I Make Games To Scare Crying Players

Chapter 108: D-8432's Encounter

  Chapter 108 D-8432's Encounter


  Something is running up from below!

   After hearing the sound of footsteps, the faces of the players changed, and they immediately became nervous.

  Since following the man in orange into the W-FBC-0087 stairwell, this is the first time I have encountered this level of motion!

   Through the rendering of various dialogues and the atmosphere of this environment, almost no player would think that the footsteps below are people!

   But what exactly?

  I'm afraid, it will be revealed soon.

   At this time, accompanied by the ethereal and unreal crying of a woman, the footsteps coming from below were crisp and loud.

   That's the sound of running.

   It seems to be leather shoes or other shoes, making a 'click' sound when they step on the ground.

  The movement gradually resounded, so that there was an echo slowly.

   This shows that the thing below is getting closer!



  In the video, the man in orange seems to be stupid.

  Standing there blankly without moving, nor turning around to flee.

   And as the footsteps got closer, the sound became louder.


  Coming Soon

  The players are looking forward to, afraid, nervous, trembling, with different expressions.

   There are also players who have covered their hands in front of their faces, squinting their eyes slightly through their fingers to watch.

  Before they knew it, they had already imagined the thing below as an extremely terrifying existence by relying on brain supplementation!

  In the video, the footsteps were extremely fast, and the movement resounded through the entire stairwell, lingering in my ears.

   this distance

   That thing is on the next floor!

  At this moment, the man in orange clothes in the video finally reacted, yelled in fear, and wanted to turn around and flee.

   The hearts of the players are also in their throats, and they are about to face the first horror in the stairwell of W-FBC-0087!

  But in the next second, before the orange-clothed man could turn around and run away, the footsteps rushed up!


   At the moment of being close at hand, it stopped abruptly!

  The speed was so fast that the man in orange and the players in front of the screen were startled and their eyes widened.


  The footsteps stopped?

   stopped in front of .?

  can be in front of your eyes.


  The players in front of the screen definitely heard correctly!

  The sound of footsteps running up from below really stopped in front of him, as if on purpose!

   But what about the person making the footsteps?

   The players don't know, and neither does the man in orange in the video.

  His hand holding the lantern tremblingly waved in front of him, as if he wanted to confirm the situation in front of him that he couldn't understand.

   The result is nothing.

   At this time, the voice of the doctor sounded.

  Different from his calmness before, he now has a sense of urgency.

  [D-8432, explain what just happened! What do you see! ? ]

  The man in orange was stunned, his voice trembling.

   [I. I didn't see anything. I don't even know what happened. God. All I know is the footsteps downstairs just now]

  The man in orange clothes paused, as if struggling to find the right words.

   But I can't find the words to describe the current situation.

  [just stopped in front of me]

  Doctor asked some unbelievably high questions.

  [Are you sure you really didn't see anything? How can the sound of footsteps be formed when there is only air medium and no sound waves vibrating from objects? ]

  [You mean, in the absence of people, the air made the sound of footsteps like people, and then approached you at a very fast speed, right? ]

   This sentence was very blunt, which made the man in orange a little dissatisfied.

[PhD! If something rushed towards you, even if it was a person, would you stand still like me, stupidly! ? ]

  This simple and clear sentence made the doctor choke.

  The players in front of the screen also thought it made sense.

  If a person is suddenly chased by something without warning, he will basically subconsciously want to avoid and escape.

   Even if the person chasing you is an individual, they will have the same psychology.

   Especially on the stairs, if a person or other animal rushes up the stairs and keeps staring at you.

  That 100%, people will subconsciously flee upwards.

  This is a natural human instinct to respond to unknown threats, and it is also a mechanism in the nervous system to deal with emergencies.

   And this mechanism exists both in reality and in the game.

  The man in orange clothes in the video did not run because the voice rushed up and stopped in front of him before he could react.

  If the sound of footsteps was real, then the orange-clothed man would probably turn around and flee the moment the 'sound source' appeared.

   At this time, the doctor did not ask any more questions.

   After a long while, he felt resentful.

