I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 105: The Jade Master.

20 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(Davian's P.O.V)

Hong Kong was a smaller, cleaner version of Gotham.

A financial hub with crowded, busy streets.

Tall skyscrapers jutted through the skyline and there was a lot of 'buzz' in the way of various interesting things you could see.

On top of that, it was more culturally monotonous.

Gotham was a place with a lot of diversity. Not just racially either.

Gotham was home to a lot of beings from the...supernatural side of things.

In Gotham, I had sensed a couple of interesting humans, or rather things disguised as human.

They registered through my Reikaku with soul wavelengths that were different from normal humans.

Seeing as they weren't bothering anyone, I left them alone.

Hong Kong was mostly filled with mundane humans.

No mages, aliens, metahumans, ancient beasts, demons or the like.

Man, Gotham was weird.

Cheshire led us through the dense crowds with a familiarity that showed she was a regular.

Oh the enviable life of a globe trotting assassin. I want in.

"You sure about that?"

Chase had snorted.

I had shrugged. (mentally of course)

"Can't be worse than staying in Gotham. Or the US with all it's insanity."

Both of us were in civies. I was in a long trench coat with a gray t-shirt and jeans.

The trench coat was mostly to conceal my Zanpakuto. It wouldn't do to attract attention by being seen with a weapon.

Cheshire was dressed much simpler. A brown leather jacket, white tee and booty shorts. She caught me staring and added more sway to her hips while smirking.

"Take a picture, I won't mind."

She had playfully thrown over her shoulder.

Deadman had chuckled from above me.

Cheshire's long black hair that was usually shaggy in a way reminiscent to a bird's nest, was pulled back in a long pony tail, exposing her asian features.

As loathe as I was to admit it, she was gorgeous. Now if only there was something we could do about the personality...

Despite not being in costume, I still managed to gather a lot of attention.

The sight of a 6'2 black man with silver hair walking on a sidewalk where most people were shorter than me, ensured I stood out even without trying.

"You need a skill that will allow you to blend in."

Chase had pointed out and as we walked around, we discussed ideas.

Maybe a special Kido?

Or even creating strings around my form to hide my features or something would work.

Unfortunately the second idea was not feasible. While I could make my strings as thin as monofilament threads, I couldn't really change their color.

It seemed as if I was stuck with Purple. Can't say I mind. Purple reminded me of goddess thighs (Raven)

I needed to think more on this. Having a way to go unnoticed when I needed to would be valuable. Especially with the mission I had.

Speaking of our costumes, we had them stashed away at a hotel that catered for 'special clientele', called the Golden Winged Dragon.

Or well, she did.

With the Red Gemstone, I had everything I needed with me. Including the supplies I had managed to procure before leaving Gotham.

The Golden Winged Dragon was unique as it was lavish.

Just because Hong Kong wasn't as crazy and chaotic as Gotham, didn't mean the Hong Kongians, ( forgive my ignorance of the right terminology), weren't aware of what lay beneath the veneer of society.

The hotel was considered neutral ground.

Or so Cheshire told us. This meant conflict was forbidden, with consequences if the rule was broken.

Several of the guests in the hotel had souls stronger than the average human.

A few registered as something...more to my senses as well.

I really wanted to see an Eastern Dragon.

"Why? They're just a bunch of reclusive lizards with a stick up their..."

Chase' words were cut off when I unexpectedly bumped into someone.

The man infront of me had rich earthy brown skin, possessed the common Asian features...and could blend in entirely with his surroundings.

His eyes reminded me a little of Batman. Cautious yet with a sharp attention to detail. Within a split second he had studied me and assessed my threat.

He bowed.

"Forgive me, great one."

"It's no problem."

I responded and watched him disappear through the crowds.

Not just that...

"Chase...can you detect him?"

I asked my Zanpakuto.


A note of interest mixed with surprise appeared in his voice.

Well, that was indeed surprising. Chase' detection skills were even better than mine.


I finally commented, catching up to Cheshire who was a few paces ahead of me.

We weaved past more people, ducked across alleys and crossed a few streets. The environment begun to change as we found ourselves in the seedier part of Hong Kong.

Cheshire stopped at the corner of a building, leaning on the wall while staring at a small flower shop.

A very weird Flower shop. One that made me frown as my Reikaku, for the first time ever, failed to detect anything inside the normal looking shop.

Cheshire turned to face me, having to crane her neck to make eye contact with me.

"I have to go and get the info we need. Alone."

She added while staring at a space above my head.

Deadman raised his hands.

"Tell the crazy assassin chick I won't follow her."

I smirked at Cheshire.

