I Maxed out my Stats with a Gotcha System, So why am I still a Loser???

Chapter 3 – An Open Heart in a World of Lies

{[What you may not know is that those trapped in a jail cell eventually learn to forgive themselves for their actions. Those who have nothing to forgive. They sit with a flame in their hearts, allowing anger to consume them.]}


Deep down, Ashner never blamed the girl. How could he? Even if he became a pariah, and if he was locked away, who truly had it worse? At the end of the day, she was rotting in a casket.

Ashner shook from his rage. Ensley and the other Sergeants were the predators. Even Iris was a reflection of their sins. Ashner glanced at his duffle bag. It was still filled with gold coins.

I can't rely on handouts from the pawn shops. How am I supposed to cash in without bringing suspicion? Ashner’s fingers fiddled with the coins. I need to start selling it to a proper investor, but no one will even bother humoring the proposal if I don't have a company… I have the money to start one up, but with my past and the way the world works. I'd need to find a way to process the gold and take land no one would dare to step on… Like in a radiated city, if I start a company there, nobody will come knocking… It'll be safer than moving gold in a populated area.

Walking into the kitchen, Ashner found Alex opening up an MRE. They were sealed, cheap, and easy to move, plus they were radiation-free.

“Didn’t you say you know how to cook?”

Alex smiled at him, “I do. But I’ve never seen food like this.”

"I'm curious. How do your powers work?"

"My charm creates an uncontrollable urge for lust. It affects both males and females. My other power, called 'Illusion,' allows me to create anything they want. If they want to see the ocean, they see the ocean. If they want to see the moon, then they see the moon. I don't have much control over what they see, but it always works with the emotion I want them to feel. I can also sense when someone has had sex recently.”


"I'm exceptionally powerful for an Incubus. Tricking a whole city into believing I was a woman was not an easy feat." Alex gave a confident smile.

You shouldn’t brag about that… I wonder how strong Alex’s powers truly are.

The menu span and gave an option.


Angel’s Gift.

View All Party’s Powers – 30XP


Who’s Angel? Buy.


XP:95 > XP:65


Ashner focused on Alex. Around him, his status started popping up, like text messages. From his weight, height, and his powers.

Show his powers.

The menu opened up around him.


Incubus Demi-Dog Hybrid

Illusion – Level 4

Charm – Level 3

Enhanced Senses – Level 1


Ashner tapped the first Trait. Each power had sub-abilities. Ashner focused on his Illusion power.


Subclasses - Each Racial Power requires 1000XP to buy into and 25XP Per Subclass level.

Admiration – Level 3

Adoration – Level 3

Anger – Level 0

Anxiety – Level 0

Awe – Level 3

Calmness – Level 2

Change Body's Scent – Level 0

Confusion – Level 0

Craving – Level 0

Empathetic – Level 3

Erase Own Scent – Level 0

Envy – Level 0

Excitement – Level 0

Fear – Level 0

Interest – Level 3

Joy – Level 0

Love – Level 3

Lust – Level 3

Relief – Level 0

Romance – Level 2

Sadness – Level 0

Shame – Level 0

Satisfaction – Level 3

Track Scent – Level 0

Trust – Level 3


Now, this is interesting. Since Alex focused entirely on making himself desirable, these stats make sense. His powers focus on evoking emotions… What really worries me is what would happen if he maxes out fear?

“Alex, you’re pretty amazing.”

Alex gave him a confused eyebrow raise, and his mouth opened a little. “I wouldn't say that… I was kicked out of my clan because I looked more like a demi-dog than an incubus. I don't have wings, so I can't fly away if we were attacked. It's one of the reasons I was captured so quickly, it turns out they were right about me."

“Then let me ask you, why did you help Naomie?”

“I…” Alex ran his tongue against his teeth, debating the question. “I don’t know. She was alone and scared… I know what that’s like…”

“Sometimes people don't know how to value what's in front of them." Ashner gave him a cracker, and he squeezed some jelly on it.

Alex's curiosity made him keep his eyes on the food.

“My world has different rules. I'm something called a felon here, so it's harder for me to work, make meaningful connections, and date. But with you, Alex, I can improve your Illusion and Charm abilities. You might be able to trick the system.” Ashner handed him the cracker. “We would have to buy land to get started.”

