I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 112: Oy

20 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

Floating high above Infinity Island, a huge ARGUS Arc ship silently monitored the situation on the ground.

It's engines were a near silent hum. And its large structure was camouflaged, invisible to the naked eye.

(Slipknot deceased)

(Constantine:Drakon deceased)

(Blackguard injured)

The computer chimed as the biometrics stats in the two Batmen suits unfortunate enough to grab Davian's attention went quiet.

Slipknot was a supervillain Merc with increased physical strength, strength and durability, yet he'd been split into two halves.

Constantine: Drakon was a mercenary who liked Killing for the sake of it. Davian had punched his head and shattered it like a watermelon, sending brain matter and other visceral material flying.

Waller gave no outward reaction but from the tightening of the corner of her lips, she was less than pleased.

The loss of two members of the Suicide Knights so fast didn't concern her that much. But the suits of armor were expensive. Very expensive.

She was standing on the deck, overlooking the chamber filled with techies and agents, surveiling the mission.

A joint venture with...Supervillains. Her past self would have recoiled at the notion.

However, if using villains like Ra's Al Ghul was what it took, to bring in a dangerous element like Davian then...she could sacrifice that part of her ideals.

This iteration of the Suicide Squad was different too. No longer was it filled with freaks or deranged psychos like Harley Quinn.

No. With General Kane's cooperation, the new leader of Argus had come up with a different solution.

Waller had gathered some of the best convicted mercenaries the world had to offer and put them in Batmen suits of armor.

She called it the Suicide Knights.

So losing even one was a setback. She couldn't exactly blow their heads up while inside million dollar pieces of tech.

Barring a few exceptions of course. ARGUS had a large budget after all.

"...'am? Ma'am? What should we do about Blackguard? His injuries guarantee he's out of the fight."

An agent asked.

Waller looked at her.

"Clean it up. Recover the suit."

"Yes Ma'am."

The agent replied.

"Target is down."

The squad leader of the Suicide Knights, Peacemaker called out through the comms.

"Good. Apprehend him. Keep an eye out for tricks. Davian Mabuz is a dangerous individual."

Waller ordered.

"Oh, and get ready for operation: Blindeye."

She added as an afterthought.

Working with Supervillains for the common good was understandable, but Walker couldn't let such a perfect chance slip out of her hands.


The training yard under the target was torn apart by the heavy fire.

The ground rumbled and broke under the assault, a cloud of dust rising up to obscure the surroundings.

In the end, Davian knelt on the destroyed ground, most of his clothes burnt and destroyed by the energy beams.

His chest rose and fell heavily.

His body was smoking and he seemed to be injured.

"Form around him. Shoot him at the slightest twitch."

Peacemaker informed the rest of the Batmen as they flew down, surrounding Davian in a semi circle.

The ground was cast in a red glow from the dome above the island.

"How far the mighty have fallen. The government, working with paid Assassins."

Davian ground out, staring at the Batmen with disdain.

He couldn't feel the connection to Chesha Neko.

And no matter how many times he called out, Chase stayed silent. He was completely cut off from his spirit energy and his Zanpakuto spirit.

The dome...it was somehow responsible.

"Shut up. I don't need to hear a moral speech from a mass murderer."

Peacemaker scoffed snidely.

One of the Batmen walked forward, holding restraining cuffs.

"Give us trouble and we're blowing you up. There's nothing you can do without access to your abilities."

Peacemaker warned.

Davian stayed silent, allowing himself to be cuffed. The device activated with a click, glowing blue.

"We know that power dampeners don't work on you. This is something different. My little creation. Sends a charge through your body, seizes up your muscles by disrupting your nervous system."

The Electrocutioner, inside the second Batman armor said, stepping back.

Davian smiled.

"I'll be sure not to break it too badly."

The Batmen went for Chesha Neko, which Davian had slipped into it's sheath before he had landed on the ground.

"Are you sure you want to do that?"

Davian questioned, his eyes glaring at the Electrocutioner, daring him.

The latter looked back at the squad leader. Peacemaker sighed.

"What are you waiting for Electrocutioner? Do it."

The Batmen stared at Davian, the silent warning ringing in his mind.

"Touch my sword and I kill you. No ifs, no buts. You will die."

Davian promised.

"I don't get paid for this shit."

The Electrocutioner felt a shiver go through him and ultimately chose to safeguard his life, walking away.

The dust had settled enough that the other players decided to join in. Davian did not move from his spot, electing a wait and see approach.

He wanted to see everyone behind all this. The instant Deadman rescued Cheshire, the kiddie gloves would come off.

More shadows seemed to materialize from every nook and cranny. Lady Shiva stalked forward like a lone lioness, unruffled from the earlier attack.

"War calls for no honor..."

She said, stepping through the Batmen as they moved aside, making way for her.

She unsheathed her Katana, her face hard as granite.

"War is merciless, cruel and the ones who make it back tell the story..."

She pointed the sword towards Davian.

"And this is war. Us vs You. You've lost."

She declared.

Davian rolled his eyes.

"That monologue was half baked. Not as good as the one before."

"I'm going to enjoy breaking you."

Shiva said with a smile.

Cackling rang out.

"We got him Teekl!"

A red portal appeared at her side. From within, out walked Vandal Savage, flanked on either sides by Ra's Al Ghul and Klarion the Witch Boy.


The Chaos Lord pointed his hand towards Davian and cast a spell.

Red chains burst from the ground, ensnaring Davian and binding his movements. He was now restrained not just by a nerve disrupting device but a chaos spell.

Davian promised himself their ends would not be fun. Or quick.

"How do you like my spell?!"

Klarion laughed mockingly, skipping towards Davian while petting the cat slung over his arm.

