I Just Wanted to Play Gacha Games For the Rest of My Life, But I Reincarnated as an Evil Pair of Tights!

Volume 1 – Chapter 3

This chapter contains depictions of sexual violence and murder 

The first step to being an adventurer was to enter the Adventurer’s guild, Elissa explained as we were idly walking through the city.

Things were busy as usual, but the air felt different somehow. Lighter.

It was still early in the morning, but the crowds were already making their way to work and preparing for business. The streets were packed with people from all walks of life. Some were merchants, some were adventurers, some were farmers selling their produce, some were craftsmen.

Notably all the adventurers, at least those dressed like adventurers, were women. I couldn’t see any men in their parties.

Elissa begun to explain, probably prompted by my curiosity. The city's denizens gave her strange looks, staring at a young girl in a lolita outfit talking to herself. Elissa paid them no mind.

“An Adventurer’s guild is a place where you get your adventurer license and find employment as an adventurer. The guild is public building, which means it can be entered by anyone. Every city has one.”

“But this city differs from every other in the country. It is built on top of a dungeon, and not only that, the dungeon is cursed. When men or boys enter it, they quickly get sick and die a short while later.”

“Women and girls, however, are not affected by the curse. They can use the dungeon to their advantage. This city is populated almost entirely by men, and women are much fewer because of how dangerous adventuring is.”

“The Adventurer’s guild is also the hub of this city, a place where adventurers gather to trade information, meet their clients, and so on.”

“Once you become an adventurer, you will receive a license which grants you certain rights. You will also receive a salary every month from the Adventurer’s guild, which is based on the level of danger of the dungeon floor they assign you to. However, if you fail to complete too many assignments, you could lose your license and your money…”

Wait, hold on. What about this curse?! Won’t I be affected by it? Probably not. I’m not exactly human anymore, but I still feel like a guy, though!

As if reading my thoughts, Elissa elaborated.

“The curse affects men, and it doesn’t affect women. Why? Because we are a different species.”

Different species?! Is this how the people in the world see things?

“In the old days, brave men used to go into the dungeon. Most didn’t fear death or even sought it out. For some reason, a very small number of these men wouldn’t be touched by the curse, but as a result of entering the dungeon they could never have children.”

“These men were seen as heroes, chosen and protected by the gods themselves. The city currently has one such hero, known as Gruen the Humble. There used to be more around, but they all died, and most men don’t dare test whether or not they have the gods’ blessings.”

“It is every girl’s dream to be in an adventuring party with Gruen. Many would settle for being his maid or… lady-in-waiting.”

“I’ve heard of Gruen’s tales from the men and women at the local inns. They’re what makes me want to go adventuring. I want to be like them.”

Well, first you need to get your license. Come, let us go to the Adventurer’s guild! What was a girl your age doing at the local drinking holes, though?

The guild building was now in sight. It was a large building, three-stories tall. It looked like an old castle or something with its tall stone walls and thatched roof. There was something like a crown on top of its peak. It was made of wood in many places too, and in some places wooden shingles covered the walls and shook in the wind from time to time.

Elissa paused her purposeful stride for a moment.

“Father would take me to all sorts of places. He said he used to be a very powerful adventurer himself. I never got to see him fight, but he always told me stories about the grand adventures he got up to in his youth.”

She then looked up at the sky, fixing her eyes on the crown atop the guild building.

“The men too, father would tell me to be a good girl. That they were adventurers too. And that adventurers would need to regain their powers sometimes by going to an inn with special friends. They would go down and drink potions and eat magic mushrooms to become stronger. Father would always say that those who did that were heroes, just like him.”

Special friends?

“Yes, the men would say I was their friend. They would dance with me and buy me potions. They would call me a girl of the night, and told me I was special.”

“We’re at the guild!” Elissa announced with a bounce.

There were quite a few adventurers around. All of them were women, but for a few lingering men. Probably hangers-on and fans. A few of the women wore outfits that showed off their curves, and even some were wearing revealing dresses. Most were covered in various pieces of armour from head to toe, however.

A group of adventurers gathered around a table, whispering to each other, looking at a map. One glanced us a briefly. Otherwise, none paid us any attention.

We made our way to the front desk.

“My name is Karna. I am a guild assistant here. How may I help you?”

“We’d like to register as adventurers, please,” Elissa replied. She was doing well, masking her enthusiasm as she stood on her tippy toes.

The assistant at the desk didn’t look impressed.

“I don’t see anyone in your party, but you? You cannot get a license until you are of age. You could join the guild as an apprentice though,” she said with a frown. The change in her expression was palatable.

“I am of age”, Elissa said.

“I’m sorry, but we get young hopefuls here every day wanting to be adventurers. When I was younger, I tried doing the same thing as you. The dungeon is no place for a child. Where are your parents?”

