I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 182 – Lots of Reassurance

The thought of overseeing a working night sends a faint thrill through my very being. You only appreciate something enough when you lose it, they say. And perhaps there’s some truth to that saying. In the past, it was an almost daily occurrence, but in recent weeks or even months, I’ve been more out there rather than here.

Technically, it’s a natural order of things as any business develops. We can compare our little enterprise to a budding startup or a small one-man company. There isn’t anyone else around at first so most if not all jobs need to be taken care of by the boss. But, as things progress and the trade expands, the need to grow the number of employees often follows. And that’s where things escalate.

So, with so many talented people working at the brothel, I’m almost not needed anymore. Which can be nice, since I can focus on other matters, but it always leaves you with that reminiscent taste in your mouth of how things were in the past. At least when you actually enjoyed being in that position, of course. Some people might only strive to move higher, wanting nothing more than to forget their time spent on the lower levels of the hierarchy.

Anyway, I just hope that I’ll still be able to help out like I was in the very beginning. At least with this main establishment. There’s a high chance we’ll see more of them somewhere in the future, and it’s obvious that I won’t be able to be everywhere at once. Especially considering the entire faith thing and all the shrines or other stuff that’s going to soon be erected.

Without my knowledge, most likely.

Unless I secure a way to travel from place to place instantly. Heart Swap is still far off from being efficient. Not to mention the fact that I would be moving someone working at the targeted place away, effectively interrupting whatever their responsibilities are. So there’s that.

But, with all that upcoming godhood and further, more advanced Tiers, there’s hope that I’ll get something interesting at one point. Maybe I’ll be able to find a new Partner who has such a skill. What’s Mine Is Yours is getting decently short on its cooldown now that I’ve been using it a lot. Not yet perfect, but it’s getting there.

Eh, we’ll see how things develop. For now, I better focus on the present rather than the future.

Therefore, after my brief chat with my lovely mercenary maidens, I start doing some rounds. While at it, I stop by the still-empty reception and take a peek at the menu cards. I bet they haven’t changed much since Neira was with us on the recent journey, but it’s good to check anyway. I wouldn’t want to make an ass out of myself in front of the guests. And the girls.

Turns out that they have been a bit refreshed. If my eyes do not deceive me, I’m pretty sure our lovely Shino might have had something to do with it. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Neira left the artistic duties to our otherworldly heroine while taking her leave. They do work well together.

Spending a few minutes to scan the pages and learn about anything new, I return the menu cards to their rightful place and take a look under the reception desk for any surprises. I don’t think a set of different dildos counts, but it’s certainly an interesting sight. But, I guess these are display products or something. Neither Elise nor Cornelia seems like a girl who would take one up the chimney during work, right in front of the customers.

Or are they?

I’ll check tonight.

So, save for the colourful display of various packages, we also have a bunch of alchemical concoctions, salves, lubes I guess, and so on. Our band of pharmacists are definitely earning their keep. There are some products that I do not recognize. I better pay them a visit and get up to speed in that area too. I haven’t seen Velen in a little while.

Finished with my little dive behind the reception desk, I return to my stroll through the mansion, roaming my gaze all over the walls of the pleasant corridors. Mostly to appreciate any new artworks that might have possibly been put up for display. Even though Neira has been out with us, I still find a few nice pieces I have no recollection of so I guess they have been saved for such an opportunity to keep things fresh even with her absent.

Then, my eyes fall onto a full-body painting of a fox lady in mostly nude, of course. Her enchanting figure is covered only slightly by a sapphire sheet of fabric draped over her shoulders and hugging her curves alluringly. She’s one of the girls who joined us from Astrea’s Community if I remember correctly.

But, it isn’t her identity that made me pause.

The picture closely resembles all the other ones hung all over the hallway, created with similar if not the same brush technique, but after years of having my eyes feast on artworks belonging to a certain talented young woman, it’s just impossible for me not to notice the subtle difference.

This was not painted by Neira.

And that leaves me with the only other possible option.


The surprising part is the fact that it’s what you could call a traditional painting. Shino naturally loves most if not all styles and techniques, but using dyes and paints has never exactly been her forte. She feels much closer to pencils, markers, and obviously, digital means, which is very lacking in this realm, speaking lightly.

Yet, I can detect traces of both Neira and Shino in this piece. It tells me just enough to be sure that the creator of this masterpiece is my former student, who might have possibly come under the tutelage of my other artist wife. Perhaps exactly because of the lack of her favourite digital means, Shino has taken up the brush and sought guidance from her senior.

