I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 135 – New Association, New Rules

“Oh. It looks like you somehow escaped,” the mystery murderer says while cleaning the dagger off his already bloodied clothes.

If he thinks that’s what happened, then I’m in no rush to break it to him.

“And what exactly is going on here, Mr Fool?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

Todd smiles at me and it’s one of those slightly villainous, proud-of-himself grins. He understands well that I have seen through his silly acting long before he dropped it moments ago.

“I think it’s pretty obvious, isn’t it? With Duke finally stepping out, I decided to take the initiative to uproot another fat, snivelling menace before it turned on us. The world will be a much better place without that depraved toad in it.”

“Uh-huh. Surely.” I eye him for a moment and glance at the two older men still hiding behind the desk. “What about them, then?”

“Well, it all depends on how cooperative they are going to be.” The man chuckles while turning to the scared geezers.

I notice Susan tensing up next to me and I gently lay a hand on her shoulder. She glances my way with worry all over her face and I can clearly see that their boss isn’t too hated among his subordinates. Giving her a reassuring squeeze, I return my gaze to the front.

“I’m not exactly sure what you are planning but it’s no longer relevant. We are doing this my way now.”

Todd halts his walk towards the two guys and gives me a frown over his shoulder. “What?”

“Exactly what you heard. This has already become quite a mess and someone has to fix it. I kind of intended to wipe the entire association off the face of Ear—uhhh, Naharren,” I give the madame a wry smile after correcting myself as her eyes widen, clearly not because of it, “but I guess it isn’t completely rotten and vile so I’m considering my options here. It depends where you stand now.”

He slowly turns around to face me and points his dagger my way. “You? A lucky newbie wants to dictate terms? I think one of the thugs might have hit your head too hard as you were running away, which doesn’t feel like an achievement considering that they even lost you in this place.”

I shake my head with a chuckle. “This is your only warning. It’s not wise to point that thing at me. I have a feeling that you are quite a smart person and I would hate to see anything happen to you.”

Scoffing to the side, the wannabe spy-assassin starts slowly heading my way with a raised brow. He makes circling motions with his dagger as if to show it off even more. Susan takes a hesitant step back and I pull her closer with my left arm. The draconic hilt remains disabled in my right hand.

But, I don’t even get a chance to activate it as our soon-to-be assailant hisses loudly after reaching the half-point and drops his dagger in pain. His eyes shoot to his bleeding palm in utter shock and confusion and they widen even more as he watches his weapon float through the room right into my open hand.

“Told you.” I grin at him.


Before he has a chance to utter a full word, something tugs on his ankles with enough force to topple him backwards and an unmanly shriek leaves his lips. Instead of slamming into the ground, he actually floats a bit higher in a horizontal position. Then, Hecate suddenly blinks into existence right behind him.

His eyes almost pop out of their sockets when he spots the ghostly face of my Arachne bodyguard and the four sharp spikes hanging right above his body. Just as he starts screaming again, she puts those spider legs to work and we watch how she spins him around his own axis at a rapid pace.

The poor idiot howls in fear and disorientation like a rotating siren alarm as more and more thin threads constrain his entire figure. Second after second, the silver threads become more visible and he is soon tightly wrapped in a cocoon of steel-like, razor-sharp wires. Except for his head and feet.

Hecate finally finishes dressing him up and stops the rotations with the man facing the ceiling. He keeps screaming and she smacks him in the face. Nothing really changes as he resumes after groaning from the hit so she slaps him again but harder. Todd finally gets the point and shuts up.

Everyone stays silent while looking at the hot spidergirl and her prey. I let out a chuckle and leave Susan’s side to approach my lovely yandere. Hecate glances at me with all of her deep black eyes and the usual, neutral-cold expression. It doesn’t change even after I happily ruffle through her adorable hair, which baffles the onlookers even more.

“Good job. You can let go of him now,” I say with a smile.

In an instant, a few threads snap and the captured dude crashes to the floor with a grunt of pain.

Oh well. Wording, I guess.

“Don’t worry. She won’t hurt anyone unless you show any dubious intentions first.” I run my gaze over everyone else present in the room. “Also, you can come out from behind that desk. No one is coming this way. They are all dead. Well, most of them.”

“What?” The president’s brows rise in mild surprise.

