I Maxed out my Stats with a Gotcha System, So why am I still a Loser???

Chapter 4 – Ties Forged in War

{[Asking for help doesn’t make you weak. Facing the world alone crumbles everyone.]}


Ashner opened his eyes. He was in a cold sweat, gasping for air and reaching for a weapon that wasn't at his side anymore. Above him was a water-damaged ceiling. Even if he wasn't there anymore, his body was shaking with fear… He took a few moments to recover himself.

The war was over.

He had survived.

And for a few days, he, like every veteran, was a hero.

Something was off.

Someone was holding his hand.

He turned his head. Risa was on the corner of his bed, sitting on a chair, with her hand on his.

“Good morning, Master.”

“What are you doing?” Ashner asked, still embarrassed about the night a few days back. It was so awkward that Risa kept her distance and stayed hidden in Ashner's room for a few days.

“You were screaming in your sleep. I took it upon myself to try to ease your suffering.”

I wasn’t aware I screamed in my sleep… Well, it’s not like there’s anyone that would know.

“Thank you, Risa,” Ashner sensed the fear inside him fade away. He was home in the presence of a beautiful woman. How could he not be at ease?

“It’s my pleasure, Master.”

Ashner sighed, “As for you.” He turned his head towards his foot. Alex was holding it tightly.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

“I also want to relieve your pain,” Alex admitted.

“I get that, but you're a guy. We really need to talk about boundaries.”

“I don’t understand, Ashner.”

“It's okay for a woman to initiate physical touch. It's just creepy when a guy does it.”

“I’m creepy?”

“Right now, you are.”

Risa let go of Ashner's hand and tuned into the two guys bickering back and forth. She raised her eyebrow and spoke.

“Alex, you are not permitted to argue with our Master.”

Alex shut up immediately.

Odd, even after the other night, she’s still so dedicated.

“No,” Ashner slid off his bed. The morning light was shining down on the three of them. “You're allowed to speak your mind. You're allowed to say no. And you're allowed to fulfill your own desires.”

Ashner sighed loudly.

“Alex, Risa… I owe you two an apology.”

The slaves studied him with a troubled face and then at each other.

“A master does not apologize to their slave,” Risa added.

“Then I'm a crappy master…” That earned him a glare from Alex and a head tilt from Risa. “Alex, I ignored your input when we were in your world. The truth is, I was only thinking about myself… And Risa, I was so blinded by my own lust for you that I didn't consider your feelings… Can you both find it in your hearts to forgive me?"

The two stayed silent for a little while. Ashner didn't understand why and even became a little uncomfortable.

“I forgive you.” Alex hugged him, his ears shot up, and his tail wagged left and right.

“Lay off!” Ashner shrugged him aside. “Why are you so needy?”

“I’m just so happy!”

Alex tried giving him another hug. Ashner held his arm up, keeping the short demi-dog away from him.

“Master.” Risa interrupted.

"What is it?" Ashner held Alex's face against the wall, and Alex's tail wagged faster.

“I was part of the Leliel clan until we were defeated in battle by humans.” She grabbed her arm, hesitant with her words. Her ears were down on her head. "I won't forgive you… Unless you help me with something.”

Whatever she's going to ask, it's something she wants badly. Judging by her body stance, she’s assuming I’m going to punish her.

“Let me return to my world. The remains of my kin were left to rot… In time, the Dead God will claim them as his own.”

“The Dead God will claim them?” Ashner glanced at Alex, confused by the comment.

Alex jumped into the conversation. “If a body isn't burned to ash or blessed, the corpse becomes a plaything to the Dead God, walking our world as undead slaves, until the darkness overwhelms their souls, then they're devoured by the Dead God…”

So zombies, then food?

“How can we save them?”

Risa's ear shot up. “With fire or light magic. Once their corpses are cleansed, their souls are freed, and they can enter the Eternal Forest.”

“What’s the Eternal Forest?”

“It's the land where the souls of the righteous go. The Luminous God created it for my kin. Upon our deaths, we enter her realm.”

So, their form of an afterlife.

Ashner debated his options. He was curious if zombies dropped gold. In truth, he owed her that much after the night they had.

“Do either of you know light or fire magic?”

Alex spoke first. “I have a variation of dark magic.”

Ashner turned to Risa. “I only know wind magic.”

“Then we can't exactly go in there and save them unless I buy a slave that's proficient in light or fire magic. Sadly, most of my weapons won't set people on fire.”

