I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 136 – Slow Improvement ❤❤

After everyone leaves, Ailish walks up to me with a smile. “What now?”

I sigh softly and wrap my arm around her waist. “I planned to see how Mari has settled in and perhaps check on Velen but I just remembered that I really should let the King know about the mess I made in that brothel.”

“That would certainly be wise.” She nods as the tip of her tail playfully traces circles over my lower back.

“So, yeah, I gotta pay one more visit to the castle, a quick one this time. Want to tag along?” I raise a curious brow at my charming Succubus.

“With pleasure.” She gives me an alluring smirk as her eyes run over my exposed front.

While she is distracted, I land a solid, juicy slap on her bubbly butt, making Ailish squeal and giggle impishly as she nibbles on her lower lip.

“No horny in public, though. I’ve had enough troublesome events for one day.” I squint at her.

“I can’t promise that,” she purrs enchantingly.

Shaking my head, I give her tender behind a good squeeze. “At least get into your maid uniform. I don’t need you making every single guy we pass by as hard as steel.”

Purplish smoke twirls around Ailish’s figure and quickly forms our iconic maid dress and other decorative pieces.

“What if I wanted to make you as hard as steel?” she asks while crossing her arms under her delicious chest, intentionally causing it to bounce a bit.

I step closer and push myself into her, stealing her plump, tasty lips. “You don’t need to wear skimpy outfits to make me hard. Just your beauty pushes me into overdrive,” I whisper to her ear after we split.

She lets out a musical moan while rubbing herself into me and steps back with a wide smile. Then, she extends her elbow to me and I quickly resummon my clothes too. We link arms and walk out of the mansion. Just in case, I let my senses wander over all the residents briefly to see if there’s anyone who may need some assistance or something, but everyone seems to be doing fine and doesn’t need to be bothered.

We don’t drag it out and head straight to the castle, chatting casually about various things. As expected, the most common topic amongst the ones we assume is of course related to Lilith. I would be shocked to learn that it’s actually not what is occupying the mind of the dazzling Arch Succubus after we reached a revelation regarding her life mission.

But, she is as understanding as always and often repeats that I shouldn’t try to rush into danger blindly for her sake, even though I can feel her slight anxiety. Their progenitor seems to be safe but we don’t really know much about that, honestly. I make sure to hold Ailish’s hand dearly and stroke it gently to convey that she is not alone and she has clearly done so much more for the revival of their Allmother than all the other Succubi.

The castle appears in front of us in a flash, or at least that’s how I feel since time flies when you are talking with the person you love spending time around, and we enter its premises without any issues. One of the guards leads us inside while another, wearing lighter armour, speeds ahead to announce our unexpected request for a brief audience.

A bunch of men and women do throw some anxious or disgusted looks at my stunning companion but we pay them no mind. Surprisingly, more and more people start getting a bit friendlier and more open, at least towards the non-humans from my close circles. Some even smile kindly at Ailish and exchange greetings, and one young maid straight up compliments her hair.

Soon, the other knight runs into us from the opposite direction and takes us over, guiding us to the chamber where the King is awaiting our arrival. After knocking lightly, he holds the doors for us with a polite bow and we slip inside to find Ross going over some documents scattered over a round table in the middle.

“Al! I didn’t expect you to be back this early. Did something perhaps happen? Oh, and welcome to the pretty lady too, of course.” He straightens up and cracks his knuckles a bit before giving us a respectful nod.

“Trust me, neither did I, but recently, things just don’t want to go according to the plans.” I sigh heavily and Ailish giggles devilishly. “Don’t distract him too much,” I warn her playfully and smack her behind.

“I’ll be a good girl,” she replies coyly and walks aside to wander through the room.

Ross’ eyes follow her dancing tail for a second before returning to me. “What’s wrong then?”

“I hope you aren’t too deep in your preparations to fuck that rude guy who assaulted Hari over.” I glance at the plentiful parchments resting on the tabletop.

“Well, to some extent I am, but this isn’t exactly it.” He gestures at them and I nod. “My subordinates need to work on that for a moment while I deal with other issues.”

“You might want to recall them, then.”

“Why?” He furrows his brows at me.

“He’s dead.”

Ross snorts and shakes his head. “I should have expected that. Couldn’t hold yourself back after seeing his ugly mug again?”