“They’re dead.”

“You should go back to your parents. The city isn’t a safe place for someone dressed like you to be alone in.”

Woman, did you not just hear her parents are dead?!

“I’d just like to apply for a license, please. I’m strong.”

“You’re not strong. I think you should leave now. You don’t have what it takes to be an adventurer.”

“I want to be an adventurer!”

“You’re not the only one! Now leave!!” the guild assistant lost her temper. Suddenly, everyone in the guild was looking at us.

Elissa looked down at her feet. Her cheeks flushed. We weren’t getting anywhere here.

We left the guild building.

The street outside looked grey. The cheerful, busy noise of the city was now grating.

Elissa stood in place for a while. Then the door behind us opened.

The adventurer from the table with the map was peeking through. She had blue hair and an enormous sword on her back.

“Psst! Meet me at the rear of the building. I can get you into a dungeon party.”

Elissa perked up.

I didn’t feel good about what happened in the guild after everything that happened. Maybe it was a crazy idea, but I’m sure she could easily take whatever was on the first floor of the dungeon, anyway. She was strong, probably stronger than most adventurers. And this was her dream, even if it was because of her piece of shit father. I had mixed feelings about her story, but she was the only human being in this world I cared for, and I just wanted to see her smile.

We waited in the street behind the guild for what seemed like an eternity. The woman from before eventually appeared with a group of three other adventurers. They all looked pretty strong. Elissa didn’t hesitate. She rushed over to them and started talking.

“I’m Elissa. I want to join your party.”

“We were just looking for a fifth person to round out our party. Come on. Let’s get some supplies, and then we’ll head down to the dungeon.”

They didn’t ask any questions.

We stood in a queue at the entrance to the dungeon beneath the city. Our party composed of five people: Elissa, a young woman with short black hair, a short green-haired girl, the woman with the sword, and a girl dressed like a mage. Everyone had adventuring equipment, except for Elissa.

“Don’t I need a weapon?” she asked. Our minds truly were in sync.

“It’s OK. We’ll show you the ropes. Then you can decide which weapon best fits your fighting style,” answered the woman with the sword.

We paid our entry fee and made our way to the dungeon.

“You guys are strong. I have to say I’m impressed. You should really be careful though. It’s not always a walk in the park down here,” the male entry guard said as we walked through the elaborately engraved stone archway.

“Thanks for the warning. We’ll keep that in mind,” replied the woman with the sword.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m the strongest one here! But I don’t think I could handle all of you at once!” the guard called out as he waved us in.

The hallways of the dungeon were damp and irregularly shaped, just like a cave. We followed a path from the entryway for about an hour until we reached what I was guessing the first floor. I say guessing, because Locate could only penetrate the stone walls so far. It was now obvious that it was a skill a lot like the echolocation of a bat. It had its limits and worked best above ground. The thick stone walls of the dungeon meant I could only see as far as one continuous open area or adjacent spaces but, no further. The dungeon doors and gates blocked my vision.

As we continued, we saw fewer and fewer adventuress along the way, but the party remained silent. Perhaps we were heading to a newbie-friendly zone not popular with the regulars?

We entered a large room. It was impressive. The stone walls were carved with elaborate designs. It reminded me of the of the gothic churches I’ve seen in photos of my past life. But it was a dead end.

“Wow, this is amazing!” Elissa exclaimed. “I’ve never seen anything like this before.”

“That’s because this is the first time anyone has seen this room,” the green-haired girl said with a grin.

“What do you mean?” Elissa tilted her round head quizzically.

“Now!” shouted the woman with the sword.

The young mage girl chanted something, and a blue light surrounded the party. I say the party, but Elissa wasn’t enveloped in the same glow as the others were.

The mage girl made eye contact with us shyly and said, “I’m sorry”, before disappearing with the others in a flash of light.

What the fuck?!

Elissa immediately made for the exit, but it simply wasn’t there. It was just another carved wall. It was dead quiet. I could hear her heart beating.

“What is going on?” Elissa asked herself.

The stone walls started to move. They slid apart like curtains, revealing a long, dark hallway.

We had nowhere else to go. The walls were solid stone. Locate was useless here.

“This isn’t right.”

You know what? I agree with you.

I was well aware this was a trap, and we fell for it. I felt like the world’s biggest idiot. It was all just too convenient. Why would anyone go through the trouble of helping us, never mind a group of seasoned adventurers?

We really had no choice to follow the hallway. I’m sure whatever awaited us at the end of it would not be good though.

“I trust you.” Elissa said.

I felt a pang of guilt as Elissa stepped forward.

If it wasn’t for her night vision, we’d be blindly following the surface of the walls to get anywhere.

The path slopped downward. It was very slippery. A regular person would probably lose their footing here. The walls got narrower and narrower. Elissa moved sideways, pressing her butt and chest against the claustrophobic walls. She was pushing on.

