I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 205 – A Prickle of Delight ❤❤

Right after we wrap up the challenges and other fights, the Community switches moods instantly. Under the intricate lead of a few individuals, almost everyone rushes around to prepare for the celebrations. And since I’ve laid down so much praise and promises onto them earlier, it would be improper for me to run away right after the first part. 

As expected, they also don’t allow me to help so I’m reduced to a spectator on the wide and comfy alpha sofa with a quietly purring catgirl lying on her back in my lap as I graze her exposed belly with my fingers. Whenever they wander a bit more north or south, her sweet humming only grows in intensity and I tease my calm and collected martial artist a bit.

“Are you going to invite that female to the group you will mate with as a result of the challenge?” Astrea asks at one point without even opening her eyes.

I move my palm to her whitish hair and fluff her fantastic ears. “I don’t really know. Should I? She was quite smart and crafty but she still took advantage of the rules for personal gain, didn’t she? You tell me if I should encourage that behaviour or not. Remember that I’m still learning about Beastkin.”

A tiny smile surfaced on Astrea’s pouty lips as I showered her in my love. “If other females have noticed, they won’t try to copy her. They must know you are aware too and that you might not appreciate repeated attempts to abuse your authority. But, it should motivate them to be even smarter if they want to catch your attention.”

“Hmmm. Looks like I should expect an orgy every time I come down here for longer than just a few duels.” I chuckle to myself. “I guess the first night we spent here should have been a sign.”

“I won’t host the mating challenge regularly since I know it’s not something you would want while having many loving and dedicated mates already, but I think it would be a good way to keep the females involved in the life of the community and to give them something to strive for,” she replies with a contented sigh. “Even if he was a waste of an abusive Alpha, Micah did partially make use of his privilege to lay with the females under his care. It’s a staple part of our lives until we find a dedicated mate. But, people are getting used to how you run things.”

“Perhaps I wasn’t being too fair.” I muse quietly. “Men can challenge me for the throne while satisfying their combative urges but women who aren’t interested in taking me down don’t have a similar option to satisfy their desire to be with me. Or rather, me to be in them.”

“Are we going to add the mating challenge to the usual rotation, then?” Astrea finally opens her enchanting eyes and her vertical pupils lock with mine. “I won’t be able to offer the same relief to our males as I don’t wish to partake in mating with anyone other than you, my chosen mate.”

I lean down to present her soft lips with a myriad of sweet pecks. “And I’m not expecting you to. You are the only one with the exclusive rights to command my dick however and whenever you want in this place. And one day, it’s going to be your womb that bears me kittens.”

Her left ear twitches strongly as her eyes widen just a tiny bit. I continue to grin down at her as the purring ceases alongside all the other movements. A moment later, a certain extremely inviting and characteristic scent hits my sensitive sense of smell. Raising a curious brow at the fierce feline, I let my hand wander underneath her belt, running into quite a situation down there.

“Oh? I didn’t think it would bring such a strong reaction from you,” I comment, experiencing the scorching heat trapping my digits between a delicate canyon.

“We never talked about it,” Astrea replies, a trace of rosy blush adorning her adorable cheeks as her breathing grows a tad hotter too. “I thought you weren’t intending to sire children.”

“What about Cornelia?” I ask in slight confusion.

“She’s special to you.” She nibbles on her bottom lip gently.

“You are all special to me, Astrea,” I correct her. “And as long as it’s your wish, I will not deny you the chance to bring my descendants into this world. Picking the right moment for it, of course.”

“You won’t mind having Beastkin offspring, then?” Her fierce gaze searches mine.

“It would be nice if we could fix the perception of your kin before that happens, but I would love nothing more than having a cute little daughter or son with your ears and tail.” I give her my best loving smile.

In the next moment, my collar is yanked down and my mouth is sealed shut with a hungry kiss. We devour each other through that moment of passion and I can feel Astrea’s sharp nails claw at me strongly, pulling me more into her. I’m surprised she doesn’t just rip her clothes here and now, throwing herself on my cock without wasting any more time, but we are both aware that if we put up a show at this very moment, the entire Community will become useless in a flash. 