  [I see, now you can go on. ]

  The man in orange clothes quit immediately.

[PhD! I beg you to stop this experiment! Things are no longer what they used to be! Strange things have appeared! Right now it's just the sound of footsteps without entities, what will happen later is simply unpredictable! Please let me go, I have to go home. The day after tomorrow is my daughter's 8th birthday and I have to.]

  [■■■■■■■■■, please continue. ]

  The man in orange was startled for a moment, but this time his attitude was firm.

  [I don't care what the protocol says, I don't want to do this anymore! I'm leaving now! ]

  [Dr.: (Content Expunged)]

  The camera paused and trembled slightly.

   Then the voice of the man in orange rang out.

  [I.I understand please ■■■■■■■■■]

   Followed by the doctor's voice.

  [Now, please continue downstairs. ]

   As soon as the camera turned, the man in orange began to obediently walk down the next flight of stairs.

   The players in front of the screen are no strangers to this kind of encrypted call.

  I just hope that the official can complete the dialogue, so that players can have fun watching it.

   No matter how bad it is, it’s okay to have a big analyst like Ba Nana to analyze it.

  The camera comes to the next platform with the sound of footsteps.

   Then turn and continue down.


   [Fuck! Fuck! Oh, God.! ]

   The orange-clothed man hadn't taken two steps before he seemed to see something and let out a terrified roar.

   And because of the excessive range of motion, he also fell down!

  The camera in his hand even fell two steps away from him, recording a new semi-circular platform directly below.

  What's going on?

   The players didn't understand, so they continued to read.

   And due to the camera falling, the platform below the steps shows a clockwise 90° inclination.

  It is convenient for some mobile phone users, just turn the phone around, and the lens will be restored.

  And computer users. Tilt their heads

   At this time, on the screen, the man in orange panicked and yelled again and again.

  [Fuck! Fuck! OMG! ]

[calm! D-8432, what have you found! ? ]

  [Fuck! Can not you see! That's a man. A man hanging from the platform below! ]

  The expressions of the players all changed when they heard this.

   Then stare at the screen.

  Although the camera fell to the ground, they could still see clearly through the searchlight emitted by the man in orange.

  This platform



   There is no hanging female corpse as mentioned by the man in orange.

   At this time, the doctor's voice sounded again in the video.

  [D-8432, calm down immediately, pick up the camera immediately, and observe the platform carefully! ]

  After the initial panic, the man in orange seemed to have calmed down.

  He walks down the steps and picks up the camera.

  Suddenly, the camera shakes.

   Players have the illusion of being hugged.

  Now, the screen is back to normal as before, and the platform environment can be seen more clearly.

  But it is still normal for the players, and there is no one who is hung up.

  [Fuck! This is a woman! Gosh. She's hanging from here by a belt.]

  The man in orange clothes swallowed very clearly, and his expression should be very nervous.

  The cry of the woman from afar still doesn't stop and continues to linger.

   At this time, the voice of the doctor sounded again, making the players startled.

  [The woman hanging from the platform? D-8432, please explain, I can't see anything from my side. ]

  [What! ? ]

  The man in orange clothes looked shocked, as if he couldn't believe what the doctor just said.

[PhD! Can not you see! ? The body is on the platform below, still dangling, still... Wait, is that an ID card? ]

  The camera quickly went down a few steps, and sure enough, at the edge of the platform, the man in orange picked up a card.

   is a student card!

  The portrait and name were mosaiced.

   Obviously wanting to keep the information of the deceased secret.

  Although the player did not see any female corpses.

  [Yes. It’s a student named ■■■■. My **** what happened to this girl. Why did she appear here and why]

  The man in orange was startled, and suddenly let out a sound of extreme fear.

  [Fuck! Fuck! She ■■■, Doctor! She is ■■■■■■]

  Accompanied by the panic of the man in orange, the camera quickly turned and fled towards the top of the stairs.

  During the period, the voice of the orange-clothed man became extremely frightened, and he spoke intermittently.

  [This is not true. This is not true.! The woman. The hanging woman she becomes. becomes]

  The players were stunned when they saw this.

