I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 740

Chapter 711 You choose 1

“Study on Rats with Multiple SHANK3 Gene Editing Methods” is the overall thesis, which can be broken down into 5 sub-thesis. Five experimenters such as Han Meng wrote another sub-thesis as their doctoral dissertation at Yan University.

Everyone performs their own duties to promote the general thesis and sub-thesis issues. Where is the general thesis “Rat Study of Multiple SHANK3 Gene Editing Methods” published?

Shen Qi’s suggestion is to choose one of “Nature”, “Science”, and “Cell”: “I personally prefer “Nature”, which has a high IF. When I was studying, my tutor told me that when you have difficulty choosing where to go When a journal submits a paper, choose the one with the highest IF in the same category. Of course, “Science” and “Cell” can also be considered. Five of you can vote, and the journal with the most votes wins.”

When a scientific research team can choose “Nature”, “Science”, and “Cell” at will, it means that this team is not an ordinary team.

Five experimenters have studied the papers published by Shen Qi before, and Shen Qi seems to have a particular preference for “Nature”.

Mathematics is difficult to be included in “Nature” because of its particularity.

However, in physics and chemistry, Shen Qi’s papers are mostly published in “Nature”, including Shen Qi’s personal special issues.

“Nature is indeed a good journal, but let’s keep a low profile?” Cui Hualin said with some worry.

Cui Hualin did not complete his doctoral studies in the United States due to special reasons. He hurriedly returned to China on the eve of his defense.

The other four brothers are similar, Han Meng fled Canada, and Wu Junqiang quietly left the UK.

Du Yuan used biotechnology to transform himself into a woman in a short period of time. He followed the women’s tour group by boat from France to Alexandria, Egypt, and then flew back to China from Egypt.

Tang Yaxing can speak Dutch with no flaws and groundedness. He pretended to be a Chinese-Dutch businessman and set off from the port of Amsterdam and returned home on a container ship.

The reason why the five experimenters can’t stay in top foreign biological laboratories is not because they are not good enough.

It is precisely because they are so good that the experimental projects they have done endanger the national security of the country.

The words of endangering the country’s national security were said by the country’s government, and the five experimenters were depressed and annoyed.

“In China, strength does not allow you to keep a low profile. In China, you are absolutely safe.” Shen Qi gave everyone courage.

“Then “Nature”.” Cui Hualin voted by a show of hands.

“I also agree with “Nature”.” The other four people expressed their opinions.

The “Nature” general journal and its several sub-journals receive more than one thousand manuscripts from around the world every week. Due to the limited space, the “Nature” general journal and several sub-journals have less than one hundred publications per week. Articles.

Authors submit via /submit, and it may take a few months for their papers to be seen by the editors.

What Shen Qi means is that we will not go to the submission system of “Nature” and send an E-mail directly to their person in charge. I used to do this all the time.

Every industry has special people who are beyond the regulations, so let’s do special things. Wu Junqiang spent some time in the UK, and he was organized to contact the person in charge of “Nature”.

Wu Junqiang wrote an E-mail, the recipient was George Blake, CC Shen Qi.

“Dr. Blake:

Hello there.

I am Wu Junqiang, a researcher in the Biological Laboratory of the Yanda Shenqi Research Center. Under the leadership of our team leader, Professor Shen Qi, we have completed a genetic study. The manuscript is posted in the attachment column. Please check it and look forward to your reply. . ”

“Nature” is a weekly magazine, so the cycle of publishing scientific news and research results is very fast.

This is another reason why Shen Qi prefers “Nature”.

Compared with “Nature”, quarterly journals or even annual mathematics journals are really too procrastinating.

What age is this, and the amount of updates is king.

The same applies to the readers of scientific journals.

Even though the update speed of “Nature” is the fastest in the industry, the average period from the entry of the manuscript into the /submit system to the official acceptance of the manuscript is 13 weeks.

After 13 weeks, if the author’s manuscript is not returned by the editor, the manuscript will enter the reviewer review stage.

If the reviewer passes the review, the paper will be published in “Nature” after 7 weeks.

In other words, from submission to publication, the average period for a “Nature” paper to appear in front of the public is 20 weeks.

This is an average under the premise that the quality of the paper is very high.

Half of the papers were directly clicked off at the editing level, and they couldn’t enter the review stage of reviewers at all.

There are also special cases, which are important papers considered by the editorial department of “Nature”.

Important papers are usually published within one month after receiving the manuscript. So far, the fastest publication record of “Nature” is 5 days, which is maintained by Shen Qi’s applied physics team.

United Kingdom.

“Nature” editorial department.

Busy as always.

Contrary to the perception of the readers of “Nature”, the staff in the editorial department of “Nature” are not all uncles and aunts over 50 years old.

In fact, most of the members of the “Nature” editorial team are young people. They come from many different countries and most of them have done post-doctoral studies in the best laboratories in the world.

The editorial team of “Nature” is divided into two groups under the leadership of the editor-in-chief, the life science group and the natural science group.

Dr. George Blake is the editor-in-chief of the Natural Sciences Group. He is an American and has done postdoctoral research in the MIT laboratory. He is only 39 years old this year.

Americans attach great importance to e-mail.

If you send a cell phone message to an American, they may reply to you the next day, or they may never respond to you.

But if you send an e-mail to an American, they will check it as soon as possible and give a reply.

Dr. Blake saw the email from Wu Junqiang at the first moment.

Dr. Blake mainly studies physics and chemistry. The unfamiliar name of Wu Junqiang is unheard of by Dr. Blake.

Shen Qi in the CC column is an old friend of Dr. Blake.

“Oh, Qi, have you started to study genetic engineering?” Dr. Blake clicked on the attached PDF “Rat Study of Multiple SHANK3 Gene Editing Methods”. Shen Qi’s name appeared in this manuscript, and five others. Look at the author whose name is like Chinese.

After studying “Rat Study of Multiple SHANK3 Gene Editing Methods” for a while, Dr. Blake did not fully understand, but he did not understand at all.

The abstract and summary of the paper are easy to understand: Our team has found some gene editing methods and conducted experiments on rats to effectively regulate the rat’s IQ.

“It’s really a genetic engineering paper. Let Matt do this.” Dr. Blake forwarded the email to Dr. Matt Harris, the editor-in-chief of the “Nature” Life Science Group, and replied to Shen Qi and Wu Junqiang. :

“Qi, Wu, I have received your paper, but I am sorry, I am a layman in the field of life sciences, and I cannot make any valuable comments on this paper. My colleague, the editor-in-chief of the life science group Matt ?? Dr. Harris, will follow up your paper personally. Good luck to you.”

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