Yeah, there is no way those perpetually horny battle junkies can hold back from joining in if that happens.

Soon enough, the preparations are complete and we hesitantly draw away from each other. Naturally, I still keep nuzzling my lovely catgirl to my chest as she graces my ears with the music of her people, now twice as reverberating. Then, everyone gathers around the low tables and sits on the ground around them. The Elders announce the feast and the party starts.

The two of us give our subjects a few words of encouragement and join in on the festivities. We could eat and drink atop our raised spot, but we decide it’s better to mingle and step down. Noticing the winners of Astrea’s challenge sitting together, I bring us to them, unfortunately killing their conversation, but that has to be expected.

We share a meal while learning more about them and just chatting casually. Astrea continuously flaunts her position by remaining nestled in my lap, brushing the top of her head against my chin. With how her butt wiggles against my lower parts, it’s rather clear she’s also sending another type of message to the females. I don’t think it’s necessary since they already know that she’s the one who calls the shots.

Figuratively and literally.

Never thought I would say that, but thankfully, the jovial mood quickly develops into an amorous one and pairs or groups of Beastkin slowly switch from eating food to eating each other out amongst everything else. That’s our cue that the dinner is over and we both know that everyone is going to fall asleep wherever they finish fucking. Promising the girls a good time soon, I make an escape with my feline wife. For today, they will have to be satisfied with each other.

We are back in the mansion a moment later and I part ways with Astrea, bringing the petite girl to her favourite spot atop the mansion. Leaving her to lazily sunbathe on the roof with one last kiss for goodbye, I jump down with ease and stroll towards the gate. There are a few more people I need to reward for their hard work.

Crossing the street without any interruptions, I reach the entrance to our HQ. Passing through with ease, I spot a familiar face dutifully taking care of some documents while sitting behind the main counter. The white-haired lady is ready to check who it is that has just walked inside and her scarlet eyes widen briefly at my sight.

Loyna jumps to her feet with a respectful bow. “Welcome back, Master. How may I help you today?”

Chuckling quietly, I make my way closer and lean onto the desk. “Thank you for the greeting. You can relax now. I came here to listen to your debriefing and chat a little. Are the girls in?”

“Yes, they are currently in the recreational area. I advised them to take a well-earned break for today after everything they had done in recent days. Especially yesterday,” she answers, straightening up properly. “I can arrange a meeting in just a moment if you wish, Master.”

“That would be appreciated.” I nod at her. “And how are you doing? Any problems while we were gone?”

The Vampire lady walks around the counter to join me on the other side. “We had no issues with the commissions or anything else during your absence. The remaining members fulfilled their duties professionally and with passion. So far, we’ve secured three recommendations from minor businesses and individuals. I picked smaller jobs for them to start with so that they can accustom themselves to how the mercenary field works outside of literature and classes.”

“Great. My half did pretty much perfect on our commission too, save for the little hiccup at the end but they are obviously not to blame for something like that,” I reply happily. “So, about you? Did you intentionally skip that part of my question or did something happen?”

A hint of a wry smile sneaks onto her small lips. “Even after all the time since the night you have gifted me your blood, I still feel amazing, even if the effects have slightly faded by now. Unfortunately, the change was noticed by my parents, and while I continued to manage to dismiss their inquiries, Petros might have accidentally spoken a word or two too much, letting them learn that I’m pursuing someone. It happened after he gave up on his daily visits here to convince me to reconsider my choices. The revelation about blood-sharing and my oath dissatisfied him greatly.”

“Bastard. I really didn’t want to antagonise him, but if he is going to continue harassing you, we might need to look for another artisan for our projects. There is a second temple in the plans now too.” I shake my head and delicately wrap my arms around the shorter girl’s waist, pulling Lyona into my embrace. “Let me know if you ever need my help with anything. It’s my responsibility to take care of you, not just as your master but also as a friend. Anything we can do about your family?”

