a disease of old age in the early years, but now more and more young people have this disease.

The high prevalence rate means that the demand for diabetes drugs is huge. An excellent diabetes drug like Kangshuen brought hundreds of millions of profits to Obiqi Pharmaceutical last year, which is not a lot.

Good drugs do not necessarily have a good market. Medical representatives who are stationed in various hospitals are responsible for opening up sales channels.

After all, Kangshuen is a good medicine. As Lao Shen increased its sales efforts, Kangshuen’s domestic market share increased significantly in the first half of this year, and the profit curve continued to rise.

Maintaining this momentum of development, in a few years, Obiqi Pharmaceutical is afraid to become a star pharmaceutical company.

Old Shen is over 60, and he will have one day to retire. He has told Shen Qi many times, when will your kid take over? You don’t even want the family property. Isn’t that inappropriate? Family planning did not allow the second child, otherwise your mother and I would definitely have another baby. Facts have proved that the only child is too willful.

At this moment, Shen Qi finally replied: “The day that the medicine for treating Ouye was launched was the day when I took over Obiqi Pharmaceutical. What, Dad, you recently paid 200 million to our laboratory. LPJK1 is very important. development phase.”

“Is two hundred million enough?” Old Shen asked.

Shen Qi nodded and said: “It is enough for us to achieve the first phase of clinical practice. After the first phase, we will talk about it when the time comes.”

“I’m very curious, you put all your money into scientific research, do you save some private money yourself?” Old Shen asked again.

Shen Qi replied: “My food, drink, housing and transportation are all contracted by the state My private money is enough.”

“How much private savings do you couple have?”

“Our private savings are about four billion yuan.”

“I…” Old Shen was stunned, even a little demented: “So many? You and Xiao Ou shouldn’t be embezzling scientific research funds, right?”

Shen Qi explained: “Of course we dare not embezzle scientific research funds, and there is no need to do so. There is probably an income of nearly one billion yuan, which is the legal remuneration obtained by me and Xiaoou through legal labor, including wages, allowances, and publications. Sales income, bonuses for awards, patent income, rewards from patriotic entrepreneurs, etc.”

“The remaining three hundred million yuan is because Xiao Ou inherited a small amount of shares in her mother’s real estate group. Our joint property is this amount, which is really enough. Dad, you don’t have to worry about our lives. ”

“That’s it, that’s how it is, your family of three is very rich.” Old Shen sighed again and again, and he said: “Billions of dollars are shared with you. You must cure Xiaoou’s disease. You must Xiao Ou’s disease must be cured.”

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