I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 711

Chapter 683 Very warm

The Ou Ye team gave the solution of “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture”, and the team of Academician Su Wenxie took the lead in giving an explanation report in the world.

United States, Columbia University.

After reading the explanatory report of Academician Su’s team, Professor Gong Changwei couldn’t help exclaiming: “Master Su’s speed is so fast, this explanatory report is perfect!”

Still the United States, Clay Institute.

Philippine Prize winner Bhargava said to the director after reading the explanatory report of Academician Su: “The prize can be awarded to Ou Ye, and the only problem for the millennium is the Yang-Mills theory and the P vs. NP problem.”

Israel, Weizmann Institute.

After reading the explanation report of Academician Su, another Philippine prize winner Linden Strauss said to his men: “Someone has completed the explanation before us. The explanation is very beautiful, and there is no need for us to add any symbols. ”

Gong Changwei, Bhargava, Linden Strauss and other famous mathematicians have publicly stated that the “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture” of the Ou Ye team is established. If you have any questions, you can refer to the explanation report provided by the Su Wenxie team. Therefore, the strong BSD conjecture is proven, congratulations to Ou Ye!

Subsequently, IMU issued an announcement: “After verification, the “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture” of the Ouye team is established, and the BSD conjecture is the correct proposition. Congratulations and thanks to the Ouye team for your major contributions to mathematics.

Oxford, United Kingdom.

Dr. Adama also wanted to say something.

In the end, he said nothing, just drank a bottle of vodka.

Domestic and foreign media have reported:

“Fully verified by the international mathematics community, Chinese mathematician Ou Ye proved the BSD conjecture of the mathematics millennium puzzle!”

“Husband Shen Qi solved three millennial problems, and wife Ou Ye solved one. The strongest math family in history was born!”

“Can we wish Ou Yeh in advance that she will win the Philippine Prize next year? She may become the second female mathematician to win the Philippine Prize in history!”

“We were fortunate enough to interview Professor Ou Ye, who rarely appeared in public. Professor Ou said frankly that her future work will focus on studying the problems after the BSD conjecture has been proved. And, the Riemann conjecture, the NS equation, and the Hodge conjecture have been affected by Shen Qi. How to further realize the theoretical transformation of the proven millennium problem.”

“We can understand that after the BSD conjecture, Riemann conjecture, NS equation, and Hodge conjecture are proved, what practical effect can it produce? This will be the direction of Professor Ou Ye’s follow-up research.”

Ou Ye has become a hot figure in academia.

Facing the overwhelming praise, she seemed rather calm.

These profound conjectures have been proven, what new things can they bring to mankind?

Or is it just a number game on paper?

Ou Ye wants to figure out the real mystery behind these conjectures of the century.

The theory transfer application of Riemann’s conjecture has actually been initially realized. In the field of quantum keys, Riemann’s conjecture can be used.

The NS equation was applied to many engineering fields before Shen Qi proved it.

And what fields can Hodge’s conjecture be used in?

It is worth continuing to study.

The BSD conjecture was expanded, and then it entered the field of philosophy.

And what is after philosophy?

These topics are worthy of Ou Ye’s in-depth consideration.

Before formally researching these unknowingly unsuccessful topics, Ou Ye decided to take a vacation first, go back to his hometown to accompany his parents, and spend the vacation time to play with her husband and daughter.

Ou Ye has paid annual leave, as does Shen Qi.

However, Shen Nuofei did not.

Shen Nuofei has a two-day break on the weekend.

“Nofi, you are going to the Spring Festival Cup next week. This weekend, Mom and Dad will take you out to play, where do you want to go to play?”

“I want to see the stars, the stars in winter, the most.”

Shen Nuofei’s answer surprised Shen Qi and Ou Ye a bit.

Last summer, Shen Qi told Shen Nuofi during the parent-child stargazing activity that the stars in winter are as bright as in summer, but there are more stars in winter.

Shen Nuofei remembered a sentence of astronomical common sense that Shen Qi said casually in his heart, and it was very accurate.

So when you communicate with children, you have to be responsible. The children may remember a sentence that a parent says at will for a long time, or even a lifetime.

Since my daughter wants to see the stars, take her there.

The three of Shen Qi’s family drove to Huairou Mountain and watched the stars as planned.

On a clear night, you can see the stars in Huairou Mountain.

Set up the astronomical telescope, and Shen Qi’s family of three watch the stars together.

It is often said that on a cold and clear night in winter, the stars are brighter than in other seasons.

Although stars may look brighter, actual measurements have shown that there is no difference in the clarity of stargazing at the best nights in winter and other best times of the year. What distinguishes the winter night sky from other seasons is that it contains more bright stars.

A large number of bright stars means a richer constellation.

The most majestic constellation in the sky, the greatest hunter in mythology—Orion, he has always guarded the universe 770 light-years away from the earth. This hunter has a unique three-star belt, in the stars of this brightness. In, no other 3 stars are so close.

“Mom and Dad, I saw Betelgeuse! It’s so bright!” Shen Nuofei yelled in excitement, not caring about the cold wind raging on her little face.

Ou Ye rubbed the palm of her hand and put it on Nofi’s cheek: “Nofi can find Betelgeuse, even better than her mother.”

The brightest star in Orion, Betelgeuse, is one of the largest known stars in luminosity. The luminous power of this blue-white star is about 50,000 times that of the sun. There are 1 million stars closer to Betelgeuse, but none of them has an energy output that can match it.

Betelgeuse was locked by Shen Qi, but he can accurately call out the brightest star in the night sky. Shen Nuofei’s memory and recognition ability is very powerful I am tired from playing with the telescope, and a family of three opens it. The trunk of the car, sitting snuggly on the trunk floor, looked up and stared with naked eyes, letting the stars shine on them.

Suddenly the air moved violently, and Sirius flickered violently. Its color changed from white to blue to orange, almost constantly changing, just like a diamond.

“so beautiful!”

Shen Nuofei pointed to the blinking star, and her own eyes blinked unconsciously.

“Is Nuofei cold?” Shen Qi hugged his wife and daughter tightly. Compared with the beautiful stars, these two women around him were more beautiful.

“When Mom and Dad are here, they are very warm.” Shen Nuofei breathed out white gas, but her heart was warm.

Ou Ye’s heart was about to melt, she hugged Nophie happily, and looked at the man beside her sweetly.

This man once took Ou Yeh to see the stars, and now he and Ou Yeh’s daughter are taking him to see the stars. How much hopes this tradition will continue.

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