I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 183 – Clothes Maketh Woman

Giving the very diverse crowd of beautiful ladies one last glance, I clap my hands a few times to silence the delicate chatter creating a faint buzz in the main hall. All the discussions end at once and everyone looks up to our elevated position. Successful at gaining their attention, I clear my throat.

“Good night to you, ladies. And hello to all who I did not have the pleasure to stumble on yet after my return,” I begin with a wide smile, receiving a wave of nods and whispered greetings in response. “I’m glad to be here again. I honestly missed this place greatly, and everyone living or working here too, of course. I’ve been told how well you handled everything in my absence and let me just say that I’m unspeakably proud of every single person here.”

A brief applause echoes through the spacious chamber before the ladies give me a chance to continue.

“I’m looking forward to spending this night alongside you once more. But, this won’t be just any normal night. We have been probing our valuable customers about some new services that are bound to be introduced in the near future, but I think it’s time to take another step in that direction. I’m sure many of you know what I’m talking about.”

Excited murmurs take over the silence this time as the girls exchange cheery and hopeful smiles. Not everyone is up to speed with the topic but their more experienced and well-informed colleagues quickly fill them in so I give everyone a bit more time to make some small talk and explanations.

Unfortunately, the excitement is much higher this time and I have to smack my palms together once more or we would end up standing there for far too long.

“Now, what does that exactly mean? It means I would like to ask for a favour from some of you. About halfway through the night, I would like for about a dozen or more ladies to walk in here while wearing the costumes prepared by our talented tailors and designers.” I gesture at Mari standing a bit away from me along with my wives and she sports a shy blush while meeting the gazes of some girls. “They will be able to choose whichever clothes they want, as long as there are no copies this time. Their role will be pretty simple, to wander through the crowd and chat up those who look at them with some interest.”

I can see the urge in everyone’s eyes to turn around and discuss this opportunity with their neighbours but they do their best to keep calm and listen further. It’s not that surprising, honestly. There might be a few women who may not enjoy cosplay as much as the rest, but for the majority, it’s a fun new way to bring some entertainment to their usually monotonous days or nights.

“We need more information, first and foremost,” I add quickly. “If they like the idea, what would they change if they had the chance, what themes they would love to see the most, if they know more people who would be interested in participating in such services, and so on. Personal interviews are always better to dig out all the details. People will be more willing to share if you make them comfortable and focused on things that please them visually.”

Everyone nods along with my words, definitely taking mental notes of what is expected of them in case they end up selected for this event.

“Naturally, this isn’t all you are allowed to do.” I roam my gaze over all the curious faces. “Don’t be too pushy tonight, but if you manage to find someone interested in having the privilege of being one of the first customers to get a sneak peek at this new service, you are free to have some fun with them. Just stress out that they shall not speak of any details besides what they have seen in the reception hall and you are good to go. You can even act accordingly with your getup if you wish to. And don’t forget to ask for some feedback afterwards. If you manage to leave them conscious.”

A rolling wave of giggles spreads through the crowd. Considering all the clearly visible excitement, I’m sure it will be hard for them not to go all the way.

“So, this is the plan for tonight. After the briefing ends, please remain here for a while longer. I’ll consult my lovely wives and assistants to pick the lucky ladies. It won’t be random, that I can say out loud. How you've been doing during your acting classes and some other activities does play a role in it. But, don’t worry, everyone interested in this will get their chance. One day, this new idea is going to be just another option available to all our guests.”

Then, I exchange a few glances with Elea, Ria, and Cornelia, and my little family steps forward. We briefly discuss some more formal matters regarding the brothel. I mostly leave it to them while listening attentively. Sirgia brings up the reconstruction and upcoming changes, including the area for aquatic races. Even Velen joins in to introduce some of their new solutions and supplements. And we can’t forget Mari, who gushes about the projects she’s still working on.

The atmosphere switches around when they are done and it's the ladies’ turn to report anything worth our attention. We hear everyone out, no matter how small and unimportant their thing is, according to them, of course. I’m happy to hear that pretty much everyone brings up quite positive news and information and there are only a bunch of little mishaps and improper elements to report. It’s nothing major and we immediately aim to fix those issues or uncomfortable aspects.