"Ashner, may I ask you something." Alex was hesitant, but he started eating.


“What is your goal?”

“I told you. I want wealth, status, and women… Lots and lots of women.” Ashner lifted his mask just a little to eat. Alex caught a glance at the deformities underneath his face.

“My Charm power lets me sense when someone had sex… About the other day…”

"Alex, please don't bring that up… I'm in a good mood right now... Don't sour it."

Alex nodded.

“And make sure you give food to Naomie. She refuses to leave the White Room, but she's really fond of you… That aside, we need to level you up. Slimes are the safest and quickest way to obtain XP, even though they only give a little XP."

“What is XP?”

Wait, does that mean my power is exclusive to just me?

"Experience points, keep up, Alex. Just like your powers improve as you use them, I can pick and choose which powers you’ll excel at… Still, one or two gold coins at a time isn’t enough."

“Why not destroy the cave’s heart?”

“Come again?”

"Master, your world wasn't influenced by the Dead God's curse?" Ashner took a bite and shook his head. “When my world was created, two Gods fought for control of it. One created the humans and demi's, and the other created the monsters. We can't exist together. So the Gods fought, and they wounded each other… In the chaos, the Dead God was murdered, and the other God left to create life elsewhere. But the Dead God’s influence still lives in our world. The cave we were in was a nest for monsters. Every nest has a heart. If you destroy the heart, then monsters won't emerge from there anymore.”

So it’s basically clearing a dungeon?

“When you destroy the guardian of the heart, it drops piles and piles of gold, and depending on the power of the monster. It drops a potion. Sometimes it's a High or Angelic Potion.”

“FUCK YES!” Ashner almost jumped out of his seat.

As they ate, Alex kept his eyes on his food, hesitant to eat, but he kept doing it anyway.

The day was young. Ashner digested that the other world's time was identical to his own. As Ashner dressed himself with his gear, Alex grabbed extra ammo and a backpack.

“Ashner?” He evaluated the weapon rack. “I want to serve you properly. The way I am now, I’m just getting in your way.”

Does he want to fight?

Ashner gave him an M9. Alex held it awkwardly.

“Watch my back.”

"I don't know how to use one of these. I was expecting a knife or maybe a sword."

"I believe in learning on the job." Ashner grabbed Alex's hands and showed him how to hold the weapon properly. "This is the sight. Once it's lined up, pull the trigger. Don't jerk the trigger. Pull it gently and work with the recoil. And for the love of all that is holy, don't close your eyes when you fire."

They entered the White Room. Naomie was sitting on the wooden seat with her hands on the table. She was reading one of the books that was part of the room.

Ashner had occasionally checked up on her, but she had kept her distance.

“We’re going back into the cave.” Ashner took a step towards his weapon rack. He unlocked his M-4 and started gearing up.

Naomie grabbed a handgun.

“What are you doing?" Ashner studied the young girl. She held the weapon cautiously.

“I'm going too." She forced the words out of her lungs, and her fingers trembled.

She must be trying to prove herself, just like Alex.

"You don't have to fight," Ashner reassured her with a calm tone. "Alex and I can handle it."

She shook her head. "I need to." Her eyes glanced up at Ashner. It was the first time she had peered at him dead in the eyes.

Her family was killed. I can't blame her for wanting to become stronger. And it's not like these doors have locks. If she wants to, she'll follow me.

Ashner held out his hand, and she reluctantly gave him back his Glock. He handed her a Walther CCP M2 9mm instead. “The Glock is reliable, but your hands and wrists are small, so I think it's better to start you off with an easier weapon.”

“There's a difference?" Alex raised one ear.

“Yes, the CCP has an easier slide to pull back and weaker recoil." Naomie glanced up at Ashner with her green eyes. “I’ll show you both how to use them.”

“Thank you.” Naomie stuttered her words. “Master.”

“I’m not happy giving a weapon to you, but I was a little older than you when I was drafted and forced to use them myself.”

“What’s drafted?” Alex asked.

“It's a law that forced every male in my country to fight in a world war. Most of my people were slaughtered, so the government got desperate, and they took every teen from the ages of fourteen to seventeen to the front line.” Ashner put on his helmet and the last of his gear. “But if you do something dumb, I'll take the weapon away from you.”

“I'm fourteen," Naomie admitted. “I'm not a kid.”

