I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 137 – Count Me In ❤

I rest on the comfy, slightly chilly water bed with the two Nereids snuggled happily to my sides. The yellow and green beauties have blissful smiles on their faces as they graze my chest with their fingers, giggling now and then when their hands bump into each other. There are brief moments when they do work together, and that’s when they arrive at my crotch to gently brush my family jewels and the stiff tower above them.

Running my fingers over their smooth, slim backs, I watch the colourful duo enjoy the gradual fade of pleasure that’s unhurriedly escaping from their bodies after we’ve finished our little fun, which resulted in me claiming all of their holes.

As another giggle echoes through the room, and something gives me a few rubs up and down, I sigh contentedly and squeeze Vivi’s and Leilei’s jiggly butts with a tad more force. They gasp adorably and open their charming eyes to look up at me from my sides.

“How long do you plan to play with it like that?” I grin at them and they show playful smirks too. “And also, how are you girls feeling?”

Leilei glances down at my member and pokes it a few times with her finger. “Regretful…”

I raise a brow at her, getting a little anxious, but Vivi quickly smacks her friend in the head. Softly, of course.

“Stupid!” She turns her face to me and shows an apologetic smile. “She meant to say that words can’t describe our happiness from having a chance to mate with you. We do feel regretful, yes, but not because we had sex. We regret playing so hard to get in the past. It makes us feel even worse now after you made such wonderful love to us.”

“I’m sorry,” Leilei apologises quietly, plagued by a small blush of most likely embarrassment from her wording. “It’s as Vivi says. I’m so glad we finally got to mate, and with someone so incredible too. The sensation of your thick seed filling both of my holes is just heavenly. My pussy still tingles a little, already missing your powerful thrusts.”

They flash me dazzling smiles together and pull themselves up to place a loving peck on my cheeks with perfect coordination. I chuckle softly and rub their sides while taking in their marvellous curves and flushed faces.

“I’m all happy if you are happy too. I got to have lots of fun with two stunning and energetic girls. Thank you.”

“Oh, no, we should be thanking you, Master.” Vivi pushes her pert breasts even more into my arm. “We could feel your passion and fondness in every move. Something this sweet and at the same time rough is like a dream. We have no doubt that none of the males we have tempted before would have taken such perfect care of us.”

“She is right, Master.” Leilei mirrors her friend’s actions and I end up between two impressive valleys of blissful softness. “They would only care about their own pleasure. And while we would certainly feel good with them too, it’s not something comparable to what you did for us. Do you think they would use anything to make it more comfortable for us if they suddenly desired to put their genitals in our butts?”

“Well… I’m not sure if they would have anything like we do on hand.” I smile at them wryly, now brushing my fingers dearly over their adorable tummies. “But maybe there is something similar existing amongst the aquatic fauna and flora. Who knows?”

They giggle charmingly and shake their heads.

“Even if there is, they would not bother to look for it,” the golden-skinned woman replies with a roll of her eyes. “It’s all about sticking their dick in places that make them feel good. I tell you, Master, the males from most aquatic species would fuck a fish if they couldn’t find a female to copulate with during their mating season.”

“True.” The green-skinned girl nods sagely. “I clearly remember one talking in a tavern about his adventure with an octopus. Although, it did not end well for him, from what I heard. I missed the details but they were painful enough to scare all the others from following in his footsteps.”

I snort a little and sigh exasperatedly. “I can’t even say that I’m surprised. Men would fuck literally anything loosely resembling a hole.”

Leilei chuckles and brings the tips of my fingers from her toned stomach all the way down to her pretty lower lips, nudging her feminine mound.

“I think we all know that it’s not just men.” Her cheeks turn a shade darker. “You should have seen how many times I had to stop Vivi from sitting on a random phallus-shaped fragment of the environment.”