And the result is glorious.

As I continue basking in the glory of the charming fox lady’s nude, a quiet slosh and splash reaches my ears, making me realise I’m right near Meru’s personal chamber. It kind of saddens me to know that Shino’s masterpiece is placed this far away from the mansion’s core, but I can guess why. She’s definitely been too embarrassed and anxious to put her most likely first full painting out in the open right in front of the crowd.

I better make sure she understands just how good she is.

But that can come later.

First, I drag my eyes away from the painting and move to the door leading to Meru’s abode. After a gentle knock, her calm voice invites me in and I step inside. My favourite Nershark is currently lounging in the clear pool surrounding her waterbed, slowly floating on the water’s surface with her front facing up. Easy to imagine, it gives me the perfect view of her modest charms and enticing figure.

“Missing the sea already?” I chuckle warmly while walking up to the edge.

She flips around and swims to me, pressing her perky breasts into the see-through sidewall of the pool. It takes a bit of effort to keep my eyes focused on her fierce and adorable face with those sweet mounds right before me.

“Actually, no.” Meru rests her elbows atop the edge, staring deep into my eyes. “To be honest, I’ve missed this.”

“What? This little pool?” I raise a brow at her, reaching out to stroke her cheek.

“Yes.” She nods lightly. “It’s not been long since I came here, but it already feels like home. This is something you had made for me specifically. It perfectly shows how kind and accommodating you can be. And this is also where we mated the very first time.”

I smirk at her. “You are giving me way too much credit over this. The girls came up with it and saw to its creation. Plus, we had plans to introduce something for aquatic races way before so it wasn’t something we went out of our way to suddenly create out of thin air. And now, with the Mermaids coming, these will be a bit more common. Though, I can’t refute the last claim. This place certainly holds some lovely memories.”

“Even if you weren’t already thinking about aquatic races before my arrival, you’d still quickly come up with means to make me feel comfortable under your roof,” Meru states, nuzzling her cheek into my palm.

We stare at each other for a little while before I sigh in defeat. “Fine. I most likely would. Doesn’t change anything.”

She pulls herself up and leans over the edge to bring our faces closer. I let the quiet sharkgirl nibble on my lips with an affectionate kiss, responding kindly to her loving bites as I move even closer, gradually pushing her back into the water as she no longer needs to reach out for my face.

“How are you feeling?” I ask after we finally part, staying close enough to brush our noses together.

“Good,” she whispers. “I’ve been thinking.”

“Oh, yeah? What’s eating away at that sexy mind of yours, then?” I look at her curiously.

“How I can be useful to you,” Meru replies.

I laugh out loud a bit. “But you’ve been plenty useful to me already. Dare I remind you who it was that saved my ass during our journey not but one time?”

“That was then, this is now.” She tilts her head cutely, resting it atop her crossed forearms. “But I think I got it.”

“I’m all ears,” I urge her on.

“When the waterways are fully finished, you might want a guide. To lead the visitors in and out of the tunnels. Perhaps a little further into the open waters too,” Meru continues. “I could fill that role. Whenever you would need nothing else of me, of course.”

“Hmmm…” I contemplate her suggestion for a moment. “Who am I to stop a woman from finding work if that’s what she wants to do? I’ll just mention that you are free to be a bit more free.”

“All your mates provide their help with what you do,” she points out. “Cornelia and Elea manage the mansion. Sirgia is an artisan. Neira decorates the halls. Teffith stands guard and trains your troops now. Elise works at the reception. Ria takes care of your money. Everyone has something to do.”

“Astrea mostly lazes around,” I counter. “I still find her sprawled on top of random furniture in random spots around the mansion just like during her early days here.”

“The feline girl regularly manages the Community.” Meru’s brows form a cute frown.

“Fair.” I shrug. “And I guess I understand. I don’t want you to feel bad about yourself for not having anything to do. The last thing I wish for is for you to die out of boredom. I haven’t accepted you as my mate to lock you up in this glassy cage as some trophy to display or periodically look at for my personal amusement. I will gladly find you something to do. And your suggestion sounds like the perfect choice as long as you are comfortable with it.”

“I am.” She nods. “Perhaps Fei would like to join me after she arrives. We could take turns so that you wouldn’t have to worry that I’m working too much.”