“Thank you.” Lyona rests her forehead in the crook of my neck. “I’m afraid they won’t stop prying into the matter until I explain my actions or introduce you. But, the latter would mean making things official.”

“And would you like to make things official?” I ask softly, stroking her long hair.

“Yes,” she answers calmly after a while. “I would love to become your Blood Bond.”

“And what does that entail specifically?” I inquire further.

“My blood becomes yours to do as you wish with, basically mirroring marriage vows amongst Humans. You may or may not respond with the same vow to your partner. It’s not a requirement. Especially since I already made an oath in your service,” Lyona explains with her usual, collected tone.

“Well, it would be only proper for us to be equal, ignoring the whole Primordial supremacy for now.” I move my hold to her thighs and hoist the pretty light girl onto the top of the counter, putting her face slightly above mine and gazing up into her blood-red irises. “Is this the final decision you’ve come to in recent days? It’s not influenced by my blood flowing through your system?”

“I admit that it would be difficult to live without it after tasting something this unbelievable, but yes, I did think about this deeply as you requested.” My smart assistant gives me a confident nod. “My beliefs didn’t change. I shall remain by your side if you’ll allow me. All of me is yours, Master. I only plead that we don’t go against my family if they don’t show support for my decision. They aren’t bad people.”

Placing my palm against her pale cheek, I give her a tender peck. “I would never. We’ll do our best to keep a good relationship with them. Although, I don’t think they would be that opposed to the idea of us. I’ll just have to let them know about me. Besides, even if they didn’t learn that I’m a Primordial, I think being a newly-appointed demigod does hold some sway in itself, doesn’t it?”

The noble lady allows herself a pleasant chuckle alongside a warm smile. “I think so. It still would not be as preferable as joining with another Vampire, but the world is changing. If they want to survive in it, they need to reconsider some of the old traditions and rules.”

“So be it.” I nod and push myself up to meet her again.

This time, we deepen our kiss and Lyona’s arms wrap around my neck. She gives in completely after my acceptance, not holding her feelings back anymore. To reward my patient assistant and a new partner, I intentionally brush my lip against one of her sharp fangs, creating a tiny cut in my delicate flesh.

She shudders the instant my blood gets in contact with her tongue, squeezing me tighter as a sensual moan escapes our locked mouths. Her movements grow quite fiery and I actually have to start pushing back at the hungry Vampiress. When I finally manage to pull away from her almost delirious assault, Lyona stares back at me with a visibly flushed complexion and cutely gasping breaths.

Bringing our foreheads together, I peer into her glowing eyes. “And what’s the Vampires’ stance on sex?”

“It’s only second to drinking blood,” she replies, taking a quick peek down. “Are you going to draw blood from me, Master?”

I don’t miss the insinuation and let my fingers wander over the edges of her lithe figure. “It would be my honour. But, why don’t we join the two of your kin’s most favourite things in the world together?”

That draws another shaky breath from the serene lady as her mind imagines the implications of my words. She crashes her lips into mine again, this time locking my waist with her powerful legs. For someone this slender, she certainly has a lot of strength, but it’s obvious that the recent snack she’s consumed helps her already impressive stats greatly.

When her fingers start questing into my clothes, I smile amusedly and nip on her mouth. “It would be bad if someone walked in on us here don’t you think? What would a commissioner think of a boss taking advantage of his gorgeous assistant at the front desk?”

“My office,” Lyona whispers.

Knowing perfectly well where that is, I bring us off the counter and head for the room upstairs. My devoted assistant continues to rain kisses on my neck as I navigate the headquarters. From the insistent licks and some light, sharp grazes, it’s quite apparent how hard she is struggling not to sink her fangs into me without explicit permission. Being this close to my scent after having a taste must be agonising for her.

But, she won’t need to wait for long.

Finding the correct door, I hit the knob with Lyona’s butt and shove us inside with a relatively controlled shoulder check. Entering the Vampire lady’s personal working space, I shut it close with my heel, hastily making my way to the desk at the far end of the chamber. Pondering our options briefly, I choose the big comfy leather chair behind it instead and plop myself down on it with the craving bloodsucker in my arms.