“He speaks the truth.” The sexy, topless madame unhurriedly trots to my side, still keeping an anxious eye on the pale woman. “I saw the bodies. All the men from the lounge room are… in pieces. That includes Duke Gloomveil. There still might be a few of them in hiding, though.”

“Right. Let me fix that in the meanwhile.” I nod and the president-madame duo glances at me.

~You have a moment, Ailish?~ I reach out to my favourite lewd demon.

~For you? Always,~ the Succubus lady half-moans into my mind.

~Want to hunt a few bastards hiding in a brothel?~ I ask.

~You had my attention, now you have my interest,~ she purrs back. ~May I come in?~

~Whenever you wish.~

A moment later, a purplish mist swirls out of my chest and quickly forms a feminine figure. The lower jaws of all the men in the office drop to the ground as a fucking bombshell with violet skin materialises next to me with a heart-throbbing grin. She wears her iconic, demonic attire barely hiding her most secretive areas.

“So, where are the naughty boys I have to punish?” Ailish roams her gaze over the room while speaking in a tone dripping with lust.

I slap her jiggly butt and she moans openly. “Focus on the job. You can have fun after.”

“Yes, Master.” She giggles alluringly and spins herself around to land on my chest, hooking her leg behind mine and stealing my lips with a joyful hum. “I hope you can reward my efforts later~”

“It all depends on your performance. Got what you need from my mind?” I push my mouth into hers too, roughly pursuing her sweet tongue, and she releases an affirmative whine. “Now go. I need to have a talk with these gentlemen and your perfect ass is distracting everyone.”

Ailish squeals as I smack her booty once more and then explodes in a puff of purple mist, reforming again behind my back. She flaps her wings and launches herself through the open entrance, soaring through the hallway with adorable giggles.

“Now then. Where were we?” I put my hands on my hips after storing the hilt in my ring. “Ah, yes, the future of the association.”

At this point, Krizdian and Albertus have stopped their silly antics and risen to their full height. Naturally, Todd is still lying on the ground. Silently. He has clearly learned his lesson after getting bitch-slapped twice by my charming bodyguard. Susan has grown more comfortable too, which is good.

“Could you elaborate, please, Mr Carter?” The president is the first one to speak again.

“But of course.” I gesture at the coffee table on the side and he nods.

We move to the sofas surrounding it and I plop myself on one side while the two men sit down opposite me. They jerk lightly as Hecate suddenly drops the tied-up guy onto the wooden surface using her threads and stops behind me like the obedient subordinate she is. The madame scurries around the glass cabinet and brings us a bottle of wine, quickly pouring everyone a glass. I don’t notice any weird stuff in it this time.

“With the unfortunate passing of Duke Gloomveil during his little coup, and the unexpected disappearance of Mr Longhorn, we are now in a quite peculiar situation, aren’t we?” I ask while taking a small sip.

Krizdian nods, following after me. “Yes, that’s true. Two establishments are now left without a manager.”

“Are there any rules for such circumstances inside the association?” I raise a brow at the president.

“Certainly, Mr Carter. We ought to think about such unfortunate incidents as the passing of one of our valued members,” the man answers.

“And they are?”

“In the case that there’s an unsupervised establishment amongst us, we gather to discuss and decide who should take it over after the previous owner. Many variables play a role in that process, from the opinions of the current staff, through bright development ideas from the members, to their own financial situation and relationship with the former manager.”

“I see.” I rub my chin and glance down at Todd. “I guess you were quite close with Mr Longhorn, weren’t you?”

The man’s eyes widen slightly as he realises that I’ve now seen through him even more. It’s pretty obvious what his goal was. He must have been waiting for the opportunity for quite some time, playing an idiot amongst their ranks, perhaps aiming for a slightly less obvious assassination.

“Now, what should we do about you…” I tap my lips while staring at him and the bound guy pales.

“Please, don’t kill me,” he hastily mouths out, sending a glance at Hecate, and quickly continues after nothing smacks him in the face again. “If you want, I’ll withdraw my candidature from both takeovers. Just let me live, please.”

I turn to look at Susan. “Do you know what this guy’s girls think about him?”

The exposed madame nods faintly with a little smile. Thankfully, it seems like they do communicate between the brothels to some extent.

