I Just Wanted to Play Gacha Games For the Rest of My Life, But I Reincarnated as an Evil Pair of Tights!

Volume 1 – Chapter 4

“I am so sorry for troubling you, Master! But I beg you! Please make a contract with me!” Ao pleaded.

“Why are you wanting a contract with me?” I asked. Or rather, the tentacle mouth I hastily fashioned. It was complete with lips, a tongue, some rudimentary vocal cords and even lungs (air sacs, really). All it took was some quick calculations on how to mimic human mouth movements, which came more naturally to me than you’d think. Ha! But really, the little guy had some balls talking to me like this!

“I have been watching you for days now, Master! I’ve been building up my courage for this very moment. How your greatness dispatched those humans was… inspirational! Splendid! Marvellous!” Ao flattered me.

“It sort of just… happened,” I replied.

“Inspiration often strikes one in a flash, Master! One must cultivate it! One must capture it and then make it their own! No one can inspire you if you do not seek it out and seize it! I simply want to watch more of your work, Master, and to learn from you! The way your tentacles grasped their prey and toyed with it until they died was quite a sight, Master…”

Ao went on about all the things he saw me do that impressed him. He then added that he envied me for being so strong just by pure power alone, instead of using magic or trickery. 

“But isn’t trickery at the heart of what you mimics do?”

“My trickery is merely a tool, Master! The mind is far more important than the body! And your mind is so powerful! Your sheer artistry leaves me in awe! Your power is far beyond anything I could aspire to, Master!”

“Are all mimics like you?” I asked.

“No, they simply chew on their prey, the philistines! But you are different! You are the true embodiment of what a mimic should be! Your power is incredible Master! Truly! Truly! Truly! Truly! Truly! Truly! Truly! Truly! Truly!”

“Calm yourself.”

“Please forgive my insolence, Master!”

Ao sighed and then sat down on the floor. He was getting rather emotional, I guess, but I couldn’t blame him. I would get just as worked up about tights in my past life.

“I forgive you. Now tell me more about what you do to your prey”, I thought to enquire since Ao mentioned it.

“I’m so glad you asked, Master!”

Ao then explained how he’d first torment any adventurer unlucky enough to open him. He had tentacles inside his body, with which he’d fuck his victim until they died of pleasure from his multiple appendages assaulting their body at once. If they didn’t die right away, he would just toy with them for days until they did. If they were still somehow alive when he finished, he would then shove his tentacles into their mouths and suffocate them while stimulating them. I could see why he took a liking to me after what I did to Gruen and Lara. Apparently, this made him something of a weirdo among the other mimics. 

“Why don’t you just eat them and get it over with? They would all tell me. But you understand Master! You alone! That is why I want to watch and learn from you, Master!” 

“And perhaps one day, I could achieve but a shadow’s sliver of your greatness, Master! And then, if you would allow of course, I’d hope to spread your teachings to all the mimics around the world! So they all would know of your tentactly glory, oh Great One!” Ao continued.

I remained silent. He calmed down after a few minutes of heavy breathing. This mimic was certainly curious. I didn’t know monsters could possess such strong… personalities. Well, anyway, let’s get this over with. 

“I understand. But why do you need a contract with me?” I asked.

I had no interest in this little weirdo’s antics, but he seemed rather insistent about it. I had a soft spot for treasure loot boxes, even if the one before me just imitated one. 

Ao smiled. At least I interpreted it as a smile. 

“Because I believe in your greatness, Master! And because with a contract, I can become stronger and be of service to you, Master!”

Service? Having an ally of some sort didn’t sound like a bad idea. 

“Do you have any particular goals or desires?”

“Yes, Master!” Ao said, as he bounced on his spidery limbs and held his breath in eagerness. 

“Go on…”

“There are many places in the world I’d like to visit and explore! But alas, I can’t leave the dungeon unless I make a contract with an outsider born beyond the stone walls of this place… Master!”

“I was born in this dungeon, but its ways are not all I know. I learnt many a thing from the humans I captured. And I may not look big, but I have a lot of storage in me, which might be helpful on your travels, Master!”

“That does sound useful. So, if I was to make a contract with you, what would that involve?”

“Well,” Ao said with renewed enthusiasm as he danced with excitement. “If you were to make me a contract, we would first be required to agree upon one thing, Master.”

“And what would that be?”

“It could be anything. We could both agree to do away with these humans, every single one of them, Master!” Ao hopped up and started shaking in excitement.