“To me, you are.” Ashner handed her a duffle bag and a handful of extra magazines.

“Slimes are not that dangerous, and they’ll make for good target practice.”

The three walked back into the cave. Ashner used the night vision NODs, a single slime rolled toward them.

"Take it down." Ashner tapped Alex’s back, he dropped the riot shields, and readied his weapon. He fired and missed. "Don't jerk the trigger. Pull it softly."

Alex fired again. He missed.

“Aim properly.”

He fired and missed. The spent brass spun on the ground, and finally, Alex hit his mark.

The slime exploded with the bullet.


XP:65 > XP:67


The menu span open.

We share XP? That’s great.

“Your next, Naomie.” Ashner pointed at another stray slime.

She fired again and again.


XP:67 > XP:90


She’s good.

“Stay side by side, don’t rush ahead of each other.” Ashner tutored them. The war had made him a natural teacher. And he trained them there, for hours.


XP:90 > XP:1032


This is taking quite a while, but I can’t expect them to become decent shots in a single day… I’m curious. Menu, can I give them the skills they need?

The menu appeared in front of him.


You can share your Learned Skills with your allies.

Firearms – 1000XP to buy. Opens up Subclasses.

- Handgun

- Submachine Gun

- Sniper Rifle

- Assault Rifle

- Shotgun

- Machine Gun


Menu, buy Alex Firearms Specialty and the Subclass Handgun.

The menu spun.


XP:1032 > XP:7

Learned Skills

Firearms – Level 0 > 1 – XP Required 100 Per Level


Handgun – Level 0 > 1 – XP Required 25 Per Level


Alex judged his body. Then he checked Ashner. “Did you share your XP with me again?”

“Yes,” Ashner raised his eyebrow. “How did you know?”

“My body took a different stance. That wasn't normal.” Alex's eyebrows narrowed. “Why give me your power? As your slave, it's my duty to ensure your safety. Use your power to improve yourself.”

“Don't call yourself a slave… If anything, we're… Partners.”

I wouldn’t go as far as saying we’re friends… That’s a luxury I can’t have. After I achieve what I want, I'll set you free. But until then, it’s safer for me to keep things as they are.

“As you wish.”

Naomie glared at Ashner.

“What is it?” Ashner had never witnessed her get mad before.

“Why didn’t you use your magic on me? I’m hitting every slime.” She pouted.

“Because you don’t need it.” Ashner continued. “You’re skilled enough without the bonus.”

“So that means I’m the one that sucks.” Alex half cried.

“Yes, you've wasted a lot of rounds. Those things cost money. And you keep closing your eyes. Don't be afraid of a little recoil.”

“I'm sorry.” Alex gave a half smile, which in return earned a small giggle from Naomie.

It was the first time she smiled since her parents died. It was a sentiment that went unnoticed by her and everyone around her.

“Where is the heart of the cave?” Ashner asked.

“Where most of the monsters are.” Alex and Naomie's ears drooped.

“So it's at the lake,” Ashner smirked at his death funnel. It was a tight squeeze.

Ashner led the way, scanning for monsters, but there weren't any around anymore.

The two crawled through the hole, emerging on the other side. The crystals light shined on the lake. Around it, rolling around, were a handful of slimes.

Ashner cautiously moved deeper into the cave. Keeping his weapon tight against his shoulder and his sight on the slimes, he fired, killing all the slimes.


XP:7 > XP:29


“This is a lot easier than I thought.” Ashner bragged. “Now, where's the heart?”

Alex stayed silent as Naomie crawled out of the hole. Her hands were shaking.

The crystals above lit the cave up. Ashner studied every inch of it. Most of the slimes had attacked the group, and now it was just the lake. Unless there was another room he wasn't aware of.

The three cautiously walked around the open area, studying the odd shapes the limestone made over the years.

Alex yelped.

“Alex?” Ashner turned back. The demi-dog shook, his jaw opened and closed. "What's wrong?"

Ashner glanced back at the lake. The water rushed upward into a bubble. Then, the same metal bead all the slimes had inside them rolled slowly towards the three, crushing and dissolving the moss and rocks at its feet.

It was never a lake.

“Awwwww… FUCK!” Ashner switched his weapon from single to burst. Firing at the metal beat, some of the rounds hit, but it didn’t break.