“I haven’t heard anything bad from them, besides some occasional little quarrels and conflicts, of course, but those happen everywhere. He seems to be a good host for both the guests and the women. His place seems to be doing well, without much struggle.”

“Thank you.” I smile back at the pretty woman and move my gaze back to Todd. “I like smart and ambitious people. You seem just like the person. The only thing such amazing people need is someone to keep their ambitions in check so that they don’t overstep their boundaries. Don’t you agree?”

After a brief moment, he makes a bunch of quick nods with an awkward smile.

“Great.” I clasp my hands and lean forward. “I think it would be a waste to kill you. You have potential. Why don’t you join us in this conversation as another affiliate and not a murder suspect? Are you still going to act out?”

I raise a hand and Hecate reaches past the couch and me with one of her onyx legs, slowly moving the tip closer to the man’s throat.

He fervently shakes his head while eyeing the sharp dagger. “No, sir. I would be honoured to listen and participate. I couldn’t be happier to follow any of your orders.”

Showing a wide grin, I snap my fingers. Todd winces while closing his eyes. Hecate slowly drags her black spike over the silver cocoon and he lifts his eyelids prior to hearing the quiet, ripping noise right under his chin. She cuts through her own, durable threads like gossamer, fully releasing him in just a few seconds, withdrawing her pointy leg when she’s done.

There are a few seconds of silent confusion before the man’s brain catches up on the fact that he has been freed and he slowly shifts over the table until he slides off it. Picking himself up from the ground, he nervously squeezes in to join the other two in front of me.

Susan steps closer to clean the threads up but I quickly grab her wrist. “I would be careful with those if I were you.” I smile at her gently and she nods.

After I glance at Hecate, she obediently scoops the unnecessary decoration into her six spider legs and hoists it away. Just then, I hear a whooshing noise and we all turn towards the door to see Ailish coming to a stop after flying in. She licks her slender fingers stained with blood and sends me a grin, starting to walk over to us.

“I have successfully punished all the naughty boys hiding around this charming place. Is there anything else you would like me to do, Master?” the Succubus purrs seductively.

“That’s everything for now. Thank you.”

As I return my gaze to my conversation partners, the devilish woman reaches my sofa and positions herself next to Hecate, behind my other shoulder. I can see how scared and aroused the three guys are as they stare at the two badass beauties waiting for any word from me. I smile at them while crossing my legs and placing my joined hands on my thighs.

“Nothing should interrupt us anymore and it looks like your establishment should now be cleared out of any remaining vermin,” I say to Krizdian.

The president lowers his head in a polite bow. “I’m unspeakably grateful for this, Mr Carter. My heart can finally calm down after learning that my employees are safe and sound. I owe you a huge debt.”

I’m fairly sure his heart won’t be able to calm down for quite a while with how intensely he is ogling my sexy friend. I just hope Ailish’s sinful body won’t distract them too much. She’s clearly much more powerful than the drugged wine.

I wave my hand at him in a dismissive fashion. “Don’t mention it. Let’s get back on track. I can’t deny your knowledge or experience, and since I’ve decided to let the association be, is everyone here fine with Krizdian remaining in the seat of the president?”

“Are you not going to take over that position?” the man himself asks with a raised brow.

“No. I don’t need a load of additional responsibilities and things to look after. I’m doing very well from a financial standpoint so I don’t really need any of the vacant establishments either. They differ from the quality and nature of my services anyway.”

They all frown and look between themselves.

“What’s in it for you, then? I don’t think you are planning just to leave things be as they were after talking so much about potential and changes,” Todd says with a decently calm tone.

“A few things. While I won’t be the face of the association, don’t be mistaken that I’m not going to be involved in its life. You are still going to answer before me, just without all that unnecessary publicity. It’s not like the people outside have to know, do they?”

The trio nods slowly while murmuring between themselves.

“Do you perhaps have a problem with that?”

They instantly start shaking their heads and I smile at them.

“Good. I’ll let you know about the details in a moment. First, we have to close the current issues. Any objections regarding the position of the president? Feel free to speak openly. I’m not going to murder you for sharing your thoughts and I don’t want to turn you into mindless thralls. My sweet companion could have done that long ago without so much unnecessary trouble.”

