I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 204 – Fake It Until You Take It

The first thing I take note of after opening my eyes is the fact that I’ve lost a bit of my clothing over the time I was asleep. I’m no longer wearing my jacket and I somehow got rid of my tie, loosening the collar of my shirt quite a bit. Well, maybe a little more than a bit considering that half of the buttons are undone. Thankfully, I still have my pants on, and fortunately, took my shoes off too.

Another glance reveals what happened to the jacket of my suit. The petite Queen lies on her side right next to me, snuggled to my chest peacefully while grasping that partially open shirt of mine. I have a feeling that the buttons are her work, conscious or not. Nevertheless, my jacket rests right over her shoulders, serving its role as temporary sheets that make sure Lianne doesn’t get cold with the light dress she’s been wearing before we unexpectedly zoned out for the night.

Because it’s rather clear it’s pretty early the next day. The first rays of sunlight peek through the spread curtains of the chamber we have slept in, announcing the incoming morning with gusto. It seems that today is going to have nice weather. Perhaps the realm wants to cheer up its favourite Human Queen.

Moving my gaze back from the windows, I look upon the petite lady napping quietly within my embrace. Some tear streaks and stains decorate Lianne’s gentle face but I do my best to resist the urge of wiping them away. She deserves to rest for as long as she can before both of us need to return to our responsibilities.

And surely, hers will be much tougher to bear. I have no shadow of a doubt that Lianne will immediately start digging through the castle’s staff and noble houses to fish out all the spies and traitors. Madeline’s testimony should be a great help with that. Hopefully, Lianne will be able to work with it. I can imagine how difficult it might be to even think about the other woman remaining alive right under your feet.

However, I believe in her. She is a strong lady, a powerful person packed into a petite frame. She has already proved that during our little voyage. And it only makes her even more respectable and admirable. Lianne could have very well become a political figure, bothering herself only with the official duties of a royal, but she never forgot her origins and still strives to actively take part in all the other areas of her life.

My internal musings are disrupted by an adorable sneeze which causes the person in question to wrinkle her nose and mumble incoherently. Lianne’s eyelashes soon flutter open and she stares in confusion at the close presence of my open shirt. When her gaze unhurriedly makes its way up to meet mine, a delicate tinge of a flush adorns her noble cheeks.

“How does my most beautiful and most smart Queen feel this pleasant morning?” I ask with a light smirk.

“Good,” she whispers with a pretty smile. “Much better than yesterday. Though, a little bit unhappy that it’s already tomorrow.”

“Don’t beat yourself over it.” I lovingly thread my fingers through her long white hair. “It seems that both of us needed some more rest after the recent events. Now, you are able to tackle all the things while full of vigour and energy. We have lots to do, I presume.”

“You are right, husband.” Lianne pulls herself up by my clothes and presses her plump lips into mine. “However, I think I could use a little morning boost to be perfectly sure.”

We grin at each other impishly and I roll us over. The tiny Queen loses my jacket and ends up below me as I stare down at her enchanting figure. This time, I don’t waste the chance and summon out a small cloth, proceeding to tenderly clean my petite lover’s skin. Lianne quickly realises what I’m doing and keeps herself still, allowing me to take care of her properly.

But, as soon as I’m done, she swats my hand away, grabs the material of my shirt, and yanks me down to crash her mouth into mine with deep passion. Our tongues find each other immediately and begin a lovely dance as my fingers roam free over her smooth sides. A slight shudder passes through her small frame from time to time, clearly enjoying the fluffy caresses.

Her hands snake into my clothes and coil around my torso, drawing me even closer in. I answer my Queen’s wish positively and press our bodies together too. We stay locked in our ardent hug for quite a while, but in the end, I’m the first one to slowly back away. And right so, Lianne shows a shy, somewhat guilty smile, warmly brushing her palms over the nape of my neck.

“Sorry…” she apologises quietly.

I shush her down and place another soft kiss on her delicious lips. “It’s alright. Believe me or not, it’s a natural reaction to both want to seek comfort and at the same time reject it after something like that.”