The wall carvings were now simple straight lines, as if to make it apparent the only purpose of this place was actually to guide one to their doom. I didn’t want to imagine the fate of someone heavyset in this claustrophobic nightmare.

“I don’t understand. Why would adventurers do this?” Elissa asked.

Because people are terrible. Humanity is trash. In this world and every other.

The path was now so tight Elissa pushed the air out of her lungs to squeeze herself further in.

I could feel a breeze grazing her soft skin.

We popped into a massive opening. And by massive, I mean the size of a mountain.

The cavern was illuminated by glowing flowers growing in patches all over. They looked like the kind you would find in an enchanted forest. If only this was such a place.

Don’t move!

There was a mass of mosquito-like creatures stuck to the walls. Each was about the size of a horse. The mosquitos clambered over each other like bees. They had some sort of order amongst themselves, but there were just too many for me to count. They seemed to be attracted to the light from the flowers.

This was bad. Really bad.

The whole place stank of corpses as well, making it hard to breathe. There were countless other human sized openings in the walls. Too small for the huge mosquitos monsters to enter.

This was probably a one-way kill room for all the traps in the dungeon.

I could feel Elissa’s boiling rage rising. It was instinctive, wild and uncontrolled. Maybe it was because of the betrayal, maybe it was the hopelessness of the situation. Maybe it was just her natural state of being.

She crouched low to the ground and fixed her attention on the monsters surrounding us. She held her body in tension, like a professional sprinter waiting for the starting gun.

[NOTICE: Conceal Aura skill overwritten by Reveal Aura]

Every single monster in the cage went into a frenzy. Elissa stood up and raised her hands above her head and screamed at the top of her lungs while unleashing a pulse of light from her palms as she clapped, awakening thousands upon thousands of monsters, who were now flying our way at great speed.

Did she have a death-wish? Is this how it would end? She didn’t look afraid at all. In fact, she looked like a wild beast on a rampage.

As the monsters closed in, she kicked the air with such force, the wings of the nearest ones got blown off as they fell to the floor. Scattered, they smashed their heads against the walls and nearby rock formations.

She kicked at the air some more, sending shockwaves all around us. The kicks were so quick, and so powerful that I found it difficult to focus on the next one was ready. She was so fast!

The mass of monsters paid no attention to their fallen and swarmed over us. It looked like a storm inside the massive cavern.

Elissa broke into a sprint and ran along the walls at superhuman speed. The monsters flew directly at her with no regard for anything, splattering themselves on the cavern walls.

If any would survive, Elissa would kite in groups and destroy them with a shockwave kick.

Rinse and repeat. More and more dead bugs were piling onto the floor.

One managed to pierce the skin of Elissa’s arm before she grabbed it by the wings and smashed it on the wall, staining it with a huge green blood splatter. Another ripped through her dress, injuring her shoulder. She caught that one too, broke its proboscis right off and stabbed it into its main body.

All of this was happening while she was practically flying along the vertical, uneven perimeter of the cave.

Elissa was an amazing fighter, especially for someone with no training. She knew she had to be a moving target to have any chance of survival and used the target fixation of her enemy to her advantage.

However, we were still getting nowhere. The mass of bugs was endless.

Elissa’s clothing became more and more tattered with each close call. Eventually, nothing remained of her outfit. She lost one shoe and kicked off the other with such force it exploded a row of the creatures all at once.

Elissa was now only wearing her tights. Her skin was covered in cuts and bruises all over, and she was bleeding slightly from her head. But given the circumstances and the ferocity of the attacks, it was clear she possessed superhuman resistance to many types of damage. The only place where she was uninjured were her legs and lower torso.

I finally realised what was going on. It was time for me to do something.


My body shifted as before. I visualised suit made of tights, like a full body one-piece leotard with long sleeves and gloves, with a long neck. Now I was covering not just Elissa’s feet, legs, thighs, hips, butt, and the Holy Land. I was also clinging to the rest of her body: her arms, her slender fingers, her beautiful back, her lovely neck and, of course, her soft tender breasts, which I could feel bouncing with her every movement. I rested comfortably in the folds of her armpits and elbows.

“Thank you, Hero!”

Elissa, now in her white, tight bodysuit, launched herself off the hard surface of the outer wall right into the centre of the swarm. We were being pelted by horse-sized missiles from all directions, but Elissa used her momentum to punch through their defences. Any bugs that contacted her fist exploded on impact.

Now in the swarm's core, Elissa latched onto a particularly large mosquito monster hovering in place right at the nucleus of the hive.

“This is the female! The queen!” Elissa called out.

