I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 709

Chapter 681 Do good deeds and accumulate merit

How do you contribute to CUHK Mathematics?

Shen Qi’s method is very direct, giving money.

Masters and students of Fanzhong who have made Class A achievements in mathematics will be awarded RMB 10 million for one achievement.

Class B achieves 5 million and Class C achieves 1 million.

The grades of A, B, and C are set by Shen Qi. The difficulty of A-type mathematics achievement is slightly lower than that of the Millennium puzzle, and the B-type and C-type and so on.

Soon, this award scheme was extended to Southern University of Technology, another double-class university in Nangang City.

Soon, this reward program was extended to the entire South China region.

Soon, this reward program will be extended to the whole country.

On Shen Qi’s suggestion, Shen Qi’s father, Shen Zhishan, established the “Shen Zhishan Mathematics Foundation”. This foundation plans to distribute 200 million yuan a year to support young Chinese mathematics workers who are interested in contributing to China’s mathematics industry.

At the same time, Shen Zhishan donated 100 million RMB to Nangang Red Cross, Nangang Charity Association, Nangang Disabled Persons Association and other institutions to support charities.

Shen Zhishan declared that the Shen family’s funding of scientific and charitable undertakings will become normal and won unanimous praise from the outside world.

Shen Zhishan is so generous, mainly because of Shen Qi’s influence.

“Every year we spend hundreds of millions to support scientific research and charity. Our old folks in the Shen family will lose out in a few years.” Shen Zhishan is a businessman after all, and the principle of doing good for a businessman is to do his best on the premise of sufficient profit.

Shen Qi thought very eagerly: “Money and wealth do not bring death or take away, do more good deeds forever.”

“I am very supportive of doing good deeds, but you have to have money to do good deeds! According to your good deeds plan, all of the annual profits of our Obiqi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. will be used for good deeds.” Shen Zhishan said, and then said: “Anyway Obiqi Pharmaceutical will also be yours in the future. You can play as you like. I only have one request, not to sell the factory, and to give our employees a way to survive.”

“Dad, I’m not a fool. I’ll talk about a very simple math problem. Assuming that our factory makes ten yuan in profit every year, we can use one yuan to do good deeds. Isn’t it an exaggeration? The profit level of the factory determines what we do. The extent of good deeds.”

“But you give me the feeling that you are going to spend ten dollars to do good deeds.”

“Dad, do you remember the £70 billion business I told you about?”

“Sell Conshuen?”

“Sell it.”

“Can you really sell 70 billion pounds?”

“Considering global sales, risk assessment, and patent protection, even if it is less than 70 billion pounds, it can sell for at least 30 billion pounds. How much is 30 billion pounds? How much is 30 billion pounds? Is it enough to feed the factory for many years?”

“Who will talk about this matter?”

“Of course, Dad, you go to talk, Lao Yan and Cheng Haonan will assist you in technical aspects, and I will support you in spirit.”

After Shen Qi finished speaking, he went to give lectures to local officials in Nangang.

Shen Zhishan was determined to sell Kang Shuen.

Kangshuen’s diabetes drug was developed by Shen Qi Scientific Research Center. After the animal experiment was completed, its patent development rights were sold to Obech Pharmaceuticals.

The subsequent clinical trials and application for listing will be completed by OBB Pharmaceuticals. Last year, Kangshuen’s sales in China were more than one billion yuan, and this year is expected to exceed two billion yuan.

Diabetes is a worldwide disease. Last year, the global cost of diabetes medical treatment was close to 800 billion U.S. dollars.

800 billion US dollars is exactly equal to Switzerland’s GDP.

It is predicted that within five years, global diabetes medical expenses will exceed one trillion U.S. dollars.

This is an extremely large market.

International pharmaceutical giants have long been thinking of Kangshuen. At this time last year, GLK offered a price of 700 million pounds to acquire Kangshuen.

At this time of this year, GLK’s offer has increased to 1.5 billion pounds. But there is still a big gap between the expectations of Shen Qi and his son.

Miss Lucy Walker of GLK has been resident in Nangang City recently, and she once again visited Shen Zhishan.

The two parties conducted the eighth round of formal business negotiations on Kangshuen.

“According to our forecast, Kangshuen’s sales in China this year are expected to reach 2 billion yuan, which is approximately 250 million pounds in British pounds. Therefore, Mr. Shen, the 1.5 billion pounds offered by GLK is very sincere.” Lucy -Ms. Walker is a smart and studious woman. She has been in China for more than a year and has been able to communicate with Chinese people in Chinese proficiently.

“Miss Lucy, the account is not calculated like that…” Shen Zhishan smiled slightly and spoke out his algorithm politely.

That’s right, Kangshuen’s sales in China this year are around 2 billion yuan, up to 2.4 billion yuan.

Last year, this number was 700 million, and it was 300 million the year before.

