I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 707

Chapter 679 No explanation

Sunday, the Great Hall.

More than 500 cadres from all over the country gathered together.

At about nine o’clock in the morning, Comrade Shen Qi delivered an important speech.

Shen Qi emphasized that the people’s leaders lead the voyage and scientific thoughts guide the direction.

Facing the increasingly complex international situation, we must first do our job well, be patriotic, dedicated, honest and friendly.

Party members and comrades must incorporate the “two studies and one doing” into the normalized learning mechanism. We must align our various tasks with the instructions and requirements of the central government, put our thoughts, work, and responsibilities in, and insist on scientific development. View, lay a solid foundation, practice hard work, and create a fair and rule-of-law management system.

Here, I want to give an example.

While studying nitrogen, British physicist Rayleigh found that nitrogen separated from nitrogen compounds weighs 1.2508g per liter, while nitrogen separated from air weighs 1.2572g per liter under the same circumstances.

This slight difference of 0.0064g caught Rayleigh’s attention. He cooperated with the chemist Lemsey to remove the nitrogen and oxygen in the air, and used spectroscopic analysis to identify the remaining gas. Finally, in 1894, he discovered the inert gas argon.

Comrades and friends, scientific thought guides the direction, and details determine success or failure.

In the process of studying macrocyclic compounds, our team has done countless experiments and experienced countless failures.

We were discouraged, but we never gave up.

The core of a macrocyclic compound lies in the stability of the macrocyclic structure. To verify its stability, its scale cannot be measured by the unit of gram.

We work at the molecular level, like walking on thin ice, trembling.

In order to disassemble a key double bond, we have to do more than ten experiments.

And such double bonds, there are as many as 2 to the 50th power.

You are all cadres in charge of money, and you should be able to quickly figure out what the power of 2 is to the 50th power.

Do you think I am bragging?

Even if 10,000 chemists do experiments to break up double bonds at the same time, how many lifetimes will it take to complete the 50th power experiment of 10 times 2?

Under normal circumstances, it takes a few lifetimes.

However, our team used a clever experimental method and completed it within two years.

I will not mention the specific details in this class.

The point I want to express is that details determine success or failure, and it is people who determine the details.

This is true in all walks of life.

I hope that after returning to work, you can do every detail well and achieve perfection.

To build a prosperous and civilized country, we cannot just stop at the macro level.

A prosperous and civilized country must be composed of countless perfect details, and it is us who implement these details.

I’m here for today’s class, thank you for listening.

Next, the leader Luo will give important instructions.



There was thunderous applause.

More than 500 comrades in the lecture hall stood up. They clapped violently and their hands were swollen.

Some cadres shed tears of reluctance.

More cadres are very curious about the specific details of the experiment that Shen Qi’s team will complete within two years, which others will never complete in a few lifetimes.

With fruitful learning results and strong curiosity, the cadres left Beijing and returned to the local government.

Cadres one after another said: “This class of Academician Shen has sublimated my soul. The mind and sentiment of a great scientist will make me unforgettable for a lifetime.”

Shen Qi glanced at the information in the system, the progress of the task of upgrading from level 12 to level 13 in politics: 2%.

It’s really tiring to go to classes with these cadres.

The saliva is dry, and it’s only 2% progress.

Next, Shen Qi will leave Beijing for a national speech tour.

When Shen Qi embarked on the journey, Ou Ye brought Xiao Huang, Zhao Tian, ​​Xiao Yun, Zeng Han and others to Shuimu University.

On the way to the Shuimu Lecture Hall, Zhao Tian expressed his respect to Xiao Huang on behalf of the students: “Brother Huang, admiration for a long time.”

Xiao Huang waved his hand and said: “It should be the three of you who have been admired for a long time. You three are the authors of “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture”.”

Zhao Tian said modestly: “The three of us are doing some of the most basic work. The entire “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture” program was done by Sister Ye Zi.”

“Why did Ye Zijie choose the three of you instead of others? That’s because the three of you are the sons of heaven.” Xiao Huangman envied the three juniors, if his name appeared in “Strong BSD” “Proof of Conjecture,” regardless of the fact that there are seven or eight papers, they are all scientific research capital worthy of a lifetime.

“Don’t be too modest, you guys, all of you are very good.” Ou Ye said.

Ou Ye and his party have arrived at the Shuimu Lecture Hall.

Du Yang from the Department of Mathematics of Mizuki was already waiting at the entrance of the lecture hall. He shook hands with Ou Ye: “Welcome, Teacher Ou.”

“Let you wait a long time, Teacher Du.” Ou Ye responded politely, and then followed Du Yang into the lecture hall.

There were a dozen people sitting in the lecture hall, among which the most notable was Academician Su Wenxie.

“It’s coming.” The way Old Man Su greeted him was concise and concise.

“Hello, Academician Su.” Ou Ye responded politely.

“Sit down.” Academician Su made a please gesture.

Ou Ye and others were seated, Ou Ye was in the center, and the other four were around her in twos.

“Let me introduce my team first.” Academician Su said, “This is Du Yang, a researcher in the Department of Mathematics of Mizuki. The rest of the team members also work and study in the Department of Mathematics of Mizuki, and their names are on the name tags.”

Each member of Academician Su’s team has a famous brand in front of them so that the other party can have a basic impression.

The famous brand of Ou Ye and his party was made in advance by Mizuki University and placed in front of them.

All in all, everyone is acquainted with each other, so we enter the subject.

Academician Su first talked about the academic background: “When I was studying in Paris, I was very interested in the BSD conjecture. During that time, Fermat’s Last Theorem was proved by Wiles, and the BSD conjecture rose to a very high academic status. I told my mentor that the BSD conjecture will be proved by Su Wenxie.”

“Unfortunately, I couldn’t do it. Professor Ou, your team gave a plan that seems to be close to the truth. I organized a team, this group of people around me, and we carried out the ” The interpretation work of “Strong BSD Conjecture Proof” has been working for more than a month.”

The team of Academician Su voluntarily undertakes the interpretation work of the “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture” They are not paid any money.

Not only were they not paid, but the team of Academician Su had to squeeze some money out of their scientific research funds to carry out interpretation work.

What spirit is this?

This is a lofty academic spirit that is separated from the low-level taste.

In order to prove the truth, other things are not worth mentioning.

Ou Ye expressed his respect to Academician Su: “The friendship between Yantai University and Mizuki has been passed down for a hundred years. I am very grateful to Academician Su for explaining our “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture”.”

“Okay, that’s it for the background, let’s get into the specific details below. I am mainly focused on algebraic geometry and elliptic curves. I also have certain research on number theory. Wiles used elliptic curves to prove Fermat’s last theorem of number theory. It has played a certain academic enlightenment. Professor Ou, please look at the screen. This part of your paper is quite confusing for us. To be blunt, we can’t explain the content of this part. I think even Wiles himself, It’s also difficult to explain. As far as I know, Wiles’ team is also advancing the interpretation of the “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture.”

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