The queen tried to pierce Elissa with her proboscis frantically, and when that didn’t work, whipped around in panic. Elissa wrapped her legs and arms as far as she could around the central body segment and POP!. She squeezed the guts out of the queen. We both got soaked in monster’s green slimy innards.

This time I couldn’t complain about getting dirty, because the swarm stopped pelting us with their unrelenting assaults, and instead circled us like the eye of a hurricane.

“As long as… we smell like the queen’s blood… we’re safe,” Elissa said, trying to catch her breath.

[Experience gained, level 28 attained]

That was quite a boost, but not surprising the number and strength of the monsters. I checked my other stats.

My HP went down slightly from each mosquito attack, it seems, and right now it was at 30%. This was still double my level 1 HP.

What would happen if it was to go down to 0%? Would I die? My MP was unchanged, fully charged… I guess I didn’t know how to use magic yet, and was just a HP sponge for Elissa the tank. I wanted to change that, but I was at a loss as what to do.

The bugs had calmed down over time and were now back on the cavern walls doing whenever they did, you know, when not ripping adventurers to shreds and sucking up their entrails or something.

We needed an exit.

Most of those human-sized holes probably led to dead ends, or other traps in the dungeon. This area here was the “stomach”, while the traps were the “mouths”. There were no bones scattered on the floor here, though. I couldn’t Locate any corpses or adventurer equipment. So there had to be an exit somewhere… for the “waste”.

“I see it!” Elissa said. She had spotted something glittering in the distance.

She pointed at a small opening in the ground to our left, and ran over to it. The surrounding rock was smoother and flatter than the rest of the cavern. A set of stone stairs lead downwards from the opening. A bunch of golden beetle-like monsters were scurrying around in the proximity, carrying chunks of the dead mosquito monsters. I saw shredded pieces of Elissa’s lolita outfit among them. That was probably the cleanup crew. They weren’t at all aggressive and ignored our presence.

We made our way down the stairs, which seemed to spiral forever, taking care not to impede the beetles. We heard a rumbling. A smooth circular stone above sealed our way out.

Eventually, we made it to the bottom as we followed the golden beetles. We were now in a large stone room in the shape of a circle, with countless gaps in the walls. It looked like the inside of an air filter.

The main area was filled with treasure chests. The beetles were opening and closing the chests as they carefully placed the clothing scraps inside. Or rather, the chests were moving through their own will! They were monsters too!

The chests with the items placed in them would grow spider-like legs, then shake for a while like a wet dog drying itself off. Then they would make their way to one of the many gaps in the circular wall.

“Let’s follow them,” Elissa said, still dripping with mosquito queen slime.

I thought this was a great idea. But I wanted to try something.

I used Locate.

I could see how the gaps in the walls branched left and right, up and down through the entirely of the dungeon. Because there were no stone doors blocking the way, I could see into all the dungeon treasure rooms as well. And there were thousands of them.

I focused on Locate intensely, so much so, Elissa froze in place, and searched for our party of traitors. Perhaps they were still in the dungeon having a merry adventure. But even if they weren’t, having a map of the locations of all the treasure rooms could be handy.


And sure enough, I quickly found our would-be party. They were about 15 floors above us.

Having a fucking merry adventure!

They were in one of the bigger treasure rooms, probably a boss room, looking pretty cheerful, engaged in banter while they were fighting what appeared to be some kind of giant centipede monster. There were two others with them.

One I didn’t recognise. The other was the woman from the theatre slave market Elissa let go! The one who was to pay the price for her misdeeds with the heads of that scum! Seems like she wasn’t keeping true to her word. She had to be behind this treachery.


I guess that’s one way of putting it.

Elissa nodded. We were on the same page.

Conceal Aura!

I didn’t want us getting spotted a mile away because the target picked up on where that gloomy terror they were feeling was coming from.

We followed the shortest path of the labyrinth using back-door treasure delivery passageways to our reunion with the party.

It was really an interesting system. I never knew a dungeon managed itself like that. This is likely how it worked to redistribute loot and drops. I wondered what the dungeon did with the remains of dead adventurers. But let’s not forget those cute little crawling loot boxes! I want one as a pet! A perfect companion for a gacha-loving NEET like me!

It took a while to get there, but was still a much more efficient and direct way of travel than the winding passages of the labyrinth. I guess there are some perks in having access to the VIP area of the dungeon!

We finally arrived. There was a thick wall between us and the party. I could penetrate through one layer of stone with Locate, so I could see they were nearly done with the centipede monster. The one adventurer I didn’t recognise struck the finishing blow with a massive steel hammer, right on the head of the centipede. Everyone celebrated and eagerly walked toward the treasure chest, which opened automatically. They split the loot between each other after a brief discussion and left the room, the stone gate closing behind them.

Damn it! I now lost track of them! Just as Elissa was getting ready to try and bust through the back wall, it parted like a curtain. Wait, haven’t I seen this before? The chest in the room grew spidery legs and, like the good boy that it was, made its way to the central area from which we came, through the open stone curtain.

