I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 741

Chapter 712 Listen to your arrangement

Dr. Matt Harris, the editor-in-chief of the life sciences group of the “Nature” editorial department, was a scholar specializing in genetic engineering before he became the editor-in-chief. After receiving the “Rat Study of Multiple SHANK3 Gene Editing Methods” by Shen Qi’s team, Hua Hua It took a whole day to interpret.

“The editing method of Shen Qi’s team is relatively new, but is the observation period for rats too short?” The editor-in-chief of Harris is also an expert. He is curious about the editing method of Shen Qi’s team, but observes rats. The cycle is in doubt.

To perform gene editing on rats, the researcher should observe the whole life cycle of the rat, and even the offspring of the rat.

Shen Qi’s team wrote this paper after observing the rats for a few months. Is it a bit sloppy?

Of course, Shen Qi’s team also wrote at the end of the paper: “This experiment has achieved preliminary research results. In the next stage, we will continue to observe various indicators of experimental rats and further study the operating principles of the SHANK3 gene.”

The editor-in-chief Harris was lost in thought: “If it was someone else, I would not submit this paper to experts for review. After all, from the perspective of genomics, we should at least observe the life of the experimental mouse to make a research conclusion. But Shen Qi is a big man, he is a three-time Nobel Prize winner, a Fields Medal winner, and he is also a foreign academician of the Royal Academy of Sciences. I think such a big man’s thesis should be treated specially. Otherwise, he will offend Shen Qi, he It is possible to take care of “Science” and “Cell” in the future.”

In the comprehensive scientific field, the main competitor of “Nature” is “Science”.

In the field of life sciences, the main competitors of “Nature” are also “Science” and “Cell”.

These famous journals attach great importance to the originality of the papers.

The “Nature” submission instructions clearly stipulate: “The important criteria for accepting papers in this journal are originality and independence. The same paper cannot be submitted to other journals.”

In other words, a paper is not allowed to marry more than one woman.

You cannot vote for both “Nature” and “Science”.

Once found, deal with it seriously.

Shen Qi’s academic morality is well known all over the world. He is a noble person, a person who has escaped from low-level tastes.

Everyone also knows that Shen Qi prefers “Nature”.

This time, Shen Qi’s team submitted a life science paper to Nature.

The opinion of the editor-in-chief of Harris is to arrange for authoritative experts in the industry to review the papers of Shen Qi’s team as soon as possible.

The editor-in-chief Harris thought so, and he did the same.

Soon, the “Rat Study of Multiple SHANK3 Gene Editing Methods” was handed over to internationally renowned geneticists for review.

The editor-in-chief Harris didn’t get off work until midnight.

At this time, China ushered in the sunrise.

“Um… so comfortable.” Ou Ye got up, standing in front of the window sill, opening her arms to embrace the sun and the air.



“Sister Cuiping…”

“It’s all gone.”

There is only Ou Ye in the huge Academician Shen’s villa.

The people in this villa have no habit of sleeping late.

Ou Ye, who was 6 months pregnant, got up late. When she opened her eyes, her husband went to work, and Sister Cuiping sent Nuofei to school.

The breakfast is ready, put it on the table on the first floor, the remaining warmth is still there.

“Look, baby, there are busy people in this house. Your father is so busy, and your sister is also busy. Your mother is the most leisurely.” Ou Ye sat at the dining table, stroking his abdomen, muttering to himself.

In order to make himself look less leisurely, Ou Ye eats eggs while reading emails and messages on his mobile phone.

“Xiao Ou, during your pregnancy and breastfeeding, the normal work of the number theory teaching and research section still needs to be carried out. We are going to promote a researcher to be promoted to the deputy director of the number theory teaching and research section to help you manage the number theory teaching and research section. Candidates for the old staff of the number theory teaching and research section There are two, Xia Pingchuan and Ma Qianjun. These two have worked in the number theory teaching and research section for many years. They have no credit and hard work. They have enough qualifications. You can consider being promoted to the deputy director of the number theory teaching and research section. This is the opinion of Lao Lu.”

“And my thinking is that although there is hard work, but no credit, it is not enough to convince the public. If everyone depends on qualifications to obtain promotion qualifications, how is this different from before the system reform? This is not for outstanding young people. fair.”

“My recommendation is Zhang Li, the deputy director of the Teaching and Research Section of Algebraic Geometry. I don’t need to elaborate on his level of excellence. Zhang Li has not only made achievements in the field of algebraic geometry, but he is also very proficient in number theory. I think Zhang Li can be yours. Right-hand man.”

“Of course, Xiaoou, you are the director of the number theory teaching and research office. Whoever chooses to be your deputy director? Your opinion comes first. You have one veto and one decision. I look forward to your reply. I wish you good health. ”

The above WeChat message is from the Dean of Yandashu Academy.

All content involving personnel promotion and transfer is very sensitive.

Ou Ye was lost in thought, and the dean sent me such a large message. What does he mean?

Regardless of whether it is before the reform of the university system or now, one thing has never changed: the top leader of a unit or department has almost absolute power.

The promotion or leveling of a deputy director of the teaching and research section, this kind of minor personnel changes, the dean of the academy, he made the decision on his own, without having to report to the state, and without alarming the central government.

And Lord Dean looks quite democratic.

The dean enumerated a bunch of arguments, and finally asked Ou Ye to do multiple-choice questions.

Even if Ou Ye is stupid, she has worked in a public institution for so many years, and over time, she has figured out some things.

Appointment and dismissal of the deputy director of the number theory teaching and research section is not purely about meritorious rewards or ranking according to seniority.

Lao Lu is the deputy dean of the Academy of Sciences, and he recommends Xia Pingchuan and Ma Qianjun to choose one.

What is the relationship between Xia Pingchuan and Ma Qianjun and Lao Lu?

Ou Ye knew in his heart that these two were Lao Lu’s students.

The dean recommended Zhang Li, the deputy director of the Algebraic Geometry Teaching and Research Section , to be transferred to the Number Theory Teaching and Research Section.

What is the relationship between Zhang Li and the dean?

Ou Ye knew in his heart that Zhang Li had nothing to do with the Dean.

Zhang Li studied undergraduate at Fudan University, and studied at the Normal University in Paris. He was only 27 years old when he returned from France. Now he is 30 years old and is the deputy director of the algebraic geometry teaching and research section of the Academy.

Zhang Li is neither a student of the Dean, nor did he have any intersection with the Dean before he was 27 years old.

From this point of view, the principle of the dean’s appointment and removal of personnel does not consider interpersonal relationships, but only pays attention to academic standards.

Is that true?

“Hey, this is a political issue, I am a political idiot, how do I understand.”

Ou Ye replied to the dean: “Dean, please don’t let me do multiple-choice questions. I am a pregnant woman. I am not clear-headed and don’t know how to choose. As the deputy director of our teaching and research section, you can choose whoever you arrange. I have no objection to any one chosen by the three.”

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