   What happened?

  What happened to the female corpse that the man in orange clothes saw?

  Why can't the doctor and camera video be seen?

  What happened to the woman who was hung up?

   The man in orange actually acted so frightened?

   At this time, the doctor spoke again.

  [D-8432, what the **** happened! ? Calm down immediately and describe your current situation carefully! ]

  The orange-clothed man ignored the doctor's words, and continued to make strange screams of fear and sounds of unknown meaning.

  The camera is also sprinting upstairs quickly, and soon crosses the previous broken first step.

  [D-8432, can you hear me? Stop, please. ]

  The orange-clothed man still didn't answer, his voice began to become hoarse, it was suspected to be excessively roaring, and it became rough.

   Breathing also became heavy, and I was out of breath because of running.

  The lens also shakes greatly.

  I can only know the speed of climbing stairs, which is very fast.

   It took almost one breath to get to the first floor of the platform. It can be seen that what the man in orange encountered was absolutely unimaginable!

  [D-8432, can you hear me? ]

  At this time, the man in orange staggered and fell to the ground because of his fast running.

   And his voice rang out amidst the rapid panting.

  [She came. She came up God.! She is less than 1 meter away from me! save me save me.! She was right behind me and behind her. She was followed by ■■■■■. I don't want to die I don't want to die! ]

  Before he finished speaking, in the camera, the man in orange clothes ran up like crazy with a searchlight.

  Because there was no lighting, the camera quickly fell into darkness.

  Only the sound of footsteps and panting of the man in orange

   Then, the camera fell into endless silence.

   After a while, when the players were staring blankly, the screen switched.

   Returned to the doctor in white robe and mask again.

  He sat on the chair as before, but his position and hairstyle changed, and he became more careless.

  And even the office environment has some subtle differences.

   Soon, the doctor spoke.

[2 days have passed since the experiment of W-FBC-0087-I. During these 48 hours, D-8432 has not returned, and the camera left inside W-FBC-0087 has also automatically shut down due to exhaustion of power. During this period everything is normal. ]

  [Now, through the first experiment, we have gathered some usable information and some unknown information. ]

  [First, W-FBC-0087 is an unlit, landing stairwell. There are 13 steps in each floor, and between the floors is a semicircular platform with a diameter of about 3 meters for turning. ]

  [Secondly, the overall composition of the interior of W-FBC-0087 is conventional ordinary concrete, without any lamps and windows inside. And it is known that there are 53 platforms with a depth of more than 150 meters. There is no end in sight yet. ]

  [Finally, through the test subject's report and audio and video recordings, it was confirmed that there were cries and distress calls inside W-FBC-0087, which were suspected to be women or children aged ■ to ■. The distance from the source of the distress call is unknown, and attempts to descend the stairs did not approach the source of the distress call. ]

  [Also, worth mentioning. Subjects encountered two strange events while exploring. The first is the sound of footsteps approaching out of thin air. It is currently unknown whether the object that made the sound exists. In another case, the subject saw something that the camera could not capture, a hanging female corpse. And this thing is also the main reason for the experiment subject to lose control, he claimed that the female corpse ■■■■■, and the ■■■■■ that followed behind her]

  [Because this is just the subject's personal experience, plus he was in a dark and claustrophobic environment for more than 43 minutes. Therefore, the hallucinations caused by the excessive mental stress of the experimental subjects cannot be ruled out. We also retain a questioning and skeptical attitude towards the invisible hanging female corpse. ]

  [However, after the name verification of the student card found by the subject, it was confirmed that it was one of the 12 missing students. This shows that the probability of the missing person surviving is very low. ]

  [Now we still know little about the internal situation of W-FBC-0087. In order to obtain further research, we decided to launch a second round of exploration. ]

  [This time, we have learned from our first experience, and will be equipped with more advanced and complete equipment, as well as more obedient test subjects. ]

  [And now, the second experiment of the W-FBC-0087 anomaly, number W-FBC-0087-II, begins.]

   Friends, you can add to the group when you have time ~ it's just below ~



  (end of this chapter)

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