This was our chance! Elissa curtsied to the treasure chest, sensing my affection for it, as we made our way into the boss room. Using Locate again, I spotted the party moving along the connecting hallways. The stone gate opened as we approached it.

I’m pretty sure this was a bug in the dungeon’s design. It likely didn’t distinguish between the party that just left and us. Otherwise we’d be trapped. It saved us having to wait for another group opening the door from the other side after the room was reset. We might have had to waste time fighting the centipede thing ourselves.

Elissa stalked our prey skilfully with stealth until we were in a large opening, tailing our party, or I should say: ex-party. It was the perfect location for an epic confrontation! At the very least, we were owed some kind of explanation. I didn’t think it was a mistake though. They definitely intended to kill us.

“You have not paid the price!!” Elissa called out.

Startled, the party still turned with their weapons drawn. They were professionals.

“Who are you?” the tall adventurer with the massive steel hammer called out in a deep voice. He had long, flowing blond hair, striking features, and kind eyes.

Wait a second. HE?! This was a man! I thought men couldn’t enter the dungeon, or they were kaput!

“Gruen, step back! This girl is a dangerous monster!” the woman from the slave market stepped in before Elissa could respond.

Gruen, as in THE Gruen?! Gruen the Humble. Gruen the one and only Hero of this city? Gruen the one blessed by the gods so that he may enter this cursed dungeon?!

“Lara, I concede the girl is dressed strangely and is covered in monster guts, but this hardly makes her a dangerous monster,” Gruen said with a smirk.

Ah, so the slaver woman was called Lara.

“Gruen, I wanted to keep you out of this. But this girl is a demon! She broke out of the dungeon and has murdered an innocent man. I saw it with my own eyes. Then she demanded I kill more innocents as the price for sparing my life!” Lara pleaded.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but Prana, Amy, Dorothy and Fang can vouch for me. We lured the demon girl together, back into the dungeon, and sealed her where she belongs,” she continued.

“Why wouldn’t you tell me? Are we not to announce our marriage soon? Do you not love me enough yet to trust me? Is there something you’re hiding?” Gruen asked her.

“No, I mean yes, but... well, let me explain. You can’t see it now, but this girl is truly a demon. She’s pure evil! I knew you’d rush in to save me, as you always do for anyone in need. I didn’t want to put you in danger. But please! Don’t underestimate her strength. She’s a match even for you! Look, look! She broke out from one of the forbidden rooms in which we sealed her! Even if it meant I was to die at her hands, I wanted to keep you safe. I hid it from you because I love you!!” Lara said.

Elissa quietly watched on without saying a word. I could tell there was a storm of mixed emotions within her. She just met who I imagined was her idol. She probably dreamed of being in a party with someone like Gruen and hoped to go on exciting adventures, ever since she was a little girl. But then, Gruen’s lover and wife to be turned out to be one of the slave market accomplices. I don’t know what her role or position was, but she was ok with seeing Elissa be sold off like a piece of meat to the highest bidder. I knew the rest of the party would support Lara’s story.

If Elissa told Gruen the truth, which was pretty crazy, he wouldn’t believe her. After all, a sentient pair of tights is involved. He’d obviously side with his lover.

“SILENCE!!” Elissa called the discussion to an abrupt end, and all eyes were on her.

“My name is Elissa. I demand what I am owed. The heads of the two men who would have me as their plaything. And the heads of all those who deceived me and sought to kill me today.”

“I have no business with you, Gruen. Leave now or join your companions in their slaughter!” Elissa announced in a flat tone.

“I can’t do that,” Gruen responded as he pushed the massive hammer up with his knee and rested its handle on his shoulder.

“Then you shall die too!!” The ferocity of Elissa’s voice masked the sadness and terrible loneliness which was grasping at her heart the moment she spoke those words.

While snapping into formation around Gruen, the party charged at us with murderous intent. The mage girl stayed in the back line. The woman with short hair pulled out two hand axes from her sides and stood at the front line together with the woman holding the greatsword. The green-haired girl took to a ranged position and readied her bow. Lara was at the back line with the mage, covering their rear.

I played enough MMORPGs to know what their plan was, plus I’ve seen them battle the centipede with Locate. The two at the front would create an opening for the heavyweight but slow Gruen. The mage at the back would provide support and offensive spells together with the bow user. Lara was there as a backup and to protect the vulnerable mage.

At least, that was their plan. It was flawed because no one had yet actually seen Elissa in proper combat. I did, however, in the kill room.

Instead of charging in like the wild demon she supposedly was, Elissa pulled out the fist of pebbles she had gathered on the way here from behind her back.