Risa's face tilted down towards the dirty carpet.

“That doesn’t mean I won’t help you.”

Her ears and tail shot up.

Ashner glanced up and put his hands on his head. “We're going to need help… But I intend to keep my word to you…”

Risa leaned back, surprised by his words.

Next, Ashner stood and walked out of the room. Alex followed behind him.

“Ashner.” Alex’s voice was cherry. “You’re helping her?”

“Of course.”

“I know you said I'm not helpful in a fight, but you can trust me… No matter what you need, please rely on me.” Alex's tail wagged. “But don't expect too much. Unlike you, I'm not very brave.”

You think I’m brave?

Ashner was conflicted with his words. Alex was too trusting, too innocent.

But he was right. He wouldn't get far if he didn't trust anyone.

The C-R on his hands had kept him from making connections, and it had eaten away almost every part of Ashner. He used to have friends long ago.

People who literally carried him out of hell.

It was time to face them. And prove to Alex that he was indeed brave.

“I need to see someone. Please stay here and watch over Risa and Naomie.”

“As you command.” Alex bowed, almost pleased that he was given an order.

Ashner turned and left his apartment. He walked deep into the city, passing homeless men, prostitutes, and thugs. Some parts of the city reeked of manure. This place wasn't his home. It was the only place he was allowed to live after his conviction.

Ashner learned about an old friend who worked in the same city he lived in, but he didn't have the courage to face him.

I'm far from brave. I've been running from my past, drowning myself in alcohol and self-loathing. I know I didn't rape her. But that doesn't stop the world from judging me. After being called a rapist over and over by so many different people… A part of me started accepting their hate as a fact. It's easier to accept the abuse than to shine the light on the truth…

My shame is an anchor, and the world is the ocean… I sank, but I didn't drown… I fell further than I ever had before, but the depth is infinite in the ocean of shame. So I have only one choice… I need to swim. I need to fight. The world needs to know what I'm made of. Of course, I'm not foolish enough to believe I can do it alone… I need people by my side. Those who held their hands out for me while I sank… Still, I pushed them away… I did it to 'protect them,' but the reality is, I did it for myself. To hide who I became… No more… I may wear a mask for my body, but I’m not wearing one for my soul anymore…




Ashner stood at the end of a hospital bed, lamenting his failures. Gio's body was still alive. Even if machines were helping him breathe, he had become a bit smaller.

His head was morphed, and as far as medical technology had gone, a bullet through the head can only heal so much.

“Someone’s been shaving your beard.” Ashner studied his friend as the machines breathed for him. “I’m sorry I haven’t visited. After what happened, I kept track of you. You were always the strongest of us… I didn’t think she would cause this…”

“Ashner?” An echo from the past brought a shock down his spine.

Ashner turned.

Wearing clean scrubs and a stethoscope around his neck was someone Ashner had tried his best to keep away from. His Asian features were strong, and he had grown a bit slimmer since he last laid his eyes on him.


The doctor lowered his clipboard. “So you finally gave him a visit.” Wong’s eyes sharpened with rage. Ashner lowered his head.

“I wrote a letter to you every week for five years… I even visited you once a month regardless of how bad the weather got. Not once did you write back or come out to see me…” Wong dropped the clipboard on a seat. “Are you done being a bitch?”

“I’m sorry-”

“Zip it!” Wong interrupted. “You know what your problem is?”

Wong rushed forward, sizing up Ashner.

“Tell me.”

“You lost the ability to trust those you love. Even after we proved ourselves to you over and over, even after our battalion was wiped out, and only four of us survived… But somehow. In that stupid little head of yours, you perceive your worth as less than nothing. And pushed everyone who's ever given a damn about you away. You're insufferable, idiotic, cold, and worst of all… You pushed me away… ME, YOUR FRIEND!” Wong's hands shook with rage. He was fighting his own instincts to take a swing at Ashner. On his neck, a vein pulsed. “I thought you were gone, both physically and mentally… I'm glad you found me here. God knows I tried finding you…”

“I’m sorry. After what happened-”

"Oh, you mean that bullshit lie of you forcing yourself on that pizza girl?” Ashner raised his eyebrow. “Yeah, I kept up with the news involving you… And you better bet your ass I read and re-read that eight-hundred and fifty-nine-page joke of a Record of Trial trying to find a loophole… You're lucky I'm in scrubs. Had we met outside, I would've kicked your ass so hard our Colorectal Surgeon would have to work through the weekend just to put you back together…”

“You knew?”

