I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1462 - Outbreak of heroes

The dark armor with ferocious lines and the shape of a hungry wolf, “Masked Hero Dark Claw”, who has not had the chance to appear for a long time, appears again!

[Masked Hero Dark Claw, Attack Power 2400]

Xuelang took a deep breath.

Hiss~ It really is a friend man!

You Yusang, is this the rhythm of making friends with me?

“When Masked Hero Darkclaw is on the field, all cards sent to the Graveyard by the opponent are not sent to the Graveyard, but are directly removed from the game.”

The extremely powerful interference ability is almost equivalent to the cemetery blockade, and it is also a one-way blockade.

“And the effect of ‘Elemental Hero: Shadowmist Girl’ is also activated.” You Yu said, “If the Shadowmist Girl is sent to the Graveyard, add a ‘Heroic’ monster from your deck to your hand.

Because I just turned ‘Elemental Hero: Lady of Shadowmist’ into Darkclaw, I added ‘Phantom Hero: Dushanren’ from my deck to my hand. “

Dushanren was added from the deck and played directly by You Yu.

“The effect of the Phantom Hero: Dushanren, this card can be Special Summoned by discarding a ‘Hero’ monster from your hand.

I discard a card in my hand and Special Summon ‘Phantom Hero – Dushanren’! “

[Phantom Hero · Dushanren, attack power 1600]

“The effect of the single good person, when special summoning, place the ‘Phantom Hero’ in the trap area from the deck.” You Yudao, “Therefore, I placed the ‘Phantom Hero · Incremental’ from the deck in the trap area.

Then the effect of incremental people is activated! The Phantom Hero, Incremental Man can be Special Summoned from the Trap Zone by releasing hero monsters on the field.

I liberate the ‘Phantom Hero Dushanren’ and special summon the ‘Phantom Hero · Incremental Man’! “

[Phantom Hero · Incremental Person, Attack Power 900]

“In addition to the effect of the Incremental Man, when this card is Special Summoned, it is Special Summoned from another ‘Phantom Hero’ in the Deck.

I Special Summon ‘Phantom Heroes Robot’! “

[Phantom Hero·Bionic Man, Attack Power 1000]

“The effect of the Phantom Hero and Robot, when the Summoning or Special Summoning is successful, send a ‘Hero’ monster from the deck to the Graveyard.”

Yu Yu drew out a card that popped up from the deck.

“I sent ‘Destiny Hero, Demon Man’ from the deck to the graveyard.” You Yu said, “Then another effect of ‘Phantom Hero, Robot’ is activated.

Remove the ‘Hero’ monster in the Graveyard from the game, and add the Spell Card ‘Fusion’ from the Deck to the hand.

I removed ‘Phantom Hero: Lonely Man’ from the graveyard, and added the magic card ‘Replacement Fusion’ from the deck to my hand. “

You Yu took out a card that popped up from the deck, and then waved it and played it directly.

“The magic card ‘Replacement Fusion’ is activated! Send the monsters you control to the Graveyard and Fusion Summon the fusion monsters!

I fused the flame attribute ‘Elemental Hero Nova Lord’ and the dark attribute ‘Phantom Hero Incremental Man’ on the field!

The fusion condition is that there are two hero monsters with different attributes! Fusion Summons!

A scorching light rises from beyond the horizon, illuminating the hero of the earth—

——Elemental Hero Sunrise Man! “

The red armor, the fluttering cloak, and the golden light scattered behind itself, outlined the angular outline of the hero!

[Elemental Hero Sunrise Man 2500]

“Elemental Hero Sunrise, the effect activates!” You Yu said, “When Sunrise is successfully fused and summoned, add the magic card ‘Miracle Fusion’ from the deck to the hand.”

The Miracle Fusion card was ejected from the deck and pulled out by You Yu into his hand.

