I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 113: Show Me Your Strength.

20 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

The slow drip of water was the only sound inside the moldy cell.

Then a peculiar noise broke the silence.

Rusted cell doors were swung open and he could hear steps along with heavy breathing moving along the dungeon.

"Wait... there's a someone else down here."

A female voice entered his ears.

'No. Leave me.'

He wanted to shout. To scream that he didn't want to be saved.

Getting saved was pointless now. She was gone and he refused to have her brought back through the Lazarus pit.

All he had was his own stubbornness to not give in to the torture and yield.

He had suffered through a lot of it. Ra's had even gone to the extent of using a telepath to rework his mind. His personality.

All attempts to break or mold him failed.

He refused to be broken. All he had left was defiance. 

Not even the hope of revenge as he had been rendered useless. Broken in body...but not in spirit.

The time it took for his thoughts to sluggishly go through his mind was enough for the voices to reach his cell.

"You were right. There's someone in..."

Deadman in his physical form trailed off as he gasped in shock.


Cheshire couldn't tear her eyes away. She grasped the bars of the cell, leaning in.

"How...how did you survive this? How could anyone?"

She asked, just as shocked as Deadman.

Inside the cell, Bronze Tiger was chained up, just as Cheshire had been.

The only difference being that he was missing all his limbs.

(Davian's P.O.V)

The situation was less than ideal.

The odds were stacked against me.(nothing new there)

But this time I was alone. No Chase to ask for advice on how to deal with this. No Getsuga Tensho to rely on to make quick work of my enemies.

And from the feel of it, my situation wasn't close to changing. Not as long as I stayed inside the dome.

A few minutes had allowed me to understand how they had managed to cut me off from my own Soul. Something which was supposed to be impossible.

Then I realized, they hadn't really cut me off from my abilities.

Without Chase to rely on, I was forced to actually think for myself. Something that showed me how dependent I had grown on my Zanpakuto spirit.

So think I did.

The benefit of studying so many magical books and tomes was fully displayed here as I was able to work out the true reason I couldn't access any Reiryoku.

They were draining it.

The massive dome was part of a magical formation that actively targeted spiritual energy and ravenously pounced on it before I could use it for anything.

The only ability I had access to was Reikaku and that was more of an innate power of the soul that didn't actively use Reiryoku to sustain.

That unfortunately didn't explain why Chase was silent, so there had to be another mechanism to the formation involved. Something I still couldn't see.

It was clear what I had to do.

If I broke the dome, then the magic formation would naturally unravel. (Why was it always domes? You'd think villains would have more creativity. Then again, they achieved their purpose I guess.)

However, even with my strength, something told me that the dome wouldn't easily fall to physical attacks.

Which brings us to the next plan.

Attacking the creator of the dome. They naturally had to keep sustaining the formation. 

So if I took them out, the dome would naturally follow along.

'Now to do that along with fending off attacks from master assassins, skilled mercs in iron man suits and 2 guys who just refuse to die.'


After calling him an asshole...Savage felt the need to say something.

"Crass and impertinent."

He commented, stepping forward with an air of self importance.

His gaze was sharp, containing a ferocity that was hidden under deep layers of sophistication.

"You saying I don't got manners?"

I chuckled, using my Reikaku to keep track of Cheshire, Deadman and Bronze Tiger (minus a few limbs.)

I had felt the latter the second I spread out Reikaku through the Island. 

Now it would normally be disheartening to learn that the guy I wanted to teach me martial arts was crippled but fortunately, I had a solution to that.

It would be easy to help him regain his hands and legs with my Fullbring. Plus, healing him would make him more indebted to me.

"I'm saying, you might have an idea of who you're dealing with...you might even be confident in making an escape. But no matter where you go, or how far you run...we will always be there. Waiting."

Savage promised.

"Escape? That's the furthest thing from my mind..."

"Why are we wasting time on this guy? We should team up and..."

One of the Batmen interrupted.

A flash of irritation went through me.

I blinked and found my hand spearing through his chest, coming out on the other side holding a weakly beating heart.

I could feel the muscle struggle to pump blood. Then it stopped.

My grinning face was reflected on the armor's shiny visor.

He gurgled.

"Cutting me off mid-speech? Now that's just rude."

I tutted with a shake of my head, grabbed his left hand and pulled. His body was split apart in two halves. 

From the left shoulder through the navel and to the groin. The Batman armor he wore yielded zero resistance to my brute strength. 

Metal and durable ceramic plates were shredded apart, mixed in with organs and intestines.

Even I paused at my brutality. Then I licked my lips. 

The taste of blood was funnily enough not bad. A bit too coppery though.

"Javelin!! Shit! Shit! Shit!"

From the corner of my right eye, the second remaining Batmen lifted his trembling hand in a panic, then let loose a red beam of thermal energy.

Having been on the receiving end of that attack just a few minutes prior, I knew it was nothing to sneeze at.

In their eyes, the beam drowned my body under. When the dust settled, I was revealed. 

(General P.O.V)

The Electrocutioner took a step back, his arm still shaking. 

"Did...did- I get him?"

"You fucking idiot!"

Peacemaker hissed at him, turning his weapon towards Davian's obscured position.

"You only attack when I say so!"

Peacemaker added, one of his hands still trained on Savage.

He was used to relentless fighters like Batman but...something told him this guy was different.

"Fuck...he took that attack point blank..."

"No, he used the sword to split the attack so that it branched off to either side of him."

Shiva replied thoughtfully.

