I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 114: Savage and Unexpected.

20 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

"You wanna go?! Let's fucking go!"

Davian leaned forward and shot towards Shiva as well.

While Shiva's speed was like a fleeting shadow, light on her feet, Davian's take off was crude, heavy and loud.

Without access to Shunpo, he relied on his pure physical speed to match someone who was peak human on top of having access to ki.


Shiva snarled, the first clash of their weapons producing sparks as they moved past each other.

Then both spun at almost the same instant, unwilling to let the other gain the advantage.

swinging their swords at crazy speeds, all everyone could witness was the purple trail of Davian's sword and the Scarlet streak of Shiva's red body suit.

Davian was in a complicated position. There wasn't time to think! Lady Shiva really deserved her reputation. She moved like greased lightning.

It was all Davian could do to simply parry, block, dodge, evade and sidestep her slashes, swings and thrusts.

She possessed an exceptional level of body control that saw her going up against him despite his superior strength.

Davian's eyes widened as he leaned back. suddenly, Shiva's sword was passing right through where his head had been! Strands of his sily hair fell to the ground.

Not to be deterred by the failed attack, Shiva jumped, her Katana glowing with a yellow color. Then she pierced straight for Davian's heart.

The katana extended and it was only through sensing her soul that Davian could roll out of the way.

Shiva landed, her Katana halfway through the ground.

An opening! Before she could pull it out, Davian lunged forward with a roar, his fist headed straight for her cheek.

If the blow were to land, Ki or not, Shiva would have had to contend with a missing head.

Davian found himself sailing above her.


How had he missed?

Then he looked down.

She had extended her body into a split, pulling her flat to the ground.

The Soul Reaper, spun in mid-air, landing on a portion of the training yard that put him closer to the Shadows.

With his eyes still focused on Shiva, he wagged his finger at one of the Shadows, who was sneakily pulling out his Tanto, behind him.

"Nah huh. Do that and I'll do to you what I did to the last guy who interrupted me."

Davian stated in a no nonsense tone.

The shadow stopped, stiffening in place.

Davian breathed out, stabbing Chesha Neko onto the ground before neatly tying his hair back into a pony tail.

All the while Shiva merely watched, having rolled to her feet. She removed her coat, throwing it away.

Before it could touch the ground, a shadow appeared and grabbed it off the air before retreating.

Davian with Chesha Neko in hand started walking around her.

One would mistake the way he was blatantly ogling her as lecherous, but it couldn't be further from the truth.

She was better- no that was an understatement...

She was simply the best.

Without his strength and speed, Davian would have died ten times over. He was studying her form, seeing the way she spaced out her legs.

The way she set her shoulders in preparation, holding the Katana in a two handed grip.

He stopped, lifted Chesha Neko and held it with both hands as well. It didn't feel right, so he changed the positioning of his hands.

The left hand above the right.

Then he leaned forward slightly, shoulders slightly pulled back, the cords of the muscles of his back shifting and emphasized.

Shiva raised her eyebrows.

"That's not how you hold a long sword."

She spoke up, demonstrating by lowering her Katana a few inches to the ground, then pushing one leg forward.

Davian wordlessly copied her stance. His eyebrows scrunched up in curiosity. The changes he made in the stance he was in felt easier and comfortable.

A glint of something appeared in Shiva's eyes.


A soft gale blew past their forms like an old western movie.

There was no signal on when to start.

The two of them simply lunged forward at each other at the same time.

The wind picked up as both their forms flashed across the training yard. The rings and tics of their swords echoing out loudly.

The pressure waves from their clashes destroyed nearby target practice boards and the straw dummies used for sword training.

Davian was finding it easier to keep up with her. A combination of his physique, his soul reading and the new stance which was an immense help.

But only barely.

He couldn't predict where the next attack would land, only forcing his eyes to track the outline of her soul before pushing his body to intercept the path of her strikes.

Little but little he was gaining ground, though he could tell she was still going easy on him.

He was yet to even try an attack. As if providence was finally smiling at him, there was finally an opening!

He knew it could be a feint, however his impatience and frustration got the better of him.

With a roar,

He swung his sword out with all the strength he could exert. A massive shockwave exploded out behind Chesha Neko's path.

The pressure blast was so immense it carved another groove through the already destroyed training yard, throwing away more shadows and impacting the side of a building built on the peak of the hill overlooking the whole island.

The sword aura had seemingly flown over 400 meters, simply from his pure strength alone!

Before Davian could even understand that he had missed, Shiva was already at his back, as silent as a ghost.

'Shit...it really was a feint...' Davian thought, trying to spin only to feel a tremendous force impact the small of his back.

Shiva had given him a ki reinforced kick.

