I Make Games To Scare Crying Players

Chapter 109: last words on the wall

  Chapter 109 Last words on the wall

  The doctor's voice just fell.

  The screen of the video is rotated again.

   What appeared in front of the players was the school corridor they had seen before.

   At this time, the camera began to shake and the sound was noisy.

  The screen in front of me is sometimes clear, sometimes blurred, sometimes zoomed out, sometimes dragged closer.

   It seems to be debugging the function of the camera.

  Players can see through the video that the environment is still dark at this moment.

  The lights in the corridor are incandescent and bright, illuminating the surroundings, clearly showing the multimedia classroom in front of us.

   At first glance, there is nothing unusual.

   Soon, the camera was adjusted.

  A female voice followed.

  [■Doctor, my side is fine, can you see the screen? ]

  The players who heard the voice were all stunned.


  This is a woman.?


   This time I went in to explore

   It's actually a woman! ?


   The players couldn't sit still.

   It's not that they are lsp.

   But this stairwell can't stand even men!

   What's more, it was replaced by a woman?

   Isn’t this definitely free?

  What is this doctor thinking?

   At this time, the doctor's familiar flat voice sounded.

  [D-9884, my picture is normal here. Now, please report to me on the specific equipment provided to you. ]

[OK. ]

   The camera lowered and moved to a desk.

  There, there are some mechanical equipment that look old and new.

   Immediately afterwards, a pair of hands with orange sleeves began to count the items.

  When the players saw this, they suddenly realized that the camera this time was actually fixed on the head!

   Instead of holding it in your hand like the last person did.

  [Doctor, it’s all here, take a look. ]

[Well, a head-mounted real-time camera with switchable night vision and thermal imaging, a 100,000-lumen searchlight that lasts for 24 hours, a call headset with enhanced signal, 75 LED monitoring lights with wireless signal transmission, a bottle of 3.75 liters of purified water, 15 compressed nutrition bars, and an electric blanket. ]

  [D-9884, please test the searchlight to see if it works. ]

  The woman in orange clothes did so immediately.

  She picked up the huge 'flashlight' and pressed the switch.

  Suddenly, the incandescent light directly illuminated the entire teaching building across the corridor!

  [Low gear is normal. ]

   After the woman in orange clothes finished speaking, she pressed the button again, and it seemed to increase the gear.

  The next second, the searchlight in his hand immediately burst out with a dazzling light like the sun, reflecting the teaching building opposite, completely and without reservation.

   Its brightness, although it is not daytime, is almost the same!

   It's no different from the early morning!

   Enough to see the powerful power!


  With such a light, after entering the stairwell, I am afraid that all the ghosts and ghosts will have nowhere to hide, right?

  [Very well, turn off the searchlight, tidy up, and prepare to enter the multimedia classroom. ]

   [OK, Dr. ]

  In the shot, the pair of hands picked up a backpack and began to load tools into it.

   The players were surprised to find that this second person was surprisingly obedient.

  Compared to the man in orange, now the woman in orange basically does whatever the doctor says, without complaint.

   Unlike the man in orange clothes before, he was not able to obey in all kinds of ways, but he was helpless.

  [Doctor wants you. to erase my ■■■■ records. I'm only 23 years old. That was really an accident. I really didn't mean to]

   At this moment, the sudden words of the woman in orange made the players raise their brows.

23 years old? so young?

   You just graduated from college, right?

  How did you become a D-class personnel of the Control Bureau?

   And the accident she mentioned. What kind of accident?

   Some kind of dirty deal?

  But it seems not that way.

   If it was that, would she be willing to let her into the scary W-FBC-0087 stairwell?

   Besides this, what kind of record would it be to make her do this kind of thing so obediently.

  [Please enter the multimedia classroom. ]

  Dr. did not answer this question, but repeated the request.

  Hearing the woman in orange clothes responding quickly, she speeded up the movement of putting the backpack on her hands.

  After everything was ready, the players saw that the first group of soldiers surrounded them again, aiming their guns at the multimedia classroom, and they were vigilant and did not relax at all.

   Didn't appear careless because of the entry of the second person.

  Among them, a soldier stepped forward and performed thermal image scanning and sound wave detection, and then the other two soldiers were responsible for opening the door and escorting the woman in orange.

  The whole process was like sending the man in orange clothes in for the first time, orderly and extremely vigilant.

  The moment the multimedia classroom opened, the orange-clothed woman, like the orange-clothed man, was violently pushed in and almost fell down!

  Then the door was closed, and the players in front of the screen, once again, entered the interior of W-FBC-0087 with new personnel.

  [Bo. Dr. here this. Shouldn't this be a multimedia classroom? ]

  In the camera, the orange-clothed woman who had just stood firm looked at her surroundings in panic.

