I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 710

Chapter 682 Several Requirements for Yantai Universi

The interpretation report of the “Strong BSD Conjecture Proof” by the team of Academician Su Wenxie was made public, and the international mathematics community took action and began to study the interpretation report of the team of Academician Su Wenxie.

Shen Qi gave lecture tours across the country. He trained many local cadres. Combined with scientific research, ideological and political content, his training courses have achieved positive and enthusiastic responses.

Because of the recent focus on ideological and political work, some people jokingly call Shen Qi the Shen political commissar.

On this day, political commissar Shen participated in the high-level party and government joint meeting of the Yanshan University. He said at the meeting: “World-wide scientific problems have been solved one by one by Chinese scientists, and our great power tools and projects have been completed one by one. Have we become stronger? There is no doubt that we have become stronger.”

“The strong foundation of the country comes from scientific research and education. The quality of our research and education at Yan University ranks first in the country and in the world. I have always advocated that Yan University should take the path of internationalization and become a top international university.”

“I’m very pleased that we, Yanda University, are steadily advancing on this road and have an increasing influence in the international arena.”

“For a university, what is internationalization? I think there are two core points, scientific research and teaching.”

“Scientific research itself has its own international attributes, and scientific research results are internationalized. To do scientific research and produce scientific results that benefit the people of the world, you will naturally become an international university.”

“And what should international teaching be like? Is the number of foreign teachers and foreign students the main evaluation indicators?”

“My view is that the number of foreign teachers and students is an evaluation indicator, but it is by no means a major indicator.”

“Recently, I have observed some small problems in real life, and I will raise them at this meeting.”

“I admit that for the subject of English, hiring native English-speaking foreign teachers to teach is the best. However, I found that some of the English foreign teachers in the foreign school are French and German.”

“I’m not targeting French and Germans. Since we hire English foreign teachers, can we hire Americans, British, Canadians? If it doesn’t work, we can hire Australians and New Zealanders.”

“This situation, please check with Dean Hu of the Outer Court.”

Dean Hu explained: “The German English teacher, his father is German, and his mother is English. He speaks a standard London accent and can speak standard Mandarin. He has a PhD degree in literature from Oxford University… of course. Academician Shen is also right, and we will pay attention to it in the future.”

“Really?” Shen Qi jotted down this question, and said: “There are international students in every college of Yan University. Some international students complain that our Yan University is too expensive, and we don’t even have a single dormitory. The opinions and suggestions of these foreign students, we should Keep paying attention and make improvements. I always think that whether they are Chinese students or international students, they come to Yan University to study, not to enjoy their blessings, let alone to mess around, but to study hard.”

“Let me talk about my personal experience. My master’s and Ph.D. degrees were studied at Princeton University in the United States. I live in a single room in the United States. As long as the master’s and Ph.D. in Princeton pay for the money, they can live in a single room. And Princeton Most of the undergraduates live in double rooms.”

“Since we take the road of internationalization and treat international students, we should be in line with international standards. Some of our disciplines, such as mathematics and physics, have reached the international leading level. Then the tuition standards for international students studying mathematics and physics should be the same as those of Princeton, Harvard, Oxford, and Cambridge are consistent.”

“You have to increase the price if you want to increase the price, otherwise, how can it be in line with the international standards? I hope that the hospitals will pay attention to this issue after the meeting and improve it as soon as possible.” Shen Qi seriously raised his point about Yan University’s continuing to deepen its internationalization line. Real insight.

A senior member of the Ministry of Medicine said: “This…isn’t this too difficult for international students? We at Yan University have charged various fees for international students, which are already much higher than that of local Chinese students. If we continue to increase prices… Academician Shen, international students Will you not be able to read it?”

Shen Qi shook his head and said: “Princeton does not have a medical major, but Harvard has one. I know a lot about Harvard Medical School. Nowadays, after 8 years of clinical medicine at Harvard Medical School, the total cost is more than 1 million U.S. dollars. How about Harvard? The medical school is an aristocratic college. The vast majority of Americans cannot afford to attend Harvard Medical School, nor can they afford it.”

“How much does the Yan University Medical School charge? After 8 years of study, it is converted into US dollars, which is US$113,800. If an international student adds 30,000, it is less than US$150,000.”

“I admit that there is indeed a certain gap between Yan University Medical School and Harvard Medical School. The Chinese medical school enjoys a high reputation in the world, and perhaps only the Capital Union Medical College.”

“Let’s set a small goal first and follow the Medical College of Peking Union Medical College. Peking Union Medical College charges about 200,000 US dollars for international students. We will try to catch up with Union Medical College within five years.”

“Finally, let me make a summary. We will still adhere to the international development path of inviting in and going out. All foreigners who come to work and study at Yantai University will be treated in accordance with international standards. Shen Qi will lead by example and hope that all colleagues will encourage us. I have finished speaking, please continue to speak.”

When Shen Qi went to work at the center the next day, he found an exotic girl in Hanfu sitting on the lawn next to their center building.