“No, actually, I really planned to spare him and drag him to your doorstep but fate just didn’t want to cooperate with me on that.” I chuckle and spread my arms to the sides. “Believe me or not, but that fat bastard planned a revolt to take over their entire association and chose today’s meeting as the day of the operation. Or, at least he brought his men in preparation just in case but me drugging him a little bit with his own aphrodisiac tipped the scales off.”

The King stares at me blankly for a moment and then explodes laughing while slapping his thigh.

“I swear, every single day is something else with you around.” He wipes away a few tears of amusement. “Yeah, I need to let my men know that they don’t have to invest in that plan anymore. I take it that the meeting didn’t go well?”

“Depends who you ask.” I smirk at him. “I guess I had some fun with those thirty thugs he threw at me, unfortunately, accidentally killing him in the process as he tried hiding behind the last few like a coward and I didn’t notice before launching two literal glaives into the crowd and turning him into a hanging decoration.”

Ross clicked his tongue. “Bastard went out far too easily but I can’t blame you. I planned to have some fun with him too while extracting some information. Alas, as you said, life makes its own plans.”

“Yeah.” I shrug. “Other than that sudden plot twist, everything went rather well. One of the other members murdered another, then I stepped in, scared them a little, had a short talk about their association, which now technically belongs to me but unofficially, and created a few rules for them to follow. They shouldn’t be causing any more problems but let me know if anything comes up and I’ll whip them back into order.”

“Sure. That will be helpful a lot.”

“Also, we might need a cleanup and cover for this little massacre in one of the well-known brothels. I instructed them to go with anything your people tell them to do and such. I hope you can assist me with this and I’ll owe you one.”

“Don’t mention it. I’ll let my men on the case right away. It will benefit us both anyway.” The King waves his hand at me. “So, you now control the entire night service network in the capital?” He smirks at me proudly.

“To some extent, yes. But, I don’t really plan to thwart any law-abiding new businesses that come up as those guys had. This is your field, not mine. I’m just going to use them to elevate myself as much as I can, that’s all. I’m sure having some insight into the inner workings of the market and how it’s going to move from now on will be interesting too.”

“Hopefully, we can use it to spread more of the demi-human-friendly ideology. The changes are already noticeable, I tell you, but we need to utilise every bit of opportunity that presents itself to us if we want to make big transitions.” He strokes his chin while looking at me with a serious gaze.

“I noticed. And naturally, that’s the plan. How is the situation right now then?” I ask curiously.

“Crime rate, assaults, and general hostility towards them is steadily falling. Society's perspective has clearly shifted a tiny bit thanks to your girls. It doesn’t mean that the living conditions for the demi-humans have suddenly risen by a lot, but I have a feeling that we could actually try to push a slavery reform very soon, and that’s a grand first step. I would have never thought I would live to see the day I can move from just thinking about that to introducing it.”

“That’s amazing.” I show an excited smile. “What’s in it?”

“First, the most crucial, making demi-human slaves equal to the other slaves. You witnessed first-hand how they are treated. If this goes through without too much opposition, they will gain the same rights, the same protections, and such. It might sound like nothing, but—”

“No, no, that’s huge,” I interrupt him. “I can see how this might be tough even with the people’s approval. Slave traders might not be as happy. But I really hope we can make this happen.”

“Yeah, this will be a big operation. Many captives who were taken unlawfully will have to be released and that’s the biggest hurdle. We are currently trying to calculate things on how to possibly compensate the traders for the loss.”

“Thankfully, we both know demi-humans are worth trash right now, as much as it pains me to admit that.” I shake my head with a tense smile. “But, don’t go too far. They all know what they’ve been doing is wrong so giving them anything after the law changes is already very generous. Make sure to convey that properly and we should thwart at least some opposition.”

“We will. For sure.” He nods sagely. “I’m also secretly hoping that this will fix our relations with the other races at least a tiny bit. We are going to relay the change to them so that they can prepare for an influx of people coming back. If it won’t bite us in the ass and they choose to take revenge for their abused by starting a war, of course.”

“If worse comes to worst, know that we will certainly lend you a hand in protecting the people. Shino and the others are strong, and I’ve been slowly building a quite powerful squad myself. Not everyone is a born fighter but many are now much better trained than D or even C-rank adventurers. I wouldn’t be surprised if our side project gets a chance to surface soon.”

