I no longer want to be a part of this triangle

Chapter 11- Sudden visit

After returning to my room, I remained seated at the door for quite a long.

Two days ago, I couldn't have thought that facing Nanase Katori would give me such complicated emotions. Currently, I am feeling distressed and anxious.

Although my mind was telling me that I said the right thing. I couldn't trust those two again so drawing the line was the correct thing, I knew. But my heart...why was it beating so restlessly? Why was I still concerned about Katori?! I was getting furious at my own unnatural behavior.


Feeling my phone ringing, I took it out, and, without looking at the caller's name, I picked it up, "Hello?"

My voice was, unnaturally hoarse as I said.

[Senpai? Is everything alright?]

From the other side, the familiar voice of my junior echoed, and instantly, it felt like my whole being froze up. My heart was now no longer banging against my chest and my mind felt converged at her voice alone.

[Senpai? Did something happen?]

Her voice grew heavy in concern.

I parted my lips but closed them again. I didn't know what to say. Should I tell her? What happened with Katori? Will she be mad that I talked to her just after our date?

Even so, I decided to tell her,

"Kohana...I met Katori just now-"

*Beep* *Beep*

The phone suddenly got disconnected. I was rendered speechless. I stared at the mobile screen and hesitantly tried to call her again to see if it got disconnected because of a network error. But,

[The number you are trying to reach is out of the coverage area...]

She....blocked me?


My phone fell to the ground as I numbly stared at nothing in particular.

So it was true. Kohana-chan indeed got mad that I talked to Katori...any girl would be.

But...for a moment I thought she would listen to me until the end. She might think that I know many people at school, then I must have many friends. But it wasn't true. I have no friends at all. No one to share my problems. And if I did they would only fake console me and laugh behind my back.

So I thought maybe Kohana-chan would listen to me. But how can I forget that a girl would never tolerate hearing about another girl? Especially from someone she likes.

I sat there wordlessly. Staring into the darkness in which my house was enshrouded. A whirlwind of thoughts and emotions was making me suffocate.

*Ding* *Dong*

Someone rang the doorbell, helping me travel out of my daze before I got up and without even looking at the person through the security camera, I opened the door.

There...she stood.

With sweat making her forehead shine and breathing pattern suggesting that she had run a long way, Kohana stood there.

Concern and anxiety were written over her face.

"Senpai...sorry for cutting the call...*huff*"

Hearing her voice something surged inside. It was a rush of those emotions that I have been bottling up since yesterday. The betrayal I faced, the humiliation I had to go through, Dad's scolding...everything just burst forth and I ended up tightly hugging Kohana.

"Ah..." She exclaimed.

"Why...*sniff* why did you disconnect the call? I am mad. Really mad at you." In a muffled voice with my face nestled in her neck, I complained.

Kohana-chan didn't say anything against the sudden intimacy. Rather, she softly patted my back and slowly hummed a response, "Yes, I am bad. Let it all out Senpai."

I didn't know how long it had been since I had expressed my emotions so openly. Letting my tears well up like this...I feared getting teased and made fun of by people, so I never dared cry in front of others.

But when Kohana-chan appeared before me, I felt I could trust her. I felt I could dump all my complaints and grief on her. Why did I feel such an urge, and I ended up acting based on that, was still a mystery. But one thing was for sure.

I trust Kohana-chan.


[Third Person POV:]

Inside the living room, Kazuki sat with a blanket draped over his shoulders. Although Kohana had lowered the AC, she could see that her Senpai was still a little cold.

She gave him some moments and used his kitchen to prepare some coffee for him.

Bringing something sweet to eat with the bitter coffee she put it on the table, before pulling it towards Kazuki.

"Have some coffee Senpai. Caffeine helps calming our nerves."

Kazuki picked the cup before asking in a hoarse voice, "Where did you hear that?"

"In the books of suggestion I am writing."

Kohana's smile made even the black coffee taste sweet to him. It was strange that despite having him seen in tears some minutes ago, she was acting normal and not actively asking if he was alright or what happened with Katori.

She was giving him some space but Kazuki could see that there was apprehension in her eyes.

"Hey Kohana-chan...can I be a little selfish?" In a hesitant voice he asked.

"I would love to spoil you Senpai, so just say it."

Kazuki put down his cup before parting the blanket and calling out, "T-Then please...join me. I feel cold..."

Kazuki didn't know what he was thinking or saying anymore. Remembering the way he hugged her back in the park he wanted to feel the same warmth again. And in his current state he could really appreciate some comfort.

Kohana was stunned for a moment, but as she said she was going to spoil her Senpai so she couldn't back away now.

Inching close to him, she sat between his thighs before Kazuki wrapped the blanket around the two. With his hands now around her, he could feel the suppleness of her body. The warmth she offered and her calming fragrance helped him a lot.

With his eyes closed and hands wrapped around Kohana, he leaned back and enjoyed the blissful sensation.

Kohana wordlessly sat there, feeling her face up to her scalp now blood red. However, her Senpai's comfort was far greater than any embarrassment.

They sat there in comfortable silence, well for Kazuki at least, for a few minutes.

It was then, when suddenly Kazuki leaned forward and while resting his face beside her ear, he whispered,

"Kohana....can you stay with me tonight?"


A/N:- Hehe~

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