Aware of her surroundings enough to notice where we are, Lyona unhurriedly steps off me while keeping her menacing eyes drilling holes in mine like a predator staring down its prey. But, the rest of her body conveys a different image, something more submissive in the moment. I have no doubt that she can take charge whenever she wants to, but the desire to serve my blood might be overshadowing that part of hers right now.

Without further ado, Lyona begins unpinning her uniform and removing its elements piece by piece. As the layers of suitable receptionist work clothing descend onto the floor, she soon remains in simple dark scarlet lingerie. It matches her pale carnation, white hair, and blood-red eyes perfectly well. And now, with a slight flush to her skin as her heart beats faster with yearning, she appears no less than a relatively petite goddess.

That said, she isn’t lacking a pleasant swell to her feminine charms, oh no. Lyona’s round and perky breasts hang down her chest with a gentle tension that only increases how sexy she looks after unpinning her bra. Her small nipples are bright pink, invitingly standing proud and bold for all to see.

She shimmies out of her panties soon after, revealing a faint trail connecting them to her smooth folds. I catch a quite sizable damp spot on their material as she lets them off on the pile of clothing too. The faint glistening of her lower lips is proof enough of what she thinks about our current situation.

“Does my form please your eyes, Master?” the seductive lady asks in a calm but tinged with desire tone, drawing her fingers over her breasts and underbelly.

“See for yourself.” I show a gentle smirk, resting one elbow on the armrest and putting my cheek against my fist.

Lyona’s eyes flicker to my belt and she slowly licks her lips. The tent down there is already apparent, but she takes a few steps forward and falls to her knees in front of me. Looking up charmingly, she skillfully unbuckles my pants and releases my member from its confines, letting Alastair Junior stand tall between us.

“It certainly does,” she says in a satisfied whisper as she gives it the most delicate little brush of her palm she could muster before returning her attention to my face. “May I have a taste of this too?”

“All yours.” I reach out to bring a lock of her white hair behind her left ear, caressing her cheek in the process.

Lyona gives me a grateful smile as she angles her face over my cock and places a dainty peck on its crown. Moving lower, she brings out her tongue and gives it a long lick from the very bottom to the very top. Seemingly finding it at least half as good as my blood, she follows that movement with a few more, causing my junior to bob excitedly at her affection.

Finally deciding to take a bigger bite, she presses her tender lips against the tip and peers deep into my eyes. Holding my gaze, she lets it spread them open bit by bit as she takes it inside at a languid pace. She almost bottoms out but her throat stops her for now so she sensually tickles my member with her tongue instead.

“For someone going through their first time, you are surprisingly good and sensual,” I comment with a pleased smile.

Drawing back for a second, she inclines her head in thanks. “I’m of a noble birth. Our house values sexual education greatly as pleasing your husband or wife is an extremely important skill. Especially for Vampires. Our couplings… tend to be much more sensitive than other races.”

“After you ingest blood, right?” I ask and she nods. “I’ll do my best to bring you to the peak of pleasure, then.”

With my hand still on the side of her face, I lightly pull Lyona up and lean down to kiss her on the lips. Since my wound has already healed by itself, I create another and let the blood flow into her mouth through it. I can feel her excitement and initial stages of ecstasy as the hand she brought to my dick to caress it starts putting more strength into its rubbing.

I have to drag the blood-loving beauty off my face, but to her credit, she finds her bearings fairly quickly and returns between my legs. It’s quite a scary and arousing image to witness her crimson-stained lips wrap themselves around my length and proceed to focus on pleasuring me as one last trickle of scarlet liquid trails down her small chin.

As usual, I openly show my appreciation for her efforts in the form of some soft sighs and occasional gentle groans, alongside my fingers brushing through her hair. Surprisingly, she doesn’t use her fingers to play with herself, instead freely dripping on the wooden panels beneath her pussy as they play with my orbs instead.