  She hastily turned on the searchlight in her hand, illuminating the surroundings.

  However, there is a dense darkness at the entrance, and nothing can be seen except the walls on both sides.

  In this narrow and claustrophobic passage, with the shaking of the perspective, she showed a kind of panic.

  It seems that the situation here has gone beyond her imagination and cognition.

   [D-9884, please calm down. Now, turn your searchlights on maximum. ]

   The players felt that the woman in orange was very nervous, but for some kind of record, she still obeyed the doctor's command.

  The huge 'flashlight' was pushed down to its maximum gear.

  Suddenly, the dark corridor brightened again.

  But the players clearly saw through the video that the 100,000-lumen searchlight, which can illuminate the entire building like the sun, still cannot fully illuminate it here!

  The woman in orange in the video seems to have noticed this too.

  She held up the flashlight, straightened her hands, and shone forward.

   All that can be seen is a deep darkness.

   Then she shined on the top of her head again, but she still couldn't see the top like the man in orange did the first time.

   As if the light was swallowed by something, it can only illuminate a certain range.

  [Dr. Bo. There is a problem here. There seems to be something blocking the light from the light.]

   Regarding this question, the players all know that the doctor himself understands it.

  Otherwise, I wouldn’t change the shotgun to the cannon, and replaced the 75-watt searchlight with a 500-watt searchlight.

  [Observe how many meters can a 100,000-lumen searchlight illuminate at most? ]

  Hearing the doctor's order, the woman in orange in the camera leaned her back against the wall, looked carefully at the distance, and replied with a somewhat uncertain voice.

  [It seems to be 3 meters? The doctor is strange here. This searchlight can only shine so far.]

  Seeing this, the players in front of the screen felt a little horrified.

  Although the 75-watt searchlight of the man in orange had already had this problem.

   But now seeing the 100,000-lumen, almost 500-watt searchlight of the woman in orange clothes is also the same.

  This is a searchlight with 100,000 lumens

  When I was testing outside the corridor, it directly illuminated the entire teaching building opposite, clearly and clearly!

   Now in such a narrow environment inside the stairwell, the light is still less than 3 meters?

what does that mean.

   It means that no matter how strong the light is, it is confined within 3 meters!

  The darkness here proves once again that it is not simple!

  At this moment, the voice of the woman in orange trembled with fear.

  [Doctor, what should I do. It's so strange here. It's dark and quiet. I don't know why the light can't shine far.]

  Dr. didn't say anything about this, nor did he explain the reason, but just responded flatly and indifferently.

  [D-9884, please go downstairs now. ]

  [Go downstairs? ]

  The camera moved forward a few steps and came to the stairs.

  By the light of the searchlight, the players in front of the screen found that the visible range was still on the 9th step.

   And the 10th step, just like the first time, was submerged in the darkness and could not be seen at all.

  [Doctor, what is this place? Isn't it a multimedia classroom? Where does this staircase lead to? By the way, those soldiers outside were so cautious just now.]

  [D-9884, please proceed downstairs as requested. ]

  Dr.'s indifference made the woman in orange clothes who was wearing the video camera tremble slightly, and the camera also flickered.

   After hesitating while staring down the stairs, he gritted his teeth and walked.

  Suddenly, clear and crisp footsteps echoed between the two walls, stretching melodiously.

  The woman in orange walked very vigilantly and carefully.

  In the shot, the downward stairs are coming out of the darkness step by step.

   This kind of cautiousness has a strange feeling like "seeing the fog through the clouds".

  Let the players who have experienced the W-FBC-0087 stairwell exploration in front of the screen be afraid of crawling out of the claustrophobic and narrow darkness to make people covered in horror.

  Simply, this time I went downstairs without any surprise or danger.

  The girl in orange went down to the first semi-circular platform unharmed.

  She came to the handrail and looked down, and the searchlight also shone down.

  However, when entering the eyes, there is only a strong darkness that seems to swallow everything.

  [Doctor, the stairwell is abnormally dark. Can you tell me what happened here?]

  The woman in orange said nervously, with obvious panic in her tone.

   For the players who share the perspective, there is also some empathy.

   After all, I entered with her, so I understand her fear at the moment.

  Who is not afraid?

  Don't say she is a 23-year-old girl, no one can stand it, okay!

   It’s not those heavily armed soldiers outside!

  How could it be possible to not be afraid in the dark, dead, claustrophobic and weird stairwell?

   At this time, the doctor spoke again, but did not explain the situation here.

  [D-9884, please take out an LED monitor and stick it directly in front of you when you come down. Be sure to ensure that the wireless monitor can see the location of the two stairs at the same time. ]


  The players were a little surprised when they heard this.

  LED monitoring?

  What the hell?

   Wait, it seems

  Those 75 little lights?