“Side project?” Ross blinks at me a few times. “What am I not aware of?”

“Oh, you should be.” I chuckle at him. “You suggested it yourself long ago. We are building mercenary corps under that brothel, waiting for the public opinion of the demi-humans to improve a bit before we step into the light. You can call it Phase Two of showing that demi-humans are just like us and can be very beneficial to our lives.”

“Right, there was something like that in the rumours coming from those wretched villagers you guys took care of. So, you really are serious about it?”

“Definitely. It did start as a means for them to defend themselves but it will be good for them to be able to go out on missions or quests freely. Plus, just imagine how much further they can spread the word like that. Groups of badass women who fight like legends and fuck like Succubi. It’s still a far future but we are almost ready to initiate the first parts of the plan. Our numbers still need to grow a little more.”

“I think that will be the first-ever mercenary brothel in the world, hahaha.” The King laughs openly and steps closer to pat me on the shoulder. “I really didn’t think much about it when I spoke about you creating an army of badass girls to save the world but it’s now more likely than ever.”

Ailish walks up to me from behind and wraps her arms around my torso as her chin rests on my other shoulder.

“There’s no doubt. Everyone is learning diligently. They are excited to become hunters after living as prey for so long. There are exceptions, of course, but that’s the majority. And Master makes sure to boost their growth with his marvellous seed as often as he can too.”

I snicker and bonk her on the head. “You could have skipped the last part but I appreciate the optimism.”

Ross clears his throat with his cheeks growing just a tad redder. “Glad to hear that. You are certainly living the life, aren’t you?”

Exchanging a glance with Ailish, who then lovingly pecks my cheek, I sigh softly and smile at him. “Yeah, I am. And I will continue to do so for as long as I can. There are still many things to do.”

“And a world to save,” he adds with a grin.

“Maybe Shino will be able to take care of that one for me.” I chuckle. “Don’t make it look like I’m the only one you can count on. I was literally nothing when we came here.”

“And look where you are now.” He scans my figure proudly. “Let’s just hope you don’t decide to take over the world right after saving it.”

“Too much of a hassle.” I wave my hand dismissively. “But, we need to get there first. And so, I need to go too. We’ve wasted enough time on pointless chatter already.”

We share a firm handshake and the two of us leave the King to his own matters. No one seems to be waiting to guide us back so we stroll through the castle by ourselves. About halfway towards the exit, we stumble on Lianne, who is naturally surprised to see me again and stops us for a brief moment.

I pepper her with some gentle kisses when nobody is watching and the two women exchange a few words between themselves. The Queen doesn’t indulge in my affection for too long and soon escapes to follow what she has been doing. 

Jogging away from us, she sends me a wink over her shoulder while raising the back of her azure dress, flashing us her exposed slit, clearly a little bit heated up judging from the small drops of love juices dripping from it.

That insatiable pervert is going full commando around the castle. Who would have thought?

We get back on track and exit the castle without any more impromptu stops. I take us to one of the food stalls as we walk through the town and we share a few skewers together happily. Although, the beautiful Succubus lady would certainly like to feast on a different type of meat much more, judging by Ailish’s lustful glances.

After reaching our home again, I reward my sexy companion properly and she gets to suck two entire loads out of me right in front of the reception desk while fingering herself like mad. Very thankful for the delicious dessert, Ailish places a tender peck on my cheek and scurries away to leave me to my other responsibilities.

And there are plenty.

Today is a free day so I have quite a few more hours to do things than on working days. I could go to Velen and Dhosk, Nyfile and Mari, perhaps check on Sirgia’s work too, or maybe pay a visit to Vivi and Leilei.

Thinking about it more, I should start with the last idea. They’ve been waiting for the moment I finally claim them so that they can start working properly after rewarding me for taking them in. A lot of things happened in the meantime and I kind of delayed this unintentionally. I just hope they aren’t disappointed or think that I’ve been avoiding them.

So, the plan is clear, I gotta show our two Nereid friends a good time and rehabilitate myself. Tomorrow is another working night and I’m sure they will want to get on it already. Using my abilities, I locate them behind the mansion, resting in the garden, and head there.

I find the colourful duo sitting on the edge of the small pond while dipping their legs in the crystal-clear water. Meiya and Neiya loiter around and tend to the plants, with the shorter Satyr sister hanging around the Nereids. She exchanges some quiet words with them as the two giggle together.