“Of course I fucking knew. We went through hell together while bombs eradicated our friends… I know you better than anyone in this world… You don't have the guts to talk to girls… Honestly, you were kind of a loser then, but now… That's yet to be determined.” Wong changed the subject. He wanted to keep lashing out, but that wasn't productive. “I always wanted to be a doctor and a surgeon. I even took the classes after you were locked away, I got my degrees, and I made sure Gio ended up in this hospital after what his ‘bitch of an ex’ did to him.”

“I should’ve been there for him.”

“Finally, something we agree on. But you're here now. And judging by your shit appearance, I'm guessing things didn't work out too well for you.”

“You can say that. I didn't expect to find you here, Wong. But you were always the smartest of us three. So I'm glad you made something of yourself.”

“It'll be the three of us again once this gorilla of a man wakes up.” Wong paced towards the machine, monitoring Gio's vitals. “Crow survived too, but he's a whole other level of wack-job. I feel pity for whatever therapist ends up talking to him.”

“I heard he's involved in some shady shit,” Ashner admitted.

“I’m aware… Oh.” Wong grabbed a glass vial from behind his desk and tossed it at Ashner. “Catch.”

“What’s this?” Ashner held the glass container cautiously.

“That's the experimental serum R-2-69-L.O.L”

“Is that a joke?”

“No, I'm guessing that's why Ensley and his friends took it… That's the acid that burned your face… I bought it from Crow a few years ago… It cost me a fortune, and I've been trying to figure out how to reverse its effects on flesh.”

You weren't sure if I'd ever come visit you. You didn't even know where I was, but you did all this for me? I'm a shit friend.

“Wong, there's something you should know about me.” Wong studied his friend with a wide glance. “I discovered a key and a world… I can bring Gio back right now.”

“Please don’t tell me you’re on drugs.”

Ashner shook his head, and he held up his only Mid Potion.

“What is that?” Wong crossed his arms.

“A way to bring Gio back." Ashner uncorked the potion, and as he did, blue light emerged from it. The light made Wong take a step back. “Lift him up.”

Wong lifted Gio’s chest up and held him as Ashner poured the drink down his throat.

A blue light engulfed Gio’s body like a second skin.

Gio’s eyes opened.

Wong jumped back. “Well, fuck me sideways, and color me impressed. Where the fuck did you find that?”

Gio glanced around, confused.

The bottle started disappearing, from a solid to a misty illusion, and then it was gone.

“We have a lot to talk about… Now that it’s the three of us again… I need your help.”


{[The meek will never rule the world. Only strong men who tame their strength will.]}


“A key that leads to another world.” Wong’s finger came up to his lip. “Can I see this key?”

Ashner reached for his neck and removed the key. He had attached it next to his dog tags.

“You’re still wearing those?”

“Yes,” Ashner's eyes came down, his body sulked. “I know I was kicked out… And I wouldn't say I liked every second I spent in the military… Even so… I never fit in anywhere else. Even if I was betrayed by the very people in it, in my heart, I am, and always will be, a soldier.”

Wong reached for his neck and pulled out his own.

One tag had his information. The other was red and listed all his allergies.

The red one had started fading.

Ashner handed Wong the key. The doctor inspected it curiously.

He didn't react when he touched the key. Maybe he isn't a 'Traveler' like I am.

“Guys?” Gio's voice was the deepest of the three. He leaned up. Even after two years in a coma, his body was still strong. “The walls around us are filthy. Where are we?”

“We’re near the ruins of Denver.”

“Really? How long has it been?"

“A few years.” Wong tilted his head. “Welcome back.”

Gio studied Ashner. “I'm glad you're here… Even if you didn't write back to me… At one point, I just started writing you the plots of animes. Did you read them?”

“I did,” Ashner admitted. “I read every letter… I just couldn't write back…”

Gio surveyed his friends. Immediately comprehending that they had both changed.

“You’ve both gotten smaller… Have you been skimming on PT?”

“We’re not at war anymore.” Wong shook his head. “What do you remember?”

“Robyn… She, well, she…”

“She slept with half the battalion we were assigned to after our unit was wasted…” Wong continued assessing his memory, doing his job as a proper doctor. “You didn’t take it well.”

“I blew my brains out.” Gio glanced around at both of them. “I shouldn’t be alive.”

Both Wong and Ashner pouted at him.

“I won’t let you die.” Wong crossed his arms. “Even if you decided you wanted out of this life, you'd have to make sure I was in the ground first before you made that choice.”