Right. The Mermaid girl who almost snuck out with us instead of going to learn more about her evolving into a Diva.

“You already know me so well.” I smile at her. “Run it through the others and see what they say. You have my vote and permission if you’d ever need it.”

“Thank you.” Meru pecks my lips. “I can’t wait. I’m really curious how it will all work out with aquatic folk. It’s something entirely new, especially with Mermaids. They are a rather uncommon sight on land.”

I chuckle at that. “Yeah. Definitely. We’ll have to figure out a way for them to show up in the lobby. I bet some of the ladies would like to tempt their own customers personally. Perhaps Sirgia will come up with some kind of a cylindrical tank on wheels, or something? But I really need more hands in that area. She’s only working more and more as pretty much everything new falls onto her shoulders.”

“The trip to visit her homeland will be a good opportunity to employ more of her kin. Maybe she knows someone we could trust,” she offers. “You should not delay too much. I know she’s one of your earliest mates and you have deep feelings for her.”

“I love all of you.” I use both hands to caress her cheeks. “It would be hard to pick favourites while surrounded by such amazing women.”

We come together once more, exchanging a few loving pecks one more time, and I draw back with a playful ruffle of her hair.

“Now, I would love nothing more than to jump in to join you in there, but I have duties, unfortunately.” I wink at the sexy fish lady.

“Go. Thank you for sparing me some of your precious time. I enjoyed it greatly. My little lake is always open to you anytime, my mate.” Meru pushes herself off the edge and dives under the surface, making a few precious rolls and other water acrobatics and then waving at me.

“Call for me whenever.” I wave back and slip out of her room.

So, I better make sure that no one feels like they are useless and everyone has something to do. We can’t have anyone feeling down because they think I don’t want them to do anything but live by. I’ll raise this concern with the council later. Maybe I’ll learn something new too.

For now, I continue to wander around and chat with some of the girls I run into. Even though our numbers are constantly growing, with some of the new workers being accepted into our ranks without a personal interview from my person, I would still like to know everyone’s faces and treat them like members of our big family. 

As wrong as it might sound in the usual, Earth-corp lingo.

Therefore, I take some time to socialise with the ladies, mainly focusing on the new employees who have joined during my absence. It’s mostly small talk and attempts at tearing down any exaggerated propaganda fed to them by Elea or the others, painting me as this unbelievably incredible person, saviour of the non-humans, the entire realm, and so on. Thankfully, the senior workers help me out as much as they can, teaching the juniors that I’m just a friendly guy they should not feel awkward to approach.

At one point, I catch a glimpse of a hazelnut hair bun moving through the hallways and extract myself from a casual conversation, leaving my current partners to their gossiping fun I’ve just joined. A moment later, I spot my target heading somewhere and sneak up on my unsuspecting prey from behind without being noticed. Which isn’t an achievement considering how deep in thought they are.

With a quick lunge, I cover the busy lady’s eyes from behind.

“Al!” Cornelia cries out with a startled jump, guessing who immediately. “Are you a child?!”

I snicker. “Are you a mommy?”

She falls silent, not moving an inch. I can see the furious flush creeping up her entire face as she stands there frozen. The sly smile fades away from my face as I begin wondering if perhaps my joke might have been a bit too distasteful and I might have offended my precious lover.

“Cornelia?” I call to her gently, taking my palms away. “Sorry if that was too much. It was funnier in my head.”

“No, no! It was good! Hahahaha!” She laughs a little awkwardly. “I was just surprised, that’s all!”

“You sure?” I slowly turn her around and look at her dearly. “Please, do speak openly whenever I fuck up. I need to understand what I did wrong so that I can never again repeat that mistake, alright? I’m not a perfect guy. You can be angry at me. In fact, I would be glad if you did. Trying to figure out the silent treatment is truly the worst feeling in the world.”

She quickly shakes her head. “No, I’m telling the truth. I’m not mad at your jokes. And I think you are well aware that I don’t hold back on you ever. I never had.”

“Right. Just making sure. Things might change. All this for the other person’s sake or the relationship bullshit. I don’t want you to bottle anything up,” I clarify.

Cornelia shows a warm smile and rests a hand on my chest. “I know. If I ever have a problem with you, you are the first person I’ll come to. Well, first male person, that is.”

I chuckle at her little tease. There would be no secrets between my wives. And oh lord, Lumina better watch over my poor soul whenever all of them charge right at me to teach me some manners together after being a bad husband to any of them. 