This young girl is blond and blue-eyed, and she looks pretty long. But she looked depressed, even depressed.

The foreign girl suddenly saw Shen Qi, her beautiful green eyes widened and her eyes focused on Shen Qi.

Shen Qi said to the girl: “What are you looking at?”

“It’s Mr. Shen, hello Mr. Shen!” The girl greeted Shen Qi while speaking fluent Chinese.

No one knows Shen Qi at Yan University, and it’s normal for foreign girls to know him.

“Are you a student of Yan University?” Shen Qi asked.

The girl nodded and said, “Yes, my name is Annie Johnson, an American, and I am studying Chinese linguistics.”

Shen Qi asked again: “Annie, I saw you crying just now?”

“Hey.” Annie sighed and said: “I heard that the tuition and accommodation fees for our international students are going to increase again. I am in China and I really can’t read books anymore. I did three jobs. I feel that the economic pressure is too great. The cost of living in the imperial capital of China is much higher than that of Boston!”

“Have you lived in Boston?”

“Is such that……”

Annie spoke sadly about her life experience and experience.

Annie was born in a small town with a population of more than 80,000 in Alabama. Her parents divorced, and she and her younger brother and mother had been together.

Her mother relies on part-time jobs to support her and her younger brother, a waiter in a cafe, a cashier in a supermarket, and her mother has done everything. Her income is not very high, and she barely supports a family of three.

Anne, who was born in a single-parent family, has realized since she was a child that only knowledge can change her destiny.

Anne, who is academically excellent, has already obtained the admission qualification for MIT Chinese Linguistics, but her family is poor and can’t afford MIT’s expensive tuition.

MIT provides student loans for impoverished students, but after borrowing so much money, they have to be repaid.

Anne, whose family is not wealthy, then applied to come to Yan University to study Chinese linguistics. The tuition of Yan University is half cheaper than MIT.

However, Yan University’s tuition fees will soon increase.

Annie said with a sad face: “I have been in China for three years, and I have scored more than 90 in each course. In the United States, that is also an all-A top student. There are many Chinese among my classmates. Why do we international students receive the same education? But you have to pay more money than Chinese students? Teacher Shen, tell me, why?”

Shen Qi explained: “Doesn’t Chinese products have to pay tariffs when they enter the US for sale?”

Annie: “…”

Shen Qi said admiringly: “I never tell foreign students that your Chinese is really good. It is a must to come to China to study Chinese. It is nothing to be praised. But I want to tell you, Annie, Your Chinese is too slippery, why does it have a pure Northeast smell?”

Annie said: “To study in China, passing HSK is a must. But just passing HSK is not enough. We have a professional teacher who speaks Dalian dialect. He speaks Dalian dialect fast, I don’t understand it!”

“So, with an American sister, a Canadian sister, and three of our female international students, we finally found a Chinese boy. He is from the Northeast and is studying in a number of colleges. Our three female international students communicated with this Northeast boy. Chinese, continue to improve our Chinese. Now, I can finally understand Dalian dialect!” Annie explained the reason for her accent in Northeast China.

“So that’s the case.” Shen Qixin said, still the boys in the school are caring.

The students in Yan University are very busy. How can there be time for a person to bring three foreign girls to exchange Chinese?

That is to say, the boys who study mathematics are more kind. He taught three female students from North America to speak Northeast dialect.

Annie’s experience is representative of the foreign students of Yan University.

In Europe and the United States, the tuition fees of the famous top universities are extremely high.

In order to save money, European and American students from not wealthy families came to Yan University to study.

Many of the international students who come to Yan University are excellent academically. They are not inferior to the Chinese students at Yan University, and even surpassed Chinese students in some courses.

The excellent Annie gets scholarships every year, but she finds that her scholarship plus three jobs can barely support her various expenses during her study and life at Yan University.

“I heard from my American seniors that Chinese boys have always treated foreign girls generously. Chinese boys always bear all the expenses for eating, going to bars, and hotels. However, when I came to China, I found that Chinese boys had changed and they learned the AA system. …Hey, I really spend money with Chinese boys. The only good news is that you don’t need to tip in China. Otherwise, I’d be bankrupt.”

The body is tired the heart is even more tired. Annie even had the idea of ​​returning to the United States early.

A girl from a small American town came to China to study Chinese linguistics.

She worked hard, assiduously and earnestly, and achieved good grades of all A’s.

What bothered her was money.

For students who love to learn, regardless of race or nationality, Shen Qi has always appreciated it.

Never let any international student lose the precious opportunity to receive education at Yan University because of money.

Shen Qi put forward a suggestion: “Anni, I think you should still focus on your studies while studying at Yan University. You did three jobs, which consumed too much study energy. You should apply for the assistance of Yan University. Student loans. Yan University adopts international standards. For poor students around the world, it will give a certain degree of preferential policies on student loans. No matter how high the tuition fee of Yan University is, it is always much cheaper than MIT, isn’t it?”

After Shen Qi’s enlightenment, Annie finally cheered up and went to the International Student Center of Yan University to apply for a loan for international poor students.

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