She launched the first one at the woman with the greatsword. Not expecting a ranged attack, her head exploded as she was struck with incredible force. It was as if she was shot with a high-calibre sniper round.

Before the party had time to react, the green-haired girl dropped her bow as her face and brains painted the wall of the ledge she perched on. The pebble ricocheted and struck the mage girl in the leg.

Only then did the remaining members of the party realise what was going on.

“She’s a monster!!” Lara screeched from the back line as she held up the mage over her shoulder.

The woman with the two axes begun to hastily retreat in panic, but turning her back was a big mistake. She got picked off by Elissa, her head now a fountain of blood.

Elissa really was aiming for their heads, even if it would have been easier to do body shots. She was staying true to her words!

As she fired off another pebble to finish off the mage, I saw something huge move impossibly fast and heard a loud ringing sound.

The steel hammer! It was hollow! And Gruen was much stronger and faster than I anticipated.

We had to change strategies.

Elissa bent her knees and threw herself diagonally into the air as Gruen swung his weapon up to strike her. Like a cat, Elissa gently bounced her foot off the hammer at its apex and landed right next to the injured mage. Lara panicked and threw her companion at us. She wasn’t an adventurer; she was a coward and traitor; her lies laced with honey!

Elissa, showing no mercy to the tearful mage’s plight, slashed the side of her hand through the girl’s neck and cleanly decapitated her. Then she licked the dripping blood off her palm with her tongue in front of the hysterical Lara.

“No second chances,” Elissa said as she released her Evil Aura. A pressure wave emanated from her eyes and threw Lara backwards.

Elissa sure had a flair for the theatrical. As much as she dreamed of becoming a heroic adventurer, she also knew how to play the opposing villain.

Then everything turned black. I could feel a sharp pain as Elissa was struck to the side of the head by Gruen’s hammer, launching her into the rocky wall like a missile. She was stuck in place in the crater that formed from the impact.

“YOU!! You truly are evil! Not only did you slay my friends without mercy, like a fiend. But your evil presence is unmistakable!” Gruen called out.

This was bad. Really fucking bad. How did he get so strong and fast?!


Nothing happened.


Nothing happened!

Elissa was still unconscious, but alive. In the meantime, I used Gruen’s monologue to try whatever would stick to turn the situation around.

“This weapon’s name is Rodd. Its hollow cavity reverberates with the aura of evil creatures. The greater the evil, the more powerful, lighter and faster does he become! And you are truly the most evil fiend I have ever crossed paths with! Do you not see that the stronger your thirst for misdeeds, the stronger I become?! Now die, demon!”

None of the skill names I tried worked! Fuck! Why couldn’t I do something on my own? Why was I just a useless pair of tights!?

As Gruen brought his hammer down, I quickly used the one skill I knew would buy us some time.

Conceal Aura!

Elissa was struck again. This time, her body was being wedged further into the wall. The hit wasn’t as fast, but because Rodd was now apparently heavier without the evil aura to feed it, it had even more momentum.

I just can’t fucking win with this guy!

Fuck! He hit us again!

I could feel Elissa’s bones snapping.



Level: 28

HP: 200/70,104

MP: 26,080/26,080


“I shall send you back to the hell from which you came demon!!”


HP: 104/70,104

“Just die already!!”


HP: 1/70,104

“This is for my friends!!”





&4&;# T0dO remov= 7hiS skilK’  ~~0xbroken#+{4


[NOTICE: Death=Evolution passive skill activated. Uses remaining: 2/3]

The unmoving, mangled remains encased in a white membrane, wedged tight into the stone tomb, writhed and pulsed with pure hatred.


I was around 4 years old. I was playing with our family dog in the back yard. I had lost my ball in an overgrown bush and was desperately trying to find it when something moved in front of me and scared me half to death! I jumped up and started running away when suddenly something caught hold of my ankle and started dragging me back towards it.

I was around 5 years old. I was playing with our new family puppy in the backyard. When something came out from behind a bush and scared me half to death! So I started running away when something caught hold of my ankle and started dragging me back towards it. My older sister caught me before I got too far and explained that there was nothing there. Her name was Elissa.

Wasn’t I a single child? Who was she?

I was around 6 years old. I had gathered discarded lighters I found while roaming the streets. I opened them up and poured the fluid on our family dog. I pushed onto the trigger of the lighter with my thumb and stared at the flame. I brought it to the dog’s soft, brown fur. It caught fire immediately. I remember it yelping in pain as it ran around the back yard.

Elissa was there with me. Was she really my sister?

I was around 7 years old. My father beat me for cutting off a stray cat’s tail. He punched my whole body while I screamed for him to stop. He lifted me up and threw me on the ground, and then kicked me. Mom said we couldn’t go to the hospital, that she would take care of me.

Elissa yelled at dad for hurting me. She was my younger sister. But I couldn’t remember her being born.