Miss Lucy, do you have to analyze the increase?

According to Kangshuen’s sales growth trend, it will reach 8.2 billion yuan next year and exceed 15 billion yuan in the following year. 15 billion renminbi, which is equivalent to approximately 2 billion pounds in pound sterling. This is just the sales forecast for the Chinese market in the next two years.

If Conshuen sells globally, global sales in the next two years are expected to reach 6.3 billion pounds, and this number will continue to grow over time.

Don’t doubt the accuracy of this number, this number was calculated by my son, who is the Fields Medal winner.

Of course, we have no overseas sales channels for Obiqi Pharmaceuticals, which is a flaw in our internationalization.

GLK has mature and complete new drug application experience and broad sales channels worldwide.

The European Union’s review of drugs is slightly more stringent than the CDFA, and the US FDA is even more stringent.

In view of the fact that GLK declares and sells Kangshuen on a global scale, a lot of work needs to be done, which also requires a lot of capital investment when converted into costs.

Therefore, we, Obagi Pharmaceuticals, will show the highest sincerity and sell Conshuen to GLK for a cabbage price of 70 billion pounds.

Miss Lucy, what do you think?

Miss Lucy waved: “Bye.”

So Miss Lucy’s negotiating team left.

“I also think that 70 billion pounds is not reliable. What is the concept of 70 billion pounds? A local war can be launched! 70 billion pounds converted into RMB, I am afraid that the relevant departments will be included in the key watch list.” Shen Zhishan Said to Lao Yan and Cheng Haonan.

After all, Lao Yan and Cheng Haonan are skilled in technology, and the two are relatively calm and rational: “Shen Dong, I feel that the British girl is a little shaken. She should contact us again in a few days.”

Sure enough, after two days, Miss Lucy came again: “Mr. Shen, as determined by the GLK headquarters, we will quote 8 billion pounds to obtain all the shares of Obeki Pharmaceuticals. This is our last bottom line. We can talk about it. Talk, we can’t talk, we are also friends.”

Shen Zhishan waved his hand: “Bye.”

Business negotiation is like this. Both sides are wise and courageous, and don’t know when there will be an end.

Acquisitions in the pharmaceutical industry are almost synonymous with astronomical numbers.

As early as 2000, Pfizer spent US$90 billion to acquire Warner-Lambert, and obtained Lipitor as its wish.

Decades have passed, and prices have been rising. Now we are doing another business acquisition similar to Warner-Lambert and Lipitor, with at least one hundred billion dollars in operation.

GLK offered 8 billion pounds to acquire OBB Pharmaceuticals.

Shen Zhishan and Shen Qi never agreed.

Selling medicines but not factories is the bottom line of the Shen family.

Shen Qi ended the national lecture tour and returned to the capital.

The phase I clinical trial of triazaoctene is completed, and the phase II clinical trial will follow.

A new drug becomes valuable after animal experiments.

Successfully passed the Phase I clinical trial and its value increased exponentially.

Through Phase II and III clinical trials, the value is getting higher and higher.

If you successfully go on the market and achieve good sales results, you can sell astronomical numbers.

This is also the reason why Shen Qi and his son will never sell Obiqi Pharmaceuticals. This factory is their root and a strong business.

And chemical drugs are simply compounds.

If there is a strong camp and a gathering of outstanding talents, there will be a steady flow of energy to invent and create new compounds.

“You went to your hometown in Nangang and became a wealthy boy?” Ou Ye asked.

“Sponsoring young and dreaming mathematics workers is my long-cherished wish. I don’t want to see Abel’s tragic story happening in the contemporary era. Charity is also something I’m willing to try. Wife, you won’t disagree. ?”

“Of course I agree. I want to work with you to support mathematics workers and do charity together. We still have some money in our account, so let’s do it.”

“There is no need to move the money at home and keep it for Nophie to study. If the business of Obiqi Pharmaceutical is completed, then use a part of the money to do good deeds.”

“Well, listen to you. Odd, go take a shower.”

“It’s only seven o’clock I just finished eating and haven’t digested it… Let’s be late…”

Shen Qi, who was promoted to Grade 12 in physical education, barely handed in his homework.

If it is not up to level 12, I am afraid that it will kill people.

The medicine of triazaoctene is really too strong. After taking Ou Ye, the power is greatly improved.

Shen Qi herself can’t wait to knock a few kilograms of triazaoctene to strengthen nutrition.

The life of the husband and wife is very happy, happy in all aspects, and Ou Ye is enthusiastic about working.

According to Ou Ye, two weeks have passed since he went to Mizuki University to participate in the academic exchange meeting organized by Academician Su Wenxie.

Today, two months have passed since Ou Ye published “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture”.

The Mathematics Team of Academician Su Wenxie announced today that they reasonably explained the “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture” of the Ou Ye team and published a more than 800-page explanation report.

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