Alex and Naomie stood petrified. Ashner didn't need to review them since they weren’t engaging the enemy.

“Shoot or run away!” Ashner barked.

The monster kept moving forward, absorbing everything, including the dirt underneath it. The bullets bounced off its core. The demi’s wouldn't move.

They have no fighting skills. What was I thinking bringing them here! Come on, think!

Ashner grabbed Alex and Naomie, carrying them both over his shoulders.

“Menu, pour 25 XP into Alex’s subclass, Fear!”

The menu spun.


XP:29 > XP:4

Fear – Level 0 > 1


“Fear?” Alex finally spoke up.

“Yes!” Alex stopped by the exit. The monster was hot on their tail. “Use your power!”

“If it doesn’t work?”

“Then we die!” Ashner smiled. “Come on. You got this!”

Alex took a deep breath and then focused his eyes on the monster. They glowed purple.

The massive slime stopped.

Ashner reached for his assault rifle. They were cornered. Had Alex been a few seconds too late, the slime would've swallowed the three of them whole.

Naomie aimed at the slime and fired shot after shot.

It’s not working. Where is it? There!

“Focus on the core!” Ashner steadied his shots. After a few three-round bursts, the core shattered.

The slime slowly turned to smoke and coins. The pressure of the battle ended.

Alex and Naomie fell to their knees, shivering from fear and adrenaline.


XP:4 > XP:104


A small stash of gold coins piled up where the slime died. The duffle bags they brought weren't large enough for all the coins. It would take a few trips to gather them all.

Ashner pinched his arm.

Nope, this isn’t a dream.

Alex started cheering, and Naomie smiled happily.

They did their jobs well.

“Master.” Ashner’s gaze came down to his slave. Alex’s face was covered in snot and tears. “We’re alive… I’m so happy!”

Alex jumped forward, cuddling Ashner's leg, wiping his tears and snot on him.

“WHAT IN SATAN'S ASSHOLE ARE YOU DOING!” Ashner shook his leg, but Alex clung on like a lonely dog. “LET GO!”

“You didn’t abandon us…” Alex clung tighter. “Thank you, I was so scared…”

What is he afraid of? Being abandoned? Letting him die only weakens my chances of survival, especially after fighting that large slime. We got lucky… Wait… I got lucky? I haven't considered myself lucky in a long time.

“I get that you're happy.” Alex's tail wagged rapidly. “But we're here to do a job. Where's the heart of the cave?”

Naomie’s fox ears rose. This scene was also confusing her.

“The heart should be somewhere near. That slime was this cave’s protector.”

Ashner shrugged Alex off and walked towards where the lake was. In its center, a pillar rose.

Alex and Naomie joined him as he marched towards it. Crystals grew from the ground in luxurious blue and purple colors. Merging together like tree branches, in its center, a beating heart pulsed.

“I didn’t think you were literal about it being the heart of the cave.” Alex took a step back and brought his hands to his mouth. “Should I destroy it?”

“Yes. Once you do, the Dead God’s affliction should fade away from here.”

“Alright,” Ashner pulled his side-arm out and shot through the crystal. The heart squirted blood and then disappeared in black smoke.


XP:104 > XP:1104

Dungeon Cleared!


The menu showed a blue slime melt and die along with gems that danced around it.


1 Silver Key Obtained

1 White Room XP Earned


Silver Key? And a single White Room XP? And one thousand XP for destroying a haven? As amazing as that is, I won't make a habit of it. Unless I can find reliable comrades… Alex has his uses, but I shouldn't bring him to the front lines. He's only going to be a liability. Naomie, on the other hand, has potential. But she's still too young for this… Well, no one in my world will help me… I could seek him out… But he must hate me after all these years.

“Maybe I should buy another slave.”

Alex's mouth opened widely. “Master! Are you upset with me?”

“No, but you’re not built to be a soldier. You’re better suited for my world.” Ashner toyed with his mask. “Can I buy warrior slaves?”

“You can, but they're rare since few warriors surrender. They're also the most expensive slaves.”

“Why is that?”

Alex took a few seconds to answer. “Breaking a slave into obedience is something buyers treasure.”

“That's weird, either way. We need help. So after we take all the coins into the White Room, come with me and let's buy one… Maybe a girl. A hot girl.”