“I just… I can’t get him out of my mind…” Lianne admits with a flicker of vulnerability in her captivating eyes. “I’m such a bad wife…”

Shaking my head, I bring her hands off my neck, holding her slightly trembling palms up to my lips. “Quite the contrary, my love. It only shows how strong your feelings are. And it makes me happy knowing they are now also directed at me. Do not feel ashamed or guilty about thinking of your late husband. Do not try to erase him from your memory, or anything like that. You loved him, and that’s a fact, a part of you. So, I wholeheartedly welcome this slightly awkward confusion you are experiencing right now and completely do not feel bothered by it. It’s my duty to see to your comfort and that’s what is important to me.”

Her response is silent but full of gratitude and sentiments. The smile that brightens her expression can be compared to the glow of a thousand suns, just a bit more pleasing rather than painful. I offer her my cheek and we embrace each other softly on the bed, brushing our faces together with tender care. The faint trembling of Lianne’s fingers slowly subsides and I only move back when she is fully at peace.

“Thank you. It means a lot to me. Not many men or women would say those exact words to their partners. Most people would simply demand to move on and focus on them. I truly appreciate how understanding you are to me. I love you, my dear,” my Queen pours her heart out.

“Always.” I wink at her, which evokes an adorable giggle. “Just like you need some time with your thoughts now and then, I need my time with… my other ladies, then and now.”

That makes her laugh a bit more openly as she grins at me slyly. “Oh, no. But that would take foreeeeeeeeeever with the number of women you captured.”

I snicker and peck her cute nose. “Don’t worry. I’ll always find some place to squeeze my favourite Human Queen into.”

“I know of a good place to squeeze my favourite Primordial King into.” Lianne licks her lips, making me laugh in turn. “But, maybe at a later time. We should probably get up. The servants must be worrying themselves to death about me. And you still haven’t met up with your mercenaries to reward them for their heroic conduct. Your long-lived assistant is waiting for you eagerly.”

I raise an intrigued brow at her. “Is she now? And how would you know that?”

“Let’s just say that I might have been on a trip through the city once or twice while your valiant regiment was out on its mission.” Lianne giggles innocently. “Now, go, really. I’m alright. Thanks to you. I’ll be in touch. And I promise not to kill that woman.”

“Only not to kill?” I smirk at her.

She bats her eyelashes at me with even more innocence, making it purposefully so overdone it’s not obvious but damn prophesied at this point. With one last chaste peck, I bring us both up and we fix each other’s attire while basking in the comfort of our mutual presence. In a flash, we are right and proper, leaving the chamber hand in hand.

The maids soon spot us and fuss over their mistress while Lianne reassures them she’s all good. They then thank me politely for looking after her while my petite Queen rolls her eyes at her personal servants. It’s clear that this specific platoon of maids and butlers is allowed in on most of our secrets and she doesn’t hide much from them. Their loyalty is certainly assured.

We part ways a few minutes later and head out to handle our respective businesses. Mine is to make it back home and maybe explain why I didn’t return for the night. However, I could bet on Cornelia sensing things out through our bond and explaining everything. Or maybe Hecate cutely relayed it to them with her still-a-little-awkward speech. I have no doubts about her being present in the chamber, especially since she is still following me from above.

After getting out of the castle, Diana emerges from my shadow and bumps her big muzzle into my cheek. With a soft chuckle, I stroke her bountiful fur and accept her goodwill. I can feel her desire to help transport me to my pack and it would be rude to refuse. Hopefully, the people of Evaneheim aren’t going to be too flabbergasted by the sight.

It should be fine for a demigod to charge through the streets on their valiant magical beast, no?

On our way home, we stop by Barren’s so that I can grab a bite. My good old friend shares some rumours with me and we banter casually about the attack. Things are almost back to normal by now, according to his words. The fixed hole is still under investigation but it doesn’t scare people with a gaping chasm anymore. Good to hear that.

Then, we run forth and arrive at our destination a moment later. I jump off Diana’s back and pat the amazing wolf appreciatively. We’ll need to start training together soon. The connection we share seems special and it would be silly not to take advantage of our matching elements. She’s such a gift, even if it came at a high price on her side. I hope she can find a new family amongst us and slowly unburden her kind heart from the tragedy she suffered.

