I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1465 - Classic engraving!

“The effect of the Phantom Hero, Shimmering Man, destroys the ‘Cannon Artillery’ on your field!”

The moment the Shimmerman summoned successfully, the gun in his hand fired a beam of golden laser light! The armor of the cannon artillery was instantly penetrated, and it was shattered on the spot under the impact of the hero’s laser light!

“Oh, actually summoned the ‘Phantom Hero’ monster in the opponent’s turn, and then destroyed the cannon artillery!”

The nose of the plane shouted.

“Although Xuelang’s infinite chain combination is powerful, the whole combination is like a precision machine, and all parts are an indispensable part.

Now that the cannon artillery has been destroyed, Xuelang players can no longer release the ‘Elemental Hero Eternal’ to deal damage! “

In other words, the only output channel of the Immortal Cannon system was destroyed. Although the running components are still there, they have lost the ability to output damage.

“It’s a pity, the Xuelang player is a very beautiful infinite chain combination, but in the end, duel Wang Youyu is still superior.”

The plane’s head explained.

“Even this combination has been resolved, and there are few available resources left, and duel Wang Youyu still has such a strong gathering of heroes on the field, and Youyu’s HP still has more than 5,000 points!

Under such a situation, will Xuelang players have the opportunity to create miracles again and find a way to get rid of them? “

As soon as these words came out, even the people who eat melons felt a little bit too strong.

If nothing else, Xuelang has not many cards left in his hand or in his deck at this moment.

And don’t forget, Xuelang also used “No Purgatory” this round. No Purgatory itself is all-or-nothing magic, and the side effect of using it is that all cards in the hand must be discarded during the end phase.

In other words, even Xuelang’s chance of turning over in the next round has been reduced to a minimum…

…if he has another round.

“…Cover two cards onto the field, the round is over.” Xue Lang said.

The last card in the hand is covered – even if you don’t do it, it will be discarded by the magical side effect, and there is no point in holding it in your hand.

Such a result would appear… Actually, it is not surprising.

Although he had such a fluke, for some reason, Xuelang seemed to know that it was difficult for him to win this card.

But it doesn’t matter.

He just wanted to do his best and leave no regrets, that’s all.

You Yu narrowed his eyes, and then reconfirmed the location of Xuelang’s eyes.

A fusion gate, no monsters in the front field, and two cover cards in the back field…

But Xuelang still hasn’t surrendered, it seems that he thinks he still has a chance?

But Xuelang’s hand number is 0, and players rarely have unscientific cards that are exclusive to NPCs such as Heaven’s Falling Treasures and Death-defying Treasures, so Xuelang relied on the cards drawn in the next round to turn over. The chances are slim too.

Does that mean that his last chance is in those two Gaikas…

“My turn, draw cards.” You Yu said.

You Yu didn’t have time to do anything, so he heard Xuelang’s voice suddenly raised, and shouted: “At this moment, open the cover card! Trap card——

– Demolition of the wreckage! ! ! “

Yu Yu raised his eyebrows.

Did you even bring such a thing?

From the very beginning, Xuelang had vaguely guessed that the current situation might occur——

– Running out of ammunition and food, the deck is empty, facing the last moment when there are no cards to play.

And this trap that was held in his hands early in the morning was the last trick he prepared for such an endgame, using all the ultimate killers!

“The Trap Card ‘Wreck Explosion’ can only be activated when there are more than 30 cards in your Graveyard.” Xue Lang said, “Inflict 3,000 damage to the opponent!”

“Oh, oh, it’s actually a wreckage blasting!” the plane’s commentator shouted, “A super powerful trap that deals 3,000 damage in one go, but it restricts the harsh activation conditions that the graveyard must have 30 cards!

It turns out that Xuelang players accelerated a lot of card draws and piled up graveyards before, part of the reason was foreshadowing for this moment! ? “

The sudden explosion drowned You Yu’s D-round, and the virtual scorching damage swept through him!

【Yu Yu, lp5400→lp2400】

“Three thousand hits of super high damage in one breath!” the plane’s commentator shouted, “but it’s not enough! Duel Wang Youyu’s HP is very sufficient, and he can still withstand this level of damage. Unless he can do another round. ……

…Nani! ! ? “

Before the voice of the plane’s explanation fell, he saw that the other cover cards in the back field of Xuelang had also turned over.

That card is also a trap card——

– Demolition of the wreckage! ! !

“The second…the second wreckage is blasted!” The aircraft nose commentator was shocked.

Many spectators stood up from their seats and stared at the situation on the field with wide eyes.