She could appreciate his sword skills, despite there being so many flaws in the way he held it.

"He's formidable."

Ra's commented.

"Yes. He is. But he too shall see the light and serve it."

Savage said, his expression impassive yet...guarded.

'What are you planning?'

Ra's wondered in his mind, looking at his fellow member of the Light in suspicion.

(Davian's P.O.V)

I twirled Chesha Neko, causing a small pressure wave to sweep away the dust and reveal my body which was covered in blood. 

The Batmen, the shadows, and even Ra's, I could taste their fear. Humans are naturally afraid of what they don't know. 

Standing before them with a hand dripping with blood, another holding a long sword and a maniacal smile on my face was enough to leave the bravest of men trembling.

What was intriguing was that Savage and Shiva were seemingly unaffected. 

My soul relished in the fear I could feel inside the others' souls. 

In comparison, I felt confidence in Savage's murky soul and calmness in Lady Shiva's sharp like soul.


"So... I'm guessing the time for talk is over then?"

I addressed them.

There was a lull in the fight.

Then a gratingly annoying voice entered my ears, coming from one of the Batmen armors's speakers.

"Scarlet Devil. My name is Amanda Waller. Stand down and come quietly. This is your one and only chance."

"Waller huh?" I mused.

"I remember Raven mentioning a Waller. She said you were a monumental bitch. You're the one who sent Deadshot and the others after me, aren't you?"

"How convenient that all of you have gathered here. It will make it easier to kill you all."

The woman laughed.

"I don't doubt your strength, young man. But look around you. We're separated by thick tons of metal."

I craned my neck up to look at the massive Ark floating above us.

"You think you're safe up there?...Hang on tight...once I'm done down here, I'm coming for..."


"How dare you bitch slap me?!! Me?! I'm a Lord of Chaos you cunt!"

Something fast moving slammed onto my chest, lifting both of us up and sending us off the edge of the cliff that the training yard was built upon.

My back impacted the red dome and breath left my chest. Red eyes and a frothing mouth looked back at me as Klarion raised a hand with gleaming claws.

"You think you're strong?! I will show you real power, little Spirit!!"

His voice had changed into an Amalgam of voices.

Chesha Neko blocked the claws, producing a sharp ring and sparks upon contact. We entered a contest of strength, all the while Klarion laughed.

"Shut up bitch."

I lashed a foot out, nailing him on the belly and pushing him away. 

I planted my feet and hands on the dome and pushed off it not a split second later, repaying the tackle from before and taking us back into the training yard.

Mid-air, Klarion opened his mouth and screamed. The sound was disorienting. A quick blow to his mouth and he clammed up. 

Then I spun and used the momentum from our flight to throw him onto the ground.

(General P.O.V)

In that instant that Klarion had tackled Davian out of the away, Shiva wasted no time and moved.

Her sword lashed out, slicing past metal, sinew and flesh. The Electrocutioner cried out, his dismembered arm spraying out blood. 

"You...you fuckin..."

He swung out his other hand at her, streaks of lightning flickering on the palm and fingers. 

Shiva's Katana found itself buried through his chin and coming out of the top his head. 

Electrocutioner's hand fell down to the side. Shiva pulled out the sword and stepped back, in a perfect fencer's stance, one arm placed behind her.

"Okay that was badass."

Peacemaker couldn't help but compliment.

Then he started unleashing the suit of armor's energy beams at her. 

Shiva stepped to the side, then the left, dodging the beams easily while advancing forwards. 

None of the Shadows or the two immortals intervened.

She closed the distance quickly. Peacemaker knew he couldn't contend in close quarter combat with her, so he retracted his hands and slammed his fists together, deploying an energy shield around his body.

Shiva was mid lunge when her instincts screamed at her.

She dug her heel in, throwing herself back in a flip. Just in time too, as Klarion's body impacted the ground between them. 

Then a second later, Davian fell on top of him, using his knees to deliver an effective slam onto the Chaos Lord's chest. 

The ground quaked and shook as everyone struggled to keep their balance. 

Something super fast and huge blew past Shiva, speeding into the dust and headed towards Klarion's position.

Teekl, Klarion's familiar slammed it's paw on the Scarlet Devil's side, throwing him away. 

Davian carved a groove with his body from the force of the blow, tumbling away before he stabbed his sword into the ground to slow his momentum.

He looked up, silver hair loose and obscuring his eyes.

"Fucking familiar." He cursed.

"I can't feel your soul because it's connected to your master's."

Davian stated, getting to his feet, unharmed.

"Enjoy that sneak attack. It was your last chance to put me down."

Then he pointed his sword at them, specifically, Shiva.

"What was it you said? Oh yeah. This is War. Me Vs All of you."

For the first time, a smile broke out of Shiva's face. Then she found herself chuckling. Then laughing out loud. 

Everyone looked at her like she was crazy. But they didn't understand! None of them got it. 

This man was not like David Cain, he was not like Ra's, or Bruce or anyone who had ever caught her eye.

No, this one was different. And better...in all possible aspects. 

He wasn't afraid to fight against the entire world. This man was the epitome of personal strength.

Like an unpolished gem that still shone brighter than the most valuable diamonds or rubies.

"I want to see it." She muttered lowly, her own blade, her precious Katana, lifting up.

Then more loudly, she proclaimed,

"Show me your strength, Davian Mabuz! Impress me!"

She pulled on her Ki, something that she hadn't accessed for a battle in many many years.

Then with a blur, she sped forward.

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