The first ones to greet me are unsurprisingly Cornelia and Elea, right at the door. Thank Goddess, there is no grand entrance with lines of girls paying their respects to me. Knowing them, I wouldn’t be shocked to see such a scene each time I return. Doesn’t matter from where or how long I was gone.

“Did you sleep well, Al?” the former asks with a faint curl to her mouth.

“I’ve had better.” I shrug nonchalantly. “But, I made someone else's night comfortable and that’s what counts for real.”

Cornelia’s expression softens a little. “We felt. Is Lianne okay?”

“Yeah. She was just reminded of a few depressing things. It turns out that the mage we captured was involved in the previous King’s death. Almost directly,” I explain.

Even Elea gasps at that and she isn’t that connected to the Human Kingdom. “That’s horrible. I’m glad you stayed with her. Are you sure you should be returning already?”

“Yes. My presence is as much comfort as it’s a bit of pain right now. She needs a moment to cool off and focusing on the important work will solve that. My person hovering over her shoulder would only remind her further of those unpleasant things. But, you ladies can go and visit her anytime you wish to. She might appreciate the support,” I respond.

“I agree with you on the first part.” Cornelia nods firmly. “She’ll get into a trance soon enough, and nothing better clears her mind. So, we should focus on ourselves instead.”

“Is there anything to report regarding both of our businesses?” I glance between my representatives for the brothel and the cult.

“Nothing much from me. Just minor things we can take care of by ourselves,” my magician answers.

“Our little temple has been visited by many more people since the incident. It seems that the news about your involvement in the rescue and the escort itself reached the ears of additional residents through various sources. It’s a good growth,” my priestess adds.

“Oh, right. I was told that we have been granted the construction of a full temple in Vanessa’s homeland. Her parents are going to fund it and they think their people are going to support our faith.” I tap my lips while recalling the conversation.

“I would say it’s a bit too early, Master.” She hums thoughtfully. “Since I won’t be able to monitor it from the site, I need to properly educate someone and ensure they are capable of managing our branch. If you give me some time, it shall be done. Perhaps as much as your trip to Sirgia’s birthplace should be enough.”

“Or we can wait until we finish your journey,” I point out. “We could pick some ladies interested in the job out there too, no? As long as we mention that it won’t be as restrictive as the rules your Princesses have to follow.”

“Perhaps.” Elea smiles gracefully. “We could make Dark Elves be recognisable as our High Priestesses. I think I would be able to find a few willing virgins to dedicate themselves to your divinity with honest and proper devotion.”

“Virgins? What did I say about restrictions?” I frown at her.

“I did not say that they would stay virgins.” Her grin widens knowingly.

I roll my eyes. It’s rather obvious how she sees that state changing. Well, as long as I keep an eye on what exactly she is teaching them, it should be alright. It would be rather difficult to avoid taking part in lustful activities with my subordinates as a Demigod of Lust. I could even see it being expected by them.

This cult is getting damn outrageous by the day.

“Anyway, this is not immediate. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” I wave her off while Cornelia snorts, most likely already knowing what that bridge will bring us. “Anything else?”

“Astrea wished to meet you,” the ice beauty states.

“Ah. Yes. I was going to find her too. We should get back to the Community and thank everyone properly. Plus, I did make a bit of a mess out there.” I nod to myself. “I’ll handle it right away, then talk with Lyona. I need to make sure she isn’t blaming herself for the ambush again.”

Both ladies exchange a glance and smile at me.

“I’m sure she has other things on her mind right now,” Elea says mysteriously.

“Yeah. It should distract her well enough until you get there.” Cornelia snickers.

I squint at them but they don’t feel like elaborating. Already experienced with that tactic of theirs, I choose to ignore their teasing and see for myself in the near future. We exchange some hugs and kisses and I stroll further into the mansion to greet my other wives too, of course, not dismissing any of the girls that come with their own greetings either. We are one big family and they are owed a similar level of respect and affection. They might not be my wives, mates, or all the other exclusive forms of partners, but they aren’t a lesser sort or anything.