Then, just as I’m going to speak, my ears pick up the quite characteristic sound of footsteps heading this way in the corridor. Lyona doesn’t notice amidst her focus on servicing me until someone gives the door a faint knock.

“Miss Lyona?” Ressia’s voice reaches us in a muffled fashion.

My Vampire lover freezes for a split second, but then her scarlet eyes jump to mine and a delicate smile forms on her lips wrapped around my cock. Taking a hold of the chair’s legs, she yanks the whole thing towards herself, alongside my own person. Another pull later and she ends up squished under the desk as I end up positioned right in front of it. Thankfully or not, it’s the one with its back boarded off so you can’t see anything from the other side.

Glancing down at my waist, I find two glowing crimson points bobbing up and down in the semi-darkness cast by my body and the chair. They look up at me expectantly and it’s obvious what their intentions are. Sighing in both pleasure and resignation, I turn my face to the door. Ressia might try to take a peek inside after not receiving a reply anyway so I can as well deal with it quickly.

“Not exactly,” I respond and can practically sense the surprise and confusion behind the wooden entrance. “Feel free to enter.”

My valiant Wolfkin leader does as told and peers at me behind my assistant’s desk, saluting with her fist to her chest afterward. “Greetings, Boss. We didn’t know you had already arrived.”

The silent suction plaguing my member only intensifies and gets harder to ignore with each passing second. Knowing well what she is aiming for, I decide to give it to the naughty girl below the surface before she gives herself out. Keeping my best neutral face as an explosion of cream quickly fills Lyona’s mouth, I give Ressia a wry smile.

“I came just a moment ago. We were going to meet with you soon, but Lyona required my aid with something first,” I answer truthfully.

“I see. Is she not here, then?” she asks, clearly meaning the whole building instead of the room.

“She’s a little busy with a task I’ve given to her and she will come out soon. Anything important you want to tell her?” I raise a curious brow as the person in question cleans me up with tender licks, already using our conversation as a cover to swallow the received gift.

“I was only going to ask if she knew when you would visit us, Boss, so it’s all good. The girls were wondering how things have gone on your side and didn’t want to bother you telepathically,” she explains, and her nostrils flare slightly, followed by some colour showing on her sharp cheeks. “I’ll go and let them know you’ll be with us soon.”

With a quick salute once more, she hastily walks out of the office.

Of course. It was obvious she would notice with her enhanced senses. Everyone knew that.

Except for Lyona.

The white-haired minx keeps lapping her small tongue over my throbbing length and looking up at me with proud, glimmering eyes, completely unaware of the blunder she’s just made. Sighing to myself, I push myself and the chair slightly away to allow my pretty assistant to crawl from under the desk.

“I heard the Beastkin females talk about how tasty your seed is, Master, but I didn’t expect it to be almost as delicious as your blood,” Lyona admits as if nothing happened. “It feels like I received a reward rather than offering you my service.”

Snickering lightly, I pull her into a loving kiss. “Get used to it if you want to stay close to me, then. Because now, it’s my turn to sample you.”

Moving my hands to her sides, I bring us both up and sit Lyona down on the desk. She doesn’t protest and instead falls to the back while spreading herself for me all to see, holding her legs to the sides by her thighs. She puts up her plump pussy on full display with that gesture, currently dripping with need right onto the precious wooden surface from the tightly closed slit.

Seeing such an exquisite meal before my eyes, I waste no time getting on my knees and pushing my mouth against the fragrant mound. A light gasp escapes Lyona’s throat as I get in contact with her heated core, brushing my tongue over her outer labia as I scoop her nectar from the outside.

“Mhmmmmmm…” She hums sweetly while pulling her legs apart even more, making her juicy peach exposed even further to my devouring.

“So hot and wet already. Don’t tell me hiding under that desk is what got you so excited.” I press kisses to her secret place, nuzzling her clit gently.

Lyona doesn’t answer but I spy a stronger blush on her light skin as she looks to the side. I now wonder if it’s something she’s just learned by accident or if she was aware of such predispositions before.