“Good.” I nod at her. “Now, where were you before I so rudely interrupted you?”

“Ah. Just heading back to Ria with some documents. Nothing you have to worry about. It’s regarding the building next to our headquarters. It should be ours very soon. We wanted to secure it quickly so that the contractors working on the other one move right to it after they are done,” she explains, fixing her glasses with a finger.

“Got it. You girls work fast. I’ve barely spoken with Lianne about this.” I gesture at her to continue walking.

“Of course, we do. Word spreads fast when your brain is connected to all the other ones.” She taps the side of her forehead with a smirk. “I truly love this part. No need to run around and arrange meetings when we can just talk at any time. And I guess the fact that you banged the Queen helps a lot. Perhaps you should work your way up all the important people around the realm. That would make things so much easier.”

I snort to myself. “Did you just suggest I fuck all the women in power just so we can make communications a bit more convenient? Do you have any idea how many would that be? How big this harem would end up?”

“You are doing rather fine with a mansion full of them.” She raises a playful brow at me.

“But only a handful means much more,” I counter. “Well, a handful or two, but you get my point.”

Cornelia chuckles openly. “Then they don’t have to be anything deeper either.”

I roll my eyes. “Yeah, right. I can already see all those queens and leaders being up for a quick fuck and nothing more. That’s not how relationships at such a level work.”

“It did with Lianne.” She bumps into me from the side.

“And in the end, she’s one of you,” I point out. “Feelings happened.”

“Some will, some won’t.” She shrugs.

“Alright, enough of this.” I slap her juicy ass, evoking a yelp from my sly magician. “What’s on your mind? You are even more teasing than usual.”

We walk in silence for a minute or two before Cornelia speaks up.

“What if I was?” she asks hesitantly.

“What?” I glance at her.

“A… mommy…” She stutters a little.

“Well, I’m not exactly sure, but I’m open to—”

“Not in that meaning!” Cornelia interrupts me with a slap on the shoulder.

“Oh.” I stop us both and make us face each other. “I hope you are not thinking that I would find you any less desirable, nor that my feelings for you would change in any way, after you decide to allow your belly to swell up a little bit. I admit that such a thought makes me a tiny bit anxious, but that’s because I lack experience and all that otherworldly stuff. To be honest, it’s like a true proof of love and I would in no way see you as less if you were planning for it.”

“What if it was… unplanned?” She glances up at me but slightly avoids my gaze.

I furrow my brows lightly, considering her words. “If by some miracle that does happen, it’s exactly the same. You know what I think of you. And that extends to our possible future children, come as they may. I’m not a man who runs from his responsibilities. Yet, I would hate to force the role of a mother upon you before you are ready, of course. So, if I’ve somehow gotten sloppy in assuring that nothing unexpected happens and made you unnecessarily uneasy, I apologise.”

“No, sorry, it’s just my silly mind.” She chuckles awkwardly, then steps forward to place a loving kiss on my lips. “Your words reassured it a little. You know women, we have our moods. Magic doesn’t always help with that.”

“And I’m here exactly to do that, reassure you as much as you might need.” I wrap my arms around her perfect figure.

“I appreciate it.” Cornelia reciprocates the hug. “Now, I should really run. Ria is waiting for me. We’ll have a briefing in about an hour if you’d like to join, with everyone present. In the main lobby.”

“I’ll be there. Can’t miss it.” I let her go and we share one more peck before going our own ways.

Since I have about an hour of free time, I head down to the underground to visit Mari and Velen. First, I pick the lab, curious about our new developments. A group comfortably works on various substances under the leadership of our lead alchemist, the amazing lady who joined us under the influence of Lord Jericho’s decision. She’s really taken well to her new environment, judging by how passionate about her new job she is.

Leaving whatever Velen is coaching the other women with, she approaches me with a polite nod. “Welcome, Master. How may we help you today?”

“Just wandering about. I saw some vials under the reception and was wondering if you could fill me in on what might have come out of your research while we were gone,” I reply, gesturing at her to lean comfortably on the nearby counter and doing the same myself. “I do hope that the sample you gathered before our departure proved to be useful?”

A faint hint of a blush tinges Velen’s professional cheeks as she recalls her little handjob to extract some fluids from me. “Our research went splendidly if I might say. I did my best to make the best use of every single drop. Now, we offer various new tonics, medicines, and other solutions to our girls and customers. Some don’t even need your fluids as we managed to recreate the desired effects with other ingredients after a long analysis.”

