I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1461 - Acrobatic master

The elemental hero Electric Man jumped into the hands of the troll again. The troll raised his arm and slammed it vigorously. Electric Man suddenly turned into a beam of lightning and broke through the sky, bursting towards You Yu with an indomitable momentum!

boom! ! !

Like an electromagnetic cannonball blasting head-on, the flames and smoke screen engulfed You Yu’s D-wheel, and even the two elemental heroes on You Yu’s field disappeared.

“Did it work!?” the aircraft nose commentator shouted.

The smoke screen was still spreading, the flames spread along the virtual track, and the burst of shock and air waves swept along the metal track.

You Yu’s D-round hasn’t rushed out yet, but attentive viewers have found something wrong on the screen that displays the health of both parties.

【Yu Yu, lp6400】

The commentary also noticed.

“Life value… 6400!?”

The narrator of the plane head was surprised in situ.

“What’s going on!? Why did duel Wang Youyu’s HP rise to 6,400 after enduring such a shock from the opponent!?”

At this time, You Yu’s D-wheel drove out of the smoke screen in a hurry.

“Pretty creative elemental hero.” He pointed to a card beside him, “But before your last Lightman’s attack passed, I activated the trap card ‘Rainbow Life’.

Discarding a card in your hand can nullify all the damage you have received until the start of the round, restore your health to the value at the beginning of the round, and then restore the health of the negated damage value on this basis. ” (animation effect)

“Before Electro-Light’s last self-destruction attack passed, Xuelang player had already caused 3200 points of damage this round!” the plane’s commentator shouted, “Therefore, the duel Wang Youyu’s health has recovered to 4000, and he has absorbed it again. 3200 health points, reaching 7200 health points!”

Afterwards, You Yu ate Electro-Light’s last self-destruction attack with 7200 health points and deducted 800 points, so now the final health value is 6400.

“Unexpectedly, all of Xuelang’s efforts will be in vain in the end, and even the damage dealt will be absorbed by the duel king!

So what is he going to do next? “

Xuelang: “…”

To be fair, the most powerful wave of the acrobatic deck is still quite hurt. Normally, when you have exhausted your resources and played the only instant kill orgbo, but it failed to work, you can already surrender to the next one.

But considering that his opponent was You Yu, Xuelang had already guessed that this situation would occur.

Although his chances of winning seem to be slimmer than before, he still hasn’t given up!

Maybe no one will believe it, but his acrobatic heroes… actually have a chance!

Just draw that card!

“I put a card on the field and the round is over.”

As a result, there are still two cover cards left on the Snow Wave Field.

What also makes You Yu care about is that one of them has been covered here since the last round, but there has been no movement until now.

It’s not a pit, and it has nothing to do with the wave of acrobatics just played…

So what could that card be?

And it seems that Xuelang still hasn’t given up the struggle… Could it be that besides the wave just now, can he have other tricks?

Although it sounds outrageous to put more than one set of acrobatics in a deck, Xuelang’s words really seem like something he would do…

That is to say, the cover card was prepared for another routine, but couldn’t be activated because the components were not assembled?

“On my turn, draw a card.”

You Yu showed the card he had drawn.

“The magic card ‘Superior Draw’, release monsters of level 8 or higher on your field, and draw 2 cards from your deck.

I release the ‘Elemental Hero: Absolute Zero’ on the field and draw two cards! “

Absolute Zero turned into golden light spots and dissipated, and two new cards were drawn from the deck by Yu Yu.

“At this moment, the effect of ‘Elemental Hero: Absolute Zero’ activates!” You Yu said, “When Absolute Zero leaves the field, all monsters on the opponent’s field are destroyed!

Absolute zero! “

The wave of ice pushed out flat, and the only remaining “throwing troll” on the snow wave field that could act as a wall was suddenly frozen into a sculpture, and was blown into pieces with a crisp explosion.

“Then usually summon ‘Elemental Hero Shadowmist Girl’.”

[Elemental Hero: Shadowmist Girl, Attack Power 1000]

You Yu glanced at the remaining cards in his hand, and after a brief thought, he did not choose to continue, but waved his hand and entered the battle level directly.

“Battle stage!” You Yu said, “Use ‘Elemental Hero: Shadow Mist Girl’ to attack directly!”

Miss Yingwu flew out first, and a handsome side-spin kick hit Xuelang’s D-round violently, causing his D-round to shake violently.

【Xuelang, lp1500→lp500】

“There are only 500 health left!” the plane’s commentator shouted, “Xuelang player is in danger! Will the next attack be the last one!?”

“The battle continues.” You Yu said, “Elemental hero Nova Lord, attack directly!”

The new star lord flew out, and the flames condensed in his palm, turning into a blast of flames!

Xuelang held his breath, the volume suddenly increased.

“Open the cover card—

——Trap card “Rainbow Life”! ! ! “

Yu Yu raised his eyebrows.

Huh? Is it the same card as mine?

No, it can’t be said to be exactly the same.

The Rainbow Life in You Yu’s hand is an animation effect, and the one in Xuelang’s hand, he remembers, it should also be a real card effect.

“Rainbow Life, by discarding a card in your hand, all combat and effect damage you have received during this round will be restored to your health!”

Xuelang discarded a card in his hand, and a rainbow-colored barrier appeared in front of him. The flame of the new star lord slammed into the barrier, and it was transformed into a warm current and poured into Xuelang’s body.

【Xuelang, lp500→lp3100】

“Traps with the same name have different effects?”

The aircraft head commentator rubbed his eyes, feeling that his knowledge blind spot was involved.

But he also quickly managed to find a reasonable explanation for the audience.

“Uh… It’s probably because the players are from different dimensions, so even if the cards with the same name have different effects occasionally in different time and space…”

But in any case, it is impossible to continue to cause damage to the opponent in the round after the launch of Rainbow Life. Whether it is hit or directly cut the blood, it will become the recovery of health.

“Then my battle phase is over~www.mtlnovel.com~ You Yudao,” but my round is not over yet.

I then activate this card from my hand——

——Quick attack magic ‘Masquerade’! “

Xuelang: “!”

Do you actually want to use a mask change at such a time?

So the hero that You Yusang is going to transform into is undoubtedly…

“I sent the Dark Attribute ‘Elemental Hero, Shadowmist Girl’ to the graveyard and transformed into a mask!

Here comes the incarnation of the dark law—

——Masquerade Hero Dark Claw! ! ! “

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