With that part done, we move on to the most important and greatly awaited moment. Elea presents me with a neat list of names with their assigned scores and some comments from the teachers. It’s clearly made by Ria considering how neat the informative table is. You can see the accountant’s touch in it.

We approach the candidates one by one and let them know about our choice. Then, after some initial explosions of joy and gratitude, we ask about their choice of costume. Mari and Nyfile showcase the designs that we already have in store and everyone picks up something that interests them, making sure that they can easily get into the connected personality without an issue.

All slots taken, we close the meeting and begin preparations. There isn’t much time before we open. I oversee the lively rush as girls run everywhere and make final changes. Most of the time, I stay by Elise, observing everything from the reception. Garrena and Teffith take their usual spots. 

Additionally, I notice a few of my cute mercenaries dressed up in suits being sent to stand in front of the entrance. I guess this is a great way for them to gain some experience in guarding or escorting VIPs. Looks like I won’t have to worry much about our first commission. I gotta thank the instructors properly for their smart efforts.

The opening hour arrives in a flash and we hear the noise of carriages strolling into the front yard almost immediately. From what I’ve been told, some important figures can now order a ride to our establishment for the beginning of the night before the transportation service switches to public use, both matching its main purpose and the slightly less decent one.

As crowds start spilling into the main hall, I leave Elise to her responsibilities with a peck on the cheek and position myself above her, on the balcony at the half-level, getting a good view of the visitors. Plenty of old-timers quickly notice my presence and smile merrily, exchanging words with their companions while pointing my way.

Things continue exactly the way I remember them going. People split into various groups, heading for different kinds of entertainment. Our ladies stroll around them and enjoy themselves with their favourite guests, already knowing who to approach for an interesting night. The Pleasure Chambers are booked out in a flash and a section of the waiting lounge is quickly taken over by very expectant women, being placated by a bunch of our girls, mostly Tieflings, who introduce new and interesting toys and options to them before a spot opens.

Looks like there isn’t that much awkwardness and embarrassment among our female visitors anymore if they can literally sit around a table with a plethora of dildos and other tools lined up between them as someone sings praises of their correct use. I wonder if it’s thanks to the chambers or the influence of our quite open employees, like Mafaris.

Soon, I move off my porch and start interacting with the guests too. Many approach me to exchange polite greetings and express their joy for my return. I listen to some tales and stories regarding their time at my place during my absence, glad to hear that it’s all good words and experiences.

Unsurprisingly, the topic of us branching out into the mercenary market comes up a few times too. And as one would have expected, it surfaces mostly among the merchants who come here to take their minds off their constant financial and logistical issues. They express their hope and expectations for our new business to flourish just like the brothel has.

News does travel fast and they have even heard about the exam. Someone must be quite the gossip in the guild. I bet it’s none of the people our girls beat into a pulp.

So, it turns out that we actually might already have some prospective new and maybe loyal clients right from the day we officially open for work. The merchants I chat with hint quite obviously at their interest in hiring us as escorts and such. It’s no secret that our worker girls can take good care of themselves and people expect our professionally-trained elites to be on an even higher level.

Which is completely accurate.

I assure my conversation partners that they will not be disappointed if they choose to trust us with their requests and let them know that we’ll be up and ready in just a day or two. The headquarters are almost there and I’m pretty sure I’ve already found a fitting receptionist. Our merc girls are thrilled to get their chance to prove themselves in the field too. I can’t keep them away for much longer or they will explode on the spot. Especially the Beastkin girls.

Time flies as everyone enjoys themselves, including me, of course. This is what I’ve been missing. The constant chatter, hallways full of cheerful people, folks laughing comfortably with girls of various races, and noble ladies giggling together while unsteadily walking down the stairs, sending me flushed glances while trying to hide the fact that they had just most likely blasted all their holes open with multiple devices mounted in the special chambers.

You really can’t judge by the looks sometimes. The shyest, most petite one wearing bookish glasses has the most trouble putting her feet one after another. To the extent that I take pity on her and lend the sweet girl my arm as she bashfully looks away until I escort her to a free carriage. No doubt she isn’t making it home in that state on her own.

Soon, the designated hour arrives close and I exchange a nod with Cornelia. Even though she doesn’t man the reception tonight, she wanted to remain around and help with a thing or two. She scurries away to the back of the mansion while a bunch of girls excuse themselves from their conversations and follow her.

