I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 708

Chapter 680 That’s it!

The core part of “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture” is displayed on the big screen:

analyticrank≥2, Gaussconjectureinquadratic……h(D)>1/55(ln∣D∣)∏(1-2√p/p+1)……L(E,s)∏p(1-ap/p^ s+p/p^2s)^-1→L(E,s)=c(s-1)^r+High-OrderItems!

Academician Su Wenxie said: “There is one place that I can’t explain. Under the condition of analyticrank≥2, the distribution of rational points on the elliptic curve may not follow your proof scheme. You go around and look fancy, but it seems to be back again. The original problem is that the point where the coordinates are rational numbers does not satisfy the local overall principle. So Professor Ou, I think your proposal is worthy of scrutiny in some details.”

As soon as Academician Su said this, other members of the Mizuki Mathematics team nodded one after another. They stared at Ou Ye with piercing eyes, dancing with belief and doubt, and flying with each other.

Xiao Huang was startled and nervous. The question raised by Academician Su was both tricky and crucial. ,

Yes, Mr. Ou, how do you explain that the distribution of rational points on the elliptic curve absolutely complies with the scheme you set?

Of course, Xiao Huang has studied the “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture”, but the study does not mean that he will be able to study it thoroughly.

Explaining the job of “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture” requires a very high level of mathematics.

Although Zhao Tian, ​​Xiaoyun, and Zeng Han are the authors of “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture”, these three students cannot fully explain every detail of this paper. Lie down on the dog, just lie down and call the boss 666.

This mathematics seminar between Yan University and Mizuki seems to have evolved into a graduation defense meeting for the Ou Ye group.

Students who have participated in the graduation defense meeting know that the review teacher of the defense meeting first assumes that you can pass the defense and obtain the degree certificate and graduation certificate.

Based on this assumption, based on your graduation thesis, the reviewing teacher will ask several key questions for you to answer and make a statement.

Under normal circumstances, as long as students do experiments honestly, write papers diligently, and state key issues clearly at the defense meeting, they will be able to graduate successfully.

Academician Su is also like a kind and strict mentor. He first assumed that the “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture” was established, and then led his team to explain. During the explanation process, the team of Academician Su had some doubts.

At the actual graduation defense meeting, the reviewing teacher will also have doubts about the student’s thesis. The main point of doubt is: Is your paper data fraudulent? Is it plagiarism? Is it a ghostwriter?

As for the doubts of Academician Su’s team, Ou Ye’s understanding is that they might not understand it, right?

In the history of mathematics, there are many cases in which famous big men cannot understand other people’s papers.

The essay written by Norwegian mathematics genius Abel could not be understood by the contemporary Gauss, and it was also difficult for Cauchy to understand.

At that time, Gauss and Cauchy were already master-level leaders of the pioneering faction, and they really did not understand Abel’s thesis.

More than one hundred years later, Abel’s thesis was proved by the mathematics community. Abel Groups and Abel’s geometry became classics in the history of mathematics and were written into textbooks for students to learn.

In the 19th century, Gauss and Cauchy failed to understand Abel’s thesis, nor can they blame them all. Abel himself has to bear certain responsibilities.

At that time, the young Abel was very poor, so poor that he could not even afford to eat, and was hungry all day long.

The original text of the thesis written by Abel was more than 10,000 words, but because of poverty, he compressed his more than 10,000-character manuscript into 6 pages, then printed them into several copies and sent them to authoritative mathematics such as Gauss and Cauchy. Home.

Gauss and Cauchy failed to understand Abel’s six-page essay, and the big guys agreed that Abel was talking nonsense.

Some people say that Abel directly sent his more than 10,000-character manuscript to Gauss and Cauchy, wouldn’t it be over?

But Abel did not do this, the specific reason is unknown.

Or it was because the document delivery fee was charged based on the number of pages at that time, and the delivery fee was more expensive.

Poverty makes people autistic.

Poor and destitute Abel died when he was only in his twenties, haggard and sad.

This shows that the rules of the mathematics world, if the big guys say that your paper is valid, then it is valid.

The boss said that the paper you wrote is shit, so you can write a new one.

Against the boss, there will be no good end.

Today’s mathematics world is the same rule.

Fortunately, Ou Ye is not bad for money. Her 42-page manuscript was eventually expanded into a 405-page paper. She can afford printing fees, layout fees and courier fees.

When Abel faced the doubts of big brothers, he was obviously inferior.

On the one hand it is poor, on the other hand it may be related to Abel being an Aries.

The wealthy Virgo Ou Ye stood up, and she walked to the blackboard in the lecture hall: “Let me explain, Academician Su’s doubts.”

Everyone looked at the blackboard.

Ou Ye took up chalk to write and paint.

She first drew a standard right-angled triangle with three sides 3, 4, and 5.

Obviously, this is the Pythagorean triangle.

This classic triangle contains a theorem: when the hypotenuse d=5, there is no right-angled triangle whose side length is an integer and the area is 5.

“This is… the geometric method of middle school students?” Xiao Huang asked secretly, explaining the BSD conjecture at the millennium puzzle level. Does it have to start from middle school math?

The Mizuki team was also puzzled. They remained silent and kept paying attention.

Immediately afterwards, Ou Ye drew a right triangle with side lengths of 3/2, 20/3, and 41/6.

This triangle also contains a theorem: there is a right triangle with a rational number on its side and an area of ​​5.

A rational number is the ratio of an integer a to a positive integer b, which is the teaching content of middle school mathematics.

Can drawing two right-angled triangles that middle school students understand can answer the doubts of Academician Su’s team?

No, it can’t.