“Next, —“

“Hold on a moment,” I said. “While I hate humanity, I do want to do other things besides slaughtering humans.”

“Forgive my presumption, Master!” Ao replied excitedly as he stopped his dance and stood still as a statue. “One should explore the world as well, finding all manner of creatures to toy with, Master!”

“It’s not just me. I have others and their desires to consider,” I said, thinking of Elissa. 

“I understand! Your benevolence is as deep as your malevolence, Master!” Ao exclaimed as he flopped down on the ground.

He sure was a handful. But a potentially useful handful. 

“Then how about this? The one thing we can agree upon is for you to serve me with complete loyalty without ever betraying me, and for me to be your only Master until the day you die?”

It was a one-sided agreement. But I wasn’t about to go on some kind of genocidal quest which would take forever because I made a contract with a random perverted mimic. As long as Ao lived up to his end of the bargain, it would be fine with me. 

“I agree with all my body, soul and every one of my tentacles!” Ao responded enthusiastically as he lay on the ground twitching and writhing in anticipation. His many tentacles were dancing in the air. 

“So there it is Master! A most agreeable agreement!”

“Now for the second requirement. What is it?”. I wanted to keep things moving along. 

“Of course Master! The second requirement of our contract is that we seal it in blood while giving our names. If your Greatness does not have blood, only mine should do.” Ao said as he pulled forward one of his legs and cut off the tip with another. I guess those many legs aren’t just for looks, they’re sharp too. Clear liquid streamed down from the cut.

Alright, I guess I’m doing this. I don’t even know if I could have multiple contracts, so all this talking could be for nothing!

I sent one of my tendrils down to the eager Ao and touched truncated limb. 



In the instant we touched, Ao shook and expanded to about the double of his original size. His body gained a sort of dark lustre, and his jointed legs grew longer until he stood about the height of a steed. 

[Subcontract established. Duration: lifetime of Ao the mimic.]

[NOTICE: Demon Lord condition met, 2/3]

“Thank you so very much, Master!! Thank you so much, Master!! Thank you so much, Master!! Thank you so much, Master!! Thank you so much, Master!! Thank you so much, Master!! Thank you so much, Master!! Thank you so much, Master!! To hear your splendid name for the first time was an honour and a memory that I shall cherish forever!!”, Ao seemed over the moon as he pranced around in excitement. 

“Next time the opportunity arises, show me what you can do Ao.” I said. 

“That would be an honour, my Master! A dream come true! I wish only that I can meet a fraction of your expectations! I am truly blessed Master! Truly blessed!!” Ao said as his dance tripled in speed. 

“Ao, as your first task, eat the bodies of the adventurers here, but store their equipment and other items. Understood?“ I commanded.

“Understood! I am at your service Master! Of course Master! My pleasure Master!”

Ao took one look at the dead adventurers, walked over to each one, and promptly scooped them up with his tongue, shoving their bodies into his gaping maw. 

I didn’t need to keep them around anymore since I had new company to entertain me. I just hoped Ao would chill out a bit.

Anyway. What was that Demon Lord notice about? This was the second time I saw it pop up. I didn’t understand what triggered these so-called conditions. Was a contract with a monster one of them? Apparently, only one condition remained. What would happen when it was satisfied? I didn’t even know what I should do if I *wanted* to become a Demon Lord. Having watched enough anime, and reading enough manga or light novels, I guessed that Demon Lords were powerful. Would I get a stat boost or new abilities? Maybe grow horns? But grow them where exactly?!

I decided to have a little fun with Ao to kill time while I worked on Elissa’s body. I finally could interact with others, so I used ideas from my past life as inspiration for activities. 

First, I taught Ao the tentacle version of rock-paper-scissors. He got the hang of it quickly, but I never lost. Turns out I could predict Ao’s every move. Unfortunately, this made his impression of me even greater. 

That was followed by tentacle arm wrestling, tentacle charades, volley-ball with some adventurer skulls… 

I went easy on Ao often as not to hurt his pride and give him a sense of achievement. He was much better than me at charades, though!

I soon learnt that Ao could adjust his size at will. The largest he could be was the size he had right after we made our contract. At his smallest, he could sit in the palm of a human hand. Apparently this wasn’t a natural ability mimics had. 

I jokingly suggested we use him like a “pokeball” to capture pray. I imagined Elissa throwing a tiny chest at a monster, only for it to grow in mid-air and chomp! Monster successfully captured! Ao didn’t seem quite enthralled by the idea, though. It was a relief to be honest, because I was getting worried he was a bit too agreeable. 