But, right now, instead of delving into the depths of this secret, I delve my tongue into her incredibly hot passage, evoking a shuddering sigh from the white-haired Vampire. I start eating her out with gusto, greedily sucking on and exploring her delicate, pinkish flesh.

“Ahhh… Ahhhh… Ahhhhh… Master…”

Judging by the delicate moans, I’m doing a fairly decent job, or she’s just that turned on by the blood, semen, and acting naughty in public. It doesn’t take much to bring her close and I watch her feet quiver as her toes curl in and she bravely holds her legs splayed. Mindful of the fact that it’s her first time with a man, I don’t use my fingers yet or go too far. Apparently, it’s not necessary.

With one mighty flick of a tongue against her shy nub, Lyona releases a long, trembling moan that arches her back and shakes her to the very core. Her beautiful pussy gushes at me with a bit more of her juices with each spasm, making an even bigger mess on the desk.

Giving the pale lady some time to recover, I hover over her lithe frame and gaze at her flushed face. Lyona takes small, gasping breaths as she looks back at me, her perky breasts moving seductively along with her chest. Giving one of them some tender brushes and rubs, I bring our lips together and we exchange a few cordial pecks, my member resting atop the valley between her smooth legs.

“Is it finally time?” She grazes my front with her fingers, heading south. “Are you going to draw the first blood from me, Master?”

I hold in my snicker, doing my best to get that phrase out of my head. It’s obvious this is something rather ritualistic for her kind and I won’t let silliness from back home ruin it.

“I will draw your first blood, my bloody bonded. As well as the second too,” I respond with a faint smirk.

Lyona furrows her brows at me in thought but I softly lift and set her down on the ground. With me behind her, I lead us past the chair, heading for the curtained wall at the back of the office. Arriving in front of it, I yank the material aside, letting in more of the warm sunlight and revealing the streets and our mansion below.

With a gentle bump, I push her pert peaks into the glass and she supports herself with her hands on the sides as I arch her butt a bit more to me. She gives me a curious, somewhat hesitant glance over her dainty shoulder and I place a reassuring kiss on her rosy cheek.

“Didn’t they tell you that the whole place is enchanted? You can only see through the windows from the inside, save for the main reception,” I whisper sensually to her ear.

My anxious Vampire lady nibbles on her bottom lip and sticks her plump behind out even more, grazing her bubbly asscheeks against my erection. With the help of my right hand, I push her legs a bit more apart and press the tip into her narrow opening, evoking a light shiver from the expectant girl.

As planned, she turns her face forward to gaze upon the city ahead of us, preparing herself to savour this grand moment of our union. That gives me enough time to mentally navigate my menus in search of my ability-borrowing skill and then locate something amongst hers that I remember taking note of before. It looks like eating each other out was enough to properly activate some of my Class techniques in her case as the passive Vampirism shows up as available to select.

In a matter of a second or two, a weak wave of heat rolls through my entire body and my heart skips a beat. The scent of Lyona’s blood becomes much more apparent and enticing, overpowering her fragrant, natural aroma. As expected from the skill description, which mentions its holders being equipped with proper tools to draw blood, my fangs elongate slightly and grow sharper.

When I slide my left hand to one of Lyona’s alluring breasts and continue holding onto her thigh with the right, preparing myself to strike, it’s already too late as her eyes find mine in the hazy reflection on the glass. She has only a fraction of a second to register the shocking change, her gaze beginning to widen as I drive myself gently into her pussy while sinking my new fangs into her enticing shoulder.


A piercing cry of euphoria emerges from Lyona’s throat as she throws her head to the back and comes on the very spot. Her knees bang together as her attractive frame shudders fiercely, her eyes rolling to the back. A few gushes of love nectar splash my thighs and the glass pane in front of us as Lyona continues cumming, moaning, and trembling. I keep my mouth steady not to widen the wounds my fangs make.

And trust me, it’s damn near impossible with how delicious she is.

After a solid fifteen seconds, she gets a hold of herself, panting strongly while resting her face against the window, looking back at me at a slight angle. I stay inside her velvety channel and wait, sensing the small trickle of blood now adorning our privates.