Spending some time with everyone, I then move on to the next important thing after showing proper affection to the ladies, which is the Community’s help. As soon as I’m about to head down into our underground area, Astrea makes herself known. She’s previously avoided me when I was chatting with the others, most likely lazing around somewhere once again. To be honest, it’s such a cute side to the otherwise fierce warrior and collected beauty.

She saunters to my flank with an agile step and I welcome the quiet catgirl into my arms, rubbing our noses together as she purrs adorably. It evolves into cheek brushes in the next second, then some light kisses. Fluffing her gorgeous ears, I pull away and we move into the sewers leaning into each other.

“Don’t apologise,” the silent girl actually speaks up first.

“Huh?” I tilt my head at her, both to look down and to show confusion.

“For killing that male when we got there before,” she explains. “I know you feel bad about it but it was your right. As an Alpha, you shouldn’t show weakness or indecisiveness.”

“I know.” I play with her ear again to thank Astrea for her advice. “I’m only having regrets because I was a bit emotional when it happened. I should have controlled myself better. He would have died during a duel anyway, but yeah.”

“He was annoying. You did the right thing. The members are definitely thankful for it and respect the show of strength.”

“You think anyone will challenge us after this?” I ask thoughtfully.

“Yes.” She doesn’t hesitate for even a second. “You must already be aware of how power-hungry and prideful many Beastkin males are.”

A faint chuckle escapes my lips. “Okay, point taken.”

About half an hour later, we locate the entrance and greet the sentries. They thump their fists to their chests respectfully and show happy smiles when I pat them on the shoulders. How a small thing like this can bring others so much joy.

Our arrival isn’t announced this time so we get to watch the residents of the wandering tribe express shock and surprise at seeing their twin Alphas just walk in like they own the place, which we actually do. And, there are of course also those who are almost fangirling over us. The majority is female, of course. I can easily spot deep flushes and wagging tails in the crowd. Astrea offers me a tiny, knowing smile, coiling her arm around mine possessively. As my precious mate, she gets to say who is worthy to even approach me, not to mention receive my manhood.

Save for those who I pick myself, that is. Then it’s all good.

Beastkin culture is just something else.

We make it to the official sofa hall, meaning the big audience chamber with our wide throne, while gathering quite the following. As the two of us head to the raised platform, our people fill in and gather in front of it. Waiting for most of the members to have enough time to show up, I roam my gaze over the colourful bunch, spotting at least three who are touching themselves discreetly while looking at me.

Yeah, that’s hard to miss when you shiver the moment our eyes meet and your hand is suspiciously low, you know?

Regardless, when it’s time, I wrap my arm around Astrea’s waist and roughly pull her into myself, stealing her lips for a ferocious kiss. A wave of cheers and howls responds to my action. She stays obediently pressed into me when I stop and I can sense her thoughts commending me for making that move. I guess I’m slowly getting used to leading her kind.

“Proud warriors and providers of the Community!” I begin loudly. “I would like to offer you my sincere gratitude for your help in my quest to seek out vile criminals! I chose to rely on your expertise and I was not let down! You should be proud of yourselves! I am proud of you! And to call myself your Alpha!”

More cheers rumble through the hall at my rather improvised speech. 

“Your actions will definitely bring positive consequences! Before, you were just a small group of Beastkin and other races making by in the shadow of these tunnels! Now, after you helped save a pair of royals, the ruling Humans of this kingdom are no doubt going to express their gratitude to you!” I continue, looking at as many people as I can. “Worry not, though! I’ll make sure you won’t be disturbed so those who enjoy their current lifestyle won’t be forced to change it! But, with the recent changes in legislation and your help with the kidnapping incident, I can see you all being able to proudly and freely walk the streets above once again! Not immediately, but definitely soon enough!”

After another round of trembling roars, Astrea puts her chin up at the gathering.

“And for our reward for your valuable assistance, we will both accept your challenges today, fighting either separately or together,” she announces. “Additionally, I will be offering a different kind of duel to the females. Only for today, you can win yourself the right to mate with the Alpha as long as you manage to land a hit on me. These spars will be time-limited.”