Walking to their spot, I crouch behind them just as they glance over their shoulders.

“Hi. Enjoying yourselves here?” I ask with a smile.

They giggle again and answer with the same. 

“We do. Would you like to join us, Master?” Vivi, the yellow-skinned beauty asks.

“Sure but if you would like, then I have a longer moment to—”

Their eyes suddenly turn wide and both women jump to their feet in one, single motion, causing a loud splash of water which splatters partially at the poor Satyr girl tending to the nearby bush, making her squeal in surprise. I don’t get to finish my sentence as the Nereids grab my arms and run ahead with me in tow. Before we disappear from Meiya’s sight, I flash her an apologetic smile, watching the water drip off her curly, brown hair.

The two excited girls drag me through the entire mansion while giggling to themselves and we pass a few other residents who give us curious looks. I can only smile wryly as I’m taken straight to the lair of the yellow and green seductresses and shoved inside right after they open the door. 

I stumble a little and land on the chilly, jelly bed as they keep laughing to themselves adorably behind my back. Flipping myself around, I watch as Vivi and Leilei energetically jump out of their already quite skimpy clothes and their appetising bodies bounce in front of my eyes with so much enthusiasm.

Moments after all of them is revealed to me, they lunge forward in complete sync and slam into me as I let out a playful grunt. Their smooth, slightly slick and cold bodies gently rub into mine as they pepper my neck and face in giggly kisses while their slender fingers stumble on every bump of the muscles of my torso.

“Looks like I underestimated your eagerness to mate.” I chuckle under their lascivious caresses. “I’m sorry for making you wait for so long.”

“It’s fine. We understand. You have a lot of things to take care of, Master,” Vivi says in between her sucky kisses.

“But, you can certainly make it up to us,” Leilei pokes my erection a few times and they both giggle.

“She is right. Perhaps you could also punish us for our past behaviour while we are at it,” the former suggests while nibbling on her lower lip.

“Oh, I think I agree wholeheartedly,” the latter purrs with a quiet whine as she grinds her privates into my thigh. “We were bad, bad girls, playing with the hearts of many males. You should punish us in their stead, show us what scheming witches such as ourselves deserve, make sure that we never forget our sins.”

I place my hands on their respective necks and squeeze them softly, bringing their faces to my own.

“Is that what you want?” I ask with a deep tone.

They giggle at me and I can literally see the dense lust in their pretty eyes. They want to be devoured and I will devour them as per their polite request.

“Fine. I’ll fuck you so hard that your knees will go weak every time you see me.”

They stare at me with hungry, starving expressions and I sit up while sliding my fingers into their bountiful hair. Pulling them with myself and evoking some cheerful gasps from the duo, I bring their faces to the sides of my cock and they lock their sights on the standing monument of desire momentarily, forgetting about anything else.

“Lick it,” I order them and push their mouths into my shaft.

Vivi and Leilei waste no time in bringing their tongues out and doing as they are told. I drag them up and down my length as they release sighs of bliss, most likely from getting to finally taste a male. They close their eyes and fully enjoy the slow brushes I apply to myself with their tongues.

But, it would be no fun to just continue like that, right?

I reaffirm my grip on the green-skinned lady and don’t drag her down my shaft again after reaching the tip. Leilei gives me a curious side glance since she can’t do much more and I smirk at her before plunging her open mouth onto myself from above. Her eyes widen briefly but she quickly closes her lips and gets to work with her chilly tongue.

The other girl whines with a tiny pout and I tug Vivi’s hair down. Her face ends up right in my orbs and she quickly starts sucking on the two balls while humming to herself in joy. I hold her close to my sack while gently bobbing her friend’s head on my cock. They stare at each other from opposite directions and I can make out the happy smiles slightly curving their busy lips.

Exhaling in pleasure, I push Leilei further onto my length and she gags a little as I partially enter her throat. Naturally, I hastily pull back up to check on her but she fervently shakes her head while glancing at me and it’s not the negative shaking. She clearly urges me to ignore that little hiccup.

So, I press her down again and actually force myself in until her nose kisses my underbelly. Vivi whines again seeing Leilei’s throat speared by my cock. I bring Leilei up and start repeatedly moving her up and down to fuck that pretty throat of hers.

