I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1472 - I have to merge now

Seeing that the hand pit and grave pit on Judai’s side were demolished in succession, Yu Xing’s face was a little surprised.

“Even the chestnut ball and the undead guardian were resolved first.” He murmured, “As expected, he is a classmate who knows the bottom line, and he is very familiar with the tactics of the ten generations of seniors…”

“In this way, the defenses of your hand and the cemetery will be resolved.” Ed smiled lightly.

Although there is still a cover card in the backcourt of the ten generations, Ed thinks it is not a big problem.

There is only one Gaevka, and there are “Heroes of Destiny – Gorefiend d” and “Heroes of Destiny – Twins” on the field.

At this point, both Twins and Gorefiend D have the ability to launch two attacks in one combat phase.

Judai only has 200 health left, and any one pass of the three attacks is enough to complete the beheading!

Also, when both d power and gorefiend d are on the field, no cards on your field can be targeted by any card effects, and gorefiend d cannot be destroyed by any effect.

“It’s over, Tendai!” Ed shouted, “Our duel, our end! Come on, Destiny Hero Gorefiend, attack directly!”

Gorefiend D spread his wings, and the energy of the Sunrise Man absorbed in his wings was quickly drawn out, and the golden light seemed to be gathered into the dragon head armament on Gorefiend D’s arm as if countless floating particles.

But Judai… There are still countermeasures!

“Open the cover! Quick attack magic ‘Next Generation’!” Judai shouted, “If you have less health than your opponent, choose an element from your deck or graveyard with an attack power lower than the difference between your opponent’s health. Hero’, ‘New Astros’ or ‘Chestnut Ball’ monster.

That monster can be added to your hand or Special Summoned on your side of the field. “

A card was ejected from the deck, pulled out by Judai into his hand, and slapped the duel plate directly with his hand.

“I special summon ‘Winged Chestnut Ball’!”

[Winged chestnut ball, defense 200]

“It’s actually a winged chestnut ball?” Ed frowned.

The golden light beam blasted by Gorefiend d swept across like a destructive force, smashing the winged chestnut ball into pieces with one blow. But although the little guy left the field, he also left a layer of pale golden usualness on the field, as if an invisible force field protected Shidai in the middle.

Judai raised his arm to block the impact, and said at the same time: “The effect of Winged Chestnut Ball, the round this card is destroyed, all the battle damage he takes during this round is 0!”

In other words, even though Ed’s side still had the twin’s two-hit combo, there was no point in continuing to attack.

“Che, did you escape with the chestnut ball again?” Ed was a little depressed.

The pits in the hand and the graveyard were cleared, and a chestnut ball jumped out of the deck…

“Cut, I want to see how long you can hide behind these monsters.” Ed hummed displeasedly, “The round is over.”

“Then it’s my turn, draw cards!”

Judai showed a card in his hand.

“Okay! Then I also use the magic card ‘Magic Book in the Pot’, and both sides draw three cards from the deck!

Then summon the ‘New Universe Connector’! “

[New Universe Connector, Attack Power 800]

“The effect of the New Universe Linker!” Judai arrived, “When the Summoning is successful, Special Summon the ‘New Cosmos’ monster or ‘Elemental Hero Xinyuxia’ in Defense Position from your hand or deck!

So based on this effect, I Special Summoned ‘Neo-Spaceman Shining Moss’ in Defense Position from my deck! “

[New Spaceman·Bright Moss, Defense 900]

“Then there is another effect of ‘New Universe Linker’!” Judai said, “Freeing ‘New Universe Linker’, you can defend the ‘New Universe Warrior’ monster or ‘Elemental Hero Xinyuxia’ from the cemetery to express special call!”

The new universe connector turned into a golden light, and the silver-white light erupted from the vortex of the cemetery.

[Elemental Hero Xinyuxia, Defense 2000]

“Xin Yuxia and Guang Guang Moss…” Ed knew clearly, “So, are you going to summon Guang Xin Yu Xia?

Shiny New Universe can destroy a face-up card on the field once per turn, and obtain different effects depending on the type of card destroyed.

If the magic card is destroyed, Shining Yuxia can attack directly. “

The initial attack power of Shining New Universe is 2500, and if the field magic “New Universe” is increased, it can reach a high RBI of 3000. A direct attack will inflict huge damage in one go.

But Ed did not panic.

“But I still have 3,300 HP.” He said, “Even if I use a direct attack from the Guangming Xinyuxia, it cannot be completely reduced. But in the next round, as the Guangming Xinyuxia is defeated, it will still be your defeat for the tenth generation.. …”

“That’s not necessarily true.” Shidai smiled.

Ed: “!”

Every time I hear this sentence, I have an ominous premonition.

“Indeed, Ed, your destiny hero has also become stronger.” Judai said, “You are not the kind of opponent who can win by retaining your strength.

Then from now on, I will also use all my strength! “

Having said that, his eyes have changed into Yubel’s characteristic heterochromatic pupils, and his pupils are shining with a cold and stern luster.

“I will discard a card in my hand as a price,” Judai held up a card in his hand, “I unleash the ultimate power here, and activate this ultimate fusion card—

– Super fusion! ! ! “

Ed: “!!”

The black hole vortex opened, and golden lightning shot out from it. Lightning seems to tear space apart, and the boundless gravity seems to drag everything that exists on the field into darkness!

“Super fusion, by discarding a card in your hand, you can fuse the monsters on both sides of the field.” Judai said, “So I discard a card in my hand, and put the ‘Destiny Hero – Gorefiend d’, ‘Heroes of Destiny · Twins’, ‘New Spaceman · Water Wave Dolphin’, and ‘New Spaceman · Shining Moss’, ‘Elemental Hero · New Yuxia’ on my field——

– Five-fold fusion! ! ! “

“Five-fold fusion!?” Ed’s expression became solemn, “Junior, you are planning to…”

“As I said, go all out.” Judai chuckled, “The conditions for fusion are that there should be at least one monster from each of ‘Hero’, ‘Xinyu’, and ‘Xinwei’, for a total of five monsters!

Across the Galaxy~www.mtlnovel.com~Across the Interstellar! When the power of several heroes gathers together, it will turn into a shining light that opens up the future——

——Elemental hero, God Xinyuxia! ! ! “

The five-fold fusion of heroes, the five interlaced rays of brilliance broke through the universe and entered the Milky Way, turned into a colorful waterfall and fell from the sky, blasting on the field of the tenth generation with a ten thousand force!

The tall body stands above the field, and the golden flame that overflows from the body wraps the hero’s body like an armor. The golden hero stands on the ground, and the light blue eyes seem to be filled with endless divinity.

Xinyuxia’s shining ultimate gesture, God Xinyuxia!

[Elemental hero: Shenxin Yuxia, attack power 2500]


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