Ailish must have made some kind of threatening or lustful face because everyone swallows their saliva loudly. Looking up, I only catch her sending me a wink while cutely waving her fingers. I turn to Todd and he clears up his throat.

“None here.”

“We agree too,” Albertus answers on his and Krizdian’s behalf.

“Now, onto the two open businesses. Is there anyone who wishes to sit this one out? For whatever reason?”

None of them says anything so it looks like they are all hoping to expand a little today.

“Alright. Whose establishment is currently doing the best?”

To my surprise, it’s Todd who raises his hand.

“You are getting one of the locations, then. Any particular preference?”

He drops his gaze to the table and starts pondering over the question. It’s of no surprise. He was most likely aiming for Quinfey’s place but there’s now another option to consider. From the faces of the other two, I don’t think they are particularly upset about this so we’ll see how things go.

“I think I know the most about Mr Longhorn’s establishment,” he finally responds. “His employees also know me quite well. I think it wouldn’t be an issue to properly take over his spot.”

“Then that leaves Duke’s establishment up for auction. Any volunteers?”

Albertus and Krizdian shift a bit uncomfortably and I don’t miss that detail.

“Anything wrong with it?” I ask.

“Well… It doesn’t have the best reputation. It’s still doing pretty well, but…” the president admits with a nervous glance.

“Does it still bring profits or was he just turning it into ruins?”

“It stays afloat. He definitely had some loyal clientele and good women. The establishment is in a good condition too,” Albertus adds.

“Then we just gotta fix it. I suggest that it goes to the person who currently earns the least, just to boost them up a little.” I stroke my chin while considering all the options.

“That would be me,” the president’s aged friend answers again. “But, wouldn’t that have a completely opposite effect?”

“Maybe if we left everything in your hands, then yes, but there are going to be changes, as I mentioned earlier.” I glance at each of them. “This group was called an association but seemed more like a small backstabbing ring.”

The trio scrunches their faces and I can’t help but chuckle at their expressions.

“From now on, you three are going to actually work together. Half of the earnings are going to be placed in a joint account run under the association’s name. That capital is then going to be used to develop everyone’s businesses, depending on how they are faring and if they have recently received such support. Naturally, it doesn’t have to be half if that’s too much and impedes covering the operating costs. And, whenever someone gets under the line, those funds can help them get up again.”

They exchange glances while nodding a little at each other. I don’t see any signs of disagreement so I continue.

“You are going to actually openly share gathered data and experiences to make all establishments flourish. I’m sure they all have more or less unique styles and themes but there are plenty of things you can do to support each other and boost your growth through cooperation. With the joint account, it will only benefit you if every person’s business thrives,” I explain.

“Pardon my blunt question, but wouldn’t all of this just… increase the competition for you?” Krizdian joins his hands and puts his chin on top of them.

I grin at the curious men. “While our field is the same, our markets aren’t exactly as such. I don’t think you employ any non-humans while I don’t employ any Humans, except for the staff, I guess. Your actions won’t hit me as hard as you might think. Plus, it’s in my interest as your backer to see you grow.”

“Besides perhaps the access to the money we collect, I still don’t really see how that can be of much use to you.” Todd scratches his head.

“I’m just going to use you guys as an advertisement.” I spread my hands to the sides. “It won’t hurt you much to show some flyers, posters, drink coasters or such. Most of your patrons won’t even bat an eye at those, but amongst hundreds of people, there will always be someone curious or interested. All you have to do is to point them in the right direction.”

“That feels like you would just be using us to increase the awareness of your brand… What would we get from so blatantly advertising another?” Albertus asks a tad timidly.

“A chance to continue living?” I raise a brow at him.

They start nodding at each other while murmuring and sending me a few anxious glances. I chuckle more openly and they turn silent.

“Just joking. Or am I?” I grin at them and they sweat a little. “You are now in a pathetic state. Not business-wise, but image-wise. After or if you ever manage to become actually decent people caring after your employees and guests, I’m going to cooperate with you more. You should be aware of how many innovative things my team has come up with, and we haven’t even scratched the tip of the iceberg. There’s more to introduce than we physically can so there’s a chance that you would get to receive something… unique. Each of you.”

A quite apparent sparkle twinkles in literally everyone’s eyes. Excitement is written all over their faces. In the end, this was what they have been aiming for since the very moment I was invited to this meeting. Now, I promised them to share those secrets. If they earned the right. And I am the one to judge that.

