I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 106: Nanda Parbat part 1.

20 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

It was a quaint little flower shop, filled with colorful blossoms, delicate petals, and the fragrant aroma of nature.

A small bell chimed as the door swung open, and Cheshire, with a confident gait stepped inside. Her eyes sweeping around in appreciation.

This was one of her favorite spots in Hong Kong. She always made sure to pass through whenever she had a mission in Asia.

Behind the counter stood an elderly Chinese couple.

'The Lee's. Always a delight.' she thought, not with sarcasm but a genuine burst of happiness.

Despite the fact that the flower shop was just a front for one of the best information brokers on the planet, the Lee's did their best to look after it.

They greeted her with warm smiles. The couples' eyes holding a glimmer of hidden knowledge.

They were two of the only few people who knew her true identity.

Cheshire didn't feel the need to hide from them. The couple had been assassins in the past, they could tell what she was from a mile away.

And so the little game begins.

Cheshire walked to the counter and leaned on it with a smile.

"Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Lee. Lovely flowers you have here."

Mr. Lee nodded, bowing his head a little.

"Thank you, young lady. They bring joy and meaning to our lives. What can we do for you today?"

Cheshire brightened.

"I'm looking for something unique. Something that stands out."

The wife smiled knowingly.

"Ah, something unique, you say? Then perhaps you can answer a question for us. What flower represents secrecy and intrigue?"

The older woman asked.

Cheshire locked eyes. Really? that was an easy one.

"A rose. A black rose, to be precise. It symbolizes mystery and hidden intentions."

She answered, thinking of how it reminded her of...well, her.

Mr. Lee nodded approvingly.

"Correct, my dear. You understand the language of flowers. Follow us, and we shall lead you deeper."

The couple turned and begun walking deeper inside the flower shop.

Cheshire threw a brief glance outside and managed to see Davian's brooding form trying and failing to blend in with the masses.

She chuckled evilly. Serves him right for acting as if he didn't care she existed. Still, she was close to cracking his cold exterior.

When she did, she'd have an extremely powerful and not bad looking at all bad ass to keep her alive.

At least just until she figured out a plan to deal with the Shadows.

Cheshire followed them as they navigated through a hallway towards a concealed door, hidden among the flower arrangements.

Soon enough the assassin was being ushered into a dimly lit room, one that was adorned with ancient artifacts and espionage paraphernalia.

A pair of ornate looking Sais that just simply called out to her were framed on the wall.

The room exuded an air of secrecy and importance. Seated behind a wooden desk was who she had come to see.

ZHANG, an informant known as the Cryptic in some circles.

"Cheshire, always lovely to see you! welcome welcome."

He greeted her with a wide smile, exposing crooked teeth that gave him a funny looking appearance.

He looked like a rat.

Cheshire smiled in return but inside she was sneering.

Zhang's only saving graze was that he was a professional. He wouldn't take a counter deal or try to screw you over if the pay was good.

No, the problem really lay with the way his eyes lecherously ran over her form. Ugh, a meeting with him always left her feeling like taking 10 showers in a row right after.

"Zhang, you have what I need?"

She merely asked, not taking the seat. Not keen on staying too long than she had to.

Zhang leaned back on his chair, folding his hands across his small pot belly.

"Now now miss Cheshire, it's only polite as a guest to..."

"Zhang. I don't have time for this."

Cheshire cut in sharply.

"Do you have what we agreed upon?"

She was done. While the Lee's were a delight, the same couldn't be said about Zhang.

He simply wasn't worth it. He was one of the best but she would rather deal with another informant than him.

Zhang's smile became strained. He reached into a drawer and pulled out a file.

"About that... there's been a change in plans."

He told her, throwing the file across the table.

Something fell out. A picture.

Cheshire cursed when she saw Davian on it. With narrowed eyes she turned towards Zhang.

"Please tell me this is not what I think it is."

She said, a warning tone in her voice as she placed her hands on the table and leaned forward.

Zhang gulped, trying to hide his fear with a smile.

"Sorry, they have something on me. You know I try to not screw over my clients. Unfortunately, they know you are here in Hong Kong...and they're coming for you."

Zhang explained.

Cheshire cursed once again, pulling out her phone to call Davian.

Before she could, screaming men with axes burst into the room. She spun, landing a kick on Zhang's face before leaping off her left leg and planting the sole of her right foot on the first of the goon's chest.

Zhang howled from the floor, scrambling to get away with a bleeding mouth. Some of his teeth had been broken.

Cheshire grabbed the file on the table and left through the door, only hesitating a moment before she stole the Sai's framed on the wall.

Thus begun the battle.

For a few seconds, everything was a blur of kicks, fists and stabbings as she fought her way through the dimly lit hallway.

Cheshire gritted her teeth upon seeing the state of the flower shop.

