I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1471 - teacher out of the same door

Gorefiend’s direct attack!

The only barrier Sunrise on the Judai field was absorbed. There was nothing on the field, and nothing could hinder the Gorefiend d’s lore strike.

And at this critical moment, a card in Shidai’s hand actually moved by itself!

Quick Attack Scarecrow!

The scarecrow jumped out in this flash of lightning and flint, and dangerously and dangerously blocked the gorefiend’s killing blow!

Gorefiend d’s impact was completely blocked by the invincible scarecrow. Moreover, the Gorefiend d with the “d-strength” blessing can attack twice in one combat phase, but after the quick-attack scarecrow ability takes effect, the combat phase will be forced to end, so it cannot continue to attack.

But Ed didn’t seem surprised. On the contrary, if this blow successfully ended the battle, he would doubt whether Judai had let the water go.

“Oh, there really is a hand pit.” Ed hummed, “Although you have delayed another turn for the time being, the result will not change. And because the number of monsters in the graveyard has increased, Gorefiend D’s attack power has risen to 4950!

My round is over! “

“Hoo~ I’m saved.”

Tendai wiped his sweat and smiled.

“What a tense and exciting hero duel!

Then on my turn, draw a card! Activate the magic card ‘Angel’s Almsgiving’, draw 3 cards from your deck, and then discard 2 cards from your hand. “

[Destiny Hero · Gorefiend d, attack power 4950 → attack power 5050]

Ed narrowed his eyes.

Gorefiend D’s attack power has increased by 100, obviously because of the effect of the continuous magic “d power” – for each monster card in the Graveyard of both sides, the attack power of Gorefiend D on the field increases by 100.

In other words, one of the things Judai threw into the graveyard was a monster card.

Tendai changed his hand, looked at his hand and thought for a while, then pulled out one of the cards in his hand.

“Then a card is put on the field, and the round is over.”

It seems that there is no way to bring the dead back to life.

“It’s no wonder.” Brother Crab murmured, “After Sunrise is absorbed, Gorefiend D’s attack power exceeds 5,000, and it can’t be the target of the effect, nor can it be destroyed by the effect…”

It is indeed difficult to overcome in the case of limited resources.

“Heh, it’s so easy to end the round where you finally had the chance to fight back.” Ed smiled, “It looks like fate no longer favors you today, Judai.”

Shidai smiled: “That’s hard to say, I have always been favored by strong luck.”

“Still stubborn.” Ed said, “Then it’s my turn.”

But he didn’t draw a card.

“As a side effect of the continuous magic ‘d-strength’, as long as there is ‘Destiny Hero – Gorefiend d’ on the field, I cannot draw cards from the deck during the card draw phase.”

“Eh~ it actually has such a side effect.” Judai smiled, “It seems that powerful cards have a price.”

Aide Road: “Activate the effect of ‘Destiny Hero · Divine Man’ in the graveyard! When your hand is 0, Divine Man can remove himself and another ‘Fate Hero’ in the graveyard from the game, and remove the card from the card. The group draws two cards.

I remove the ‘Heroes of Destiny · Divine Man’ and ‘Heroes of Destiny · Doctrine’ in the graveyard from the game, and draw two cards! “

He showed another card he had drawn.

“The magic card ‘Pot of Desire’, draw two cards from the deck.”

After replenishing the cards in his hand, Ed immediately started the operation: “Activate the magic card ‘Doctor d’ again, remove the ‘Destiny Hero’ in the cemetery from the game, and special summon another ‘Destiny Hero’ in the cemetery!

I removed the “Destiny Hero · Driller” in the cemetery from the game, and resurrected the “Destiny Hero · Twin” that was discarded in the cemetery last turn! “

The Fate Hero Monster in a black suit and top hat jumped out onto the field, with a pitch-black cane in both hands.

[Heroes of Destiny · Twins, Attack Power 1000]

“Oh, a very strange hero has appeared!” Shidai said.