Hook, line, and sinker. Perfect execution.

“That does sound like a good deal,” the youngest participant agrees. “Not like we have another option anyway.”

“This might be exactly what the association needed,” the president joins in. “A fresh… blood… and the winds of change. We shall build something even greater on this new foundation.”

“I’m in too.” Albertus nods sagely. “It does sound quite appealing and believable.”

I glance at the beautiful madame and smile gently at the braless lady. She gives me a sweet grin too and blushes just a little bit. With that, she and the other girls should have it easier from now on. I have to admit that it’s mostly because of them that I wavered.

If I chose to destroy the association, it would inevitably render all those women jobless in a single night or two. That’s a lot of innocent bystanders hurt by my own little vendetta. The main culprit is already dead so there’s no use dragging everyone else down alongside him. I did fuck up a little since we were supposed to bring the bastard to trial but shit never goes according to plan. He picked literally the worst day for his little revolution.

“Glad to have all of you on board.” I clap my hands a few times to capture their attention again. “Naturally, I trust you as much as a starved Goblin so I’m not going to leave you unsupervised. Would you like to take over this task, Ailish?”

My dear Succubus hums beautifully as she runs her gaze over the trio and they get all scaroused again.

“I think it will be fun. I just have to keep them in check and make sure they aren’t thinking of doing anything silly or very, very stupid, right?” She seductively plays with her tail while speaking.

“Pretty much. We will install our patented communication device in their respective offices so I can be more or less in touch with them but you would become my intermediary and agent too, speaking on my behalf to everyone here. I won’t always be around to pick up the call,” I explain, reaching with my hand back over my shoulder to graze her soft tummy.

Ailish bites down on her lower lip. “I like that. You can leave it to me, Master.”

“Thanks. Any objections?” I glance at the three dudes and they shake their heads. “Perfect. Let’s get to work, then. There’s a lot of cleaning to do.”

“What about the dead people? The thugs should not be that hard to deal with but the other two…” Krizdian makes an uncertain expression.

“I’ll take care of the formalities as a token of goodwill. My connections can easily handle that much. Just get rid of the bodies and agree to any story they give you about the events of this day. I’m sure we won’t even have to plant any fake evidence for scum like them.” I wave my hand in a bored fashion.

“And they would be…?” Albertus tilts his head a bit while raising his brows.

“How am I supposed to know? Guards, knights, some kingdom official or whoever. Or are you expecting the King to deliver the news personally?”

They frantically shake their heads and I chuckle at them. “Good. That’s it for now. Would you mind showing us out, Susan?”

“Anything you need, Mr Carter.” The ero-receptionist makes a jiggly bow and gestures towards the door.

I lift myself up, nod at the three guys, and walk toward her. She straightens up and blinks in confusion as only two people head her way. Hecate has already vanished in that short moment she directed her gaze to the ground and the spidergirl has clearly made an impression on the onlookers as the men look around with wide eyes.

With Ailish by my side, I follow the madame. Susan takes a peek or two over her shoulder now and then so I increase my pace and wrap my arm around her waist. Ailish whines from behind us and hastily catches up, coiling my other arm around herself, with my palm right over her hidden flower.

With a quiet sigh, I decide to reward her a little and rub my fingers into the thin material covering her already-soaked slit. She hums happily as we move, letting out an occasional moan. Our temporary companion obviously doesn’t miss that and hesitantly pulls my hand down their belly too. Since it would be rude to leave her just watching, I give Susan’s exposed mound some attention too. 

Needless to say, I walk the rest of the distance to the lobby with two roughly breathing women moving almost on their tiptoes as my fingers caress their most sensitive places. The pleasure partially clouds the girls’ awareness of our surroundings and we stroll into the open space just like that, with my digits deep inside them.

“Alastair!” A familiar voice rings from my left and the madame sobers up instantly, jumping away from me.

Gloria struts to us with a big smile and stops in front of me. Her eyes drop to my stained fingers, then to the receptionist, then down at the wet trails travelling down the woman’s delicious legs, and she snorts cutely.

“Well, well, well. It looks like even Stuck-Up Susan can’t resist your magic fingers.” The black-haired, big-tittied girl giggles, making her friend blush intensely. “My legs are still wobbly.”