“How…?” Lyona searches my now crimson eyes for an answer.

I reluctantly let go of her shoulder. “I’m full of secrets. You’ll have a lot of fun discovering them. But, is that what’s important right now?”

She quickly shakes her head and I feel her grind her ass into me. “Please…”

Pressing myself firmly into her, trapping the pale girl between me and the window, I start thrusting into her tight pussy with delicate taps at first, joining our lips together in a lovely exchange. The glass squeaks under the faint barrage but it’s designed to hold. I would not expect anything less from our resident craftmeister and her drive to upgrade everything up to my standards.

As if I have any.

“Ahh. Ahhh. Ahh. Ahhh.” The pretty Vampire lets out small moans, feeling fairly good already, so I pick up the pace. “I never thought… Ahhh… You would be able to drink my blood… Ahhh… Like any of us…”

“It felt rather important so I wanted to go all the way,” I admit. “I now partially understand how my blood might be something so delicious to you.”

“And your seed…” she adds with a faint smile.

“Yes, and your nectar.” I chuckle. “I didn’t expect the action to get you so strongly, though.”

“Ahhh. Ahhh. Ahhh. You took me by surprise. Ahhh. And it felt positively divine. Ahh. Ahhh. You timed it so well I couldn’t help but almost faint from bliss,” Lyona replies almost reverently.

“Glad to hear that.” I smirk at her. “Now, I guess I’ll stop talking and start sucking.”

She braces herself for another sting as I return to the previous spot to find it healed. Shrugging to myself, I made a new bite, bringing out another lascivious scream from the white-haired girl, feeling her clamp around my cock damn fiercely. She becomes like twice as snug in a flash.

I somehow manage to hammer into her pink lily without making it uncomfortable for her as I pump Lyona into the clear glass, squishing her tits against its surface while holding her butt arched to me. People pass underneath us, completely unaware of the controversy happening right above their heads. 

She understands it too, often peeking at those who seemingly gaze up in our direction, simply admiring the building from the other side. That’s also when her tight passage contracts itself around my length, barely allowing me to pull back. Such a little, long-lived pervert.

No wonder she and Elise are great friends.

“Master…” Lyona whispers breathlessly.

“I know,” I mumble with my mouth still on her shoulder.

Her moans turn up and the change in how she welcomes me into her depths is more than obvious too. Whipping my hips to the back enough to almost slip out, I slam myself into her slit with all I had while sucking the biggest dose of her blood at the same time.


Lyona’s cry of ecstasy is like music to my ears as we both erupt together. My body towers over hers, almost crushing her entire figure into the window as my pearly seed floods her feminine channel according to my faint thrusts. A trickle of love juices escapes our union at the peak of Lyona’s high, trailing down our legs as she stands on her tiptoes.

I draw back my fangs when we start coming down from the paradise of our moment, remaining sheathed in Lyona’s warm embrace for a little longer. She looks at me expectantly while panting softly so I present the Vampire lady with a bloody kiss, mixing both mine and her blood as our tongues dance with each other.

Then, a quiet curse reaches my ears and I’m not the only one to catch it this time. We both pause, and just as we glance towards the entrance, the door flies open and a domino of women stumbles inside, landing in a pile of intertwined limbs. Most of them suffer from slight wardrobe malfunctions with their casual shirts being up over one shoulder or their bottoms and panties hanging around their ankles, with their fingers slick with something clear and sticky.

They look up at me sheepishly and guiltily as I look back at them with a snort.

I should have expected that.


Ah yes, who would have thought. 


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff_Diver_Dave, Jeffrey B., and Shadow Silvermane! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Julian, Wiliam H., Sura, James M., and D3monEmper0r! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - FSoen Kigi, Fandley, Darth Mole, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, Alvzorin, Rando C., TheGovnor, Drew P., Solomon P., Eddie F., Chocotaku, RandomRandomly, Nicholas G., Cody B., Saint.J, Atomic0chicken, Patrick F., Zadwolf, Seamus M., Jonas, and Timmy! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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