“Hey! I was super horny back then! We seduced like three extremely hot males that day!” Vivi huffs in annoyance and one-ups her friend by slipping the fingers of my other hand into her velvety passage. “Besides! It was you who stopped to consider it right after talking me out of it! I could literally smell your lust the entire way back home! And don’t think I didn’t hear you masturbating furiously that night!”

“Alright, alright, we are all horny twenty-four-on-seven.” I chuckle at them again and try to defuse the situation a little, watching the two Nereids pout and show tongues at each other while pushing their pussies into my fingers. “From now on, you won’t be forced to reach for penis-shaped rocks to satisfy yourselves. Plenty of our patrons will be more than willing to do anything for you just for the chance of spending a night with one or two stunning Nereids.”

“Thank you, Master,” they respond in unison, almost singing their reply with their musical voices.

“We heard a lot from the other girls and can’t wait for tonight. We appreciate that you came to us early so that we can get ready after you roughed us up.” Vivi giggles at me adorably.

“Let me help you two with that real quick, then.”

She lets out a pleasant gasp as I pull her on top of me and steal her lips as my hands begin to roam over her entire figure. Vivi purrs into my mouth as the warm energy of Rejuvenate penetrates every cell of her body. Bit by bit, I get rid of her fatigue as we exchange sweet pecks.

Even after I finish, the needy Nereid lady doesn’t stop nibbling on my lips. I have to smack her tender booty to peel her off me, taking the chance to slide Vivi aside as she giggles from the echoing slap.

“Me too! Me too!” Leilei instantly flings herself into her place without giving me even a second of rest.

I catch her, obviously, and let the green-skinned woman experience the same treatment. It would be rude to deny her this brief pleasure and definitely necessary recovery. Thankfully, she seems to be a little bit more obedient and ends the passionate kisses on her own after my mana stops pouring into her body.

Stepping off me, she extends her hand and Vivi mirrors the motion. I accept their help and sit up. They peck my cheeks once more and start pushing me off the bed.

“Now go, Master. We are happy that you entertained us for this long but you surely are very busy. Thank you again,” Leilei says with a wide smile.

“Yes, thank you. We would feel even worse for hogging you for ourselves while there are so many girls around just waiting to get a piece of you before the punishment game ends,” Vivi adds with a mischievous grin.

I raise my hands in surrender and hop onto the floor. “As you wish. Let me know if you need anything. I’ll talk with whoever works at the reception today to bring out the new menu cards with your portfolios. You better get some rest. Surprise reveals can sometimes explode in popularity.”

“That would be wonderful!” The green-skinned Nereid beauty stares into the distance with an excited expression.

Shaking my head, I give them one last wave and leave the two aquatic ladies to their plans. They must have really looked forward to the day they would finally be released from their past mistakes. If I’m at least a somewhat decent judge of character, they are going to thrive in their new environment. Safi and Emi might be in danger of getting dethroned from their positions of eternal best girls of the establishment.

Glancing around the hallway to check if no one is perhaps waiting to speak with me about anything, I start moving back to the main lobby while scanning the mansion with my senses. I quickly locate who I’m looking for and switch my internal GPS to the underground area.

On my way there, I bump into a few women walking either alone or in pairs. Everyone seems to be on their daily schedules, though, as no one stops me for longer than a few short minutes to chat a little.

Naturally, their gazes are glued to the obvious place, but perhaps I’ve been worried about getting jumped at way too much than I should. It’s obvious that they would love to share a moment with me if I just asked, but none of the girls is in the state of not being able to hold back after seeing me stroll around with a bobbing stiffy.

This punishment game, as my Nereid friends have called it, might actually not be as intense as they think. And I’m very grateful for that. It would be a tad hard to operate while swarmed by dazzling figures all the time. Hari got her fill just recently when she clung to me like a koala—an impaled koala, to be precise—so she doesn’t really tempt me that much for a moment.