As wet noises and some occasional gurgles fill the air, I pull the yellow-skinned Nereid up from my jewels and bring her face next to mine. She gazes deep into my eyes with a pleading expression.

“Please, let me do that too. I want to feel you pierce my throat like that.” She surprises me with a quite open request, sneaking glances at Leilei.

I lean forward and join our lips in a passionate kiss. Vivi moans into my mouth as I grab a handful of her jiggly breast. Her tongue actively chases after mine while I squeeze and knead the tender hill, giving her stiff nipple a few pinches and pulls.

Then, I slide my hand into her hair again and pull on it strongly, causing her to groan seductively as her head tilts to the back. Slowly dragging her towards my waist, I finally pull Leilei off my cock and she starts gasping for air as saliva drips from her mouth. Vivi licks her lips before I plunge inside them and I give her some time to relish in this hot lollipop before I begin to make a mess out of her throat too.

Her green-skinned friend watches me intently while breathing heavily and I graze over the gorgeous Nereid’s side tenderly. She moves closer by herself and presses her breasts into me as she starts pecking my lips. My leg ends up between her thighs and Leilei rubs her chilly, dripping pussy into it with melodic moans causing my mouth to vibrate.

In the meanwhile, Vivi gets to experience what Leilei had not that long ago and gladly receives all of me without a single sound of protest. We remain in that position for a short while so that she can enjoy getting drilled for a bit until I take her off my dick too and she joins her friend over my other leg. They grind themselves into me together and I listen to their enchanting voices working in tandem.

“I thought it was Sirens that ensnare the poor sailors with their songs but your moans are bringing me closer and closer to losing myself in my urges,” I say with a playful grin and they giggle at me after exchanging glances.

“That’s because… Ahhhh… We love to sing…” Leilei replies with a stronger thrust of her hips.

“We practised… Nhhhhnnn… A lot… Mmmm… To seduce the males…” Vivi admits as she shivers a bit and rests her forehead on my shoulder.

“It’s definitely working.” I smirk at them and snake my fingers down their tummies until I run into the shy nubs above the curtains usually hiding their secret alcoves.

The musical notes grow in volume as I start tracing circles over their clits and the two charming girls stop their movements to fully enjoy my caresses. They actually try to give back a bit by pumping my shaft with their dainty hands but they often pause to shudder or push themselves more into my digits.

“I guess it’s time to make you really sing,” I whisper to their ears and draw myself back to watch their faces. “Which one of you lured in more pitiful men? Be honest with me.”

They share a pensive look, as much as they can under my assault, and Leilei bites lightly on her lower lip.

“She did… I was always second… Ahhhh…” the green-skinned beauty admits.

I grab them by their necks again and push them behind myself. The duo bounces on the bed with more giggles and I turn around to take a look at them sprawled on the jelly mattress with hungry, expectant smiles.

Without further ado, I wrap my fingers around Vivi’s ankles and pull her towards me as I remain on my knees. She squeals in delight as her thighs land on my shoulders and my lips crash into the light yellow flesh of her fragrant lily. I immediately start giving her wet folds sucky kisses and running my tongue all around her labia.

“Oh, my Goddess… It feels like I’m flying… Mmmmmm…” she moans openly and grips the sheets.

Leilei obediently watches from the side as I eat her friend out but I do catch her very slowly rubbing her own slit in anticipation too. Vivi’s moans turn even louder when I dive into her leaking honeypot with my tongue and scoop her juices like sweet, chilly, melted ice cream.

“Ahhh… Ahhhh… It’s so nice… Ahhhh… Leilei’s tongue is completely different… Ahhh… Ahhh… So warm…” the yellow-skinned Nereid keeps moaning charmingly.

At this point, Leileil’s breathing grows a bit ragged too and I can see her cheeks lit up with desire as her fingers move faster over her girly mound. So, I flick my tongue for the last time and spin Vivi around as she squeals in surprise. I lift her up a bit and drag her face over her friend’s waist, where I lower her while setting her on all fours.

“Now, take good care of your friend as I begin the punishment,” I order her while placing my hands on her lower back and pressing her down so it forms a slope with her mouth right in front of Leilei’s greenish crevice.

With Vivi’s ass up in the air right in front of me, I thrust myself into her pussy in one go, forcing a scream full of lust and pleasure from the thirsty Nereid girl. As I thought, we’ve played around for long enough for them to be affected by my pain-nullifying abilities. She starts moaning like crazy from the moment my cock begins hammering her chilly passage.