Wong grabbed Gio's collarbone and squeezed it tight. “Next time, talk to us… After years in the field, you two were the only things I had left… And both of you disappeared from my life.”

“I’m sorry.” Gio glared at the machines next to him. “Wong, you're a full-fledged doctor or maybe a surgeon, and Ashner… Well, you look like shit.”

“I’m both.” Wong bragged. “A lot happened while you were out.”

“Tell me about it.” Gio sat up.

“It’s a long story.”

Gio’s eyebrow raised. “… I got time.”

Ashner sat down next to him and told them everything. He started the conversation with Ensley and how he had framed him. Gio gripped the bed covers as Ashner spoke, his eyes dilated and widened. He had never gotten Ashner to talk to him, much less learned about the truth.

“Where’s Ensley?-” Gio interrupted. “When I get my hands on that asshole.”

“You believe me?” Ashner was distraught over his reaction.

He didn’t even question if I forced myself on her…

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?” Gio’s tone was almost insulted. “We all know you have no rizz and freeze up when a pretty girl is around.”

Oh, that’s why.

“Tell me where Ensley is?” Wong tapped on his clipboard with the key. His eyes were daggers. Both Ashner and Gio rationalized that if Wong wanted to do something reckless, he would act out of impulse. Most of the time, he was calm. A contradiction to his character, but when it came to the people he loved. The doctor would show no mercy to his enemies. Now that Ashner had confessed the truth, Wong was out for blood.

“I don't know… More than likely in one of the floating cities… But let's drop it. Harming Ensley won't change what he did to me… Or what he did to her.”

“Melissa.” Wong tapped his clipboard again. “That girl's name was Melissa. She was supposed to inherit Raven Corp, but she was doing a low-end job, and even her identity was hidden from her workplace… I'm guessing she had some argument with her family, and they punished her by making her work, or maybe it was something else… I can't grasp how the wealthy think… It just comes to show nobody is truly safe in this world.”

Ashner continued. He talked about the key and the doorway to another world. Then he talked about Alex, Risa, and Naomie. Lastly, he told them about Risa's desire to free her people from the Dead God.

Gio started laughing. His voice boomed through the hallways. “You seriously want a harem?”

“Don't laugh… It's an earnest dream of mine.” Ashner's face reddened behind his mask. He glanced at Wong.

Wong's face was calm for a few seconds… Then he snorted and joined Gio in their mocking.

Ashner pouted until they both regained their composure.

“I'm in.” Gio smiled. “A fantasy world with demi-humans. Do you think they have girls with horns and blue hair?"

“I did see some with green and even pink hair. But not blue.”

“Let's go right now!” Gio tried getting up.

“Not so quick, killer.” Wong pushed him down. “You went years without walking. You're going to need some time to recover.”

“Use your XP stuff on me.” Gio insisted. “I’ll help you.”

Menu, XP required to restore Gio to his former self?

The menu popped up in front of him, and jumped.


Skill not acquired. Gotcha Roll, 1 Free Roll.


Sure, spin.

The menu spun similar to a dart board and stopped.


(Rare) Addition to Angel's Gift – Show Stats.

(Level 1) – Gifted – You gain the ability to assess your stats. The menu will tell you if you're poisoned, hurt, or lacking nutrients.

Level 2 – Gifted You gain the ability to see your allies' stats. This is only limited to their immediate needs.

Level 3 – 100 XP – You gain the ability to see the stats of your allies. This will include everything they need and if they're poisoned or hurt.

Level 4 – 1,000 XP – You gain the ability to see the stats of all your allies, even if they're worlds apart.

Level 5 – 10,000 XP – You gain the ability to see the stats of all living creatures. Ally or otherwise.


This is useful.

“It won't let me. The menu allows me to give boosts to my slaves but not to you guys.”

“We’re going to need to figure out all the limitations of your power.” Wong was very invested, like a child on Christmas, but he was trying to hide it.

“I meant to ask something.” Gio rubbed his head. “You destroyed the heart of that cave, cutting off your only sure supply of XP and gold. Why did you do that?”

“For a few reasons.” Ashner had debated against it at first in his own mind. "First, I was curious, if I destroyed the heart, would I gain XP, and how much? Second, when I first entered that world, I was attacked by a slime. So what would happen if I opened the door one day and a swarm of slimes rushed me? Or if other monsters did? In the worst-case scenario, they’d end up in our world. I knew destroying it was a risk. Keeping it there was also a risk, so it had to be done.”