All the while, Elissa was healing inside me. She was hurt really badly, barely alive when I awakened. Her body was crushed into a ball in the crater in the wall, after all. I had long removed her from that cruel position. She was currently enveloped in a thin protective membrane to keep her insulated while my tendrils were performing reconstructive surgery on her.

I ended up using a lot of my body to replace the areas damaged beyond repair, and adjacent areas where it wouldn’t make sense to not replace them. This was to work better with the additional parts. I took care to leave her brain and eyes untouched. Overall, around 80% of Elissa’s body would be new to her, mostly her insides. I hope it wouldn’t come as too much of a shock to her.

Gruen’s pummelling really did a shocking amount of damage. Is this the power of a hero? We were much stronger after my evolution, but there were likely other heroes in this world. How powerful did they get? Were there items, weapons and magic we were weak to? And speaking of magic, I still couldn’t use any! All that mana just sitting there…

That wasn’t all we had to worry about. If a random hero was this strong, then how strong did the monsters in this world get? I suppose one way of finding out would be to explore the dungeon. But right now, I wasn’t in a mood for experiments. I had Elissa to think about, and the idea of leaving this city and finding somewhere quiet and obscure to work things out would likely be the best course of action. We would lie low for a while, gather intelligence, train and have fun together with Ao. I also wanted to sample some of this world’s food. The meal at the inn was still a vivid memory. I know it was leftovers, but Elissa’s hunger made it taste like the best thing in the world. I would want her to experience all the good things, a delicious meal with her friends included. And other things that she never could do in this miserable city. 

I could feel Elissa kicking her legs inside me. It was almost time!

“Ao, I want you to meet someone.”

“Yes, Master?” Ao said quizzically as he tilted his body to the side.

I told Ao the whole story. Notably, I mentioned nothing about my past life. He listened intently, not saying a word, as if he was committing everything to memory. After a while, he spoke.

“If you allow me, Master, does this mean your core is a human you made a contract with?”

“Yes Ao, that is correct. Elissa is my ‘core’.”

“But Master, I don’t sense any humanity within you. Could I be mistaken?”

“As I’ve told you, I’ve had to repair Elissa and replace much of her body with my own. That’s likely why you don’t sense her humanity.”

“That couldn’t be it, Master. Forgive my impertinence, but are you per chance an Abyssal being?” Ao asked.

Now that he mentioned it, I recalled my alignment being Abyssal True Evil. But I wasn’t sure I was an Abyssal being, as such.

“If that is the case, then Mistress Elissa would have ceased being human and became a demon the moment she made her contract with you, Master. Humans and other creatures who contract with an Abyssal being become demons,” Ao explained.

I remembered Elissa’s alignment became Demonic True Evil after our contract was made… Ao continued his explanation while I listened intently.

“I know this because every mimic is an Abyssal being, unlike regular treasure chests. We mimics simply learnt to copy their appearance perfectly.”

“It’s not unheard of some seeking to become Demons to make contracts with Abyssal beings. Though they usually seek greater Abyssal beings to do this with, rather than us lowly mimics, Master,” Ao continued.

“Why would anyone seek to become a Demon?” I asked.

“To become more powerful, to seek vengeance, among many reasons. And sometimes there are those who desire to become a Demon Lord—” 

A Demon Lord? This was the lead I was looking for!

“What must one do to become a Demon Lord?” I interrupted Ao before his signature “Master!”

“Forgive me Master, beyond the requirement of a contract with an Abyssal being, my knowledge of the matter is limited. It is possible the information is kept secret to serve some purpose, Master.” Ao bowed his body.

Dang! Another dead end, but at least I’m getting some new information. Something was niggling at my mind, though. Wait a second…

“Has an Abyssal being ever become a Demon Lord?” I asked.

“That should be impossible, Master. An Abyssal has never become a Demon Lord. It is widely believed by intelligent monsters that Abyssal beings birthed the Demons. The Demons and demi-gods together birthed the humans, and other humanoid races. For a human to become a Demon, they must contract with a race which exited before their own. And there is only one species which fits that profile – an Abyssal being. A human who contracts with only a Demon becomes a Vampire for example. Only the gods have come before Abyssal beings. You can imagine why that would be difficult, if not impossible. Even if it was possible, such a contract wouldn’t likely result in the being known as a Demon Lord.” Ao explained in some detail.

