I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1460 - Hero Cannon!

“It’s my turn, draw cards!” It was Xuelang again.

After drawing the card, Xuelang’s eyes lit up.

come, come, come!

“The card I drew is ‘Elemental Hero, Winged Man’!” Xue Lang said, “Because I drew a normal monster, the effect of the continuous magic ‘Mortal Will’ was activated!

Show your opponent the card you have drawn and you can draw another! “

Xuelang showed the Winged Man in his hand, and then drew the card again.

“I still got the usual monster card ‘Elemental Hero · Nendoroid’!” Xue Lang shouted, “So, another one!”

You Yu: “…”

Good guy, how many mortal bones have you stuffed?

Xuelang continues to draw cards!

However, luck did not seem to favor it this time. The third card drawn in a row was not a mortal bone and could not trigger the effect of “Mortal Will”.

But ~ it doesn’t matter!

“Activate the quick-attack magic ‘Load’ from your hand!” Xue Lang said, “Load, you can shuffle any number of cards in your hand back to the deck, and then draw the same number!”

The plane’s commentator quickly reacted: “Yes…Yes! Because ‘Loading’ is a quick-attack magic, it can be activated during the card drawing phase! So the effect of redrawing cards is also triggered during the card drawing phase!

In other words, as long as there is a normal monster card in the card drawn by the effect of ‘Loading’, Player Xuelang can continue to trigger the effect of ‘Will of Mortals’ to draw cards! “

Xuelang took out three cards in one go.

“I’ll return the three cards in my hand to the deck and shuffle them,” Xue Lang said, “and then draw three more cards!”

The three cards were stuffed back into the deck and shuffled, and soon three new cards were drawn.

After drawing the cards again, Xuelang showed one of them: “I drew three new cards, among which there is another ‘Elemental Hero Electric Light’, so I will draw another card!”

When he drew another card, Xuelang immediately showed it: “Ha! The one I drew was the ‘Elemental Hero·Wingman’ that had just been shuffled back to the deck, so I drew another one!

Draw again! The one I drew was ‘Elemental Hero Nendoroid’, so I drew the card again…”

However, this time it seems that the normal monsters were not drawn again, and the card drawing phase finally ended, officially entering the main phase of this round.

“Activate the magic card ‘Magic Flower Pot’, send a Continuous Trap Card on the field to the Graveyard, and draw two cards.

Send the “Lucky Fist” on the field to the graveyard and draw two cards! “

“Open a cover card that was ambushed in the last round, the magic card ‘Fusion’!” Xue Lang said, “The ‘Elemental Hero·Wingman’, ‘Elemental Hero·Clayman’, and ‘Elemental Hero·Electric Man’ in the hand card Fusion!

The fusion condition is that there are three elemental hero monsters!

The core of the earth, turned into a fiery force and descended—

– Elemental Hero · Core Man! ! “

The triple fusion of the elemental heroes, the cracking of the crust and the eruption of lava. The white elemental hero slammed heavily to the ground, and hot lava flowed along the ravines of his armor!

[Elemental Hero Earth Core Man, Attack Power 2700]

Earth Core Man, the triple fusion elemental hero elder brother, the evolutionary form of “Elemental Hero Earthman” in the planetary series. In the original work, there is a powerful effect of doubling the attack power to 5400 during battle, and can arbitrarily blow up two cards on the field.

But if You Yu remembered correctly, this card in Xuelang’s hand was a castrated version of the real card.

As the big brother of the elemental hero that can only be summoned by changing the four-for-one, the effect of the core man is so useless that even Yuyu is embarrassed to collect too many spar, this thing is sold in his store It’s pretty cheap.

So what is the use of Xuelang summoning this kind of thing?

But seeing Xuelang’s mouth twitched, he immediately showed another hand card: “Quick-attack magic ‘Fusion Release’! Release the fusion of ‘Elemental Hero Earth Core Man’, and specialize the three-body elemental hero in the cemetery as a fusion material. call!”

