I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 637

Chapter 611 Feeling fulfilled

“Director Shen asked Teacher He and the others to eat lobster and abalone.”

“Blessed for this kid Cao Fan, he was assigned to Teacher He’s receptor antagonist group and followed to enjoy the blessing.”

“You are sour, Cao Fan has two tricks. He is not paddling. After all, he made something out.”

While Teacher He and his group ate lobster and abalone, Xia Longxin and Zhang Weiran who stayed in the laboratory had not eaten dinner yet.

Xia Longxin, Zhang Weiran, and Cao Fan entered the Shenqi Research Center for further study together, and Cao Fan has already emerged.

How about men’s and women’s collocations to work hard? Xia Longxin and Zhang Weiran are all male animals, and the scientific research efficiency is not high.

One woman revitalized the whole group, which was fully demonstrated in He Lin and his group.

“Director Shen was very kind to Teacher He. He gave the most important subject to Teacher He. His’Eighteen Page Heart Sutra’ was only taught to Teacher He.” After all, everyone works in a laboratory. The laboratory is just so big, big things and small things are seen in everyone’s eyes.

“Nor can we say that Director Shen is not good to our team leader Xiao, but we can only say that the subject of our team is too basic to make any major achievements.”


The two experimental dogs sighed, saying that the man was afraid of going wrong.

Even the differences in the research group have caused some people to eat lobster and abalone, and some people can only go back to the dormitory for instant noodles.

At this time, team leader Xiao Ming returned to the laboratory after going to the bathroom. He said to Xia Longxin and Zhang Weiran: “He Lin’s team has achieved phased results, and our team is going to work hard.”

“You have to work overtime again…” Xia Longxin and Zhang Weiran are accustomed to overtime and make sense. They don’t want to work overtime.

Outside formal enterprises strictly abide by the labor law, and overtime pay is calculated at the standard of 1.5 times the usual wages, twice the weekends, and three times the statutory holidays.

Yanda University is different from other companies, and overtime pay varies.

It’s not because of the overtime pay. The main reason is that the body cannot bear the long-term overtime.

“You two resist working overtime?”

“Teacher Xiao, to be honest, except for workaholics, who would like to work overtime every day?”

“No one is a natural workaholic. We just don’t want to lose.” Xiao Ming unbuttoned his white coat and said: “It’s almost nine o’clock. I won’t work overtime today. I invite you to eat supper.”

“Good, good!” Xia Longxin and Zhang Weiran breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Ming’s salaries for returnees like this are quite impressive. Asking the two poor students to make a list of them is not a big problem.

A few plates of skewers, a box of beer, let the evening breeze toss your hair, light a Hongta Mountain, and spit out smoke rings comfortably.

“I didn’t see it. Are you two still smoking?” Xiao Ming never smoked while drinking some beer. Even if he was skewered at a food stall, he was neatly tied in his belt with his clean white shirt and bright leather shoes against the moonlight.

“Longxin Xia and I are also 25 or 16 years old, and occasionally smoke a cigarette to find some scientific research inspiration.” Zhang Weiran was afraid that it would ruin Teacher Xiao’s handsome face, and quickly pinched the cigarette butt.

“Your doctoral allowance is in place, right?” Xiao Ming asked concerned.

“It’s in place, it’s in place.”

“Go ahead and learn a little more in the laboratory. You two will have a good future. I know you two have ideas. I think the experiment done by our platelet activation group is too basic and there is no chance of getting ahead, right? “Xia Longxin and Zhang Weiran swallowed almost all the skewers,” Xiao Ming said slowly.

“The default is to admit.” Xiao Ming smiled, and said: “I have issued a military order with Director Shen, and we will definitely complete our group’s tasks before August. We are running out of time, and there is one month left.”

“To be honest, the subject of platelet activation is indeed very basic, and anyone can do it. Our vision should be long-term. After August, there will naturally be new tasks assigned to our group. What is this new task? I guess its upper limit is very high. How high is it? Check out the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.”

Xia Longxin and Zhang Weiran couldn’t help but clicked on Hongta Mountain again, and they quietly listened to Teacher Xiao’s serious bragging.

Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences?

Of course everyone is familiar with this organization.

Even if you go to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to accept the award, it will not be your turn, Teacher Xiao.

It will not be Xia Longxin and Zhang Weiran’s turn.

There is only one person in the center who has the opportunity to go to Sweden. Everyone knows who this person is.

Xiao Ming poured himself a glass of beer and said: “Actually, I talked to Director Shen privately. He has a more Buddhist mentality now. He doesn’t care about the awards set up by the Royal Academy of Sciences. He just wants to do things that interest him. It’s you. You went to Sweden twice to receive the award. You will see everything and return to your original intentions. I boldly predict that LPJK1 and the subsequent LPJK2 and 3… In short, it is the wife health series, which will definitely create an amazing achievement. , The first work of the project’s general thesis must be Director Shen, there is no doubt about it. He depends on others, and his name must be written in the first work. For such a big project, how many cars should be written in the sub-thesis? How should the sub-thesis be distributed? Have you thought about it?”

“Divided…divided papers?” Xia Longxin and Zhang Weiran couldn’t help but straightened up. Teacher Xiao might be bragging just now, but the more he speaks now, the more reliable he is.

“Don’t press down if there are too many papers.” Xiao Ming smiled enchantingly. He seemed to like seeing his two assistants chrysanthemums tightly.

“There is competition everywhere, and the same is true for Shen Qi Research Center.” Xiao Ming said about being proud, and couldn’t help but slap on the table: “He Lin is very strong and very hard, but we are not weak. So please two I’ve worked hard and cooperated with me to finish the platelet activation first. After August, it will be a real test for us. Come on.”

He Lin and his research group work more than ten hours a day Xiao Ming’s research group also has similar work intensity.

Xia Longxin and Zhang Weiran were too tired to do experiments for a few days. They didn’t even have the strength to walk back to the dormitory. They slept in the center and continued to work when they woke up.

Experimenting and brain-burning are also physically consuming. It is very tiring to concentrate on doing seven or eight hours a day. Ten hours of work load is a burden.

But Team Leader Xiao is right, no one is a natural workaholic, we just don’t want to lose.

“Teacher Xiao, thank you for inviting us to drink and eat meat, and thank you even more for your advice to us. Director Shen has ordered that we have been with you in the first year. We will fight wherever you point.” Xia Longxin Zhang Weiran suddenly felt unprecedented pressure. Yes, there is competition everywhere. Isn’t it a competition between them and Cao Fan?

Xiao Ming’s brainwashing is in place.

After drinking and drinking, Xia Longxin and Zhang Weiran sneaked back to the laboratory quietly with a sense of urgency, and they felt fulfilled.

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