I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 121: The Spirit and The Body.

(Davian's P.O.V)

"How foolish. I have control over all flesh. That includes yours!"

He stated and in a move that he might have considered fast, his hand snaked out to grab my exposed skin.

"Ever suffered from every disease imaginable?! My control over..."

His eyes widened.

"Wait...it's...not working?"

He stammered in shock.

To be fair, I had felt his power grab hold of me for a tenth of a millisecond before it was rendered inert.

The Enochian script glowed, suffusing my hand in a yellow light.

"What...are those...words?"

His fear was apparent but so was the awe.

"Enochian script. You might fancy yourself powerful...but you know not the meaning of power, Vandal Savage. Allow me to enlighten you."

Upon my words, I could see the realization of just how fucked up of a situation he was in, unfold in his eyes.

I lifted my left hand, exposing the black gauntlet on it. Savage trembled.

"No...no...it's not supposed to go like this! I refuse to lose! Aaarghh!!"

His face changed, growing sharper.

The aura of magic grew stronger. I felt Savage's mind recede into the back of his mind as something else took over.

"You! How?!!"

Klarion's voice came through in a blind panic upon spotting me.

"Let me..."

His voice was cut off as another soul came to the forefront. Unfocused eyes stared into mine.


Bronze Tiger begged.


The voices joined together this time, sending forth a resounding wave that shook the entire island.

"No one is coming to save you Klarion. They won't risk my wrath."

I informed him.


He declared.

Numerous red portals appeared around us.

With flesh slouching off and carrying with them the stench of blood and death, numerous figures, dead bodies, zombies and strange animals all groaned as they stumbled towards me, from the portals.

"Reduced to grave robbing Savage? My oh my, how far you've fallen."

The black Gauntlet resonated with dark energy as I targeted the subatomic strings connecting Savage's Flesh army to the web of existence.

With a clench of my fist, the strings were severed, causing the monsters to crumble into nothingness, reducing their attacks to futile gestures.


The King of Life shouted.

But I wasn't done. A pulse of right hand and the terrain changed.

The flesh Island turned into rock and earth and wood and life.

In a second, Infinity Island was back. Restored and whole.

I turned back to the immortal in my hand, neck still firmly in my grasp.

He had tried to escape several times by shape shifting. The Enochian script glowed each time, disrupting his powers.

"Oh yeah...I promised you Unending torment, didn't I? It's about time we started on that."


(General P.O.V)

Even for Chase, Davian's next actions were too extreme.

As his Zanpakuto however, he supported the cruelty. All of them would learn not to mess with his master.

He had promised torment...and he was keeping his word.

A pulse of the Hand of God and the clouds parted. Radiant beams from the sun landed on Savage with debilitating force, burning his skin, destroying his flesh and leaving him a smoking mess.

Each hit carried the weight of divine judgment, punishing his arrogance and reminding him of his fallibility.

Savage's skin begun to heal once the onslaught ended.

The King of Life's strong vitality ensured he would regenerate from anything.

Davian allowed it with a bloodthirsty grin.

Savage's screams begun anew.

Davian wanted to instill despair in the Immortal's heart and soul.

So next he used the Hand of the Devil to tear open portals to other dimensions.

From these portals, nightmarish entities emerged, drawn to Savage's immense life force.

"No...mercy! Please! Argh!"

Savage begged as eldritch limbs grabbed onto his body from all directions, tearing him and his mind apart.

Shattering pieces of his existence was pulled into dimensions that were hidden under reality.

These inter dimensional beings assailed him, devouring and tearing apart both his physical form whenever he healed, and his psyche, tormenting him with visions of his own failures and fears.

When he thought death would offer him respite, he would blink his eyes open and find himself staring at his tormenter.

His nightmare. Davian Mabuz.

"No more..."

The immortal was on the verge of being broken.

"Oh... don't quit on me now. We are just getting started."

Davian answered with glee.

Davian would then disrupt his control over flesh, causing Savage's own body to betray him.

His limbs contorted unnaturally, his muscles withered, and his senses become distorted. The very essence of his dominion over Flesh became agonizing.

Yet the torture continued. Ethereal chains would bind Savage's soul burning it in flames that were hotter than hell flames, reminding him of his powerlessness.

Savage begun regretting everything!


Why was this happening?

He thought he had a destiny.

The torture went on for years. Thousands of years

Each passing day, Davian would come up with a new bloody method to cause endless agony.

Some days he would lure the immortal into a sense of security.

But ultimately, Savage would die...then open his eyes and realize...he was still alive and alone with his tormenter. His own personal hell.

He had experienced so much torment that his memories of the experience were more vivid than the 5000 years of his existence on Earth.

Unknown to the immortal, Davian had used the Hand of God to mess with Savage's perception of time.

What was tens of thousands of years for Savage was actually just a few seconds in real time.

The Immortal's mind, body and soul broke down at the 6th second.

Only then. And only then...did Davian allow his soul to pass on. He had marked it with his authority, ensuring no resurrection, rebirth or reincarnation for him.

All that remained of the immortal was a huge bundle of essence and two souls.

One of them flickered like a flame and was entirely red, the other soul belonged to Bronze Tiger.

Davian touched upon the soul and dove in to it's memories.

He blinked his eyes open and sighed, looking up at the sky.

"I guess not everything has to go according to plan."

He had seen what the Mercenary had gone through. The light had promised to heal his Fiance if he stole something from the Batcave.

Davian's presence there had disrupted the plan. From there, things only went bad for Bronze Tiger. He had tried to rescue his fiance but the Light had anticipated it and set up a trap.

In the end after learning she was dead, he refused to work for them. They had severed his limbs.

Davian had offered to heal him up but Bronze Tiger's soul had refused. Instead seeking to move on to the afterlife.

Davian used his Konso to purify Bronze Tiger of his sins, then he bowed to him.

"We never got to have a master and student relationship but I still can't help but respect the way you lived your life. Farewell Ben Turner."

The soul ascended to the sky, leaving Davian alone on Infinity Island with Klarion who was in soul form and a large bundle of essence that belonged to the King of Life.

Davian waved his right hand and Klarion's soul was undone into pure chaos energy that rejoined the web of existence.

His new power allowed him to perceive the importance of high concept beings. They couldn't be killed. Not if he wanted to avoid more problems down the road.

But he could scatter their essence into the web, effectively Killing their consciousness.

That done, he turned to what he considered as the price of this whole encounter. The King of Life essence was the gateway into Life Force...one of the hidden forces of existence.

Davian's soul yearned for it. He knew, if he were to fuse with it...he would reach an entirely new level of power that would basically make him undefeated in both the Physical Realm and the Spirit Realm.

He reached out his hand.

(Inner Dimension)

Nick stiffened, the cloak he wore falling away to reveal green eyes and a grim face.

"The time has come."

He stood.

Chase jumped off the branch and onto the top of a grave stone, looking out into the rows upon rows of graves.

"I am sorry..."

The cat sighed, running it's claws on the stone under it in a gesture that belayed his agitation.

Nick laughed.

"Each time, I think I'm ready to move on...I somehow come back here. A shadow of his past. This time...his actions are too reckless."

He reached into his neck and pulled out a simple chain.

"He died because of me. I suppose dying for him is a good way to go."

His body begun glowing with green light.


In the real world, Davian's hunger for power let him ignore the ramifications of what he was trying to achieve.

He failed to consider what the fusion of opposing sides would result in.

The spirit and the body.

He touched upon the essence of the King of Life and pulled it inside him.

His body broke down almost immediately.

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