"You thought you were soooo...special but I showed him, right Teekl?"

He taunted.

The cat meowed at Klarion, sounding unimpressed.

"But I had to show them! Chaos magic is stronger than spirit magic!!"

The Chaos Lord in the shape of a boy whined.

Davian ignored him, establishing eye contact with the leader of the shadows, Ra's Al Ghul.

The two men watched each other. One with a stony impassive expression, the other with mild interest and apathy. Ra's Al Ghul was a man not easily impressed.

The Immortal was also a very keen observant. He could tell how dangerous someone was just by reading their bearing.

His eyes missed the mark this time.

He misjudged Davian.

"I kept my end of the bargain. My Shadows lured him here. Now get off my island."

Ra's spoke to Savage, dismissing Davian and turning to leave.

"Your service to the Light has been noted."

Vandal Savage, a man with even more life experience than the leader of the League of Shadows responded.

Where Ra's gaze failed, his prevailed. He had tackled with prey and predator before. Had been a predator most of his life. Yet...

Davian reminded him of Darkseid. An unrelenting force.

And the power inside him...power that had allowed him to do so many wonderful things.

The boy was useful. Perhaps more than any other specimen at the Light's disposal. If not for his power than his potential.

He could very well be the secret to unlocking humanity's true supremacy.


Waller naturally heard the discussion. Knowing that it was now or never, she gave the order.

"Initiate Operation Blindeye."



Peacemaker said quietly.

Then he turned his canon towards Ra's Al Ghul and Vandal Savage.

The other Batmen followed his example. Their canons glowed red, the warning clear.

"We're bringing you all in. As enemies of the United States of America, I order you to stand down."

Peacemaker announced.

Ra's and Savage looked at each other. Their expressions unworried, despite the unexpected developments.

"There are 4 of you, alone in an Island with hundreds of my shadows. Even if you managed to kill us, which I highly doubt you can, Waller...your convicts agents would still be out-numbered and out-trained."

Ra's Al Ghul responded, knowing she was listening.

"Traitors deserve death. Stand down and it will be painless."

Lady Shiva raised her sword at the Batmen closest to her.

"You vanna go? Let's go then, you murderous bitch."

Javelin, inside the Batman Armor, threw back fearlessly, his voice highly tinged with a German accent.

"Oh this is awesome! So chaotic! I love it!"

Klarion said, a red magic circle materializing from under his feet.

"I wanna watch how you get out of this."

He told Savage, then sat cross legged on the floating magical circle.

One of the four Batmen left, shifted her footing as the stand off continued.

"Peacemaker, hear me out. Waller doesn't care about us. With these new suits we can..."

(Marauder deceased)

The suit of armor went stiff as it sent a jolt of devastating current through Marauder's body.

The Batmen suit of armor fell over.

And now there were three of them.


Savage called out.

"I commend you on your ruthlessness. But that hardly helped their already slim chances of getting out of this alive."

"They don't need to. My people are ready to die. Insubordination will not be tolerated."

Waller's voice came through one of the suits.

"And in case the offer to stand down lacks much incentive, look up."

At the drop of her words, the Arc ship above the island fell out of camouflage, revealing dozens of dangerous weapons trained on the island.

"This is checkmate. I would rather end all of you now, than allow you to leave with Davian Mabuz. This alliance is over."

(Meanwhile- on the other side of the island)

Inside a cold damp cell,

Cheshire was strung up by her hands and feet.

Manacles around her wrists and ankles were attached to chains constructed on the ceiling and the ground.

Her costume was torn in various places and her hair was shaggy and messy.

The cell door made noise as the keys were inserted.

Cheshire made no reaction. She didn't even look up.

"Come to taunt me again Crusher? Come to tell me...how much of a... failure as a daughter I am...?"

The cell door swung open, her head remained bowed. They had kept her heavily sedated, not leaving it to chance that she would escape.

They had after all trained her to.

Only when the manacles around her feet were unlocked and then the ones on her hands were gone, causing her to slump to the ground, did she lift her heavy head and look up.

Her father stared at her but something was different about the way he stood.

"Who are you? you're not crusher."

"Ssh... I'm here to get you out."

Deadman said from within Sportsmaster's body.


Deadman had succeeded in rescuing Cheshire. There was no more reason to stay silent. No more reason to act weak.


Davian called out.

The whole area went silent. All eyes turned to watch him.

"You people seem to have forgotten about me."

He ground out.

"Let me show you why that was a big mistake."

The chaos chains holding him down, groaned. Then one of them snapped.


Klarion's face blanched as he stepped back.

"That's... that's impossible! How are you doing that?! The spell worked! You have no power!! Stop that!"

The Batmen tensed. The shadows around the training area unsheathed their various weapons.

Another chain snapped. Then another.

Finally Davian stood upright, his body covered with soot and his fit upper body exposed for all to see.

"You might have suppressed my spirit energy...but who told you I was defenseless?"

Streaks of blue colored electricity washed across his body as the cuffs on his hands tried to disrupt his movements.

He strained a little, muscles and veins shifting in his huge arms...then tore the cuffs apart as well.

Davian stretched his neck.

Then took a step forward.

In the blink of an eye, he was standing next to Klarion, who was floating on a magic circle in level with Davian.

"My body is strong enough that it doesn't really make a difference."

The soul reaper said.

A side punch to the Chaos Lord's face and Klarion shot out like a speeding bullet. The Chaos Lord blasted through one of the Batmen, Javelin and threw both of them away.

Davian turned to face the rest.

An aura of death seemed to sweep out of him. Everyone unconsciously took a step back.

Davian on his part, was staring at

Vandal Savage.

"So you're the asshole who's been giving me headaches? I can feel your soul...it's ugly."

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