Bidding farewell to the last trio I’ve met on my way to our dungeons, which was a mix of two Dark Elves and one Wood Elf, I slip into the hidden staircase and begin to descend. It’s a really nice feeling to see everyone become friends so quickly. Though, I guess different subraces might not hate each other as much as some Humans do back on Earth with the only major difference being their skin colour.

Without dilly-dallying too much, I reach the door to a certain workshop and knock gently. Looking to the side, I can spot an orange glow escaping through the gap in the slightly opened entrance to Sirgia’s forge. A brighter flash illuminates the dark hallway in a rhythmic fashion.

Why am I not surprised anymore that she’s going ham on her creations all the time?

But, in any way, my knocking is met with no answer so I repeat the motion but with a bit more strength. I know for sure that there is at least one presence on the other side, judging by the bonds I share with my women. There might be someone else who I expect to find in there after taking a peek inside, but we’ll see.

If they open the door, that is.

After waiting for two more minutes, just to give the girls time in case they can’t yet answer the door for whatever reason, I put my hand on the knob and give it a try. As expected, it turns without any issue so I do my best to take a silent peek into the clothing studio.

The moment my eyes peer into the chamber, I find two people in the very centre of it, with their backs turned to me. I can hear the excited giggles and squeals as the two women repeatedly comment on something to each other while leaning over whatever they hold on the belly-high stone counter.

It looks like those two outfit maniacs, meaning Nyfile and Mari, are completely lost in their own little world. And to prove that, I open the door fully, step inside, and close it with a bit more strength than necessary. The semi-loud thunk does literally nothing to the two women.

I chuckle and slowly walk toward them.

“—and so, we could replace those two parts over the chest area with soft, curly frills. With that, we won’t really have to worry about the wearer’s breast size,” the Wood Elf lady explains with a quiet but clearly upbeat tone.

“You are a genius!” The Human tomboy squeals happily and does a bunch of small tippy-taps with her feet. “The frills will compress when someone with a small bust wears this, making it look unbelievably cute, and they will stretch to their full size with someone bigger, making it equally amazing with a smooth appearance! What about the colour?”

“I thought about dark gold to go in line with the skirt. The vest is closer to dusty cream so it should work together rather well,” Nyfile answers with a pleasant hum.

“Yeah, I can see that. But here. The back feels somehow… empty. The front is so nice and full of eye-catching features but there’s pretty much nothing over there. What could we—oh! I know! Let’s cut it in half, make holes along the edges, and add stylish laces of the same colour as the frills! With a cute ribbon at the waist!” Mari claps her hands joyfully.

“Brilliant. That will further enhance the comfort of the wearer, allowing them not only to easily fit their breasts no matter the size but also letting them fasten the cords as tight as they need to fit in the vest. Just like a corset. We wouldn’t really need to make a dozen versions. And who is the genius here?”

“Looks like you two are having fun,” I join in from the side, finally being able to see what they are talking about.

Both girls jump slightly at the sound of my voice and their faces snap my way. A wide smile instantly overtakes Mari’s lips and she lunges at me while laughing cheerfully. I barely catch the overenthusiastic tomboy moments before she slams into me and sends us into a spinning motion. The world becomes a smudge and her merry voice fills the chamber as the rotations turn faster and faster.

I chuckle at her too and force us to gradually slow down. After we stop for good, I set the ecstatic tomboy on the ground and we look at each other with wide smiles.

“Alastair! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!” Mari bounces on her feet as she showers me with her gratitude. “This is heaven! Everyone is so nice! And Nyfile is just the best! But Shino is a goddess too, even though I only met her for a second! Her sketches are completely out of this world! There’s so much we can do!”

I fail to hold in a snicker at her curious choice of words. If only she knew.

One day, most likely.

“Calm down a little bit, would you?” I grin at the energetic woman in my arms. “What will happen when we actually finish equipping this workshop with all the proper appliances? I would rather not have such a pretty girl explode.”