That brings the noise to up to eleven. I can only stare at my fierce lover with raised brows. Astrea meets my gaze with her calm eyes searching mine and I nod to reassure her that I’m alright with it. Hell, why not? I bet she won’t make it easy for them anyway.

It’s impossible to say anything else after the last part so we retreat from the platform and begin setting up the challenge arenas. I immediately notice the disparity between the number of challengers between us. And their genders.

Her line barely fits in the chamber and is made exclusively of women while mine barely starts and it’s all angry or prideful men.

Well, except one.

The first person in my queue turns out to be a female too. That’s quite rare. Not unprecedented, but certainly surprising. Not that these girls can’t whip the men’s asses or anything. They just usually prefer to court me rather than risk their health and lives to overthrow my rule.

She doesn’t.

I can respect that.

Astrea starts her duels so I get on with mine too. I exchange respects with this mighty-looking half-blood lioness. Her dark amber hair is so lush it almost looks like a mane. She comes prepared to throw hands with only a tight tank top and shorts on her fine, muscular form. Literally. She doesn’t bring out any weapons.

So, I match it, giving up on mine too. Plus, I store away my top, leaving only my pants on. She deserves some eye candy for her bravery, and from what I can see, she appreciates it greatly. I might have actually put her at a disadvantage like this by accident, hah.

Albeit, she proves me wrong less than a second later.

She lunges forward with impressive strength and speed, cracking the stone tiles underneath her. Only partially ready for her, I put up an imperfect block to fend off her fist, which slides past my cheek with the slightest brush as it scrapes over my forearm. If it was on Astrea’s terms, she would have gotten her night with me already.

Immediately reinforcing myself with mana and hastily borrowing Astrea’s martial arts skill, I aim to push her away with a palm strike. Now up to my usual fighting standards, full of focus and battle thoughts, I move much faster than her, watching my hand penetrate her defences and head straight for her chest… a bit too easily.

I watch as she stares at my palm quickly moving towards her frame but seemingly doesn’t react fast enough to do anything about it. Well, besides trying to angle her body differently. But, as she does that, my fingers miss her solar plexus… and smack her right in the right breast.

She is thrown back with a pained moan, rolling a few times and ending up in a crouch. Glaring at me intensely, she massages her tit, perhaps a bit longer than necessary.

In the next moment, she charges again, but since I’ve enhanced my senses this time, I see her movements a tad slower than she would have wished I had. The Lionkin opens up with a wide vertical split and brings her leg down into a quite vulnerable position, turning her back to me while bent slightly forward.

Surely she isn’t…

Her tail flickers twice before she launches a barrage of kicks at me, all of them aimed rather high, stretching her shorts quite strongly. Judging by how they define her mound at those moments, that’s all she’s wearing down there. And the tiny dark dot in their middle proves that further.

When I return fire with some punches, she immediately goes into the defensive, but not exactly. I can see her doing her best to evade my fists, but is she really? Every third or second of my blows grazes against her taut bosom or stiff nipple as she dodges sideways while turning her frame too.

That has to be a coincidence, right?

To test that, I overextend with my next attack a bit too much and she… stumbles. We collide and she somehow ends up with her back to me and my arm over her shoulder as I use that chance to try and restrain her. My hand finds something tender and soft to grab onto and I don’t need the visuals to understand what it is. Especially when her own palm grips mine from above to pry my hold off.

Or not a coincidence.

She struggles with it, but that’s it. She struggles. Her attempts just squeeze my fingers more and drag them around. That continues for a moment before she finally escapes the hold and turns back to me with a seemingly furious, determined gaze.

Again, I let her get the best of me and she makes use of the presented opportunity to grab my arm, grappling with me to the very ground. She wraps herself around that arm, putting it in the middle of her body, and locks my shoulder with her knees. And again, somehow, my fingers end up at the perfect height of her marshmallowy peak, not allowing me to move it anywhere else.

She’s just used the challenge as an excuse for me to grope her, hasn’t she?