“That was either the smartest or dumbest decision you’ve made so far.”

“Either way, after I fought the massive slime, I realized I needed help not just in that world but in this one. With my power, I can make us wealthy… Gold is a rarity and in high demand, since it's a core item needed to keep the floating cities up in the sky.”

The doctor handed Ashner the key back. “Well… I'm interested now.”

“What are we waiting for?” Gio danced in his hospital bed. “Let’s go to the other world…”

“You still need a full-body checkout. Not to mention, you need to sign your paperwork to get out of the hospital.” Wong lectured.

“Come on, Wong, don't be a buzzkill… Demi girls… Magical world… Gold… Oh, only one rule for me… If they're thick… I call dibs.”

“Girls aren't Pokemon cards. You can't just call dibs on them.”

Gio was too excited. The two of them recalled his personality. He was going to sneak off the moment all eyes were off him.

“Oh, that show with the elf and blue-haired maid…I found a physical copy of the sixth season… It wasn't cheap, but it's real…”

Gio’s kryptonite.

He debated it silently for a few seconds. “On second thought… I might need some more time on this bed…”

Wong went to one of the drawers and pulled out both a computer and a DVD, items considered relics. Gio yelped in joy. “This coma was a blessing.” Gio started up the machine and put on some headphones.

The doctor grabbed Ashner. “I can finish his paperwork by the end of the day. He just needs to sign a few things. Give me your phone number and address, and we'll head your way tomorrow. I may not be obsessed with fantasy like Gio is… But the opportunity to roam in a new world is something I won't let pass me by.”

The two exchanged numbers. Wong tapped his shoulder. “This time, don't push us away.”

Ashner nodded and took a few steps down the hallway. Eyeing the two talking brought back old memories.

Why was I so afraid to trust them?

Ashner smiled and left before either of them had the chance to stop him.




Ashner walked home, avoiding homeless men covered in filthy clothes. They held up a styrofoam cup. As he passed them, the aroma of alcohol weighed heavily on their breaths. Even so, Ashner was… Smiling.

As soon as Ashner opened his door, Risa greeted him. She had been on her knees waiting for his arrival. The girl knelt as low as her body allowed. “Welcome home, Master.”

What is she doing? Has she been waiting all day for me? Her poor knees.

“Get up. You don't have to greet me that way. Where's Alex?”

Alex is preparing lunch. From my understanding, he said it's a splendid meal from your world. He called it instant ramen.”

“Something other than government-given MRE’s.” Ashner stepped towards the kitchen, passing by Risa. “But then again, real food is scarce, so he’s making do with what we have.”

“Master.” Risa's voice was melancholy.

Ashner glanced down at her. She was still kneeling.

“Risa, what is it?”

“I failed your expectations… Yet you haven’t punished me… I may be out of line, but please… The anxiety of waiting is terrible…”

“You want me to punish you? Over what happened the other night?”


Risa stayed knelt down on the floor. Her black ears and tail dipped down.

Is she depressed over this? But why?

Ashner came down to his knees and squeezed her ear. This made Risa squeak. Her other ear flickered forward, and her tail shot up slightly.

“You’re forgiven.” Ashner stood.


“My world has no demi's, so being able to touch your ear… It's something no human in my world has ever had the privilege of doing… That's more than enough, in my opinion.”

Risa’s eyes shot around the room. “It’s not good enough…” Then back down on the floor.

She’s hopeless.

“I’ll decide something later. For now, let’s go eat.”

Risa paced behind Ashner like a puppy that had just been yelled at. She sat on the floor as Alex set the table.

“Sit on the chair,” Ashner spoke in an irritated voice.

How do I break her out of that stupid mindset? It was much easier with Alex.

The three sat and ate out of the hot cups. Both the slaves struggled to eat with the utensils and mimicked Ashner as he spun his fork in the noodles.

“I already gave some to Naomie.” Alex fiddled with his cup.

“Who’s Naomie?” Risa asked.

“She’s my demi-fox slave, but she’s scared of coming over to this world. So she’s staying in the White Room.”

Risa shifted her seat and bit on her fingernail.

Is she feeling insecure over Naomie? She did say she was a warrior. Maybe if I appeal to that side of her, she'll start to break away from her feelings of shame… Not that it's her fault…

“I need to go back into your world,” Ashner spoke as he finished his lunch. His eyes went to Risa. “I need a warrior to watch my back… Will you join me?”

“Yes!” Risa shot up off her seat so quickly that she knocked her chair back.

