I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1459 - Basic error six

Through the pot of lust… ah no, it was the effect of Holy Grail A, Xuelang added two more cards to his hand.

Then he shows another hand.

“Perpetual magic ‘Mortal Will’!”


You Yu also remembered this card.

This is the earliest acrobatics that Xuelang played when he started the Elemental Heroes deck when Duel City was first. This card was also collected from his own store.

Is this a reminiscence of the rhythm of the past?

“Then I cover another card to the field, and the round is over!”

At the end of the first round, the formation on the Xuelang field was a clay man in the front field, and three black cover cards in the back field. From a distance, it was a pain in the liver.

“Three…three cover cards!” The plane head explained, “What kind of traps are waiting for them? Faced with such an impregnable formation, will Duel Wang Youyu choose to fight them directly?”

But Yu Yu didn’t think so.

Since he guessed that the opponent was using acrobatic elemental heroes, Yu Yu didn’t think Xuelang would put a lot of red pits in the deck.

Players are not as high-star NPCs as them when building a deck, and players have to worry about card players all the time.

The primary goal of acrobatic decks is always how to improve the success rate of acrobatics. Whether it is retrieval or filtering, it is all to maximize the speed of drawing key components into your hands. Too many pits will interfere with your tactics and prevent you from getting the cards you want smoothly.

So You Yu doesn’t think that the four cover cards are pits…or at least not all of them are pits.

Among them are either the key cards required to complete the acrobatics, or the cards that assist in retrieval or filtering.

“Then it’s my turn, draw the card.” You Yu drew the card.

Looking at the cards he drew, You Yu twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled.

Interestingly, while he doesn’t play a non-meaningful mortal hero deck like Xuelang, he thinks similarly.

Xuelang was the first player he met, and the encounter with him was also the beginning of the journey of rebirth in the Linked World for You Yu.

Therefore, they have an inexplicable tacit understanding in the selection of the deck for this duel.

“I usually summon ‘Elemental Hero Solid Man’ from my hand!”

[Elemental Hero Solid Man, Attack Power 1300]

Xuelang almost jumped off the d wheel.

You Yusang’s deck is actually…! ?

“Oh oh oh, I didn’t expect that the deck chosen by Duel Wang Youyu in this duel is actually… an elemental hero!” The aircraft head commentator shouted, “Is this a coincidence? Or is there something hidden between the two players? The tacit understanding!?”

“Solid Man’s effect, special summon a ‘Hero’ monster below level 4 from the hand.” You Yu said, “I Special Summon ‘Elemental Hero Flame Man’.”

[Elemental hero Flame Man, attack power 1200]

“The effect of ‘Elemental Hero Flameman’, when Special Summoning, add the magic card ‘Fusion’ from the deck to the hand.”

You Chu drew a card that popped up from the deck.

“I added the magic card ‘Fusion’ from the deck to the hand.

Then the magic card ‘Fusion’ is activated! Fusion of the ‘Elemental Hero Solid Man’ on the field and the ‘Elemental Hero Liquid Man’ in the hand!

The fusion condition is that the hero monster plus any water attribute monster! Fusion Summons!

Born from the cold abyss—

——Elemental Hero · Absolute Zero! ! ! “

The whirlwind of ice, the cold wave swept the audience, the snow-like white cloak fluttered up and down, and the hero with plain white armor came handsomely!

[Elemental Hero: Absolute Zero, Attack Power 2500]

“Liquid Man’s effect, when sending it to the Graveyard as a fusion material for a hero monster, draw two cards from the deck, and then pick a card from your hand and discard it.”

You Yu drew two cards and sent another card to the graveyard soon after adding it to his hand.

“The magic card ‘fusion collection’.” You Yu said, “Return the ‘fusion’ magic in the cemetery and the monsters sent to the cemetery as fusion materials.

I ‘fused’ the ‘Elemental Hero Liquid Man’ and the magic card from the graveyard to my hand. “

The two cards were withdrawn from the cemetery one by one, and they were drawn back to his hand by him.

“Then the magic card ‘Fusion’ is activated again!” You Yu said, “Fusing the ‘Elemental Hero Flame Man’ on the field with the ‘Elemental Hero Liquid Man’ in the hand!

The fusion condition is that the element hero plus any flame attribute monster! Fusion Summons!

Let the scorching flames turn into armor and dress, and come as a flame hero——

——Elemental hero Nova Lord! “

[Elemental Hero Nova Lord, Attack Power 2600]

It was the dm version who fought beside You Yu, his earliest elemental hero ace!

“You Yusang…” Xuelang looked complicated.

“Sure enough, this deck is the best deck to play against you.”

You Yu smiled lightly and swept his arms.

“Battle stage. The first is ‘Elemental Hero Nova Lord’, attacking ‘Elemental Hero Nendoroid’!”

Hero Civil War!

The new star lord flew up, the hot energy condensed into a vortex of flames in the palm of his hand, turned into a ray and blasted towards the clay hero!

“Open the cover card!” Xuelang waved another cover card and opened it, “Continuous trap ‘Lucky Fist’! Once per turn, it is activated when the opponent’s monster declares an attack!

If you flip a coin three times, and all three times are a table, draw three cards from your deck!

And if all three are inside, this card must be destroyed, and I have to take 6000 damage! “


“Oh, I didn’t expect Xuelang players to choose this kind of desperate trap as soon as they came up!” The plane’s commentator also said, “The probability of three heads and three tails is the same!

If you hit the front three times, you can get the resources of three cards, but if it is the back, the Xuelang player will be directly defeated by self-destruction! “

That said, but three coins are flipped heads at the same time, that’s not a joke…

The golden coin appeared, and was once again thrown into the air by invisible force. After a series of gorgeous rolls, it fell back to the ground lightly.

Three fronts.


A hundred years of shocking commentary.

Can this Nima really win?

There was an uproar in the audience, but only You Yu remained calm, with an expression on his face that seemed to say—

——Basic, mistake 6, all sit down.

“Three heads!” Xuelang was very excited, “So I drew three cards from the deck!”

“But the battle will still happen.” You Yu said, “Continue the attack, Lord Nova, defeat the ‘Elemental Hero · Nendoroid’!”

The fiery flames pierced through the clay armor, and the Clayman shattered to pieces in the hot Blaze, shards flying around.

“At this moment, the effect of ‘Elemental Hero Nova Lord’ is activated.” You Yu said, “When Nova Lord battles and destroys monsters, I draw a card from the deck.”

After drawing a card, You Yu glanced at it, then waved again.

“‘Elemental Hero · Absolute Zero ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Direct Attack!”

The ice cones fell like raindrops in the sky, and the ground exploded on the D wheel of the snow waves, and the cold wave was overwhelming.

Unexpectedly, Xuelang’s remaining three cover cards were completely indifferent.

【Xuelang, lp4000→lp1500】

“The attack passed!” the plane’s commentator shouted, “Could it be that all of Xuelang’s Gekas are all pretense, and there is no defense!?”

You Yu drew another card from his hand.

“Cover a card onto the field, and the round is over.”


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