I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 137: Going All Out.

20 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

Davian took a step back as the third roar shook the air, buffeting him with the creature's breath.

His hair was blown back. He had to grit his teeth and will his body to be heavier than it had ever been just to stay in place.

Through Reikaku, he felt power charging up within the monster, so without wasting a single second, he went on the offensive, releasing one of his most strongest attacks.

(Davian's P.O.V)

"Die! Getsuga...Ten-"

The words were cut off as breath escaped my chest. I hadn't even seen IT make a move but a punch landed in the middle of my chest, folding me like a pretzel.

I opened my mouth in shock at the power behind the blow. Agony ripping through me. Shit. I could feel the bone spurs on It's knuckles tear through the outer layer of Spirit Energy cladding my soul.

Anger surged within me, momentarily overtaking the terror. I pulled power from the green gem on my neck, sending delicious restorative Reiryoku to heal me.

Meanwhile, I decided creating space between us was the way to go.

Reiatsu came pouring out of me with a resounding bang.

With me as the epicenter, an explosive wave of Reiryoku ate at everything, disintegrating the rocks under my feet and carving rings on the surface of the Asteroid.

Doomsday didn't even budge, but the move had been distraction enough that I slipped into a Shunpo, taking me a few paces back.

He roared, feet landing heavily on the ground and leaving wide and deep tracks as he followed after me, throwing a punch that tore into the ground under us, while I dodged by jumping.

My feet landed on his hand as I ran up to his arm, making my soul body as light as possible.

At the very last second, I poured more power into the arm holding my weapon. With my own roar, Chesha Neko swung out, it's edge glinting with deadly promise.

The sword aura sliced through skin and thick neck muscles, the sword almost getting stuck within him.

Doomsday's eyes started glowing. With widened eyes, I leaned to the side just as 2 blazing yellow eye beams passed through where my head had been seconds earlier.

I flipped to his back, wrapped my legs around his neck and then flipped, making my upper body as heavy as I could, performing a well executed hurricanrana.

Doomsday landed on his front. The impact enough to shake the entire rock.

The second he tried to get up, I was ready for him. I slowed my breath, remembering my training.

'The sword is part of you, just as you are part of it. Don't forget that and your weapon will never dull.'

Shiva's words echoed through my brain.

A part of me huh?

I hadn't tried this before but I went with my instinct, pouring more energy than I ever had into Chesha Neko, reinforcing the pommel, the handle and the blade, rather than the Zanpakuto itself.

The sword begun vibrating, wisps of spirit energy leaking out of the blade like flames, licking the air.

"That's new."

Chase commented.

I swung a second time. And this time, no flesh or bone could stop the path of my sword.

I landed on the other side, slowly breathing out while holding something on my left hand.

Something that dripped with colorless blood just like everything else in this place except for energy which manifested in different colors.

I threw the head away, Doomsday ugly face that only a mother could love set in a rictus of rage and pain.

I raised a leg and then stomped on it, squashing it and sending brain matter and blood spewing out.

'Dont lose your guard."

Chase advised.

"I know."

I turned towards the headless body which stumbled forward, as if unaware that it's head was decapitated.

With Reiryoku still roaring in my ears, I moved at speeds I only reserved for truly incredible opponents.

(General P.O.V)

Purple lightning flashed around Doomsday's headless body.

Davian delivered thousands, then tens of thousands of slashes in a just a few seconds, cutting through skin, flesh and bone as easily as breathing.

Chesha Neko's bladed edge had always been sharp. There was little it couldn't cut.

After reinforcing it, that sharpness was elevated to the level that he could feel as if it could slice through the layers of space.

Davian's feet tore tracks as he came to a stop, body lowered with one hand touching the ground.

Doomsday's body begun to fall apart, blood spraying out of wounds from every inch of it's body.

The arms fell off, sliced like tuna. The same went for the legs, the torso, groin and back.

"Let's see you survive this."

Davian stated, priming his power for one last move.


From afar, Narid and Az-Rel watched on with gaping expressions.

"Should we help him?"

Narid asked.

'Does he even need help?'

Az-Rel thought to himself, however, his response was different.

"He's powerful I admit. But you know power doesn't mean anything to that Thing. Zod, even with the backing of the others couldn't stop IT. You know what's about to happen. We should leave."

Narid shook her head.

"Not yet. The least we can do is loot his body once he's dead. That sword especially...it looks very sharp. I want it."

Az-Rel chuckled.

"Always a fan of the selfish part of you, Nari."

The female Kryptonian smiled with a conniving expression on her face.

"I like nice things. Sue me."

Chuckling slightly, Az-Rel turned his gaze to the fight.

"Okay, let's keep watching. The minute he's dead and that thing is gone we run in and take what we want before one of Zod's underling informs him of our unexpected guest."


"Don't hold back. Something tells me it can survive pretty much anything."

Chase observed.

"Survive anything?"

Davian snorted, his body still charging up Reiryoku.

"Can it survive the sands of time? Respira."

Black miasma poured forth from his palm, onto the rough ground under them. It spread through in a dark curtain, destroying earth and rock alike.