Her freckled cheeks show a hint of rosiness as she takes the compliment with a toothy smile, but then they turn completely red. Mari finally realises the state of my undress after her eyes skip down to glance at the element of my nonexistent attire that keeps poking her in the belly. Her eyes turn wide and she steps back while clearing her throat, trying her best not to stare at my member but failing fabulously.

“Hahaha, sorry… I don’t know what’s gotten into me…” She smiles wryly.

“I can guess what and I don’t mind. I’m glad to see you making friends already. And, don’t worry, you can look without averting your gaze. You’ve seen a bunch of them, right?”

“I mean… Yeah… But none that… full…” The blush creeps even further, now covering even her cute nose, as Mari takes a more thorough glance. “It’s… nice…”

“Thank you very much.” I chuckle at her. “So, you are already making big plans?”

To not embarrass the tanned tomboy any longer, I step closer to the counter and lean forward, somehow hiding my erection from the more direct line of sight. One of Shino’s notebooks rests open on the hard surface, with a few sketches of something in the likes of those idol outfits from the musical anime and manga covering the pages. Some loose pieces of paper litter the tabletop too, where the two fashion artists added their own spins to the design.

Nyfile steps closer to me and smiles softly. “We have three projects on our lists, Master. Mari is truly amazing. I’ve never been able to bounce ideas off another person this fast. She has much more talent than I have.”

“Oh, please, you are making it sound like you do nothing, Nyfile!” The person in question takes my other side and rolls her eyes, still grinning happily and slightly blushing. “It’s only thanks to your suggestions that I can see things from so many new angles! My head is spinning with never-ending concepts!”

“I can’t wait to see you two in action,” I comment, running my gaze all over their own sketches. “Better get ready because I’m going to throw so many orders at you that you might start actually hating it here.”

Mari snorts adorably and shakes her head. “That ain’t gonna happen. If your rush orders are going to be at least half as fancy and interesting as the designs in these notebooks, I’ll happily die working on them.”

“You better not.” I point a finger at her and raise my brows. “Because I’m going to find a Necromancer and bring you back from the dead to continue forever. I hope you’ve read your new contract to the tiniest print because you are mine now. Understood?”

As the rosy flush on her face grows a shade denser, she skips with her eyes down at my waist and nibbles on her lower lip while giving me a faint nod shortly after looking up again.

Damn. I meant that as a joke but why the fuck is she so fucking hot?

It’s my turn to clear my throat and I stand up straight. “We are quite short on time right now since the evening starts soon so I’ll take you girls shopping tomorrow. Is that okay?”

“Shopping?” Mari tames down her blush a little bit and gazes at my face curiously.

“I’m sure you know the best stores to pick up some tools and equipment. The sooner you two get what you need to let your creative juices flow, the better. Nyfile was waiting for you to join before we went to buy a ton of things so that we could be sure that you would like them too.”

Another blinding smile blesses my eyes and the wild tomboy throws herself at me once more. Mari plants a long, smacking kiss on my cheek as she wraps her arms around me in a bear hug.

“You are the best boss ever! I’m going to love being here so, sooooooo much!”

“Told you so.” I chuckle and run my fingers through her short hair. “Now, I would appreciate it if you stopped attempting to squeeze me out of my skin so that I can return to my responsibilities. You girls can get back to your fun too. I know well that brainstorming sessions should not be interrupted like I just did. I’ll hear you out in full tomorrow.”

“Master is right. Let’s finish up with that costume before we get even more distracted. And that’s not hard with him present like that.” Nyfile helps me escape Mari’s clutches and flashes me a warm smile before they return to their designer world.

It doesn’t take long before they are back to ignoring their surroundings and I keep listening to their excited banter for a few minutes longer. We really need to get them this equipment. If this is what they can think of while keeping in mind what they have on hand, then I can’t imagine what they are going to be like with a fully stocked studio.

With that thought, I leave them be and walk back to the surface, first taking a peek into Sirgia’s den. She seems to be working on something small and delicate so I decide against breaking her focus. It’s a heated metal too so the more reason not to distract her. She clearly has to keep it at the correct temperature for what she is trying to achieve.