“The magic card ‘Miracle Fusion’ is activated.” You Yu said, “Exclude the ‘Elemental Hero Flame Man’ and the water-type ‘Elemental Hero Liquid Man’ in the graveyard from the game, and Fusion Summon the ‘Elemental Hero’ monster!

The fusion condition is that the hero monster plus any water attribute monster!

Descends from the abyss of extreme cold again—

——Elemental Hero · Absolute Zero! ! ! “

Frost danced, the field of ice and snow enveloped the audience again, and the hero of absolute zero came for the second time!

[Elemental Hero: Absolute Zero, Attack Power 2500]

“Effect of Elemental Hero Liquid Man, when this card is removed from the game as a fusion material for hero monsters, draw two cards from the deck, and then pick one card from your hand and discard it.”

You Yu drew a card and quickly picked out one and discarded it.

“Then activate the effect of the magic card ‘Replacement Fusion’ in the Graveyard.” You Yu said, “Remove the ‘Replacement Fusion’ in the Graveyard from the game, return a Fusion Monster in the Graveyard to the Deck, and you can draw one from the Deck. Card.

I return the ‘Elemental Hero: Absolute Zero’ in the graveyard to the Extra Deck and draw a card. “

After looking at the card he had drawn, You Yu then waved his hand.

“Next is the activation of the effect of ‘Destiny Heroes, Demons’ in the Graveyard.” You Yu said, “When Demons exist in the Graveyard, remove the Demons in the Graveyard from the game, and Special Summon a card with the same name from the Deck.

I remove the demons in the graveyard and Special Summon ‘Destiny Heroes Demons’ from the deck! “

【Heroes of Destiny·Magic Man, Attack Power 800】

“And then there’s the magic card ‘Phantom Fusion’!” You Yu continued, “Send the hand cards and the ‘Hero’ monsters on the field to the graveyard for fusion summoning!

I fused the ‘Phantom Hero · Android’ and ‘Destiny Hero · Demon Man’ on the field!

The fusion condition is, two hero monsters!

The phantom of a hero descends—

——Phantom Hero·Worship, Summon! ! ! “

[Phantom Hero·Worship, Attack Power 2800]

“One… four powerful heroes in an instant!” The plane head explained with a shocked face, “What a powerful explosive ability, is this the hero deck of Duel Wang Youyu!?”

Although he didn’t say it explicitly, in fact, many viewers’ thoughts at this moment are similar to the commentary on the nose of the plane——

——It is also a hero deck, I feel that the gap between the two sides is not that big!

The comparison between Xuelang and You Yu, the hero deck, is like the poor version against the local tyrant Jin…

“Effect of Elemental Hero Sunrise Man.” You Yu continued to explain, “When Sunrise Man exists on the field, the attack power of all monsters on your field increases by x200 for the number of monster attribute types on your field.”

Now the “Elemental Hero Sunrise Man” on You Yu’s side is light, “Masked Hero Dark Claw” and “Phantom Hero Worship” are all dark, and “Elemental Hero Absolute Zero” is water properties.

“There are three types of attributes of heroes on the field.” You Yu said, “So all my heroes’ attack power has increased by 600!”

[Elemental Hero Sunrise Man, Attack Power 2500 → Attack Power 3100]

[Phantom Hero·Worship, Attack Power 2800 → Attack Power 3400]

[Elemental Hero · Absolute Zero~www.mtlnovel.com~Attack Power 2500→Attack Power 3100]

[Masked Hero Dark Claw, Attack Power 2400 → Attack Power 3000]

“The attack power is more than 3,000!” the plane’s commentator shouted, “Also, Absolute Zero has the effect of destroying all monsters when he leaves the field, and ‘Masked Hero Dark Claw’ has a powerful ability to block the graveyard!

Player Xuelang is really dangerous this time! “

But the only consolation is that Xuelang, who is protected by “Rainbow Life”, can’t take any more damage this round, so for the time being, there is no need to worry about being killed in seconds.


“Gai Fu put a card on the field, and the round is over.”

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