“In a desperate situation where the ammunition is exhausted and there is no license to exit, can Xuelang players still be able to fight back under such circumstances!?” The plane’s commentator shouted excitedly, “If this blow passes, duel Wang Youyu will also be able to fight back! There is no doubt that their team’s first defeat!”

Once again blasting, the flames of the explosion swept across the track, engulfing You Yu’s D wheel again!


【Yu Yu, lp1400】

“I’ve survived… I’ve survived!” explained the plane’s head, “Duel Wang Youyu, the D-round is like riding the wind and waves out of the smokescreen, and it’s still unscathed!”

“Nice attempt.” You Yu smiled, “But at that moment, I activated this card.

Trap Card ‘Elemental Charge’.

Each time there is an ‘Elemental Hero’ on your field, your HP recovers 1000 points.

Because there are ‘Elemental Hero Sunrise Man’ and ‘Elemental Hero Absolute Zero’ on my field, my HP recovered by 2000. “

That is to say, at that moment, You Yu’s HP briefly recovered to 4400, so he still had 1400 left after the second wreckage blast.

On Xuelang’s side, he was completely out of luck.

Demolition of the Wreck is the last card of his whim, and it is strictly the third acrobatics in his deck.

Even this trick was useless, so he accepted it.

The duel is actually over. He has absolutely no cards to play, and there is a lineup of heroes with such fierce firepower on the field. Next, You Yu didn’t have to do anything, just ordered a general attack, and it was his victory.

But Yu Yu didn’t plan to do that.

“It’s a very exciting duel.” You Yu chuckled, “This kind of duel would be too boring if it was just finished with ordinary attacks.

So let me respond with equally brilliant tactics. “

“Huh?” Xue Lang was taken aback.

You Yu showed a hand card.

“Activate the magic card ‘Rebirth of the Dead’.” You Yu said, “You can revive a monster in the graveyard to the field. The monster I want to revive is—

——The ‘Elemental Hero Wingman’ that exists in your graveyard! “

Xuelang: “???”

Revive the Wingmen in my graveyard?

Isn’t he a mortal bone with an attack power of 1000? What’s the point of this?

[Elemental Hero·Wingman, Attack Power 1000]

“Battle.” You Yu waved his hand to enter the battle phase, “Use the ‘Elemental Hero Winged Man’ to attack directly!”

The winged hero flapped his wings, and one flew to the front of the snow waves, and punched the former owner’s D-wheel safety helmet with a fist.

【Xuelang, lp3100→lp2100】

You Yu smiled mysteriously, and drew another hand.

“Then at this moment, I’m going to activate this card from my hand—

——Quick attack magic ‘Soul of Berserker’! “

Xuelang: “!!??”

Not only Xuelang, but all the poker players exploded at the same moment.


“Does You Yusang also want to recreate the famous scene?”

“And it’s still re-enacted with elemental heroes!?”

“Soul of the Berserker, when your monster directly attacks and deals 1500 or less damage, you can activate it by discarding all cards in your hand!”

You Yu threw all the cards in his hand into the cemetery.

“Start flipping cards from the top of your deck, and if the flipped card is a monster, send that monster to the Graveyard and deal 500 damage to your opponent.

After that, I can use this effect to flip cards from the deck up to seven times until cards other than monsters are revealed. “

After a pause, Yu Yu smiled slightly.

“Also, during the processing of this card’s effect, if the opponent’s life becomes 0 and our duel is won, the effect of this card can still continue to be processed.”

In other words, even if the opponent has hung up, the effect of this card can still continue to whip the corpse.

This is also a tribute to the famous scene of DM’s original work by Consortium K.

Xuelang swallowed.

“Then I’m going to get the first one!” You Yu drew the card and showed it immediately, “Monster card, ‘Phantom Hero · Incremental Man’!”

The Winged Man on the field flew out and gave Xuelang another punch.

【Xuelang, lp2100→lp1600】

“Second! Monster Card, ‘Elemental Hero, Shadowmist Girl’!”

【Xuelang, lp1600→lp1100】

“The third one! Monster card, ‘Heroes of Destiny Destiny’!”

【Xuelang, lp1100→lp600】

“Fourth! Monster Card, ‘Elemental Hero Skyman’!”

【Xuelang, lp600→lp100】

“Fifth! Monster Card, ‘Phantom Hero · Dushanren’!”

【Xuelang, lp100→lp0】

“Sixth! Monster Card~www.mtlnovel.com~Elemental Hero·Liquid Man’!”

【Xuelang, lp0→lp0】

“last piece!”

You Yu drew the last card, paused for a moment, then smiled slightly and showed the card.

“Monster card, ‘Heroes of Destiny – Gorefiend d’.”

【Xuelang, lp0→lp0】

Deadly Seven Combo!

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