I make my way to the stairs once more and stop at the top this time. Sirgia rolls out a hanging gong and sets it up by my side. It will certainly be helpful in getting everyone to quiet down. I kneel down to fluff her beautiful hair and pepper her cheeks in kisses before she trots away to continue whatever she has been doing before.

When Cornelia joins me and we share another nod, I summon my draconic hilt and shape its core into a blunt hammer. Taking a deep breath, I hit the metal plate and a powerful, resonating sound travels through the hall. Surprisingly, it’s much less annoying and invasive than I would have thought. On the contrary, I quite like its noise. It didn’t make anyone jump in place out of fright but achieved its intended purpose and the chatting died down.

Clearing my throat, I step closer to the railing. “Ladies and gentlemen. I apologise for this unexpected disruption of your pleasant time but I have an important announcement to make. I hope you can spare me some of your attention for just a moment.”

Seeing no visible refusal to my request, I continue right away.

“It’s been a good while since we opened this establishment with my incredible wives. As you may already know, our first priority was always the quality of service offered to our honourable guests and visitors. Right after the well-being and comfort of our irreplaceable girls, of course.”

Some customers chuckle at my little play and nod in agreement.

“A few of you might still remember that we opened without as diverse a cast of beautiful ladies as we can boast of right now. But, since that very first day, we always aspired to keep growing in every possible area, especially the number of sexy races available to feast your eyes on. And not just eyes.”

I notice a bunch of girls trying their best to steal the attention of their conversation partners back by acting quite flirty and touchy. They are having way too much fun with this already.

“Today is finally the day we bring you something new,” I add with a brief pause. “It’s almost time to introduce our new service, or services if you consider the joint aspects of what I’m about to present as two different elements, which are undoubtedly the biggest innovation since the establishment’s carriages.”

That gets everyone’s focus to the highest levels and the aforementioned girls huff at themselves for utterly failing their seductive games.

“But, before we begin, I would like to respectfully ask everyone gathered here to try and keep as much of what you are going to see and experience to yourselves. I’m aware that we won’t be able to stop rumours and gossip from leaking out, but this is something you will have the privilege to be the first customers to ever see and possibly sample. Way before the public learns about it. It’s my way of showing gratitude to you all who support me and the hardworking ladies.”

Cheers and applause interrupt me for a moment as some men loudly swear to say nothing, bringing a wide grin to my lips.

“Thank you, thank you. Now, let us not waste any more time and get to the main point. Ladies!”

I clap my hands three times and the doors on each side of the reception fling open. A line of women in very characteristic and eye-catching costumes walks into the main hall with a confident step on both left and right. There’s a guild receptionist, a robed scholar, a quirky store clerk, an awe-inspiring priestess, a rough military officer, and a few others. People stare at them with curiosity and confusion, perhaps trying to figure out what women of those professions are doing here.

As the dressed-up ladies spread themselves over the bottom floor, I address the crowd once more.

“Please, do not worry. If you haven’t noticed yet, you are looking at some of our best employees, just with a little twist. Tonight I have the pleasure to introduce you to a thing we call cosplay. In the near future, our girls will be able to don every single style of attire from every single corner of the world to suit your needs even better.”

The intrigue is very clear in everyone gathered here. I have them.

“Did you stumble on a hot adventurer on your travels but she would cut your head off just for daring to approach her? Do you have a crush on the clerk from the bakery at the next corner but she’s already happily married? Have you found the gate guard irresistibly attractive in that impressive full armour? Now you can fulfil your dreams without any risk!”

For a few seconds, I just stare down at the guests with my arms spread wide and an uncomfortable silence hangs in the air. Before I can start wondering if I might have fucked something up by saying something that actually struck the wrong nerve, the entire building shakes violently as a roar of pure elation explodes right in my face. Men start yanking their comrades by their clothes while screaming incomprehensible words. And that includes some of the more mature ones too, not just the youth.

It takes about five hits of the gong to calm them down. I’m so glad we actually thought to bring it out.

“Hear me out for a bit longer!” I shout firmly. “While you will be able to gaze upon those mesmerising costumes for the remainder of the night, do not forget that they are just a few samples we have on hand. Don’t feel shy and suggest your own ideas for attire you would like to see them in. We can’t think of everything on our own. That’s why we need your help. But, that’s not all. There’s one more thing.”