First impressions are hard to erase. But this girl wants to prove her worth. So why not let her?

Risa’s eyes were delighted. She gobbled down her food quickly and waited on her knees next to the door, which was incidentally a door to his boiler room. But he had tapped the key on it, and the magical door was ready.

“Here.” Ashner handed her his combat knife. “Use this for now. When we head into the city, I'll buy you a sword.”

She studied the blade and practiced jabbing it into the air. “This weapon is magnificent. But it isn't enchanted.”

You can enchant weapons? That would be scary in my world. I need to be extra careful bringing weapons from that side here.

They entered the White Room, and Ashner readied himself with his armor, M4-Carbine, and Beretta M9. Risa studied him closely, curious about how his armor and weapons worked.

Naomie was in her room. She hadn’t stepped out to greet Ashner, but he didn’t mind.

“Let's go, Risa. The cave is clear, so we won't have to fight our way out. Maybe I should get you some armor as well.”

“I fight better with light armor. My attribute is wind. So speed is my weapon.”


Ashner opened the door and stepped into the cave. His NODs lit up, and he moved with his weapon at the ready. He didn’t expect any monsters to be there, but it never hurts to be careful.

It’s clear.

They took a turn towards the exit of the cave. Ashner removed his NODs before that.

It took his eyes a few seconds to adjust to the light.

Risa gasped.

The aroma of iron filled the air. At his feet lay bodies. Most of them were males. Some were females. One thing stood out, other than their white and green clothes.

Their ears were long and pointy.

They were elves, and humans stood over them with bloodied weapons.

“Show us your ears!” An echo ran from inside the cave.

I’m surrounded… How did they sneak up on me? Magic perhaps?

Ashner removed his helmet. Immediately, all the humans sighed in relief. They had hidden behind the stalagmites. One of them just appeared out of thin air.

Invisibility? They're using magic… And the one that hid was able to hide his body temperature. That's why my NODs didn't detect him…

“We found a group of elves. They claim to have accidentally crossed into our lands.”

The men walked towards Ashner and Risa, leading them towards the exit of the cave. Ashner kept his hand on his weapon.

They led them outside, where a dozen or so female elves were bound by their hands. They were crying, wearing no shoes. Some were wounded, by what Ashner presumed, they were sword and arrow wounds… And two were stripped naked… One of the victims was gorgeous with long purple hair.

Risa’s breathing became rapid.

Two magic users behind me in the cave, six in front of me…

“You’ve got a warrior slave. A beautiful one at that… If you're looking for a bargain, we'll sell you one of the girls we just finished with.”

The two naked elves cuddled each other more closely.

“But this one.” One of the men, the largest one, grabbed a pretty elf. She was busty and a little shorter than Ashner. He grabbed her shirt and ripped it off her body. Leaving her bare for all to inspect.

Her green hair came down to her butt, and her purple eyes glared at the man that had stripped her.

“Don’t look at me that way. With my authority, I order you to smile.”

The crest was on her left breast and circled to her chest. Some streaks were on her right breast. The busty elf had fought but ultimately lost when they marked her. The seal lit up bright red, and her facial expression shifted into a fake and desperate smile. Her face obeyed, but her eyes were rebellious. She wanted blood.

Risa held the combat knife so tightly that her knuckles had become white.

“So, do you want one?” Asked their leader as he took the girl's pants off. “Or maybe you’d like to sell that demi-cat instead?”

The two men from inside the cave walked closer to Ashner. Their eyes were on Risa. She was a beauty. She had the potential to make it as a model on Earth. But not to discredit the other women, all the female elves were beautiful.

“I realize I haven't punished you yet.” Ashner tilted his head towards Risa. Her eyes were down on the grass, and she controlled her rage. “I order you, by my authority as your master… Tell me what you want to do to those men…”

“Kill…” She whispered. “I want to kill them.”

The slavers giggled and mocked her. After all, she was just a slave. The elves behind the men stayed silent. To them, this was just a pause in their suffering.

“You have a pretty dark heart, Risa…” Ashner commented. “But I suppose… That in this world… That's the only way to survive… So as your punishment… My order…”

Ashner quickly drew his Beretta M9 from his holster and fired it at the two slavers in the cave. Their blood stained Risa's face and shirt.

Ashner never moved his eyes away from Risa. The echo of the gunshot stopped all the laughter… As the slaver’s bodies fell limp, their allies screamed.

“Risa, kill the slavers.”

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