I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 120: I Promised You Pain, Didn’t I?

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(General P.O.V)

"He could have used our help you know."

The cloaked figure said accusingly.


Chase asked groggily, turning his head to stare at the figure seated on a gravestone, looking out into the cemetery.

"I was enjoying a quiet if slightly uncomfortable sleep. If you have anything to say, get straight to the point."

The Trickster cat shot back, annoyed.

The cloaked figure tilted their head to the side, shoulders set in amusement.

"I get it now...you don't like this too. You know, pretending that you can't reach him."

He observed.

"So why not help him fight?"

Chase groaned a bit, turning to lie on his back on the same branch that was impossibly holding his weight.

"A lesson. He needs to learn to..."

Before Chase could finish, there was a rumble from the Inner Dimension.

The cloaked figure sat up immediately, his eyes glowing green. The color was shared by the starry film of energy that covered his form.

"Was that..." He begun, only to be cut off when the Inner World rumbled once more.

The ground shook, the gravestones trembled and Chase had on a complicated expression on his face.

"That fool..."

The cat muttered shaking it's head.

However, he couldn't stop the wide smile that appeared on his face. Nor the pride coursing through him.


The news anchor wore a serious expression on her face as she watched the camera.

"3..2..1. Live."

She was given the countdown to begin the broadcast.

"We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news. A series of weather incidents have led to extreme conditions in areas surrounding the Carribean sea.."

She begun explaining.

This scene was shared by many news stations and channels across North and South America.

"...a seventy foot tidal wave headed towards Cuba..."

"... The Tsunami is estimated to land anytime in the next half hour..."

"...sources indicate that the Earthquake is as a result of underwater volcanic movement..."

"The authorities have begun setting up a perimeter around the shores of Puerto Rico, which will see the worst of..."

(Justice League HQ: The Watchtower)

"Give us a rundown of the situation, Batman."

Superman told the Green Knight in urgency.

The members of the League, those who were available under short notice, stood ready behind them.

Batman used his ring to lay down a projected map above the holographic screen. The map contained a triangle that pinpointed a location in the Caribbean sea.

"I have triangulated the discrepancies in the weather patterns and I believe...this to be the origin point."

He explained.

"Wait. That's where the headquarters of the League of Shadows is located."

Green Arrow pointed out.

Batman narrowed his eyes at the screen.

"I know."

(Davian's P.O.V)

"BanKai: Owaranai Chesha Neko. (Unending Cheshire Cat)"

As soon as the activation phrase left my lips, I realized something.

I had no idea what this was. The difference between the Shikai and the Bankai was not supposed to be this huge.

It made no conceivable sense. It hadn't merely scaled everything up. It had completely changed everything I knew about my abilities.

I couldn't even sense my own Reiatsu.

But that was okay. Ever been outside when a storm was raging?

The trees would bend, the wind would sweep through the land, carrying sheets of ice cold water to buffet you, lightning would flash and by all indications...it would look like the end of the world.

I was the storm raging in the sky above the Flesh Island.

I was the origin point of a massive power that showed me how weak I had been before. How powerless Savage actually was.

The King of Life was inconsequential to my new form.

Even if he were to get a hundred times stronger in the next few seconds...that would still not be close to a percent of this new...pow...


This new authority rendered me effectively invincible.

Everyone I'd faced off up until now was nothing to write home about.


The transformation into Bankai was seamless.

One second I was holding on to Chesha Neko, then the next my sword was gone.

A long flowing sleeveless coat, adorned my shoulders.

It waved in the air, alternating between the physical world and the spiritual one. Shifting color between snowy white to the darkest of black.

In the middle of my chest was a green gem in the shape of a diamond, pulsing gently.

And my Zanpakuto had changed forms into two Artefacts of incredible power. The source and symbol of my new Authority.

It wasn't uncommon to have the Bankai change from a sword to something else.

On my right was a white satin glove with yellow inscriptions.

Enochian script.

I knew instinctively it was the language of god.

The script then spread out across the entirety of my right arm.

The glove was called the Hand of God and exuded a holy aura.

On my left was it's opposite. A bulky black gauntlet that was reminiscent of the boosted gear from DxD that covered my palm, wrist, up to my elbow.

The Gauntlet was called the Hand of the Devil and produced an aura of death and darkness.

The Hand of God and the Hand of The Devil were powerful artefacts with unique abilities to interact with the grid, the web of existence.

The web of existence was everything reality was made of.

There was the physical world, where down to the smallest atomic structure, strings and threads of creation bound everything together.

My eyes could perceive the subatomic realm and the grid that made up the web of existence.