“Master, you should know something, if you’re trying to make a harem-”

“A harem is every man's fantasy.” Ashner interrupted with a light of cheer in his eyes. “Sure, some of us want just one girl. But waking up to two or even three naked girls… Not that you would have any problem with that since you have a bad-ass power.”

Alex submitted. “As you wish, Ashner.”




The three took a few trips back and forth, filling the White Room with gold coins. As they were gathering the coins, they dug out a red potion. It was slim and had a golden cork.

Ashner held the glass bottle between his fingers. The menu spun.



Able to Recover Immediate Physical Damage.

Able to Recover Brain Damage.


This won't cure my face. It's not immediate damage, and I don't have brain damage. But… Gio… This might help you… If you're still alive…

Ashner put the potion on top of the cabinet in the White Room.

The menu spun.


1 White Room Reward Available.


Show me the rewards.

The menu spun once more.


White Room Options

Hallway (Level 1) – Open to Travel between worlds.






Crafting Room

Enchantment Room





Medical Ward

Pharmaceutical Lab

Treasure Room

Trophy Room

Storage Room



Ashner tapped on the rooms, but the menu refused to give any information about them.

His eyes wandered towards Naomie. She was studying the gold coins.

“Naomie, will you enter my world?” Ashner asked.

“No.” She shook her head.

“Why not?”

“Not until I stop them… Until they’re all dead… I won’t leave my world…” She dug her nail into one of the gold coins. “Please… Let me stay here…”

“Alright.” Ashner tilted his head.

I don’t have a lot of experience with kids… But I have an idea of what’s bothering her… I’ve seen those eyes before… On myself…

“Do you plan on killing them?” Ashner's words made the young girl's eyes widen. She darted towards him.

“Yes.” She spoke meekly. “They came in the night, killed my uncle and father… My mom… My clan fought, and they told the youngest of us to run… So we did… Those demi’s chased us down and slaughtered everyone… I’m more than likely the last golden demi-fox in the world… I found Alex in the wilderness, and later slavers caught us.”

Alex and Ashner studied the young girl. She was shuddering her words, but her resolve was building. She wanted blood even if her tears were sparkling down her face. “Help me, please, help me kill them… I’ll do anything you want…”

A rage that brings her to tears. That’s the sign of a good person about to crumble into darkness.

“I won’t help you kill these people out of spite.” Ashner’s words made the girl’s face drop. “I've seen a handful of my friends seek revenge against a foreign enemy. Do you want to know where they all are now?”

Naomie’s eyes became daggers as she glared at Ashner. “Where are they?”

“Dead… The worst part, they got some of my battles killed in their self-entitled fury…” Ashner sighed. “Revenge is a selfish act… And I can see it in your eyes… You don’t truly want it…”

“YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT!” Naomie roared the words out, along with more tears. “YOU DON'T KNOW ME!”

I'm not getting through to her. I won't… She's just how I was when the war started… I wanted to fight so badly… But I don’t want her to end up like I did…

“Naomie.” Alex grabbed the girl’s shoulder. “Don’t scream at our master.”

“She can scream if she wants to.” Ashner didn't want either of them to hide their emotions. “And you're right, Naomie. I don't know you. But that hate inside you. I know that passionately. So how about I make you a deal?”

“A deal?”

“Yes, work for me, and I'll let you stay in this room. Not just that, I'll show you how to use weapons from my world. I'll teach you knowledge far beyond the realms of your experience, and I'll bring you riches you can't even fathom…” Naomie's eyes lit up. “But in exchange, you let go of that hate.”

Naomie hesitated. She made two fists and rubbed the bottom of her heel against the floor.

Menu, buy a Bedroom in the White Room.

The menu spun, and a new door appeared in the white room.


1XP > 0XP

Bedroom (Level 1) – Room assigned to one individual. Bonuses are as follows.

- Personal Key to the In-Between – Must be given to a person of your choosing.

- Perfect Rest – Sleeping in an assigned room guarantees a perfect night's rest.

- Perfect Concentration – Studying in this room gives you a X2 memorization bonus.


The three stood in awe as the magical door appeared before their eyes. Ashner held out his hand, and a key started forming. It was similar to his own, but it was bronze instead of gold.

“If you accept my offer, I'll give you that room.”

Naomie's hesitation faded, and she nodded slowly.


Naomie Assigned to Bedroom 1.