It was all a bit confusing, but it seemed the wide variety of creatures in this world came from inter-breeding. And, if you wanted to change your race to something specific, you had to contract with the right type of being. So, Elissa became a Demon after contracting with me, an Abyssal pair of tights? And now she could become a Demon Lord, if the right conditions were met? Besides this, the whole thing worked based on contracting with someone ‘higher’ up the hierarchy of life or something? 

I had so many questions. The biggest one was why was I getting the Demon Lord status messages? Apparently, I shouldn’t be able to become a Demon Lord. Did my connection to Elissa have something to do with it? I remember the status notification popping up when I started fusing with her body. Was she on her way to becoming a Demon Lord as well? Why did the second message show up when I made a contract with Ao? I was starting to think this world wasn’t properly beta-tested for bugs. I was getting more worried about what would happen once I met all the conditions. Would I just glitch out? Surely not! This world wasn’t a game. Even if it had status screens and skills, it felt real! 

Ao must have noticed my silence asked “Is anything the matter, Master?”

“It is time,” I said. 

Elissa, covered in a thin, transparent membrane, sat up suddenly, tearing it open. Sticky, gooey liquid spilled out onto the floor. My mouth and tentacles were attached to her at her belly button. 

“Welcome back, Elissa!”

“It is a pleasure to meet you, my Mistress!”

I spoke with my tentacle mouth piece, currently sticking out of Elissa’s belly. She didn’t seem phased, or surprised at hearing my “voice” directly for the first time.

“That’s how I always imagined you were talking to me when I sensed your thoughts in my body”, Elissa said. This gave me an immense sense of relief. I was worried she would hate me when she heard me speak properly for the first time.

“I’ll miss your serious voice, though,” she added. I won’t miss it though! We were lucky that me talking like Darth Vader crossed with an Eldritch horror didn’t lead to any major misunderstandings. Maybe I still have it in me if it makes Elissa happy…

I explained everything that transpired after Elissa blacked out, including my apparent evolution. She sat cross-legged, still naked and covered in slime on the dungeon floor, with the demeanour of a little kid listening to a fairytale for the first time. She immediately took a liking to Ao, which pleased him very much. 

“He’s so adorable!”

This prompted Ao to show off his tongue and tentacles with a little puppet show.

When I told Elissa of Gruen’s and Lara’s fate, she simply blushed and bumped knees together. 

“I’m glad that Gruen at least got to spend a pleasant time together with his lover in his last moments.”

It seemed she had a bit of a warped sense of romance, but who was I to talk? 

I told her I kept Rodd, Gruen’s weapon for her to use, since it became stronger in the presence of an Evil Aura, something she had an oversupply of, apparently. She accepted it readily, hugged the handle, and swung it around like it was a feather for fun, nearly blowing Ao away.

“Thank you for your lovely gift, Hero!”

I then told her she should keep an eye out for any status messages concerning becoming a Demon Lord. Shockingly, she told me she remembered seeing two already. We were really both most of the way to becoming Demon Lords. I really wanted to avoid it myself, not knowing what would happen to me if I was to meet the last requirement.

Next, I sheepishly admitted I didn’t actually just heal her, but had to replace parts of her body with mine.

“I don’t mind, you saved my life, and if it means I can be closer to you, Hero, it makes me happy.”

That really warmed my heart! And it gave me the courage for what came next.

“You may already have noticed some changes to your appearance… such as your now white hair and longer ears. To make things easier, I’d like to just show you,” I said.

“Ao, fetch me that woman’s greatsword, if you will!“

“Of course Master!”

I planned on using its surface as a makeshift mirror. I had already cleaned it and polished it with my tentacles. 

“Before that, is there anything you’d like to dress in Elissa? I can now shift my tentacles into almost any form I like, including clothing,” I said.

“I’m happy with whatever makes you happy, Hero, even if it’s my naked body,” Elissa brushed her long hair from out of her chest, revealing the nipples of her petite, perky breasts. 

“That won’t be necessary!” I swear I felt myself blushing, and I didn’t even have a face. 

Very well then… My imagination went wild. A school girl outfit? A nurse’s uniform? Maybe the classic office lady look? Anything that goes well with tights! I mused to myself. Ao was patiently holding the greatsword mirror off to the side. 

Ahem! I better decide on something. 