I was around 8 years old. Mum was playing with me while I was still sick in bed. She put her foot between my legs and rubbed up and down, giggling. I liked how her feet and legs looked like in stockings. I said I liked how it made me feel. She kissed me.

Elissa was watching. She was my twin sister. But she didn’t say anything.

I was around 18 years old. My parents didn’t come home from their holiday. They were murdered in a robbery at a gas station on their way back. I didn’t feel anything.

My sister, Elissa, was there with me. She held me and told me it was ok that I didn’t feel anything.

Elissa… I won’t forgive them.

I could feel every fibre of my being becoming undone from the seams, pulsing and growing. The fibres reached out from the hole in the cave like the tendrils of an aquatic creature. They danced in the stale air of the dungeon.

“Are you alright?” Gruen said as he lifted Lara up by the arm.

The tendrils swelled into tentacles and seeped a sticky, slimy substance.

They shot out toward Gruen and Lara, capturing them with their monstrous strength. Gruen’s Rodd was thrown to the rocky ground as it echoed with the ring of dropped cutlery.

“What is going on?!”

“Let go of me!!”

The couple was lifted off the ground by the tentacles as they slid and slivered, coiling themselves around the limbs of their prey.

Gruen was strong and thrashed about in the tentacles. Trying to pull them off.

“Don’t worry! I’ll get us out of this Lara!”

“Help me!”

But all his struggle wasn’t enough. I split a tentacle into four and made them lacerated. In one swell swoop, I stripped off Lara’s armour and underwear. She was completely naked. More and more tentacles covered her body in slime until she was completely covered in it, her glistening body trying to free itself in the dim glow of the dungeon.

A tentacle instinctively slipped itself into Lara’s vagina, seeking every crevice of her body it could latch onto. She gasped as it suddenly filled her. A small amount of sticky fluid leaked out, but it quickly stopped when the tentacle squeezed her insides and made her body involuntarily tighten around its bulbous shaft. I sensed the surprised pleasure and pain radiate around her entire body, so I kept thrusting. Thin tendrils made their way around her breasts and pulsated with every beat, making her breasts bounce hypnotically.

Her pussy tightened around the main tentacle. I made it thrust in and out faster and faster. I watched as the slimy, elongated beast cock filled her pussy deeper and deeper.

A tendril snuck its way onto her clit and begun to stimulate it, making her body shake.

Another tentacle slipped into her asshole, stretching it open and forcing its way inside her tight rectum.

“Not in there!” she screamed, so I thrust another tentacle into her mouth and slid it down her throat. Her mouth was filled by the engorged member as it folded in around itself, stopping at the tightened trachea. Whoops wrong hole. I backed the tentacle out and forced it down her oesophagus where it made its way into her stomach, filling it and making it bulge up and down as her filling wormed around inside her.

The tentacles in her ass and pussy were now fucking her body non-stop. She was being used from all angles and at all ends of her body, but there was still more to come.

I pulled out all the tentacles from her vagina and spread her legs wide so that Gruen could see everything.

“Please stop!” he begged as Lara was being raped by the monstrosity restraining him. I slid a tentacle around his neck and mouth like a Python, so he couldn’t speak. I used one tentacle holding up his legs, engorged it so it was extra thick and pushed it forcefully into his asshole. He tried to scream. His asshole was stretched wide open by the enormous cock and blood streamed down around it.

I then suspended Lara’s body with her gaping pussy right in front of Gruen’s eyes. A tendril was still sucking on her clit. As I fucked her ass and mouth, her hips convulsed and her pussy juice suddenly sprayed all over his face.

I then made two tentacles into a helix shape and intertwined them together. As they rhythmically slid against one another, they pulsed and vibrated unpredictably.

I moved the tip of my double tentacle right up against Lara’s labia and rested it there. I released the tentacles silencing Gruen’s screams and pulled out from Lara’s mouth and stomach. I wanted to let them hear each other’s screaming pleas for mercy. The loud moans, screams and groans that came from their mouths sounded like the wailings of pigs in a slaughterhouse.

As I fucked both their assholes, I slowly inserted the double tentacle into Lara’s pussy. A single tentacle sent her wild. So what about a double vibrating one? Her screaming turned into the moans of a whore, as the stimulation overwhelmed any pride she had left.

They were both completely at my mercy now.

Over the next few hours, I’m not sure how long exactly, I continued to use tentacles on her every hole while presenting her from various angles to Gruen. I creatively lashed her to bring her back from her ecstasy every once in a while and then would throw her right back into it.

Eventually, I got the idea of punishing her every time Gruen would whimper or yell about how much he loved her, and how he would save her. And rewarding her whenever he would scream in pain when I would go hard on his broken asshole.