My eyes roam over their faces glowing with anticipation. Many gazes already wander off to the dressed girls. I need to keep it short.

“With an additional introduction of roleplay, you will be able not only to witness the ladies in these amazing costumes, but also experience what it really means to meet the real person wearing them! Every single one of these girls is more than qualified to act the part, and it does include the more on-hand situations! Ladies, please!”

With a snap of my fingers, all new arrivals change their demeanour in a blink. The guard girl starts glaring at the customers while crossing her arms and jutting out her hip, emanating a rough, soldierly aura. The guild receptionist becomes so friendly and cheerful her smile can melt hearts as she waves at everyone. The robed mage shrinks in herself a little bit, fixing her scholarly glasses as she timidly looks around with an adorable blush. The priestess regards everyone with a motherly expression, offering fake prayers to the Goddess in their name. And so on.

Before another sudden eruption, I squeeze in a few more words.

“You can learn more about these two services at the reception! Please, read carefully every single paragraph of our terms and conditions and ask all the questions that come to your mind! We trust you not to abuse this new opportunity in the heat of the moment and remind you that the consequences of breaking the agreements can be very serious!”

The moment the last word leaves my lips, a tsunami of people rushes towards the reception, causing Elise to scream from shock. Poor girl. I need to get down there to help her out or she’ll grow to hate me for putting her out in the centre of all of this.

“Ah, I almost forgot!” I enhance my voice to break through the positive chaos. “Neither of the new services is limited to male customers! Ladies are welcome to enjoy them as much as they can too!”

Excited squealing joins the cheerful shouts, coming from the women bundled together on one side of the hall. There might be more interest in this from them than I would have first thought. Mafaris and other girls did insist on me adding this bit and it’s good that I listened to them. So many people I need to properly reward for their input. I have to figure out some impressive gifts rather than just pay them a visit.

Cornelia joins me as we sprint to the reception, aiding Elise in her battle against the animated swarm of people. Just as I said, everyone has to familiarise themselves with the inner workings of these new options and no one seems to cause any trouble during the briefing. Those who want to try the roleplay during the usual service have to sign a temporary NDA, but even that doesn’t deter them from throwing money at us.

This will be an exhausting night.

Somehow, after about an hour, we manage to calm most customers down and return to a slightly more controlled and relaxed atmosphere. Our cosplay girls split up pretty evenly. Half of them showcase their costumes to the visitors while luring a person or two into seemingly innocent chats, fishing for useful information from them. The other half takes up the rooms with their chosen guests, and they do have who to choose from with the number of interested men and women sky-high. Both groups switch regularly so that not a single girl ends up doing only the boring part forever.

Another two hours later, things are looking well. No incidents, only joy, from both visitors and residents. The cosplay ladies come to me often to express their thanks for this opportunity as it's the most fun they ever had while working here. That makes me as happy as they are, promising them more clothes and personalities to pick from in the future. 

Naturally, the customers will also be able to select those by then, but I think having a pre-set team of women strolling through the corridors is a decent idea too. Sometimes people have no idea what they want until they see it.

The closing hour draws near and the atmosphere changes noticeably. People are reluctant to start leaving but they remain respectful as much as possible while dragging out their departure for as long as they can. It’s always such an amusing sight.

As a result, we finish about fifteen minutes after the designated time, giving everyone a bit more leeway due to all the excitement we have caused with our revelations. Then, we gather for a quick debriefing, where the cosplay girls take the majority of the time since literally all of us are super invested in hearing them out. Mari takes notes of all the suggestions from the customers.

The operation is a huge success. We might need to try it out a few more times for the data to be solid and undebatable but everyone is aware that this is the correct way forward. We’ll cause another storm in the market and grow our popularity even more. Just as planned.

With all things covered, we wrap up for the night, or the morning considering the early hour, and everyone returns to their rooms for a well-deserved rest. I don’t really need to sleep that much so I shuffle through all the notes of the meeting Ria and Elise made for us.

The next day, I share a quick breakfast with some of my lovely wives and move out to the other side of the street to help with the headquarters. Things are moving fast and they should be finished today. The barracks, the offices, the meeting rooms, and some recreational facilities are ready. All that’s hidden underground doesn’t need to be fully operational and can be worked on in the meanwhile.