Back on the main floor of the mansion, I take a quick detour to the kitchen to grab a snack. I meet Rene there as she sneakily preys on what looks like a jar of cookies. Her eyes turn into saucers when she notices me and she hastily hides them behind her back but the crumbs on her pouty lips are the clearest evidence of her misdeeds.

I learn that those belong to Cornelia after questioning the adorable doggirl and snicker a little. Her tail turns into a smudge as I offer help in emptying the round container with her. We feed each other cookies for a bit until they completely run out. I clean the face of the chubby bundle of joy with my thumb and bid farewell to my partner in crime with a peck on the lips.

I can’t wait to see how our tsun magician will react. I really hope I’m home at that moment.

With my belly full of the fluffy and tasty sweetness, I head out to chase after Elea. She always keeps tabs on everything so she’s the best person to inform about the slight changes in tonight’s lineup. Besides, she would definitely rebuke me for trying to do everything myself instead of relying on her and the others.

She seems to be having a talk with our two bouncers in the eastern wing so that’s where I go. Meru crosses my path as she wanders toward the garden according to what she tells me and I shower her with some pats and cuddles for a minute or two. She really loves having her tail caressed and I’m a sucker for doing exactly that.

I don’t intend to trap her in the endless cycle of affection so we continue further with each other’s blessing. Taking a right after reaching the corner, I lock my eyes on the door to the room where my Dark Elf wife currently is.

But, before I can reach it, another door swings open just next to me and someone grabs my arm.

“Wha—” is all I can utter as my captor pulls me inside and slams me into the wall with the use of centrifugal force, closing the door behind us at the same time.

I grunt as my back slams into the wooden surface and someone’s figure blurs in front of me as they lunge at me from the side.

To be exact, at my waist.

“Sweeeeeeeeet Jesusssssss!” I whimper and shiver a little as something warm and wet envelops my member, slamming my hips into the wall.

More groans escape my throat as I finally catch the sight of my attacker and support myself with my hands in their slightly curly dark brown hair. My brain tries to process the information fed to it by my eyes as some mature-looking woman blows me like a motherfucking vacuum cleaner on turbo mode.

It finally catches up with all the other sensations and lets me know that my cock is currently being ferociously assaulted by no one other than our resident MILF named Ria. Her violent bobs make my hips bounce between her face and the wall on repeat as she shoves my dick deep into her mouth with the help of the hard surface behind me.

“Goddess almighty… Ugh… Fuck… Slow down a little…” I chuckle awkwardly as pleasure overwhelms my lower body.

My words only seem to push the suddenly thirsty accountant even further and my knees start to shake from the intensity of her blowjob. There’s no doubt Ria is a very experienced woman with how perfectly her tongue coils around my shaft during that short moment when she takes me all inside, then yanks her head back to let it tug my erection a little while unrolling from it.

I can’t help but squirm under her rough affection. As if having perfectly calculated the length of my penis, she pushes her face into me just enough to lightly stab herself in the throat, clutching only my glans in her tight embrace, which in turn causes it to experience something beyond comprehension. She literally just tickles, and teases me with her throat, making me go crazy from all those combined sensations.

“Shit… You want it that bad? Then fucking have it… Ugh…”

Letting my high build naturally without any influence of my Class, I’m brought to climax in a flash and Ria quickly pulls back just enough to keep my member between her luscious lips. The dam breaks a moment later and waves of warm seed spill on her tongue one after another. I can clearly see a wide smile forming on Ria’s mouth wrapped around my cock as she relishes in the taste and releases a quiet hum.

She takes her time while swallowing my load bit by bit and still caressing my shaft with her skilled tongue as I slowly catch my breath. After no more of the creamy delicacy is left for her to consume, she releases my member from her lips with an audible pop, already cleaned to perfection.