Upon closing in on Doomsday's remains, the Respira devoured everything.

Nothing remained, not even the reminder of it's head.

Davian breathed out in relief, letting the tension in his body melt away.

"I thought that was going to be harder than it was."

He commented, sitting on a boulder while closely monitoring Doomsday's previous position.

"Those two from before never left."

Chase observed.

"They've been watching but are not coming closer despite witnessing you slay the creature. Mmmh, how strange."

Davian sighed, rubbing his face.

"See, when you say stuff like that, it's usually accompanied by something bad happening. Let's take the win this time, you damn cat. Clearly I was more powerful. End of the story."

Chase was ready with a counter.

"Nothing is ever that easy. Not when it comes to us."

The black miasma covering the entire floating asteroid rippled like the waters of a calm pond.

Davian was already up on his feet, Chesha Neko halfway out of it's sheath, a stunned expression on his face.

"No... nothing has ever survived Respira. How is he still alive?! I doubt even Barragan could survive the attack. It's impossible. I diced him up into strips of flesh and blood and then eroded them. He. Is. De.."


The entire floating Asteroid blew up.


Narid and Az-Rel stiffened as the rock the newcomer and the creature were on was immediately destroyed.

The explosion was so strong even they could feel the shockwaves.

The remains of the asteroid shattered upon more floating islands, pelting the surroundings with the sound of numerous projectiles moving at subsonic speeds.

The two Kryptonian's relocated a bit further away to escape the effects of the battle.

Davian on the other side was blown away. No amount of increasing his weight could stop him from slamming through an asteroid, tearing past it, taking out a huge chunk of 2 more rocks before he landed on the surface of a bigger rock.

The Soul Reaper laid there stunned, his sword lying a few feet away from him.

A distant bellow sounded out.

Davian dragged himself to his feet as Chase snorted.

"Don't you dare say it Chase."

Davian warned, calling onto his weapon by holding out a hand to it.

"Say what? That I told you so?"

Chase mocked.

"I'll get him this time. This time I'll be more careful."

Instead of arguing, Davian promised, determination coursing through him.


In his Inner Dimension, Chase raised an eyebrow. He had expected snark from Davian. Seeing him own up to his arrogance was new.


Davian was pissed.

Not at anyone else but himself. He saw Nick's memories of Doomsday. Flashes but even those were enough to show just how dangerous this thing was.

He should have gone all out from the start.

"Okay, you wanna get violent, let's get super violent."

He declared holding Chesha Neko with it's point aimed at the ground.


The outburst of Reiryoku released was enough to be felt from far away.

"Do you feel that husband?"

Ursa questioned as all the Kryptonians turned to face one direction.

A direction that was filled with the glow of purple energy around a certain section of the sky.

"Rao finally blesses us with a chance. Gather the rest."

Zod ordered.


Doomsday was relentless, bounding from one floating rock to another.

It's body had undergone massive changes.

While before it was armored with bone spurs and spikes, now it had even more sharp protrusions all over it's body.

Glowing circuits of yellow energy seemed to pulse from all around it's body, feeding power to it's large form.

It's barrel chest seemed to be covered with a plate of bone that went up to it's neck, where it's head had been severed.

A half hollow mask seemed to have formed from its lower jaw, going up to encapsulate the left side of it's face.

A small hollow hole was in the middle of it's belly.

Fury enough to drown the world in blood and violence coursed within it, pulsing alongside of all things a heart, something that no other creature in Limbo possessed.

By adapting to Davian's attacks, Doomsday had been elevated to a different level of power. And it only wanted to KILL, MURDER, DESTROY! DESTROY! DESTROY!! REVENGE!!!!

With a triumphant roar it found it's target and descended upon them with the fury of a stormy sky.

Davian made no move as the Creature landed infront of him, forming a crater before lunging forward, the sharp claws on its hands brandished, ready to rip him apart.

A few inches away from Davian, purple strings emerged from the ground, ensnaring Doomsday and stopping IT in it's tracks.

"You can't escape my strings. Nothing can."

Davian spoke to it, both staring at each other.

One with rage and the other with a look of determination.

"Abomination. It's half hollow now."

Chase observed.

Davian spun on his hell and threw a kick at Doomsday's chest. Such an attack wouldn't have phased it before but just as Doomsday has grown even more powerful, the soul reaper more than matched the feat.

No amount of struggling or roaring could release IT fast enough to avoid the kick.

It's Torso caved in along with a burst of pressure that blew back the monster towards where it had come from.

Davian's eyes glowed as Chesha Neko's strings crept up his hands, forming into two shorter swords, similar to Byakuya and Kanshou from Nick's memories.

He had chosen these two because of how effective they were at slaying monsters.

He started walking forward steadily. Then the walk transitioned into a jog, then a run.

A sonic boom erupted from his back.

A purple streak flashed around Limbo, headed on a collision towards a yellow streak.

Their clash blew everything in a mile radius away. It was a small scale Armageddon.

A storm of displaced air pushed the floating rocks towards each other.

The Islands crashed onto one another over and over again. Those watching the spectacle could only stay away, too weak to engage in the altercation.

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