In the end, I went with something practical. Elissa’s clothing couldn’t be too restrictive or impractical for hand to hand combat, which seemed her specialty. The full-body suit from our battle with the mosquito hive seemed to work just fine, so I used that as my base. I could now change the colour of my body, so to mix things up, I went with black this time. Instead of woven fabric, I settled on something resembling shiny latex. I don’t think the humans in this world had seen anything like it before, so it felt apt given both Elissa and I had left our humanity behind. If Elissa didn’t like it or changed her mind, I could always morph it to something else.


I was ready, well, almost. 

“Elissa, close your eyes for a moment.”


I receded my makeshift mouth into her belly.

I waved Ao in with a tentacle and told Elissa to open her eyes.

She looked into the mirror and…

“Oh my god! I look like a monster! I look so pretty!”

This gave me the biggest whiplash of my life. Elissa’s eyes widened as she admired the transformation. She was bouncing on her tippy toes and turning from side to side to see herself from all angles. This confirmed to me she liked her new self. Apparently, Elissa found monsters to be “pretty” and “cute”. I breathed a sigh of relief.

“That’s you down there, right Hero?” Elissa asked.

“Yes, though technically I’m also a large part of your body all over. You can use tentacles of your own as well.”

A tentacle peeled out from the latex at her back and waved at me. She was getting the hand of this already.

“That’s so cool!” Elissa excitedly said.

“I’ve made several combat-related enhancements to your body, but before we talk about those, let me explain the biggest changes to your appearance.”

Even if she was pleased with her new look, I felt obliged to justify it.

“Your white hair is a side effect of my treatment. I liked how different it looked and left it. Each strand is a thin tendril you can control, which means you can change both your hair colour and hairstyle to whatever you like at will.”

“You would have also noticed your ears are now longer. I did this to give you my Location skill. You should be able to see in all directions around you for quite some distance. Even through walls. It doesn’t work as well through solid stone, however.”

I didn’t have the heart to tell her I also had a massive elf-ear fetish. 

“Last, but not least, I wanted to freely communicate with you. I could have made myself a part of your ear, but that would have made it harder to communicate with others. This is why your stomach is now my mouth. I hope you don’t mind!”

Most Elissa’s stomach was a massive tongue, bordered by two rows of teeth at her hips and the top of her waist. I even simulated a belly button with a depression in the soft, red muscle. This configuration felt most natural to me. During Elissa’s surgery, that is where I had sprung out my set of lips and lungs from. This way I could also use part of Elissa’s lungs for speech, without having to add another organ.

Elissa poked herself in the tummy. 

“I can still feel it!” she said.

“Of course, I didn’t want any part of you feeling numb. So you still have sensation there.”

“It feels funny when you talk. But I like it. I’m look like a monster girl. I’ve always dreamt of becoming a monster!”

Elissa was enthused at her unusual appearance. She probably never felt at peace with her body. I could understand that. If someone told me in my past life that I could gain superpowers for the price of turning into a monster, I would have taken them up on that offer. I hated being human. 

After the grand reveal, we talked about Elissa’s new body for some time, while Ao intently listened. I told him to go easy on the overt flattery for the sake of Elissa, but he couldn’t help himself and threw in some compliments here and there, “You look splendid Mistress!”, “Your creative wisdom is impressive as always Master!”. Elissa wasn’t phased though, in fact she seemed to enjoy having another companion, even if he was a bit much sometimes. 

I then spent some time helping Elissa get used to her new body. She didn’t need to eat food anymore, unless she wanted to, so we could take our time. We practiced playing tentacle rock, paper, scissors together with Ao and other games. I have to say, Elissa greatly enjoyed tentacle charades. It was the first time I heard her laugh. 

A day or two passed, and it was finally time to leave. I talked about my plan and reasons for leaving the city. Elissa didn’t seem to have any attachment to the place, so she readily agreed.

“But before I leave, I’d like to visit the Adventurer’s Guild again,” Elissa said.

Unfinished business. I had some loose ends of my own.

“Agreed. I’d like to stop by and say hello to the old man at the clothing store, as well,” I added.

It was a day until any other at the dungeon gate. That is, until the winds shifted and the sky fell dark. A great evil, clothed in black crawled out from the dungeon’s depths. 

It was a girl, no, a monster, riding a walking treasure chest. Her legs were leisurely crossed atop the oddity. At her back, a massive hammer. The symbol of this city’s greatest saviour. 

This would be the beginning of a tale told for the ages. If there had been anyone left to tell it. 

Bonus cover art!

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