“What the fuck was that?” I ask the hungry accountant with a raised brow and a small smirk.

“I did my best holding back but you didn’t exactly help it by parading through the mansion with such a prime specimen out in the open.” Ria lets out a ladylike chuckle and looks up at me to meet my gaze. “I really, really hoped to keep my promise but it doesn’t look like I will be able to. You are just way too slow and indecisive.”

The second part of her answer is clearly not meant for me and I don’t miss that. But, it’s at that moment that I notice what I did in fact miss up until now.

And that is another person in the room.

Back there in the centre of the soft, double bed, sits Elise with her legs tucked under her butt. Her face is all flushed and she holds a hand close to her mouth, hiding her dainty lips from the world. The other palm grips tightly her short skirt and presses it firmly between her legs to desperately cover something else.

Ah yes. My ultra nemesis. Diabetes.

My dick literally twitches at the unbelievably cute sight despite the fact that it has just unloaded its pleasure into the other woman’s mouth and Ria chuckles again, recapturing my attention. She smiles at me sweetly, her expression clearly announcing that she understands my confusion.

“I was supposed to wait before I sank my fangs into you until our lovable Elise made her move and finally did what she’s been dreaming about since the day you brought me here, but everyone has their limit, especially single mothers who have not experienced a good dick in years.”

I move my eyes between the hot and thirsty MILF accountant and the cute and adorable receptionist, who is definitely blushing even harder right now. Before I can recollect myself fully, Ria stands up and runs her sharp nails over my toned abs.

“Therefore, it’s time for a change in plans. Since she still seems hesitant, I’m going to show our cute, shy friend what an honest and caring man can do with a very, very horny woman who has nothing more than his thick, tasty cock on her mind. It’s time for a presentation.”

Somehow, the memories of a bunch of PowerPoint presentations flash through my mind as Ria mentions them while still wearing her alluring white shirt which barely hangs for its life holding her voluptuous bust and the sexy pencil skirt. Naturally, she is the one presenting them.

I swallow my saliva as my eyes wander over her curvy figure and finally meet hers. Seeing the intense craving in them, I take a peek at Elise for a brief moment before returning to her.

“Are you sure about it?”

She shows a beautiful smile and grabs my wrist, leading me to the bed. “She had her chance. She has no right to say anything now. All she can do is regret that she didn’t take it.”

Again, I’m sure that Ria is speaking to Elise and not to me as the two women look each other in the eyes. Thankfully, it doesn’t seem that the latter is bothered by the seemingly rude words of her older friend. On the contrary, the fervent blush on Elise’s face keeps growing by the second.

Since both of them are clearly good with this, I catch up to the mature beauty from behind and wrap my arms around her, causing Ria to gasp alluringly.

“My, my. Someone is getting impatient.” She smirks at me over her shoulder.

“Look who is talking. I’m not the one kidnapping my boss to face-fuck him into the wall until he busts in my mouth. Though, I would gladly eat my secretary out until she floods my face with her love juices at any time.”

She purrs into my ear as my fingers start to fiddle with the buttons of her shirt. Not wanting to go through every single little token, I grab the material and pull it to the sides with a lot of force. Ria whines alluringly as I accidentally tear through her bra too and her massive melons spring free right in front of Elise, whose eyes widen right away.

I immediately begin rubbing the needy accountant’s nipples with the tips of my fingers and Ria lets out quiet moans of pleasure, reaching out to comb through my hair. I play with her mighty mountains for a good while, kneading them tenderly and rolling their peeks between my digits while listening to her blissful sighs.

Then, my right hand starts sliding down and buries itself under Ria’s waistline. Making sure that I feel not just the material of her skirt but also her panties under my touch, I rip both of them off her in a similar fashion, grabbing her mature pussy right away.

Ria shudders when my palm gently brushes over her completely drenched folds, decorated by a quite lush dark brown rug. Just as a woman of her age and stature should, she is pleasantly hairy down there, but not fully unkempt, which only adds to her incredible charm.