It was filled with more of the Axe-gang members who had knocked over some flower arrangements in a bid to get to her.

"You bastards will pay for this, dearly."

She promised, settling into a stance.

"Get her!!"

The maniacs screamed while running towards her

A shot rang out, a few of the Axe wielding maniacs fell to the ground, holes across their bodies.

Everyone turned to the counter where the white haired Mr.Lee was holding onto a shotgun.

"Imbeciles! This is not a bar! How dare you bring your chaos to a neutral ground?!"

Mr.Lee yelled.

He shared a look with Cheshire and nodded.

Good to see she still had people she could count on.

(Davian's P.O.V)

"I truly apologize, great one. But I cannot tell you that."

The Jade Master bowed his head at me.

"All I can say is that you and your companion are in a lot of danger and should leave Hong Kong immediately."

He looked up and added,

"They're coming for you."

"Well, that isn't ominous at all."

Chase laughed with levity.

"Who's coming?"

I asked the martial arts expert.

"Everyone. There is a 10 million dollar on your head."

He replied.

I narrowed my eyes. 10 million dollars was a lot.

That meant every able bodied Merc and bounty hunter would be after me.

No rest for the wicked huh?

Still, word got out pretty quickly about our whereabouts. I just didn't think my pursuers would mobilize so fast.

I could stay and fight but I would rather deal with the whole Rama Kushna thing first. Which meant...

"I can't believe I'm saying this Chase, but we need to get out of here. And because I don't want to be caught off guard by another attack, could you leave some of your essence in this guy in case he follows us?"

I asked my Zanpakuto, turning towards the flower shop.

"What are you planning?"

My Zanpakuto asked.

"He will be my early warning system. I have a hunch he won't give up trying to capture me."

I responded, causing Chase to chuckle.

"Now you're learning."

I turned back to the Jade Master.

"Leave. Your skills have earned you my mercy today. Next time...you won't be so Lucky."

I told him coldly.

His tense shoulders relaxed as he got up and bowed.

"Thank you. I won't forget this kindness for when we next meet."

He promised, turning around and leaving.

I can't believe I just let an enemy walk away. Ugh, not being impulsive sucks.

Now then...I turned to the Flower shop.


"What the fuck was that?"

I growled out once we were back at the Golden Winged Dragon.

Dealing with the Axe gang was a matter of releasing my Reiatsu and knocking out the axe swinging maniacs.

In response, Cheshire threw the file she had on the table. Dozens of pictures spilled out. Pictures of me and her, taken without my knowledge.

"There's a bounty on our heads. 5 million for me. And 10 for you. Clearly, our arrival didn't go unnoticed."

Cheshire Commented.


"Was it the League of Shadows?"

I questioned while perusing the file.

There was a mention of some of my abilities, our last whereabouts, and any other miscellaneous information like the fact I seemed to enjoy a Latte regularly.

Can't really see how that mattered.

"It does. An assassin could use that to spike your drink."

Chase offered some insight, making me sigh.

"Can't see anyone else going to the trouble of outsourcing the contract to the Axe gang of all people. They are ruthless, relentless and unreliable. And they're just one of the many who will come after us."

Cheshire informed me.

"Mmh." I hummed, throwing the file back onto the table.

"We should discuss our terms. You promised me that you would find Bronze Tiger. So far...this has been a waste of my time."

I told her mercilessly.

Cheshire bristled, her hands tightening on the frame of the seat.

"I was working on it. It's not my fault we were discovered so early."

She bit out bitterly.

I swallowed my frustrations. We'd already come this far already. I didn't trust Cheshire but like it or not, she was still my best lead on finding a teacher.

Silence reigned as both of us sank into our thoughts.

"Now what?"

Chase questioned after a while, pulling me out of my ruminating.

Deadman had also joined us.

"Okay here's the plan."

I leaned forward.

"Cheshire, you will stay back and keep looking for info on Tiger's whereabouts."

She didn't refuse.

My eyes found Deadman.

"Brand and I on the other hand will take a little trip up the Hindu Kush mountain. It's high time I talked with a god."

As far as it went, a simple plan.

(General P.O.V)

In a well furnished room, a meeting was taking place.

The entire left wall was covered by a large computer screen that had different terminals showing faceless silhouettes.

"We have his location."

A voice came from one of the terminals.

"Good. This time, make sure they don't fail. We have invested a lot into this. The O.M.A.C project, Ivo's designs and paying for the services of our...other friend. This should go off without a hitch."

A different voice, this one deeper, added.

"I shall not fail you."

Lady Shiva bowed behind Ra's Al Ghul.

"See that you don't."

Ra's told her.

Without another word, the dangerous woman turned on her heel and left.

She had prey to hunt. And this time...this time she was prepared.

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