"He got the message. How long will you be in there?"

Cheshire bit her lip coyly.

"Why? Worried you'll miss me?"

I snorted, looming over her while crossing my hands on my chest.

"More worried you'll waste my time. It's been two weeks, Assassin. You're yet to deliver on what you promised."

Cheshire rolled her eyes.

"Can't you be a little more patient? Geez. It's not like we spent the last few days stuck underwater or something."

"She has a point."

Chase commented.

"And now you're agreeing with her?"

I raised a brow at my Zanpakuto spirit. (mentally)

"Fine. Make it quick."

Cheshire didn't take well to my tone or blunt dismissal but complied, smoothing her features out, and holding up the camera hanging off her neck, giving her the look of a clueless tourist.

Even her walking style changed as she crossed the street.

"Is it just me or is everyone more stealthy than I am?"

"Yes. You're like a bumbling drunk dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and singing a pirate shanty in the middle of winter."

My Zanpakuto was quick to answer.

"It was a rhetorical question."

I growled out.

"What is?"

Deadman asked, floating down to hover closer to me.

Before he could answer, the sound of screeching tires filled the air as the flower shop was surrounded by black SUV's and...

"Is that a fucking truck with people wielding axes?!"

Deadman shouted as men in suits and sharp looking one handed grip axes poured out of the vehicles.

The pedestrians on the sidewalk scattered while screaming in Chinese out of fear.

"Fuck. This has to be the League of Shadow's doing."

I stepped forward, ready to Shunpo in when a familiar voice entered my ears.

"I can't let you interfere, great one. I shall be the one to face you."

I turned around and came face to face with the guy from earlier.

Now that I got a good look at him, I could immediately tell he was a fighter.

His clothes consisted of a yellow taoist monk robe, beads around his neck and a clean shaven face.

"Brand...I leave Cheshire's well being in your hands."

Deadman said nothing in response, merely flying towards the flower shop as fast as he could.

I heard the sound of crashing glass. Reikaku informed me that someone had been thrown out through it.

Seems like Cheshire had gotten busy. I cracked my neck.

"It's bad form to not introduce yourself before you die."

I told the man who thought he was powerful enough to stand up to me.

"I am called the Jade Master, and I have no intention of dying today, Scarlet Devil."

He answered, removing his hands from his wide sleeves to reveal a long ass staff.

"Where the fuck were you keeping that?"

I wondered out loud, using Reikaku to scan my surroundings for any hidden surprises.

Chase had been right to say I was impulsive.

It was a weakness. One that a competent opponent could exploit.

"We all have our secrets."

The Jade Master replied, then he came at me.

I was surprised by the burst of speed. From my scan his soul was only a little stronger than a human's but his physique...

The staff landed on my forearm with a resounding crack. The Jade Master blinked, spinning with the momentum while twirling the weapon, swinging at my neck.

I intercepted the blow before it could land, grasping the staff in my hand and pushing him away easily.

I hadn't tested my strength but I was well above peak human.

The Jade Master flipped and landed several feet away.

"You're strong."

He commented, his eyes slightly shining with battle lust.

I like this guy. He reminds me of me.

"You're not too bad yourself. Keep this up, and you might make me use my weapon."

I responded.

He leaned forward and then kicked off the ground. His movements were terrifyingly efficient.

No wasted actions. He jumped right to left in a way that would have confused anyone without Reikaku.

A few paces away from me, he swung out the staff. What was he doing? He was still a few inches off from guaranteeing the staff would connect.

Then he did a split, ducking under something heavy that was sailing towards me.

A dumpster.

The staff in his hands was special. There were wires coming out of one end that he had tied around the dumpster before throwing it towards me.

The metal container smacked onto my cross guard, deforming around my body.

I flexed my energy and tore it apart, Reikaku informing me of the sharp blade thrust towards my face.

How vicious.

I leaned back all the way and watched as the jade Master sailed above.

He landed on the other side and immediately swung his staff out, a silver blade now attached to the other end of the staff.

There was a loud clang as the blade connected with my neck, but instead of cutting through flesh and decapitating my head, it shattered.

The Jade Master jumped away warily, a very serious look on his face.

I could have ended the fight the second he tried to fight me. I didn't because I'd wanted to see his martial arts skills.

And I hadn't been disappointed.

I stepped forward, releasing my Reiatsu. Instantly the air in the alley way became heavy.

The Jade Master slammed his staff onto the ground, trying but failing to remain standing.

"That was a good showing. But we both know you can't beat me."

I informed him, stopping a few feet away.

"Now then, before I let you go, how about you tell me who sent you?"

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