The soul reaper plunged through the wooden wall of one of the dojos built along the perimeter of the training yard, Shiva following closely behind him.


Vandal Savage closed his eyes.

The boy's potential was simply astonishing. Even at a full disadvantage, he was adapting. He was learning, cutting out unnecessary movements.

Even at his best, Savage could at best draw with Lady Shiva. She was quite literally the best Martial Artist and Sword practitioner he knew.

Still...everything was going according to plan. The pawn was moving closer.

All that remained was for Klarion to do his part.


"What the fuck..."

Peacemaker was stunned, shocked and scared.

He prided himself as a man of action. A patriot who never buckled when duty came calling. No matter who he was supposed to go up against.

But this...this was madness.


He looked away from the fight happening to receive the Waller's angry transmission.

Turns out he had gotten distracted.

"Get your shit together or I will blow your fucking head off!"

She promised, deadly serious.

"Now listen up, here's what you'll do..."

Peacemaker turned to Ra's and Savage.

"Waller proposes a ceasefire. Up until the Scarlet Devil is put down."

Savage who had his eyes closed up until then opened them, revealing that his eyes had changed from normal into a sickly purple color.

Peacemaker took a step back. 

The air had become thicker and cloying. Too cloying to properly breath. All because of those sinister purple eyes.

"Does she now?"

The Immortal said, a small savage grin on his already frightening looking face.

"Let me think about it...no."

Then the Immortal snapped a finger.

At first nothing happened, a few scant seconds after, a rumbling could be heard from the ground.


Deep in the dungeon under the Island's surface, Deadman came to a sudden stop with Bronze Tiger on his back.

"Huh? Why'd you stop?"

Cheshire asked in a slurred tone, leaning against the wall of the dungeon's maze like hallways just a few feet behind him.

The sedative they'd given her was yet to wear out so despite the question, she was glad to get a few seconds of rest.

Deadman said nothing. Instead, he dropped Bronze Tiger to the ground, sinking through the floor, before appearing behind Cheshire, grabbing her in a princess carry and immediately flying back the way they came.


Cheshire begun to say only to stop as a miasma of red begun wafting from Bronze Tiger's position.

A scream of raw fury escaped the crippled man. Then he begun to change. Drastically.

His form bunched up, flesh bubbling while a white viscous liquid erupted out of his mouth, covering his face.

The whole dungeon begun to shake.

"What is that thing?!"

Cheshire found herself shouting.

The guttural human screams changed into something animalistic.


Cheshire's soul trembled as she felt herself losing more of her already weakened strength.

Red light begun to pulse from back the way they came.

"Fuck! Fuck! We won't make it!" Deadman chanced a look at their back and paled even more.

"We won't make it! Not unless...

Without warning, he plunged into Cheshire, possessing her.

Thankful that his abilities had undergone a Power-Up, he used his density shifting to push through the ceiling of earth above them, escaping the path of the massive cero produced by...


The ground below Peacemaker in the Batman armor exploded out as a massive hollow punched through.

Peacemaker found himself caught in a long black arm with white tipped sharp claws.

Towering over everything around, everyone momentarily forgot about the fight happening inside the dojo to stare at the white masked, black robed, long nosed and red eyed monstrosity with a hole at the center of it's chest.

Had Davian been there, he would have identified it as a Gillian. The weakest class of Menos Grande.

Only this was no normal Gillian. 

Behind it's head, long black dreads waved in the air.

Peacemaker raised up his cannon and started unloading all manner of weapons at its face. 

The energy canons, the shoulder pauldron's Gatling guns, the explosive rounds coming out of his wrists... everything he had and yet...

Nothing seemed to even phase the creature. Infact it seemed to get mad. 

"Oh sh..."

Peacemaker's words were cut off as his body was squeezed into paste within it's tight grip.

His head popped off his neck, setting off the bomb on the back of his neck and causing an explosion that barely harmed the Gillian.

A white energy seemed to waft into the Gillian from Peacemaker's crumbled remains. It had devoured his soul energy.

Inside the Ark, Amanda Waller knew that the worst possible situation and come to pass.

"Open fire! Unload everything we have on that fuckin dome and the Island! I want to see nothing remain after you're done!"

She ordered with a sense of urgency.

The Ark's weapons started priming for an assault on Infinity Island.

"Hmph. Too late."

Savage stated from next to Ra's.

A loud screech that went from a roar to a sharp whistling sound that targeted the ears, escaped out of the Special Grade Gillian's mouth.

Then with a whip of it's head, a red cero formed before it's bony mask, energy twisting upon itself before it let loose a devastating attack towards the sky.

The dome provided no resistance as the cero tore through it and then swallowed the Ark in a devastating explosion.

In a single move, the battle had shifted sides. 

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