Ashner handed her the key, and she walked towards the room with Alex and Ashner behind her.

They opened the room. The white was gone. It was a mellow blue with a bed fit for a princess, a dresser, bathroom, tub, shower, desk, and even power outlets on the walls.

“This is all mine?” Naomie rose a single fox ear up.

“Yes.” Ashner stepped out of the room. “I’ll check up on you later.”

Alex stepped out first, and Ashner started closing the door.

“Master!” Naomie screamed. Ashner stopped before closing the door and glanced at her. Both her ears drooped down. “Thank you.”

Ashner smiled and closed the door.




Afterward, Alex and Ashner traveled to the city. Each with a duffle bag full of gold. As soon as they entered the city, Ashner removed his helmet and clipped it to his chest.

All eyes locked on Alex.

“You’re still pretending to be a girl?”

“Yes. It's for appearances. Beautiful slaves show everyone your status.”

He's right. That rule applies to my world as well. Everyone wonders what makes you so different if you have a beautiful woman by your side.

Alex led the way through the town. Dozens of eyes ogled him.

Eyes lusting for a professional catfisher.

“We've arrived,” Alex whispered.

The building they gazed at was large and well-kept. With a handful of guards at the front gate. Inside the grounds were slaves tending to the withering plants and vegetation.

Ashner stepped inside the gated building.

“This is the biggest slave market in the city.” Alex was bringing Ashner up to speed. “If you want a warrior slave, we’ll find one here.”

“Good job,” Ashner smirked behind his mask.

This time, I'll get myself a beautiful woman…

They stepped inside the building. “Good afternoon, sir.” Ashner tuned into a female's voice. She was a beautiful slave, wearing something similar to a maid outfit, but it was made entirely of animal furs.

The woman bowed her head. “Are you here for a slave?”

“Yes.” Ashner's voice faltered momentarily when he reflected on what he was buying. But the girl in front of him was a beauty. So his downstairs brain took the reins. “I’m looking for a warrior, preferably a woman.”

“They’re expensive.”

Ashner dropped the duffle bag with the gold coins on the table. Some scattered on the floor.

Her eyes widened, and her composure broke. Inhaling slowly, she took long strides away from Ashner. “I'll grab my master.” As soon as she turned the corner, the clicking of her shoes accelerated.

“Regardless of the world, money is money.”

“Ashner.” Alex’s arms were crossed. “I need to tell you something about these girls.”

“Please don’t tell me they’re all guys.”

“Well, no, but these girls-”

A door opened, quickly grabbing Ashner's attention. Out came a man adorned in fine jewels and a purple silk robe.

He took in Ashner's armor and then glanced at the counter with the coins. Immediately, he put on a fake smile. “Welcome, customer. What are you looking for today?”

“I’m looking for a warrior, preferably a woman.”

“We currently only have one female warrior. She was taken in as a slave from the demi-cat tribe.”

A catgirl?

“Would you like to see her?”


The maid stayed this time as the slaver walked into the backroom. Alex kept his eyes on the maid with a glare of contentment.

She may get special privileges. But it's not like I'm mistreating Alex.

After a few minutes, the slaver returned, hand in hand with Ashner's request.

The girl was well dressed, unlike the slaves from cheaper vendors who were outside. The first thing that captivated Ashner was her face. Any way he studied her. She had heavy Asian features. Her face reminded him of pop stars.

Her ears and tail were similar to a cat's. Even her eyes were somewhere between human and feline.

Her body was small, very small. She was a head shorter than Ashner, and her chest wasn't very large. But checking her body out was easy. The blue dress she wore was designed with that in mind. Her ass and chest fit perfectly with her slim waist. With black hair that went down to just above her ass. Her ears and tail were the same color. But her eyes… She had deep lime-green eyes.

“She’s a warrior? But she’s so tiny.”

“The demi-cat clan's women are all tiny. But this one is worth more since she's still a virgin. From what the captors said, with a sword in her hand, she's a force to be reckoned with. Her clan picked a fight with the wrong humans, and she’s the last black demi-cat in this realm… Her worth is eighty mythril, or eighty thousand gold.”

“A force to be reckoned with… That's yet to be tested.” Ashner grabbed his water canteen and pulled out his combat knife. “Would you mind if I tested her?”

“That’s very unusual…” The slaver’s eyes went back to the coins on the table. “But I can make an exception.”