“Oh, do you have to cancel the fusion call immediately?” the plane’s commentator shouted, “What exactly is Xuelang player thinking?”

The core man was re-divided into three, and the forms of Wing Man, Electric Light Man and Clay Man appeared in the attempt.

[Elemental Hero·Wingman, Attack Power 1000]

[Elemental Hero Electric Light, Attack Power 1600]

[Elemental hero · Nendoroid, attack power 800]

“Then the quick attack magic ‘Next Generation’ is activated!” Xue Lang continued, “When your own health is less than the opponent’s, according to the difference between your own health and the opponent’s, the ‘elemental hero’ whose attack power is below that value is used. Special Summon from the Deck or Graveyard!”

【Xuelang, lp1500】

【Yu Yu, lp4000】

“The difference in our health is 2500, so I can Special Summon ‘Elemental Heroes’ with ATK below 2500 from the deck and graveyard!”

A card from the cemetery was returned, and Xuelang pulled it into his hand.

“I special summon ‘Elemental Hero Hot Girl’!”

[Elemental Hero, Hot Girl, Attack Power 1200]

In this way, Xuelang gathered four waste heroes on the field.

So what use can the four waste heroes be used for? Forming an Avengers or something?

“In this way, the preparation is complete,” Xuelang said loudly, “You Yusang, please watch, the power of my heroes!

I usually summon ‘throwing trolls’! “

[Throw into a troll, defense 1000]

You Yu: “…”

Dude, is this thing the big brother of your elemental hero?

Elemental Heroes Throwing Trolls?

But in this way, You Yu also knew what Xuelang was planning.

“The effect of throwing a troll can deal 800 damage to the opponent by releasing a normal monster other than a token on the field.

I released the normal monster ‘Elemental Hero Wingman’ on the field and dealt 800 damage! “

Winged Man flapped his wings and jumped into the open palm of the red troll. The troll’s arm exerted force and slapped his slap fiercely. Winged Man instantly turned into a human cannonball and flew across the audience, hitting him head-on with a bang. You Yu’s D round.

【Yu Yu, lp4000→lp3200】

“Throw into the troll, the effect will continue to activate!” Xuelang continued, “Release the usual monster ‘Elemental Hero, Hot Girl’ and deal 800 damage!”

The hot girl jumped up immediately, fell into the palm of the troll, and turned into a flaming human cannonball!

The husband and wife both return the home.jpg.

【Yu Yu, lp3200→lp2400】

“Next is the liberation of ‘Elemental Hero Nendoroid’!” Xue Lang continued, “Give 800 damage!”

Nendoroid jumped into the hands of the troll, turned into a human cannonball, and the virtual impact traversed the D wheel!

【Yu Yu, lp2400→lp1600】

“‘Elemental Hero Electric Light’, it’s your turn!” Xue Lang said, “Liberate ‘Elemental Hero Electric Light’ and deal 800 damage!”

Electro-Light throbbed with electric currents all over his body, and when he was thrown out, it was like a railgun!

【Yu Yu, lp1600→lp800】

“Interesting… Elemental hero’s suicide bombing.” You Yu smiled, “But I still have 800 HP left, what are you going to do?”

Xuelang smiled.

“Activate the magic card ‘o-transcendence soul’ from the hand. UU reading www.uukanshu.com” he said, “Revive the ‘elemental hero’ normal monster in the graveyard.

I resurrect the ‘Elemental Hero Electric Light’ in the cemetery! “

[Elemental Hero Electric Light, Attack Power 1600]

“The Elemental Hero is resurrected again!” The aircraft head explained in surprise, “In this way, the troll will get ammunition again! Could it be that duel Wang Youyu will take this last shot and lose?”

“You Yusang, this is the power you gave my elemental heroes!”

Xuelang’s game has a strong sense of substitution, and the blood is boiling now.

“Come on, throw the troll’s last effect! Release the ‘Elemental Hero Electric Man’ again and deal 800 damage to You Yusang!”

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