  In the video, the girl in orange clothes obeyed.

  She took off the backpack, pulled it open, and took out a small light bulb from it.

  Then tore off the adhesive, and under the instructions of the doctor, it was pasted on the wall of the stairs directly in front of it when it came down.

   Then press the switch.

  Suddenly, this small light tube, which was attached to the wall and did not require wires, lit up with incandescent light.

  [Very well, D-9884, I already have video here. Now, please turn off your searchlights, and let me visually inspect the illumination range of the LED lights. ]

  After hearing the words, the woman in orange hesitated for a while, and then chose to follow suit.

   With the crisp switch sound.

  The light of the entire stair landing was dimmed by almost half.

  The LED lamps attached to the wall continue to emit softer white light.

   But the distance is very short.

  Whether it is an upward staircase or a downward staircase, the light stops at the first step.

  The illumination range of this LED light tube can barely illuminate the semi-circular platform.

  Wireless LED bonding light with monitoring?

  The players clicked their lips, feeling a little interesting.

  Let’s not talk about how this self-illuminating monitoring light works without wires.

  Just the doctor's plan, I feel amazing.

  Each platform is pasted with such a small light tube for monitoring.

   It seems that they want to monitor the environment inside W-FBC-0087 around the clock!

  Because as long as these monitoring light tubes are pasted, there is no need to send people down.

   No, this time the number is only 75, maybe send a few more people down to post on every platform, there will always be one to the end!

   At that time, every move inside the stairwell can be monitored!

   It’s a bit tedious, and it’s also a waste of eyes.

   At this time, the doctor spoke again.

  [Thanks, you can turn your searchlights back on. Please keep going down, on each corner platform, stick an LED light and turn it on. Please report to me if you notice anything unusual. ]

   [ok.ok dr]

  With the 100,000-lumen searchlight turned on, the semicircular platform suddenly became much brighter.

  The camera also walked down, and the footsteps still echoed.

  When stepping on the next half-circle platform.

  The crying of a woman, vaguely present but lingering in my ears, rang out again.

  After the players heard it, they didn't show any expressions or waves.

   After all, in the last exploration, I followed the man in orange and heard more than 50 underground platforms.

   At this point, the players were a little skeptical.

   Could the cries inside W-FBC-0087 be a kind of mental pollution mechanism in the stairwell?

   Maybe this is what makes people hallucinate?

  In fact, this also makes sense, because the last man in orange was accompanied by this kind of crying, and repeatedly went downstairs in the narrow and claustrophobic stairwell.

  This kind of repeated scenes, coupled with the constant crying in the ear, combined with the weird environment, it is hard not to have mental problems.

  Perhaps the so-called hanging corpse that the man in orange clothes saw was really a hallucination caused by excessive mental stress?

  Although the footsteps can't be explained, let's see how long this woman in orange can last!

  The players continued to look at the screen.

   At this time, the woman in orange was frightened when she heard the cry.

  [Bo. Doctor, did you hear that? Did you hear that. Someone is crying here.]

  Dr.'s voice sounded quickly, but he didn't do any reminder or comfort, but ordered indifferently.

  [I understand, now please attach the LED monitoring light, and then continue. ]

  [But doctor this is too weird. This cry. And this same landing as above here and here I'm afraid.]

  [D-9884, please continue downstairs. ]

  Faced with such a strong and indifferent doctor, the orange-clothed woman chose to comply with the request even though she was panting heavily in fear.

  She leaned on the wall, and after affixing the LED monitoring lights, she tried her best to walk down.

  The recording begins to speed up here.

   Explain that the next segment is the repetition of going downstairs to stick lights and going downstairs to stick lights.

  When the players saw this, they just sat in front of the screen and waited.

   They didn't fast forward, and they didn't skip.

   Instead, he quietly watched the pictures on the screen go by quickly.

   There is also a sense of sight of the various life scenes.

   At this point, they know.

  Once the accelerated screen returns to normal, it means something is going to happen.

  As if to verify what the players thought, the recorded picture returned to normal at this time.


   The players suddenly raised expectations.

  In the shot, after the girl in orange put on the LED lights, she went directly to the next platform in silence.

  Result when stepping down the first step of the stairs.

   The players clearly saw that the video had turned into a black and white picture full of noise at this moment.

   It was as if it had become a pantomime in an instant, it came suddenly and was extremely weird.

  Although it was only for a moment, for the players who couldn't take their eyes off, this scene was clearly captured.

   Some players even went backwards, trying to pause to see if there was any difference.

   But to them, it might just be a filter.

   Or some easter egg.

   After all, it is not difficult to make modern photography works with black and white noise.

   What's more, the live broadcast video I'm watching now is also deliberately made in an old-fashioned style.

   The players thought so.

   What Dr. Ke said made them puzzled.