“Then activate the effect of the ‘Doctor d’ in the graveyard.” Ed said, “Exclude the ‘Doctor d’ in the graveyard from the game, and the attack power of the two ‘Heroes of Destiny’ on your field becomes the same value!

Therefore, I changed the attack power of the Twins to be the same as that of my Gorefiend d! “

[Heroes of Destiny: Gorefiend d, attack power 4650]

[Heroes of Destiny · Twins, Attack Power 1000 → Attack Power 4650]

“The attack power is actually 4650!” Judai was surprised.

It’s not in a hurry, and the twin itself is a monster that can attack twice in one turn. Gorefiend d also has two attack opportunities in the next turn with the blessing of “d power”.

Therefore, the attack with the attack power of 4650 is fired in a total of four bursts!

Although there was not a monster on Judai who could act as a wall, Ed didn’t think Judai would be so easy to capture.

As far as he knows about Shidai, the opponent must have more than one defensive line of defense… The probability of a hand pit like the “Quick Attack Scarecrow” just now is not small.

But the hand pit is not impossible to deal with.

“Activate the magic card ‘Rebirth of the Dead’ from your hand!” Ed said, “Resurrect the sleeping monster in the graveyard to my field!”

A huge Su Sheng symbol appeared on Ed’s field. He paused for a moment, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

“The monster I want to resurrect is…

…the ‘New Astros Water Wave Dolphin’ in your graveyard! “

Ten generations:”!”

Nani? Actually cow my dolphin brother?

Su Sheng’s symbol disappeared, a wave of blue water burst on the field of charity, and Brother Dolphin appeared on his field with his hands on his hips.

[New Astros Water Wave Dolphin, Defense 800]

“Then activate the magic card ‘Magic Seal’s Treasure’.” Ed said, “Draw two cards from the deck. But after this card is activated, no more magic cards can be activated this turn.” (animation card)

Ed drew two more cards, glanced at it, smiled lightly, and looked up at Shidai.

“Since you borrowed my hero, then you can also borrow the power of your new cosmic hero, ten generations.” Ed’s mouth twitched, “I activate the effect of ‘New Cosmic Hero Water Wave Dolphin’!

By discarding a card in your hand, you can check your opponent’s hand and choose one of the monster cards.

If there is a monster on your field that is higher than the selected monster’s ATK, destroy that monster and deal 500 damage to your opponent! “

Ed picked a card from his hand and sent it to the graveyard.

“Go, water dolphin, echolocation!”

The transparent sound wave swept across the Judai field and quickly locked onto a card in Judai’s hand.

That card is—

——Spherical chestnut balls!

Spherical chestnut ball, when the opponent’s monster declares an attack, discard it from the hand, and you can change the attacking monster to the defense state.

It is a very high-quality one in the attack and propaganda hand pit. It can turn the attack target into defense without taking the target. Not only can it achieve the effect of blocking the sword, but also if the high-attack monster is turned into defense, it may also create a chance to solve the opponent in the next round. .

However, the spherical chestnut ball and other chestnut ball compatriots also have only 300 attack power. So of course it can’t avoid the fate of being killed by “echolocation”.

The small golden chestnut ball was blown to pieces with an echo shock, and the echo shock swept across Judai.

【Ten generations, lp700→lp200】

“The chestnut ball was…”

“It’s not over yet.” Ed said, “Judai, if you’re a guy, there must be more than one defense. Then I’ll activate the effect of ‘d.d. Crow’ from my hand!”

Ten generations:”!”

It’s a monster of the same type as me!

“This card is not your patent~www.mtlnovel.com~ Ed hummed, “The effect of ‘d.d. Crow’, discarding this card can remove a card from the opponent’s graveyard from the game. “

After all, the two of them went out of the same school, and it was normal for them to choose similar cards.

A piece of “d.d. Crow” was thrown into the cemetery, and Judai’s tomb area was quickly revealed to Ed without reservation.

“Heh, as I expected.” Ed chuckled, “What I want to ban is this card you sent to the graveyard last turn—

– The undead guardian! “

Ten generations:”……”


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