I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1466 - break up with ed

Another perfect victory, the Youyu team once again won the victory with a perfect record of zero losses!

When a card came down, the players in the audience were enthusiastic, even more excited than Yu Yu and others who were the parties.

Especially when You Yu took out the “Soul of Berserker”, all the sand sculptures couldn’t hold back.

Moved! dna it moved!

It’s all because there are so many strange things that are usually engraved into DNA. When you see any famous scene, DNA starts to move…

After seeing that Xuelang’s lp was reset to zero, the sand sculptures were even more excited and screamed after they continued to eat the Berserker’s Soul for seven consecutive beatings.

Even Xuelang, who was beaten on the court as a party, was full of enthusiasm.

It’s so right!

This is how a duel should be!

In fact, for an acrobatic player like Xuelang, the outcome of a duel is important, but it is not necessarily the most important.

Acrobatic players are looking for the joy of the moment when the acrobatics are completed, and the burning pleasure of the soul when restoring the famous scene. In contrast, winning or losing is secondary.

For example, in this duel, Xuelang was very happy.

One Satisfaction.jpg.

When the two teams shook hands as a routine after the game, the tenth generation classmates stared at the stars: “It’s amazing! It turns out that elemental heroes can play like this, I never thought about it! I’m so excited…”

You Yu rolled his eyes at him and said to the tenth generation, don’t let me be led astray. People are following a crooked way, just look at it, and forget about learning.

Xuelang, who was clearly defeated, seemed to be very proud, rubbing his head, hey hey, hey hey, hey hey, hey hey, it’s the tenth generation classmate, your directional magic pump is even more awesome…

Jie Ge, who was sanctioned by God’s pumping, deeply agreed with this.

However, Yu Yu did not hesitate to express his praise.

“Played pretty well,” he said. “Keep up the good work. Looking forward to meeting you in the next knockout rounds.”

Of course, what You Yu said about making persistent efforts is actually translated as a lot of krypton gold.

How can you become stronger without krypton gold?

The sand sculpture trio was full of surprises.

“Yes, You Yusang!”


But alas, that didn’t happen.

When the regular season ended and the list of the top 64 for the advanced knockout rounds was released, the sand sculptures did not stay on the list…

This is also impossible.

With so many duelists in time and space, there are many strong ones. In addition, the performance of the sand sculptures is not stable, and hand-hand accidents are unavoidable. After playing more games, there will always be games that have to be lost.

Although the players felt pity, they didn’t feel too surprised.

But there are indeed some duelists that make people feel as if they should have been on the list, but they have not been able to make the cut.

Take, for example, Ed Phoenix, a well-known user of Destiny Heroes in all time and space.

When the last day of the regular season ended, and Ed appeared at the stronghold of Yu Yu and others, Judai was very surprised.

“Eh!?” Judai widened his eyes, “Did Ed fail to make the cut?”

Ed stared coldly at the tenth generation who couldn’t open the pot and didn’t say a word.

“It’s not impossible, right?” Yu Xing said, “Whether you can advance to the knockout rounds, there is no way to rely on one person’s strength.

Only the top 64 teams in the regular season standings will advance to the knockout round, and to win enough points, all three of the team need to perform well enough…”

In other words, if the teammates are too pitiful, they cannot be brought.

At this time, it is more and more necessary to emphasize the importance of a wave of fetters…

“Judai!” Ed pointed at Judai, angrily, “Duel with me!”

Ten generations:”?”

“wrgp was supposed to be the most perfect stage for us to kill, I was going to meet you in the knockout round and decide the real competition!

But now that’s the case, let’s decide the winner here! “

The fire of war was burning in Ed’s eyes.

“I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been, and my Destiny Hero!” he said. “This time, I’m definitely…absolutely going to win!”

Judai was stunned for a moment, but he quickly rubbed his nose and responded quickly.

“Although I don’t quite understand…but I have said it long ago, I will accompany you anytime if you duel!” Judai laughed, “Is the Destiny Hero in the best shape ever?

Oh oh you got me looking forward to it, then come on, Ed! “

“Come on, Tendai!” Ed shouted, “I will prove through this duel that I am truly the strongest hero user – long overdue!”

“Duel!” x2

【Judai, lp4000】

【Aide, lp4000】

“I’m welcome to attack first, draw a card!” Ten Dai excitedly took the lead.

“Activate the magic card ‘Angel’s Almsgiving’, draw three cards from the deck, and then pick two cards and discard them.” Judai discarded two cards in his hand, and continued, “Then activate the magic card ‘Transformation Contact’!

Discard a ‘Neo-Spaceman’ monster from your hand and deck to the Graveyard, and draw 2 cards from your deck! “

Two new cosmonauts were sent to the grave, the deck was shuffled automatically, and then two cards popped up from the top of the deck and were drawn by the tenth generation.

“I summon the ‘Cross Porter’!”

[Cross porter, attack power 400]

“The effect of the cross porter, you can send a monster on your field to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon a ‘New Spaceman’ from your hand.”

Ten generations waved their hands.

“I sent the ‘Cross Porter’ on the field to the graveyard, and Special Summoned ‘Neo-Cosmos Water Wave Dolphin’ from my hand!”

[New Astros Water Wave Dolphin, Attack Power 600]

“Then the follow-up effect of ‘Cross Porter’ is activated!” Judai said, “When this card is sent to the Graveyard, add a ‘Neo-Spaceman’ monster from your deck to your hand.

Since ‘Cross Porter’ was sent to the Graveyard by its own effect, I added ‘Neo-Spaceman Dark Panther’ from my deck to my hand. “

Ten generations waved their hands.

“Then I activate the effect of ‘Neo-Spaceman Water Wave Dolphin’! Discard a card in your hand, you can check your opponent’s hand and choose one of the monster cards.

If you control a monster with that monster’s ATK or more, destroy that monster and deal 500 damage.

If it doesn’t exist, I take 500 damage myself!

Echolocation! “

Brother Dolphin opened his mouth, and invisible sound waves swept out. A card in Ed’s hand was echolocated~www.mtlnovel.com~ and a phantom appeared in mid-air.

Destiny Hero Daggerman!

Destiny Hero Daggerman, discard it from your hand during the Battle Phase, and increase the ATK of all “Destiny Hero” monsters on your field by 800 until the end of the turn.

A fairly good hand pit for Destiny Heroes, the problem is that his attack power is only 300. And Brother Dolphin’s attack power is a full 600 points, which is twice as high as that of Dagger.

Therefore, the dagger man was mercilessly blown up when he came up.

As soon as the card came up, he cut one card in his hand, and Ed frowned slightly, with an ominous premonition.

This tactic… Codex break?


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