“That’s amazing. You girls are geniuses.” I grin at her proudly.

She fixes her glasses even though they need no fixing and her blush deepens just a bit. I guess it’s some kind of a nervous tick whenever she feels somewhat shy about receiving too much praise. It’s quite cute with how collected and focused she’s always been.

“And how is it going right now?” I continue to avoid creating an awkward silence.

“Slow progress, as usual.” She quietly clears her throat. “We ran out of samples a while ago so we are focusing on perfecting the already finished creations. Not all of them are connected to the pleasure department. We do have some projects that might be of use to Sirgia, Neira, or a few other people. With the mercenaries soon going out into the world, we wanted to assure that they are equipped with the best potions, oils, toxins, antidotes, and other consumables.”

“Wow. I haven’t thought much about that. I was sure we were purchasing supplies from the usual sources.” I don’t hide my surprise and awe. “Great work. And, if you ran out, you should have come to request more the moment I was back. You know how busy I can get with everything. I need people to remind me of themselves and their needs or I might forget. If you’d like, we can take care of it now, just like the last time.”

Velen clearly considers the idea for a moment but gently shakes her head, making her brown curls wiggle. “We are good with the current research so there is no rush, thank you. But… I will let you know when we are… ready for it, Master.”

“Understood.” I nod at her. “So, care to boast a little about your achievements?”

Prompted by my request, Velen launches into a detailed explanation of a bunch of their successful and failed projects, trying to keep it brief but unable to hide that little hint of excitement in her voice that everyone who talks about something they are passionate about has. It makes her words much more captivating. 

She doesn’t even notice when she completely drops any semblance of personal space between us and just grabs my wrists or hands whenever she wants me to experience something more directly, guiding and instructing me on stuff. We bump shoulders a lot and I catch her face near mine a bunch of times as she leans in over my side, often brushing a lock of hair behind her ear, most likely completely subconsciously.

Sexy research nerds should really think more about what kind of effect they have on the male specimens with those actions.

One of the other ladies interrupts our pleasant chat as Velen’s presence is needed elsewhere. I assure her that it’s alright and urge her to return to her responsibilities, promising to await her call for whenever they would be ready to extract another sample from me, which prompts another barely noticeable blush on her nerdy face.

Leaving the mad scientists to their own machinations, I move to Mari’s workshop. Expecting her and Nyfile to be lost in their little world, I don’t even bother knocking and slip right in. But, it might actually be a mistake as the first thing I see after closing the door behind me is our lead tailor standing in front of a big mirror with some kind of dress pressed to her body. Save for that piece of material, there’s nothing else.

Mari catches my eyes in the mirror and squeaks in surprise. I hastily turn around to save her from any further embarrassment.

“Sorry! I really should have knocked! Last time no one noticed so I just…” I launch into a quick explanation.

A sweet, embarrassed giggle reaches my ears. “No, no, no! I’m sorry for showing something unsightly! I’ll get dressed in a flash!”

“Now, that’s not true. You have a very pleasant… backside…” I chuckle as the image of Mari’s plump rump remains firmly locked at the forefront of my mind.

“You don’t need to be so flattering. I know I lack feminine charm. I’ve been continuously mistaken for a boy until I was like sixteen,” Mari admits with an adorable scoff.

“That’s just part of your charm,” I respond. “There’s nothing wrong with that. Quite the contrary, rather. You are a hell of a sexy gal. Many men would be crazy about you from where I come.”

“You really think so?” she asks a bit reservedly.

“I know so.” I smirk to myself, since obviously, I’m one of them.

There’s no reply for a few moments and I wonder if she’s slowly dressing up to avoid making any noise until she lightly clears her throat.

“Could you… turn around?” Mari requests and I oblige.

Rather than clothed, I find her even more exposed than earlier. This time, the slightly insecure tomboy beauty faces my way with nothing in her hands, which are joined behind her perky butt. A mad blush covers her freckled cheeks and nose as she looks at me with a slight upwards glance while my eyes roam over her modest charms. She might be somewhat petite, but damn, is she thicc where she needs to be. Those thighs and ass could kill. Not that any other part of her glorious figure couldn’t.

“And?” She nervously bites down on her bottom lip, giving her hips a little wiggle.

I tear my gaze off the light bush above the heaven’s door and meet her inquiring eyes.

“My point still stands.” I smile at her. “And something else does too.”