Ou Ye turned his pen and extended it on the basis of two right-angled triangles. She wrote an algebraic proof formula.


Academician Su stood up suddenly, his body trembling slightly, his eyes gleaming.

The simpler, the more complex!

The more complex, the simpler!

The BSD conjecture itself is deeply buried in the extremely advanced field of mathematics, but we can start from some of the most basic mathematical principles to explain the BSD conjecture.

The endless elliptic curve rationality problem is ridiculed, and it actually conforms to the classical geometric setting of ancient Greece!

Two right triangles, an algebraic proof formula.

That’s enough!

The old academician Su rushed to Ou Ye madly talking about his youth. He tightly held Ou Ye’s hand and said excitedly: “When I heard the Tao, Xi can die. I understand, I understand, thank you, Ou Ye! ”

“Master Su, I should thank you.” Ou Ye said sincerely.

“Hahahaha!” Academician Su raised his head and laughed, and then said to his team: “Little ones, keep working! Within two weeks, we have to complete the interpretation of the “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture”!”

The little ones looked at each other, and the tricks between the masters were really profound.

Regardless of whether young people understand it or not, Academician Su understands it anyway.

Under the guidance of Academician Su, the Mizuki Mathematical Team has been intensively promoting the interpretation of the “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture”.

Academician Su and Ou Ye, who had never met before, have also become friends of the year.

Shen Qi’s national lecture tour came to his hometown of Nangang.

Nangang City is the cultural center, political center, commercial center, and academic center of South China.

The city has nearly a hundred colleges and universities, the number of colleges and universities in the country’s top five.

However, there are actually only two first-class universities in Nangang City.

Shen Qi’s speech in Nangang City was mainly arranged at two double first-class universities.

At CUHK, Shen Qi gave three lectures in a row at this double first-class university, one for students, one for faculty and staff, and the third was a special study session for party members and cadres.

Colleges and universities try every means to obtain double first-class qualifications. There are many benefits of double first-class qualifications. They have a lot of resources, a lot of funds, and a lot of preferential policies.

Looking at the whole world, it is difficult to see the Philippine Prize and Nobel Prize winners go to second-rate universities to give lectures, and it is even harder to see the Philippine Prize and Nobel Prize winners named honorary professors and visiting professors of second-rate universities.

The President of CUHK asked Shen Qi as the visiting professor of the school, but Shen Qi declined.

The president of CUHK is very regretful. If Shen Qi can become a guest professor of their school, that would be a great deal.

In the past five years, Yan University has the highest admission line in the country, and its average admission line exceeds Mizuki University by 15 points.

In some provinces, with a full score of 750 in the college entrance examination, candidates cannot enter the Yanda University with a score of 700.

Especially science majors, especially mathematics and physics majors, if they fail to be single recruited successfully, candidates who want to pass the college entrance examination to be admitted by the Yanda Mathematics Institute and the Institute of Materials, they will be 30 points higher than the minimum admission line of Yanda University. the above.

It is also very abnormal to think about it. The candidates admitted by the Yanda Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Wushu are basically the science champions in the college entrance examination of various provinces.

The admission line of the college entrance examination of Yan University has been improved year by year, and the qualifications for the competition to send Yan University have become more and more stringent. Even foreign students who come to Yan University to study must undergo extremely abnormal tests.

In the past, the capital was fighting for hegemony. Now, Yanda University has become the number one university in China.

The students recruited by Yan University are all perverts, strong perverts.

On the one hand, the reason is that the overall strength of Yantai University is constantly improving, including core areas such as scientific research and teaching, and it has indeed become the first in China and the forefront in the world.

On the other hand, perhaps it has something to do with the individual, such as the influence and appeal of Shen Qi, who works at Yan University. At least the principal of Zhongda University thinks so.

Mr. President eagerly said: “Academician Shen, thank you very much for your first speech at Nangang, which was put on our CUHK. I very much hope that you can serve as a lifetime honorary professor of CUHK, or a guest professor with appointment. Yes. We have set up the highest-level chair for you. It is tentatively proposed to be the’Yixian Chair Professor’. How does Academician Shen feel?”

Shen Qi smiled and asked, “How many years have you hired me?”

The principal felt the hope of success. He said: “I hope it is, ten thousand years.”

“Haha!” Shen Qi smiled from ear to ear, and he said tactfully: “I do want to make contributions to my hometown, but there are many ways to make contributions.”

“Well, let’s do it, I respect Academician Shen’s meaning.” Mr. Principal can only think that the style of Zhongda is not high enough to attract Academician Shen’s favor.

CUHK is a deputy ministerial organization under the direct management of the central government Shen Qi really wants to contribute to his hometown. He contributes to CUHK, serving both the central and local governments. After all, the campus of CUHK is located Nangang City.

“As a native of Nangang, my dream was to be admitted to CUHK, but things were unpredictable, and I finally went to Yanda.” Shen Qi looked back and couldn’t help feeling. In their Nangang people’s eyes, the places north of Nangang are all in the north, while the native Nangang people travel to the north, but they rarely settle in the north.

Nangang people eat Hu Jianren, it is all rumors.

Cannibalism violates the criminal law. People in Nangang generally understand the law and they will never dare to eat others.

But most of Nangang was born and died in Sri Lanka, but it is true.

Shen Qi has settled in the north for many years and formed his own family.

Scientists are mobile. Shen Qi returns to his hometown. He decides to contribute to his hometown: “My first major is mathematics. What I care most about is mathematics. I also care about the mathematics of CUHK. CUHK’s mathematics has become world-class. Subject, I want to do a little bit more for CUHK Mathematics.”

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