Finding the right moment, I separate from the workers and go after our sweet receptionist. Turns out that Elise still lazes in my bed, and she has all the right to. I sneak into the sheets and embrace the lovely girl from behind, gently brushing my fingers through her hair, knowing well that she’s already awake.

Elise pushes her body more into mine while humming softly, continuing to act as if she is asleep. Chuckling to myself, I slide the fingers of my other hand at a painfully slow pace down her smooth tummy, watching her delicious lips part in anticipation. But, before they reach their target, I bite into her collarbone, evoking a loud moan from the cute receptionist, causing her to cover her mouth in panic.

“That’s what you get for trying to trick me.” I laugh into her delicate neck.

“I’m starting to realise why Cornelia hits you so much,” she replies with a pout. “Would it have been so hard to… to… to touch me?”

“You were asleep. You should be aware that I don’t touch anyone unconscious like that,” I tease her, both of us knowing that she wasn’t.

“And if I give you my permission?” she asks with a hint of hope in her voice.

“I would be glad to wake you up in a glorious way.” I kiss the mark my teeth left on her skin.

“Next time, then.” Elise blushes fiercely. “In… In the back…”


“So, anything I can help you with? Or did you come just to fool around with me?” She wiggles in place and turns around, pulling herself closer to me.

“I would like to meet with your friend again. For a proper interview,” I explain.

A wide grin shows up on her sunny face. “I knew you would like her. If you give me just a moment to make myself proper, I can go and arrange it for you. We can meet at the same cafe you scouted me in.”

“I appreciate it but I would like to meet her alone. You won’t always be there to keep an eye on her or help her out. I’m going to take the interview seriously. She is applying for an important position,” I add, hoping that Lyona will be a bit more confident without Elise next to her.

“Hmmm. I guess you are right. I’ll just tell her that I’m going to be busy at that moment.” Elise assumes a thoughtful expression. “I certainly hope she gets the job. It would be good for her.”

“Does she need a place to stay too?” I wonder out loud.

She shakes her head. “No. She’s quite well off. It’s just something she always wanted to do. I meant the change in environment. Solely being one of your employees elevates one’s standing so much. People show me a lot of respect and are much more polite than many adventurers. Not to mention being hit on. I think they assume that every woman besides the working girls is exclusively yours and they don’t even dare to try too much.”

I snicker to myself. “Well, at least they aren’t wrong about your case.”

“Yeah.” She giggles and takes a deep breath, rubbing her face into my chest. “We should get up. But I feel so lazy. Well… Maybe if there was something… That could wake me up properly…”

Keeping her eyes on me, Elise rolls away, ending up on her belly. Her shapely behind creates an inviting hill under the sheets and she wiggles it innocently. The rosy shade colouring her cheeks grows even stronger as she tries to act bolder than usual, forcing herself to stare me down during her seductive actions.

I can’t leave her efforts unrewarded so the sheets disappear a moment later, revealing a complete lack of underwear over the sly receptionist’s privates. Soon, I lie on top of her while kissing her ear from behind as she whimpers quietly to the accompaniment of loud smacking sounds. She can’t be more awake after we finish, a bunch of strong orgasms later. Extracting myself from Elise’s rear, I bring her to the baths and we take care of each other before moving into the city.

She directs me to the cafe while going to meet Lyona on her own. It doesn’t take long for me to spot my potential employee amongst the people on the street. Surprisingly, she shows up in something different than her work uniform. Lyona wears what resembles a black lolita dress with some white details, a full set including even high kneesocks. I thought she looked good in the guild’s attire, but this honestly fits her beauty even more.

Spotting me by one of the tables, she hastily trots up to it and makes a polite bow. “Good day, Mister Carter.”

She still mostly avoids my gaze but appears calmer than during our encounter with Elise present. That’s certainly a good sign.

“Good day to you too, Lyona. And you may freely call me Alastair. Please, take a seat and try not to overthink things. Just relax while we share a fun chat. I would like to get to know you a bit better.”

Lyona gracefully takes her seat and I signal at the server to approach. I insist on her ordering whatever she likes and we both take chilled chocolate drinks.