Giving her a few slow grazes, I suddenly push her forward and she yelps in surprise. Her legs bump into the edge of the bed and she trips, falling right on top of Elise, smashing her enticing cushions right into the poor girl’s face. A few muffled noises escape the trapped receptionist’s mouth, making me chuckle a little.

“Oh! Yesssss… That’s exactly it…” Ria hums happily as I jump after her and run my tongue over her inviting slit from behind as she rests on all fours above Elise.

My actions make her straighten her back and release the other woman from her suffering. A loud gasp reaches my ears and it takes all my focus on the delicious, dripping snatch in front of me not to snicker. 

Glancing slightly below, I can now see what Elise has been attempting to hide earlier. Her legs ended up slightly spread and her skirt rolled up just a bit, revealing her cute panties. An obvious damp spot decorates their bottom part, which seems to be unhurriedly growing.

She is definitely intently watching me eat Ria out right now from below.

Therefore, I decide to give my number one receptionist a well-earned show and gently pull Ria’s petals to the side, exposing her sensitive flesh to myself. She lets out a louder moan as I begin to run my wet tongue over the inner pink of her labia in slow, irregular circles.

I make sure to explore every nook and cranny of this beautiful flower before I finally move on to the little pearl decorating the top of the entrance to the promised land. A longer, sultry moan reverberates through the room as my tongue tickles the shy nub. She follows it with a throaty groan and arches her back the moment I give her clit a good suck.

Slowly but surely, I can sense Ria’s orgasm building up. I keep exploring her magnificent pussy without a single moment of pause. Her abundant nectar drips onto the sheets between Elise’s legs whenever I fail to catch it with my lips. It’s not that easy when you try to nibble on someone’s clit to bring them the best experience possible.

But, to not prolong this too much, for both women, I finally slip my tongue inside Ria’s hot channel, evoking another grunt from the mature lady. I use my thumb to caress her clit in the meanwhile and slid in and out of her soft passage with my warm muscle.

“Mhhhhhmmmm… How I missed this sensation… Mmmmmmm… Just a little bit more, please…”

It seems that as far as the two girls have gone together, I don’t think they ever went down on each other this much. Or at least Elise hasn’t. I’m well aware that this peculiar duo talks a lot about their sexual experiences, which mostly belong to Ria, but it is truly sad to learn that she didn’t have anyone to even go down on her properly.

And it’s against my own morals to leave my partner unsatisfied so I double my efforts and Ria’s body answers them almost instantly. She starts pushing herself into my face each time I thrust my tongue into her fragrant crevice as light shivers run down her spine. Her titanic tits sway so much that Elise must be bordering on getting hypnotised back there.

The well-endowed accountant finally reaches her peak and releases the last, prolonged moan as the climax hits her. My tongue is pushed out of Ria’s constricting pussy but I keep tenderly rubbing her clit to add to her orgasm as much as possible. Small trickles of love juices spurt out of her yearning hole in little bursts.

Finishing riding her high, Ria falls onto Elise again and I quickly help roll the mature beauty aside so she doesn’t suffocate her friend with her weapons of mass destruction. With a very apparent flush, the poor receptionist thanks me with an appreciative nod as my naughty secretary chuckles at us.

“That was nice. But, it’s not what Elise always wanted to do. I’m afraid that we’ll have to move to the core part of the demonstration for her to truly understand what she is missing.”

I shake my head with a wry smile as the two completely different dazzling beauties rest on the bed under me.

What a fucking day…


No rest for the lewd.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Julian S., and Alvzorin, Lynderyn! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Member - Michael S.! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - Magiwarrior, Fandley, Chicken Adobo, S. Kigi, Luiswu, Skyell, Dennis W., Vincent S., W. Jennings, Sonicblackfox, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, James M., Rando C., Eatsbreeze, Daniel T.! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honoured by your presence!

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