She lets out a timid giggle as her focus drops to my quite visible bulge. “I know. It can stand for days from what I’ve seen during the bet.”

“I assure you this right here is all you.” I raise a brow at her. “No external influence included.”

“That’s… flattering.” She smiles back, and chuckles again after realising she’s just used her own words.

“So, I’ve come here for the clothes,” I say while slowly walking closer. “But, I don’t mind the lack of them either.”

Her breathing becomes slightly quicker as we end up face to face, with Mari needing to look a bit up to match my gaze. Glancing down at her, I get an incredible view of her petite breasts from above, moving back and forth alongside her heaving chest. She blinks a few times as her attention switches between my eyes and my lips, and I wait, curious to see what’s her next step, if she will run away, or do something else.

It turns out to be something else.

Mari stands up on her tiptoes and hesitantly brings her lips to mine, brushing them together in a prodding manner, just a tiny bump. I remain steady, not wanting to spook her, and that rewards me with a few more reluctant brushes as she closes her eyes while peppering me with dainty pecks.

“Fuck…” she curses quietly with a gentle sigh, then draws back a little. “Clothes… I like to talk about clothes…”

I smirk as she peeks at my lips one last time and saunters away. Her enticing butt jiggles seductively as she jogs up to a chair and snatches something from the pile of clothes stored on top of it. Giving me a quick glance over her shoulder, definitely catching me staring, she trots behind a sliding curtain with even more bounce in her step, disappearing right behind the sheet of material. The placement of the light leaves nothing to the imagination as I observe her shadow pull something on both ends of her sexy frame.

Looks like I will have to chase this hare a bit.

In a flash, Mari comes out wearing a loose t-shirt and shorts, making me snort.

“You are doing this on purpose,” I comment.

“What?” She stops on her way to me.

“Dressing up exactly the way that makes you even sexier,” I point out, bringing another flush to her slightly more calmed cheeks.

She saunters the rest of the way and stands next to me by a design table. “So, what did you want to talk about?”

I can’t decide if she’s playing with me or is just still indecisive, but if it’s time she needs, she shall have as much as she wants.

“What are we working with in terms of cosplay? We did chat about it briefly but I would like you to go into detail, including numbers,” I reply, returning to business.

She switches into her passionate mood rather quickly. “Well, there’s not a lot, but we currently have…”

I listen closely as Mari flips some sketchbook and lists the costumes and attire they have already completed and even tried out on a few of the girls. I jokingly ask if she’s one of them and she just blushes silently. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that she is into some dressing up too. Many cosplayers who work on their own costumes obviously love wearing them. Perhaps she even has a favourite one.

We go through their entire stock while she also presents a bunch of the sets to me by pressing them onto her own body, this time with clothes on.


By the end of it, my brain has shelved all the options available into their corresponding places while also keeping tabs on the number of copies we have to spare. This might be helpful for what I have in mind for tonight, but I’ll need to present the idea to everyone during the briefing. It’s amazing how much our duo of tailors, most likely assisted by some other girls, managed to achieve together in such a short time. It looks like every department is pulling its own weight many times more than necessary.

For a few minutes more, we discuss the future options as Mari is obviously super lively about any further prospects and I love listening to her ramble about anything. Then, the time to move on finally comes and I sadly have to interrupt the excited tomboy, reminding her about the meeting.

Before leaving, though, I sneak a peck on her adorable cheek to show that her earlier interest wasn’t one-sided. And perhaps as a promise of something more.

She swears not to get lost in her own little world and make it for the gathering. So, I stroll back to the main hall alongside a crowd of ladies, responding to their cordial chats while we walk. They stop at the base level while I move up the stairs, and it’s only when I’m at the top that I realise just how many people are standing down below.

“Holy fuck.” I shake my head. “It’s hard to imagine this little mansion can fit so many.”

“And it will only increase after we extend the wings,” Elea says from the side as she and my other wives arrive. “Ready to inspire the troops before the battle?”

“Only one way to see.” I chuckle. “Let’s get this party started. We have so much to do.”


Back in business boys.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff Diver Dave, and Jeffrey B.! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Alvzorin, Julian, William H., James M., and Kody B.! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - Fandley, S. Kigi, Darth Mole, Luiswu, Skyell, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, James M., Rando C., Sura, Jampodevral, Julian L., Drew P., D3mon Emper0r, Riley M., and Doug C.! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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