She falls into my chest with a playful cry and I shake my head with a sigh.

“Enjoyed your break?” I ask.

“I did. I’ve never orgasmed so hard. Thank you for showing me how little I knew about sex.” She gives me a warm hug. “But, are you okay? I heard that there was some struggle in the establishment and people got hurt.”

“Yes, I’m fine. There was a small incident but your bosses are taking care of the cleanup right now. It’s not a pretty sight. Duke tried to take this place over by force and his thugs ended up in pieces.”

Gloria gasps and steps back, looking all over me. “You are not hurt, are you?”

Ailish scoffs to the side while rolling her eyes. “Please, as if any of those pathetic worms could even land a scratch on Alastair. He turned all of them into minced meat in seconds.”

Our short friend finally notices that my companion isn’t just a differently-skinned woman but a full-fledged monstergirl and her eyes go wide. I chuckle while patting her black hair.

“You girls have nothing to worry about anymore. I made sure about that. Give it a moment and everything will be even better than it was before.”

“What do you mean?” Gloria raises her brows at me.

“I’ll explain it to everyone in a second,” Susan joins in, holding her joined palms over the fabric of her skirt, clearly trying to hide her dripping pussy as much as she can. “Mr Carter helped us a lot today. He is our great benefactor.”

“Even greater than he already was? Are you a hero or something?” The well-endowed beauty smirks at me from slightly below.

“Something.” I chuckle wryly. “Now, I enjoy your company a lot, but I’ve already overstayed by a longshot. It was a pleasure meeting you Gloria, Susan. I’m sure we’ll be in touch.” I wink at the bare-breasted madame and she flushes again.

The big-chested shortie giggles and steps aside. “Thanks for everything. Let me know whenever you are around and I’ll gladly let you do anything you want to me.”

“You just want to get your mind blown again.” I grin at Gloria while passing her.

“And my pussy,” she quips back with a seductive grin.

I shake my head while waving my hand at her and we leave the Travelling Tit with Ailish. Glancing up at the bright sky, I sigh heavily and the charming Succubus lady snuggles to my side, placing a gentle peck on my cheek.

“That was some impressive negotiations. I allowed myself to take a peek at your memories from today and I got so, so wet watching you play with them and then rip those men into bits. The way you borrowed my ability was so sexy too. I’m so proud to be your Succubus, your little, lewd bitch.”

“I appreciate the compliment but I’m not going to finger you for the remainder of our trip back through the middle of the overcrowded streets.” I smile at her.

Ailish whines with a sad expression and then clicks her tongue. “It was worth a try.”

I laugh at her tricks and we begin to walk hand-in-hand. Her tail adorably coils around our joined palms, binding us together. She might be extremely flirty and teasing but Ailish has a very cute side too, craving not just intense sex but also sweet, gentle affection.

We reach home about half an hour later and walk past the doorstep. The thirsty Succubus instantly locks her gaze on my crotch and waits next to me with a big grin. Sighing while shaking my head, I magic my clothes off and let Alastair Junior bob happily at being released into the open. Ailish licks her lips but only plants another peck on my cheek.

“Follow me. There’s something that requires your attention. We shouldn’t dilly-dally, as much as I would love to nail myself on you right here, right now.”

I raise a brow at her but she shrugs, starting to saunter towards the stairs leading to the top floor with a delicious sway of her exquisite hips and ass. My eyes follow her jiggling cheeks as she climbs the steps and she is fully aware of what she is doing to me, flashing proud smirks over her shoulder.

She jumps over the last group of steps and taunts me with her wagging finger. I’m not going to back away from a challenge, even though I know perfectly well that she just wants to see something of mine jiggle too. Launching myself off the ground, I leap to the very top and land in a crouch with a playful grunt.

“What the fuck man?!” A familiar, male voice hits me from ahead and I snap my eyes to the source.

All the Heroes are sitting in the closest lounging area and their gazes are directed right at me, including Kamil, the owner of the previous shout, while I still remain in a deep squat with my arms extended to the front. Most of the girls have their cheeks tainted with a crimson shade as they peer right into my dangly bits.

Cursed, perverted vixen.