The web I could now control in various ways.

Then there was the spiritual world. The web of existence here extended out into strings that lacked material substance.

They were colorless phantom replicas of the physical world that I could see as clear as day.

"I see now..."

I muttered, my voice soft.

"This is why she told me to open my eyes."

Rama Kushna had foreseen this. She had known I would arrive at this point in fate.

She wasn't the only one either. More clearly than ever before...I could feel their gazes now.

Gods, Eldritch monsters, Conceptual beings...

I lifted the right hand, the inscriptions on the Hand of God glowing.

The Hand of God gave me a number of abilities, all stemming from one thing.

I could interact with the Web of Existence and manipulate it how I wanted.


I declared, purple strings launching off the sharp tips of the Hand of God, and ensnaring the uncountable strings in the grid, surrounding the whole section of the Carribean sea.


Savage finally broke out of his surprise.

Or rather, I slowed down my thought process after perceiving the true nature of reality.

The clouds shifted, the sea churned after I'd underestimated the effects of the Hand of God on reality.

The Web twisted, the strings unfolding and folding simultaneously.


The gazes disappeared, banished to their own realms of influence.

Another glow from my right hand and the strings reattached.

Nature calmed down.

I opened my eyes and found the Kraken, the flesh monsters and even Savage immobilized in place.

I clutched my hands behind me as I walked forward, passing by the Kraken.

To give you a context of how overpowered the Hand of God was, it allowed me to break off the strings making up the grid and reattach them in different ways.

Essentially allowing me to manipulate the subatomic strings of reality, altering aspects of the world according to my will.

I could use it to repair or restore damaged or disrupted subatomic strings within the grid, thereby healing injuries or diseases at a fundamental level.

My mind was already thinking of the kind of power I could tap into at higher levels.

Imagine reversing the effects of entropy or decay, rejuvenating objects or even whole ecosystems. I could terraform a planet.

I could bring her back...

The yellow inscriptions and enochian script tatted on my arm could allow me to learn new things by tapping into God's all knowing light.

I could use it to banish evil.

Even create new life forms from the grid. It was all a simple matter of attaching the strings in a structured way and breathing in life through the Enochian script.

My base soul powers could then allow me to shape a soul.

However...all that power was nothing on the kind of havoc the Hand of the Devil could unleash.

I passed by the Kraken and watched as it dissolved into nothing.

Not even energy.

The flesh monsters were similarly reduced to matter that was then reduced to nothing. No life. No existence. No memory.

I could feel Savage's mind break down as the memories of the last 5 minutes disappeared, his brain begun to regenerate the neurons destroyed.

The Hand of The Devil pulsed with the darkness from the depths of non-existence itself.

I could feel it whisper to me in the Language of the End.

A language that had never existed and never will. It spoke of the Darkness below...and it's comforting nature.

The Hand of The Devil scared the shit out of me. But it also filled me with a sense of wonder.

It's main ability was causing Chaos and Entropy.

By targeting and destroying key subatomic strings within the grind, the Hand of The Devil could cause chaos and increase entropy in the world.

This would lead into unpredictable and destructive phenomena, unraveling the fabric of reality itself.

Lesser abilities included, localized or widespread destruction, obliterating matter, energy, or entire structures.

Then there was Dimensional Manipulation.

Its destructive nature also allowed me to rupture or tear through the fabric of reality, opening portals to other dimensions or planes of existence.

I could travel to other dimensions or universes. Holy...

The most useful ability I had access to was essentially anti-magic.

The Hand of the Devil could disrupt or nullify magical energies.

That meant weakening or dispelling spells and enchantments. Even rendering magical artefacts ineffective or inert.

I wouldn't be weak against Chaos Magic or Order Magic anymore. I was past that...

I had the power of a god.

And what is a god except for self serving and selfish?

So the first thing I would do, would to be to make good on my promise to Savage.

My steps slowed down as I finally arrived before a flesh pod the king of life was hiding in.

The area around me was devoid of Flesh creatures. A mere gesture through the hand of The Devil had destroyed them all.

Then with my right hand, I had rendered the island infertile. Savage was cut off from his control over the island.

The layers of flesh between me and Savage squirmed, toughening and thickening as he sort to keep me away from him.

I could sense is wariness, confusion and anxiety. He didn't understand what was happening.

One minute he was winning...then the next everything was going wrong.

I reached out with my left hand, the spiked nails easily piercing through the pod and grabbing him by the neck.

Then I pulled him out.

"Did you think you could hide from me?"

I asked as he squirmed in my hold. His eyes carried hate, anger and fear.

I wanted more.

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