After a few nice squeezes, she rolls us over a few times and lands on top of me, with her powerful thighs surrounding my face now as she leans forward and binds my wrists to the floor. Her pert tits sway from her heavy breathing and I can smell her arousal almost straight from the source as her feminine bits press into my chin in an attempt to sit on my throat.

Yep, she has.

“Do you yield, Alpha?” the female demands angrily.

A funny question considering the fact that both of my legs are completely free and I can knock her out cold with a single well-aimed kick to the back of her head.

Ah, shit. She’s just down bad for me damn hard.

Well, I guess I can only respond in kind now or I would lose face in front of the others.

With a grin matching her feral smile, I overpower the lioness easily by entwining my heels under her jaw and yanking her off me. As she bounces off the stone tiles, I swoop onto her and put the sneaky girl into a proper hunched hold from behind, using my legs to lock and spread hers while also using my arms to pull hers to the back, pushing her face into the floor.

“Do you?” I ask with a snort.

Surprise, she doesn’t.

Instead, she simply wriggles in my embrace, which results in my bulge rubbing against her crotch. She nibbles on her bottom lip seemingly in effort, but it’s obvious that a different kind of struggle is happening out there. A struggle not to gush like a fountain.

I lean closer to her rounded ear. “You think yourself smart, huh? Or perhaps me stupid?”

A light shiver of anxiety passes through her as she finds an angle to peer back into my eyes. She stiffens immediately, recognizing that I recognized, afraid that she might have offended quite heavily.

“Well, I guess you are quite crafty to come up with this.” I snicker amusingly. “So, I feel like I should reward your clever plan. Try to hold on as long as you can, kitty.”

An unplanned moan actually escapes her pouty lips as I poke myself against her with intent this time. She muffles the further ones but I continue to rub myself against her covered privates with intense motions. Her breathing speeds even more throughout the torture.

To keep it fairly real, I roll us once more and bring her on top of me but still with her back on my chest. One of my arms pins down her bust, of course grabbing her amazing tit, while the other locks her waist by running straight down her middle, with my fingers gripping the apex of her thighs, and as a result, her rather wet pussy. Through the clothes, of course.

She puts up a show with her acted struggling, but makes it obvious that after being found out she simply decides to let me do whatever I want, and in this case, it means bringing her pleasure. She certainly doesn’t complain about my questing digits as I rub all the right places for her. The stimulation and adrenaline bring her high rather quickly.

Since I’m fairly sure she should appreciate me being the only one aware of her ploy, I switch the location of my left hand from her breast to her mouth, sealing it shut just the moment she goes over the edge. Her body gets rigid and she spasms while muffled cries tickle my palm. To further hide her away from sight, I roll us aside, putting her underneath me again and fully finishing her off with my fingers as we are hunched forward. 

Soon, she loses all the strength in her body and flops down onto her belly while panting heavily, looking like I have choked the life out of her. As I stand up, the others in the line applaud and cheer at my win. I simply shake my head with a wry chuckle.

If only they knew.

I take one last look at my opponent to ensure she isn’t obviously leaking onto the ground to betray herself after the duel, but she seems safe. Looking aside, I meet Astrea’s gaze, who squints at the sly Lionkin.

Yep. She knows.

I try my best to convey that it’s alright and she doesn’t glare at her further. We go back to our respective fights soon after. Thankfully, none of the buff dudes come up with a similar plan to the female and I just have to beat them up the good old-fashioned way. I don’t fancy fighting off their advances in front of a hall full of people.

By the end of it, five girls succeed at Astrea’s bet and she takes them aside to discuss the date and details of their rewards. I’m happy to leave it to my helpful mate. I only request to pick up a different time than today since we still have a lot to do. Especially since it looks like we are being invited to an afterparty.

Then, I’m going to meet Lyona.


Someone is waiting. 


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff_Diver_Dave, and Jeffrey B.! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Julian, William H., and James M.! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - Fandley, Soen K., Darth Mole, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, Alvzorin, Rando C., TheGovnor, Sura, Jampodevral, Drew P., D3monEmper0r, Riley M., Solomon P., Eddie F., Chocotaku, Nicholas G, and Saint.J! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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