I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 719

Chapter 691 Human beings are small and big at the sa

A human cell contains 46 DNA molecules. If they are straightened and connected end to end, the length exceeds 2 meters.

There are 60 trillion cells in an adult. If you connect all the DNA in these 60 trillion cells into a line, the total length is 120 billion kilometers, which is 800 times the distance from the earth to the sun of 150 million kilometers.

With such a long DNA route, who can guarantee that no link is wrong?

Human beings are small and at the same time magnificent.

Science is cruel, but also benevolent.

Han Meng agreed with Shen Qi’s calculation. He knew that he would die sooner or later.

“I don’t want to die, but I am not afraid of death. I have to die when necessary.”

Facing death, Han Meng saw clearly, he said again: “But a moment of life is also life. While I am still alive, I am willing to dedicate my life to science and become a sacrifice of science. If our research team funds scientific research Enough, can I apply to modify my pathogenic gene?”

Shen Qi shook his head: “Our research team has spent more than 5 million in the 11 million funds for the first stage of the research phase. The remaining money is obviously not enough to support the genetic modification of you. You know, Han Meng, to carry out genetic modification. Accurate editing and modification are extremely expensive. If you modify all of your disease-causing genes into healthy genes, the coverage rate is calculated to be 57.8%, which means that more than half of your genes need to be modified. We have more than 5 million funds left. , Can’t even afford a miniature robot.”

“Yes, I understand.” Han Meng nodded and said, “I’m just asking, after all, modifying my genes is not within the scope of our research.”

“Controllable and scientifically valuable editing of human genes is not in our first stage of research, but will be implemented in the later stages of research.” Shen Qi said.

“Received, understand.”

Shen Qi asked again: “Han Meng, are you really willing to modify your genes? Technically speaking, if the funds are in place, we can do it. But you have to think clearly, even if I do the plan, I will implement it. Operation, it may still cause unpredictable mutations in your modified gene, and even cause you to die directly. If you die in our laboratory, Shen Qi cannot bear this responsibility. As you know, I have I’m old, I’m young, and I’ll be a father again in a few months…”

“That’s also true. Director Shen must not be allowed to take any risk.” Han Meng thought for a while, and this dispelled the idea of ​​genetic modification.

Shen Qi went on to say: “Unless you sign the certificate of life and death and voluntarily bear all the consequences, or even die in the line of duty.”

“I sign.” Han Meng didn’t hesitate for a second. His father left and his mother left earlier. He had no brothers or sisters, no spouse, and no children. His teacher was taken away. I don’t know how long. The moon can see the sun again… In short, Han Meng, who is alone, has no worries.

Even if you have nothing to worry about, it is not something you can do immediately if you want to make a genetic modification with a coverage rate of 57.8%.

First of all you have to be rich.

Then the institution you paid for has a more mature technology to implement genetic modification on you.

Angelina Jolie, the goddess in the minds of many otakus, said in her breast-cutting statement: “My mother has been fighting cancer for nearly 10 years. She died at the age of 56… I have been letting the children Don’t worry, but in fact, I carry the faulty gene-BRCA1, and it will greatly increase my risk of breast and ovarian cancer… My doctors predict that my risk of breast cancer is 87%, the risk of ovarian cancer is 50%… Once I realized that this was the reality I was facing, I immediately decided to take active actions to reduce my risk of disease as much as possible. I took action and accepted prevention Breastectomy.”

Angelina Jolie’s breast cutting operation was completed in April 2013. She believes in science and genetics. She is also very wealthy.

But she only performed preventive breast-cutting surgery instead of asking her doctor to modify her BRCA1 gene.

The operation of genetic modification is not enough to believe in science.

We must also love science and have the determination and courage to devote ourselves to science.

And you must be rich, you must be rich.

Han Meng worked in the laboratory all his life, until he retired, he might be able to save enough money for genetic modification.

Shen Qi continued to ask: “Han Meng, once the funds are in place… I think this day will come sooner or later. Assuming that when this day comes, we are able to modify your gene with a coverage rate of 57.8%, and the modification is successful, you Did not directly die, and did not cause new mutations. So, what I want to say is that Han Meng is no longer the previous Han Meng, more than half of your genes have been modified, and you have become a brand new biologically. People, if you have offspring in the future, you will be the ancestor of your blood. This also means that you will be cut off from your biological parents. Can you accept such a result?”

“For the sake of science, I choose to accept.” Han Meng is a firm and loyal scientific warrior. He repeatedly emphasized that for the science he loves, he is willing to pay all costs, even death, and even abandon the genetic material of his ancestors.

“Han Meng, really is a strong general.” Shen Qi couldn’t help feeling, he knew it in his heart.

Shen Qi then asked Cui Hualin, Du Yuan, Tang Yaxing, Wu Junqiang and the others: “Han Meng has expressed his opinion, what about you?”

The four of them are not abnormal enough. They did not disclose their genetic sequencing results. They said that they need some time to consider.

Including Han Meng, five PhD students were extremely interested in Shen Qi’s gene sequencing results. Shen Qi is such a powerful boss. He has solved so many world problems and made so many top scientific research results. What is his gene? Is it close to perfection?

“Temporarily keep it secret.” Shen Qi smiled, leaving a suspense.

A few days later Shen Qi told five people: Han Meng, Cui Hualin, Du Yuan, Tang Yaxing, and Wu Junqiang: “I have sponsored a fund outside, and the new research funding is enough for the six of us, each Do you want to experience one-stop gene editing with a full set of services?”

“Such a large sum of money, is it in place so soon?” The five PhD students were very surprised by Shen Qi’s ability to make money. Six people, each of whom does a full set of gene editing, requires a nine-figure amount of funding, right?

This large sum of money was not given by the state, Shen Qi said, this sum of money was sponsored by him outside.

Han Meng, Cui Hualin, Du Yuan, Tang Yaxing, and Wu Junqiang didn’t know anything and didn’t dare to ask anything.

Anyway, if the funds are in place, it is OK, and subsequent scientific experiments can be carried out.

Cui Hualin, Du Yuan, Tang Yaxing, and Wu Junqiang thought for a few days, but they still haven’t reached the state of abnormality. It takes some time to adjust the mentality.

Shen Qi also did not disclose the results of his gene sequencing.

Therefore, as expected, the genetic modification experiment will be the first to be performed on Han Meng.

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