  [D-9884! stop! Step back onto the landing immediately! Re-cross the first step! ]

  The players who heard this frowned.

   Isn’t that scene a filter?


  If the doctor can also see the black and white picture just now, does that mean

  In this stairwell, a new abnormal situation appeared.?

   Even affected the remote picture transmission?

  In the video, the woman in orange was stunned for a moment, a little at a loss.

  [Ah. Doctor this.]

  [D-9884, didn't you hear that? Immediately return to the previous platform and cross the first step again! ]

   Seeing such stern instructions from the doctor, the orange-clothed woman dared not listen.

  When she turned around and was about to take a step, the doctor stopped her immediately.

  [Don't turn around! Go back in reverse! ]

   Although the woman in orange didn't understand why, she still chose to do so.

   At this moment, in the camera, what is presented to the players is slowly retreating.

   Just like that, I retreated to the platform, but the black and white noise picture did not appear again.

  Everything seemed extremely normal.

   It was as if the moment just now was an illusion.

  The woman in orange repeatedly crossed the first step at the doctor's request.

  But there was no such strange abnormal phenomenon.

  The doctor who couldn't see any results could only ask the woman in orange.

  [D-9884, did you feel any changes when you just stepped over the steps? ]

  The woman in orange was frightened by the doctor's strange command just now. At this time, she stayed away from the downward stairs as much as possible, and leaned against the concrete wall of the platform, wiping sweat and panting.

  [Doctor, I don’t feel any changes. It’s just too dark here. It’s stuffy. I’m scared.]

  [Are you sure you don't feel anything? No physical or mental changes? ]

  The orange-clothed woman did not answer immediately, but paused for a while, as if carefully discerning the changes the doctor said.


  In the video, the doctor sighs.

  [I see, please continue down. ]

  The woman in orange is leaning on the wall, holding the lamp, and looking at the descending stairwell.

   Some hesitation, some hesitation.

  The players expressed their understanding when they saw this.

  If I had just been instructed to do strange things like that, I would probably be afraid of this stairwell.

   Not to mention that the stairwell itself is in a dark and claustrophobic environment.

   Directly adds a layer of weird danger on the level of horror and unknown.

  Although the orange-clothed woman was scared, she still hammered the wall and stepped down with courage.

   Fortunately, the journey was normal, and I got to the new platform very smoothly.

  After she pasted the LDE monitoring lights here, she walked to the next platform.

   Everything is normal again.


  The girl in orange froze on the 8th step, and did not step down for a long time.

  It seems that there is something below.

  [Bo. Doctor, have you seen it?]

  She trembled, stretched out her left hand, and pointed to the semi-circular platform below.

   But what the players see in front of their eyes is only the concrete wall illuminated by the searchlight, and nothing else.

  Similarly, the doctor also said that he saw nothing.

  [No. Dr. The walls here, here, and here are filled with.words.]

   Have words?

  The players froze for a moment.

Could it be that.

   Like the man in orange, did she see hallucinations due to excessive mental stress?

  How many floors did you go down?

  The last man in orange clothes was 150 meters underground, and the so-called hanging female corpse was seen on the 53rd platform.

  But now, the woman in orange clothes has not reached this depth, and she has seen hallucinations.

   Sure enough, in this dark and claustrophobic stairwell with crying sounds, it is easy for people to hallucinate due to pressure.

  The players guessed like this.

  But the doctor in the video is extremely calm.

  [D-9884, you said you saw words on the next platform? ]

   [yes. yes it says]

   Before the woman in orange could finish speaking, the doctor interrupted directly.

  [D-9884, there is a circular button on the side of the camera, press it to turn on the night vision mode. ]

   Night vision mode?

   The players were stunned for a moment, and then they remembered that the camera this time did have night vision and thermal imaging functions at the very beginning.

  In the video, the girl in orange seems to have learned how to use the camera.

   Quickly found the button and pressed it.

  Suddenly, the screen turned dark green.

   And at this moment, the faces of the players changed.

  The wall of the platform in the stairwell, under the night vision environment, is densely written with foreign languages.

  The subtitles below have translated them all.

   Let the players in front of the screen clearly see the real content above!

   'They're awake. They're awake'

  ‘I don’t want to die! I don't want to die! '

  'They are coming. Come don't leave me. Don't leave me.! '

'Who can help me! '

  ‘■■■I curse you! '

  ' ■■■■■ Doctor! It's your fault! It's your fault! '

  '■■■will come up■■■Don't go downstairs! '

  The players are dumbfounded

  The densely packed messages that can only be seen in night vision mode are piled up and overlapped, making it difficult to distinguish


   This seems to be some kind of

   Last words?

   Let’s join a group, just below.

   Don't let the group leader be lonely for too long.



  (end of this chapter)

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