“Oh, Goddess! Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! Leilei! Ahh! It’s so deep! Ahh! Ahhh! It’s so hard! Ahhh! You need to feel the dick too! Ahhh! Ahhh! We’ve been missing out on so much!”

Vivi tries to convey her pleasure to her friend while awkwardly attempting to lick her too but failing miserably. Leilei practically sinks her teeth into her lower lip while watching me pound the other girl furiously. It’s clear that the yellow Nereid’s tongue is not enough to scratch her itch. But, she has to wait patiently for her turn.

I move my hands to Vivi’s hips and pull her up as I raise myself. Sliding my palms onto the top of her thighs, I spread her legs a bit and continue to thrust into her slick, frosty channel in the air. She now hangs off my waist right above Leilei’s slit and does her best to extend her tongue to tickle it but is just short of her goal. Her body bounces around as she moans to the heavens.

“Ahhh! Ahhh! Leilei! I’m sorry! Ahhh! It’s too good! Ahhh! Ahhh! I’m cumming already! Ahhh! Ahh! Cumminnnnnnng!”

Vivi’s insides squeeze me tighter and I thrust forward for the last time. The floodgates explode as she coils around my member during her orgasm and I send waves of milky white liquid into her cold embrace. She arches her back and shivers, making a silly face in front of her best friend and accomplice.

Before she even comes down from her high, I plop myself outside of her convulsing snatch and toss her aside without any care. Taking a deep breath, I walk up to Leilei, who peers into my crotch with such intensity I’m afraid that her eyes will pop out of their sockets if I don’t dick her down right now, especially with how furiously she is rubbing her pussy with her palm.

Not wanting that to happen, I kneel in front of her and grab her by the ankles too. But, this time, I pull her into me and place her feet on my shoulders. Putting my hands under her elbows, I stand up with her in my hold and she quickly wraps her arms around my neck.

The moment we are steady, I pierce her craving slit with a mighty smack too and the green-skinned girl whines in ecstasy as her eyelashes flutter enchantingly. I proceed to hammer her pussy just like I did to her friend but at a slightly different angle. My hands move to her tender behind and drag her waist into mine to raise the intensity of the punishment she is subjected to.

“Ohhh! Ohhh! Vivi was right! Mmmmmmm! Please, harder! Ohhh! Ohhh! Show us no mercy!”

I do exactly that while thrusting forward with my life on the line. Loud, wet smacking fills the air as my cock rushes in and out of Leilei’s snug insides, stroking us both in great pleasure. I take careful steps as we fuck while standing and soon reach the wall behind the bed’s headboard, slamming the green girl into it.

Leilei shrieks in delight as I strongly press myself into her while still drilling her needy love hole. She starts dragging her nails down my back and attempts to kiss my lips but she shakes way too much from my pounding to achieve that properly. She can only scream joyfully while slowly getting closer and closer to the grand explosion.

With that in mind, I slide my fingers down her tummy to rub her clit since I don’t have to hold her so firmly now. Leilei trembles even more after I add this additional stimulation to the plethora of sensations she is experiencing and she suddenly turns silent. It seems that her cries get stuck in her throat whenever she is quickly approaching her climax because a moment later, she tries to crush my dick with her constricting walls.

She directs her face to the ceiling with a soundless scream and I release my load deep into her comfortable pussy. Giving her a few more thrusts to ride my own high until it’s completely spent, I toss her aside just like her friend and she actually lands on top of Vivi in something akin to a sixty-nine. My seed starts spilling out of her lower lips and onto Vivi’s chest as she keeps shuddering from her orgasm.

The other girl smiles at me enchantingly and runs her finger between her friend’s folds, playing with my cum seductively. Chuckling at her lightly, I kneel over her head and grab Leilei’s butt, giving it a nice slap.

“What are you doing, Master?” Vivi asks from under me, placing small kisses on my sack in the meanwhile as it hangs over her face.

“Continuing with the punishment,” I answer and summon a certain slimy substance from my ring. “Spread her for me, please.”

Leilei perks up a little when I let some of it drip on her back entrance as her friend parts her cheeks obediently.

“Don’t worry, Master. Nereids are very durable to accommodate all the races,” the yellow-skinned lady informs me, letting go of my orbs for a moment. “We will enjoy it almost no matter what and where.”