As time passed, a Pavlovian response of sorts must have kicked in because Lara started insulting Gruen in between her moans. Calling him pathetic. Telling him how she was glad this was happening to him. How much she enjoyed being fucked in a way he couldn’t. How she resented him for not being able to give her children. How he wasn’t man enough for her.

Finally, she told him how she hated him and that she never loved him. This was a good time to wrap things up. I opened the tip of a particularly large tentacle and it formed a sort of suction cup at the end. I placed it on her head as I fucked her harder than before. I stretched out the tentacle into a thin membrane and begun to push it over her face until it was almost transparent. The stretched tentacle cup slipped over the edge of her chin and around her neck naturally, forming a sort of tight transparent mask. Her loud whorish moans became muffled and soon turned to stifled screams as Lara realised she couldn’t breathe. She now was gasping for air and pulling the thin tentacle membrane in and out of her mouth hole, trying to breathe through it. As I felt her losing consciousness, I pulled out the tentacles from her ass and pussy and sent a shock down the tendril attached to her clit. She orgasmed one more time before blacking out.

I removed all tentacles except for the one around her head and simply hung her spent, slime-covered body in front of Gruen as her body shook in its death throes. He was now silent, but tried closing his tear-filled eyes, so I sent numerous tendrils to keep his eyelids open and affixed on Lara. They formed a sort of mask that covered the upper half of his face and extended all the way to the irises of his eyeballs. He couldn’t even look away if he wanted to. I wouldn’t even let him cry.

I left him to look at his dead lover for maybe half an hour. It occurred to me that just killing him now would be boring. If only I could Lara back to life to watch him die as well! Unfortunately, I didn’t have a resurrect skill or anything of the sort. I did actually try. But this gave me an idea.

I split off some tendrils from the tentacle in Gruen’s anus and had them drill through to the base of his dick. I then weaved them inside the veins of his penis, branching them off to be smaller and smaller until they were microscopic. Taking care not to damage his pleasure centres and nerves, I replaced most of the mass of his penis and testicles with the flesh of my tendrils. The fine control over my body impressed me. It was surgical grade, even better! Gruen didn’t realise what was happening until it was too late.

I coiled my tentacles around Lara’s limbs once again while I slipped off the membrane over Lara’s face revealing her lifeless eyes and drooling mouth. I engorged Gruen’s penis to 10 times the normal size. Then I thrust it right into Lara’s dead pussy, through her cervix, through her uterus and organs and to the base of her lungs. Thick dark blood gushed out of her mouth as I used the tentacles suspending her to push her up and down the gigantic penis. I used her dead body as a sex toy until her guts split open and her intestines were spilling out.

This had the intended effect on Gruen as throughout his ordeal he screamed as much as his lungs would allow him to. As his voice got raspier and raspier he eventually lost it altogether. By the end, he was just grunting in pleasure like an automaton. I made sure this felt good for him, the best he ever had and would ever have. He kept holding back from orgasming heroically, but that made me want to ravage Lara’s lifeless body harder. Eventually, he gave in and climaxed magnificently, filling what remained of his lover with litres of thick, gooey, white liquid.

That moment he died of a massive heart attack.

[Experience gained, level 45 attained]

I dropped both bodies like trash onto the uneven floor below and retracted my tentacles back to my main body. This was the first time I had a sexual experience with anyone else. Did this mean I was finally no longer a virgin?!

Somehow the thought snapped me out, and I realised Elissa’s body was inside me. Her heart was beating irregularly.

I could move and do things now. I wasn’t merely a helpless observer anymore. I did what I did before and seeped my microscopic tendrils into Elissa’s broken frame. I would repair every cell, replace every damaged organ, heal every inch of her radiant pale skin, no matter how long it would take. I knew she was the only one who understood me.

She was the sole reason for my existence. I would do anything for her, even if it meant killing every human being in this world.

[NOTICE: Demon Lord factor detected. Conditions met 1/3.]

The corpses before me were decomposing. Every time the dungeon tried to open up the ground beneath them, I would pull the bodies away with my tentacles. I wasn’t sure why I did this. I guess I needed some company while I worked on Elissa.

Haha, must be pretty frustrating, Mr Dungeon, right?

I sealed the entry points to the opening we were in with my tentacles, and hardened them to look like stone walls, lest an errant adventurer interrupt my peace.

This worked well enough until one day someone knocked on the false wall. Curious. I let them in.

I knew exactly what this creature was as it pattered on with its many legs.

It was a treasure chest. No! A mimic.

It walked right up to my core, gracefully stepping over the tentacles carpeting the floor. It bowed adorably and opened its “mouth”. A long slimy tongue comically flipped out to the side.

“A pleasure to meet you oh Great One! My name is Ao. I’m a mimic. I saw what happened, and I was deeply moved. The others said I am crazy, but I beg you! Please make a contract with me, Master!”

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