“I would like to say that it’s a huge honour to personally meet you, Mister Alastair.” She surprises me by starting the conversation first. “And also to apologise for my previous behaviour.”

“Nothing to apologise for. Everyone gets anxious from time to time. And I bet Elise has put me on a quite high pedestal which only added to it.” I wave my hands dismissively. “So, I assume everything she said during our brief encounter is true?”

Lyona graces me with a respectful nod. “Yes. If possible, I would like to change the place of my employment from the Adventurer’s Guild to your mercenary company. I think my expertise will be useful to you. From little, I’ve been learning all about adventurers and mercenaries. I’m familiar with how both operate in most regions of our realm.”

That faint blush tinges her cheeks again as she briefly meets my eyes and then drops her gaze to her daintily joined hands over the surface of the table.

“We most likely won’t be following the usual procedures, I’d like to say. So, it depends on how flexible and capable of adjusting you are.” I raise a slightly challenging brow at her.

She straightens up just a little, raising her cute face to better match mine. “I’m a quick learner. And it’s something I’m passionate about. There are many things I would love to change in how the guilds and companies do business and I would be overjoyed to have a chance to take part in those changes. If I might be so bold, I would even like to offer my advice. Of course, I’ll keep my opinions to myself if they aren’t welcome.”

Intriguing. She seems like a timid lady at first glance but there definitely is a fire to her. She might be the case of a person of action ending up stuck at the bottom of the ladder where they aren’t able to see through their dreams of making the world a better place. People like her are really valuable.

“If Elise blabbered about me as much as I think she did, you most likely know that I appreciate my employees being creative and striving to improve our situation. I’m not omniscient, I make mistakes and miss things like everyone else. Taking advice from those smarter than me is how I’ve gotten where I am.”

“I know.” Her lips curl into the tiniest smile as her cheeks flush in a lovely way. “That’s why I risked bringing it up, Mister Alastair.”

“Good. I like that.” I nod at her. “Elise vouches for you quite vocally. I have just one more question and please pardon my rudeness for being so straightforward. You seemed a bit skittish during our first meeting. Will you be able to face our customers without appearing so… unconfident?”

Lyona takes a deep breath and sits up with almost royal dignity. When her ruby eyes open again, they emanate an aura of cold, experienced professionalism. Her beautiful face loses most of its rosy shade and becomes truly serene. In a flash, she turns into the same woman I’ve seen in the guild while sneaking after her and Elise.

“I swear upon my name as Lyona Altcroft that I won’t bring shame on your establishment with my demeanour and actions, Sir Carter. You can expect only the best from me during my working hours, and outside of them too if only you wish. I understand that being accepted for the position of receptionist is equivalent to becoming the face of a company and it’s my duty to represent you in the most positive light that can be achieved. Shall you find my candidature sufficient, I will aspire to never disappoint you and my colleagues.”

I hold her enchanting gaze for a good few seconds and see no hints of her wavering. It almost feels like I’m sitting in front of a different version of Lianne. Save for all the smuttiness. The air of cold confidence around her is excellent. Not unapproachable enough to scare off people from talking to her but rather has that something that lures people in with her ethereal visage.

“Impressive,” I compliment her. “You can stop now if you would like. You’ve proved your point. There’s no need to be so tense all the time.”

Lyona relaxes a little and the tiny flush instantly returns to her cheeks.

Damn. Our cosplay girls could learn a lot about acting like a princess from her.

“Well, then. How much time do you have today?” I ask, finishing my drink.

“I’m free for the rest of the day, Mister Alastair. I took a leave before coming here. It possibly might end up being permanent since the shift manager wasn’t too happy about that,” she replies with some timidness back in her delicate tone.

I chuckle to myself. “I like decisive girls. You have the guts to take a risk for an opportunity you consider valuable. Let’s move to the headquarters and have you signed in.”

She shows a bit more of her precious smile and we stand up, starting to walk home side by side.

It is almost time to take over the mercenary segment.


Big steps.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff Diver Dave, and Jeffrey B.! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Alvzorin, Julian, William H., James M., and Kody B.! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - Fandley, S. Kigi, Darth Mole, Luiswu, Skyell, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, James M., Rando C., Sura, Jampodevral, Julian L., Drew P., D3mon Emper0r, Riley M., and Doug C.! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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