Ashner walked up to the girl. The closer he got to her, the more he found his heart racing. Someone he could do anything he wanted to. Not to mention her ears and tail. Was it possible to start a harem with her? He held out the combat knife. The girl gave him a confused eyebrow raise, but she grasped the hilt.

Ashner took a step back and casually tossed his canteen. The girl slashed once, cutting straight through the plastic, and water spilled on the floor.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Ashner assessed the girl. “Do you want to be mine?”

The girl contemplated the question as she studied his armor. “If you were to buy me… I vow to give you every part of me… If you want a warrior, I'll obey… If you want a servant, I'll obey.” She leaned in and whispered. “If you want a sex slave, I'll obey you… And only you.”

“Sold!” Ashner smiled and took a step back.

Alex palmed his head.

Ashner forked over most of his coins. Then, his finger was plucked for a drop of blood. The slaver unbuttoned the cat girl’s shirt, and the blood was rubbed on her chest. A crest on her chest lit up and spun.

The girl walked next to Ashner's side, holding a proud gaze. She had finally been bought.

As they left, all eyes stayed on Ashner. The city had eavesdropped and even spread rumors about him. But now that he had bought another high-end slave. They were curious, but they kept their distance.

Alex spoke up once they got out of the city and walked through the forest.

“Do you even know her name?”

I don’t…

Ashner turned to the girl. “What’s your name?”

“Any name you want to give me will do.”

“No, I want to know your real name.”

“… Risa.”

“Nice to meet you, Risa.” Ashner smiled. Once again, the muscles on his face snugged and strained, but Alex caught it. Instead of pushing his opinions, he kept silent.

The two walked into the White Room.

Naomie's in her room. It would be awkward if she saw me bring another girl here.

Risa gazed at the White Room, confused, just as Alex did in the past. Even if their world has magic, this was something surreal to them.

Ashner removed his gear and dropped the coins next to a tough box they had filled with gold.

Menu buy XP Share, Language Proficiency, and Radiation Resistance for Risa.


XP:1104 > XP:914


“Come with me.” Ashner led Risa into his world, into his worn-down, old apartment. Alex stayed behind in the White Room as Ashner made his way to his personal room.

Risa kept her gaze on his bed for a few seconds.

Accepting her role.

Ashner wasn’t a fool. Her body was the biggest reason he bought her. The girl leered at Ashner’s eyes and leaned in. “I am yours. Do whatever you want with me.”

Ashner didn't wear his military uniform under his gear. He wore worn-out clothes with cargo pants.

Before Ashner said anything, Risa removed her blue dress. She wore no underwear underneath. Her nipples were bright pink, and her chest was perky. Risa’s tail and ears slanted down and complimented her petite body. She shook and covered her chest with her arm after Ashner stared for a few seconds.

Conflicted with Ashner's reaction, she wrapped her arms around his chest and walked back, falling back-first onto the bed. Ashner was still dressed. This was almost unreal.

Finally, a woman who was willing to have sex with him. He wanted to manhandle every inch of her. He wanted to rush even though she was a virgin. But out of consideration for her, he wasn't going to remove his mask, which removed all possibilities of making out.

She’s a beauty without measure. And she’s all mine.

He stopped.

“I am yours and yours alone, Master.” Risa's voice shifted. Ashner took a pause. His lust started fading. “Please do whatever you want with me.”

The colors Ashner painted in his mind faded. They were replaced with the hues of reality. The truth he desperately tried to escape reeled him in like a bad harvest. Reality crashed into him, and all the air gushed out of his lungs.

Two large tears ran down Risa's face, sobbing between her words. She did nothing to hide her naked body. Instead, she brought her palms up to her face. Risa was trying to cover her tears. She had nothing to claim as her own anymore.


“It's okay, Master. These are tears of joy.” An obvious lie. “I am yours… Only yours… Please… Let me fuck you… Let me care for you… Please, please, please... Don't abandon me…”

Risa's tone was nothing but desperation and anxiety, like a torn harp's strings continuing to play a note. The charm was gone, replaced with the silence of a finger begging for music.

Ashner was the musician and Risa was the harp.