“Gotta keep those calves in shape.” I straighten up and clear my throat. ”I did not expect guests today. And, apologies but I’ll have to remain like this.”

“We know.” Marcia shoots me a sultry look. “That’s just a bonus.”

Kamil groans while rolling his eyes, trying to keep them as far away from my waist as possible. I slowly walk to join them and plop myself down between Shino and Natalie. The samurai shortie blushes heavily but doesn’t run away. She actually places her small hand on my thigh, with her fingers just inches from the tower of desire. The calm bard’s cheeks are tinged with some rosiness too but Natalie doesn’t show it if this bothers her in any way.

Well, I literally fucked Shino right in front of her face so this much should be fine, right?

“We… We are going to leave now, so…” my cute Japanese girlfriend stammers shyly.

“Already? I just got here. I guess you must have been waiting for a bit.”

Natalie chuckles softly while shaking her head. “We are departing to that village the King mentioned. Shino wanted to come so we said our goodbyes properly. We might be out for a little while.”

“Ah.” I cock my head to the back. “Got it. Well, good luck then. And be careful. How are you feeling, Vanessa?”

The princess gives me a small smile and nods. “Better. Shino doesn’t let me even start thinking any negative thoughts, always staying around. Thank you both for looking after me so much.”

“You are welcome. It’s only the right thing to do.”

“What are your plans now?” Marcia leans forward to catch a bit more of my erection past the table.

“Right now? Rest a bit. I just came back from teaching a lesson to a bunch of dudes running supposedly the most influential association of brothels in this city and completely taking it over after mutilating about thirty goons who were going to overthrow it in the meanwhile.”

Everyone looks at me with wide eyes and Ailish giggles.

“I heard what happened to Hari. Did you punish that man, Sensei?” Shino glances up at me.

“He’s dead. Two glaives to the chest do that to a person. Looked kinda nice pinned to the wooden wall.”

“Fucking metal!” Marcia cheers with a chuckle.

“As for after, well, I have lots of plans. We just got a new alchemist and tailor, I’m still in the middle of things with Ria and stealing contracts from her old boss, Meru needs my help too. There’s just way too much. I’ll certainly have something to keep myself busy while you adventure a bit.” I wink at my cute samurai girlfriend.

“I exchanged a few words with Mari-san in passing. I can’t wait to see her bring the costumes to life. The next time we come here will be so exciting.” Shino’s eyes literally sparkle at me.

“Same. Keep the ideas and designs coming. I guess I’ll keep it a surprise which ones she picks up with Nyfile. If you do well on your new quest, I’ll have them make one specifically for you when you return. Anything you want.”

I didn’t know she could glow even more but Shino practically emits moonlight from her skin as her big, purple eyes drill into mine with pure excitement.

“I’ll do my best, Sensei!” She pushes herself to my side and hugs me tightly.

Chuckling, I pat her head. “The offer stands for you guys too, I guess. It’s only proper.”

Marcia moans while running her hands over her front. “Mmmmmm... I already know what I want… Let’s move!”

Everyone laughs to some extent as the redhead springs to her feet. We talk for a little longer about their upcoming travels and my situation. I keep myself relatively hidden from the other two guys to make it a bit more comfortable for them while we speak.

Then, they start getting up and heading out. Natalie and Shino are the last to rise from the couch and the charming shortie gives me a loving hug from the front as her friend stands a bit away from us with her arms crossed under her moderate chest, waiting patiently for the black-haired girl.

“Take care of yourself, Sensei. I’ll see you soon. I hope you don’t mind me visiting your Soul Realm, do you?” Shino asks with pleading eyes.

“Of course not. You are allowed to bother me whenever you want. Take care of yourself too.”

We join our lips in a gentle kiss that lasts way longer than it should and Shino backs away with a little flush. She glances down and gives me a few playful pumps with an adorable smile before quickly falling to a crouch and leaving a peck on my lower head too. Giggling to herself, she runs away to Natalie and the two wave at me together before descending the stairs.


And there it is.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Julian S., and Alvzorin! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Member - Michael S.! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - Magiwarrior, Fandley, Chicken Adobo, S. Kigi, Luiswu, Skyell, Dennis W., Vincent S., W. Jennings, Sonicblackfox, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, James M., Rando C., Eatsbreeze! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honoured by your presence!

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