“Good.” I nod at her and press my tip into Leilei’s tight upper ring.

“OH! Something is entering! Ohhhhhhh! My butt! Viviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!”

She arches her back as I slowly slide into her slightly resistant anus. Bit by bit, it loosens up and accommodates more of me as Leilei releases funny noises making the other girl giggle. Soon, I bottom out in her ass and go to town with her other hole.”

“Oh! Oh! Oh! He is splitting me in half, Vivi! Oh! Oh! My ass is all tingly! Oh! Oh! Oh! So weird! Oh! But nice!”

“I can see.” Vivi chuckles and moves a little bit down. “Master’s cum is escaping your pussy from how hard he is thrusting into your butt. Let me help you with that.”

“Wait! No! Ohhhhh! Vivi! Ohhhhh! Ohhhhh! That’s too much!”

I keep pushing through Leilei’s incredibly tight ass as the other Nereid laps her tongue over her neglected pussy, sucking out all the white delicacy from the presented platter. The green-skinned beauty can do nothing more than moan and shiver as we both assault her together. I groan occasionally from how insanely tight her ass is. It’s truly bliss.

We continue to shower our friend in affection until the planets align again and Leilei turns completely silent once more. I take it as a sign to finish up too and grunt for the last time as I flood her backdoor with more white delicacy so that both of her entrances are fully claimed.

After pulling out of Leilei, I let Vivi clean me up a little by angling myself towards her face and she gives me a questioning look. It’s pretty obvious what she is wondering about and I smile at her with a small nod. She nonchalantly flings her friend off her and pulls her legs to her body, raising her sexy bottom into the air and spreading it as much as she can for me.

I stand up and walk behind it as she supports her back with her hands so that her holes stay fully presented to me. She nibbles on her lower lip as I pour some of the lube onto her cute button too and urges me with her eyes as I tease her anus with my tip for a moment. Hearing her whine so pleadingly I stop playing with her and plop my glans into her insanely tight ring.

“Oh shit! It’s so big! Mhhhhhhmmmmmmmm!” Vivi hums to herself with a musical note as I gradually sink my cock into her backdoor.

She welcomes me much quicker than her friend for some reason and I begin drilling her ass in no time. Since she so kindly holds herself more or less steady by supporting her back, I can pound into her with my all and even flick her shy nub with my thumb, caressing her pussy at the same time.

Leilei watches us from the sidelines with a hazy gaze, still drunk on her previous orgasms. She has a silly smile on her face as plenty of white stuff flows out of her holes and onto the sheets. I send her a small wink before returning my eyes to the yellow-skinned lady’s face so that we can stare at each other in this intense moment of passion.

“Yes! Ahmmm! Ahhmmm! Yes! Yes! Claim me, please! Ahmmm! All my holes! Ahhhhhh!”

“That’s what we are doing, no?” I grunt at her with a chuckle and Vivi manages to giggle back at me amongst her moans.

The fun continues for a good while as the charming Nereid coaxes me into fucking her long and strong enough for her to cum twice from her ass before I paint her insides white during the third climax. She seems to be enjoying butt play much more than her friend. I fill her up to the brim while leaning forward to reach her lips and pepper them with kisses.

After she comes down from her high, just resting there while breathing heavily, Leilei crawls to us and pulls me down. I drop onto their joined bodies as the two Nereids snuggle with me with sweet giggles.

“We’ve really been so stupid,” Vivi whispers while grazing my skin.

“I know, right? We wasted so much time by playing around while we could have been doing this every day,” Leilei replies as she plays with my hair.

“You’ll quickly catch up.” I chuckle and kiss them both after raising myself to my elbows. “You will surely gain a lot of admirers with how beautiful you are, and with how nice it feels to be inside you.”

They giggle together once more and drag me into their chests as their perfect breasts smush me from every side. I chuckle too and let the dazzling Sea Nymphs dote on me a little bit after we shared a slightly rougher moment.


Promise fulfilled.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Julian S., and Alvzorin! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Member - Michael S.! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - Magiwarrior, Fandley, Chicken Adobo, S. Kigi, Luiswu, Skyell, Dennis W., Vincent S., W. Jennings, Sonicblackfox, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, James M., Rando C., Eatsbreeze, Daniel T.! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honoured by your presence!

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