“If I touch you…” Risa's body shook furiously from the fear of having something precious stolen from her. “I'll shatter you…”

At the razer's edge of forbidden pleasure, something Ashner desired more than life itself he took a moment to reflect on himself... Ashner stood up, away from Risa. As he did, her tears ran down her face wildly. Somehow, Ashner's action to back away gave her body the excuse to let go of the emotions she was holding back...

Nothing changed. I'm still the same loser I was before… Women from this world, or women from my world. It doesn't matter. I'm not what they want… I'm never what anyone wants... This is the worst part of being alone… I should've known better… Instead... I was blinded by my desires... And as a result... A woman is crying inches from me... And I can't say or do anything to comfort her... Fuck me... Fuck me... Fuck me... Fuck Me... Fuck Me... FUCK ME!




Ashner stepped out of his room. As soon as he did, her wailing became louder.

Alex stood in the hallway with a Beretta 92 in his hand. He wasn't shaking like the first day he held a combat knife. His eyes were sharp, and he wore his emotions on his sleeve. Alex was pissed.

“I’m assuming you were going to use that on me.”

Alex shook his head. “It’s for me… Had you forced yourself on her, I would’ve taken my own life.”


“Because you're different!” Now Alex's hand started shaking. “Up until now, your race has only shown me hate, lust, and abuse… But you… You fed and clothed me without me having to beg. You gave me permission to act out on my own feelings! For crying out loud, you risked your life for my sake! You didn't just give me a new life! You gave me a purpose!”

Ashner took a step back.

“You woke up my soul from an empty and cold place! Even if you consistently put yourself down! You gave me everything! You even called me your partner… So I refuse to let you go down the path every human in my world went down…” Alex’s tone got softer. “I'd rather die than let the only human I respect turn into a monster.”

“Alex, I am a monster… I only wanted to use you for your powers, and I only wanted to use Risa for her body… I’m a loser.”

“My people have a saying.” He put the gun on the table. “Only through comfort are the heart's colors truly revealed… You have all authority over me… Over her… And yet you chose to be kind to me... You chose to be kind to her, even after she told you everything you wanted to hear! You chose to push away your lust to keep her from losing herself! NO HUMAN FROM MY WORLD WOULD GIVE A SLAVE THAT COURTESY!”

“You knew she was faking? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because you were hellbent on her! I am a slave, and she is one too. The only way proper masters buy us is if we pretend to be everything they want. Our emotions are invalid. As long as we find someone willing to feed us and clothe us, we don't care. We need to find a way to survive!”

“I made her cry…”

“If you want a harem, then create it properly. Don’t force others into it. Win her heart over with kindness.”

“Kindness doesn't win a girl's heart… Women in my world have so many options, and most toss someone like me aside.” Ashner removed his mask, exposing his true self to Alex. Some blisters had popped, and puss and blood ran down his face. “Especially with my face and past, who would accept me? Do you know what it's like to look at yourself and hate what you became? To look at your past and remember when you were worth a damn? I know, cause I see it in the mirror every day... Why did you think I chose a slave instead of focusing on improving myself? Who the FUCK WOULD EVER LOVE ME!”

“Those are the rules in your world… Not mine…” Alex didn't react to Ashner's face. He accepted him full-heartedly. “In my world, kindness is a luxury… Even among slaves…”

Ashner leaned against the door and put his mask back on. “What now? She’s not an idiot. She’ll never respect me after today.”

“No,” Alex shook his head. “You refused to take her, even if she was more than willing. You saw past that and pushed away your desire for her… If anything, that's what makes you a great master.”

“I should just free her.”

“You can't.” Alex crossed his arms. “Abandoning a slave means you break their contract. The curse will take effect. That girl's body will lock away, and she'll starve to death, trapped in a body that will never move again. You chose her, you chose me and Naomie, so take responsibility... Because our lives are in your hands.”

I can't change the hate people have towards me or my past. And I sure as hell can't force someone to love me… The only thing I can really change is myself… But my heart… I can't believe I'm depressed even with all this power at my fingertips… I'm such a fucking idiot…

Ashner took a deep breath.

Is it all right to live my life, to be selfish at the cost of others?

His mind recalled the night he failed to stop Ensley, and his chest imploded.

No! Unlike them, I actually want the girl to want me back… I want to be loved… That's all I want… Just someone to love me for who I am… Why is that so hard to find… Fuck, I thought it was just lust, but it's something more… Fuck me…

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