I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 138: Endless Escalation.

20 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)


An infinite stretch of area, frozen in time.

Shockwaves rippled out, wild and unbridled.

The source of the periodic pressure waves seemed to be a space devoid of any floating rock islands.

Most of them having been destroyed in a battle of such epic proportions, it changed the ever purple color of the sky, casting it a dull red.

Space was torn with exotic energies from Doomsday's unstable power and Davian's Reiryoku.

The wormholes in midair growing bigger and bigger as the fight wreaked havoc across the entirety of the Phantom Zone.

Yet, the purple and green streaks clashing time and time again remained locked in a battle for supremacy.

A battle...that Davian was losing.



In a blur, a silver haired man holding two short swords in a reverse grip left afterimages as he streaked around a hulking form.

The two twin sabers were flashed of light.

Davian was carving out chunks of the monster but it healed just as fast as he dealt the damage.

The task was only made more difficult as he had to dodge and evade Doomsday's wild attacks. He had received a few punches which had been enough to show him that strength wise, the monster had already far outstripped him.

Davian had to aim his strikes at spots that would normally incapacitate or outright kill a normal person, just to keep up with the onslaught.

The fight had been going on for several hours and while he was still not exhausted, that didn't mean he wasn't mentally getting tired.

Davian had lost count of how many times he had 'killed' Doomsday only for it's body to reform or come back to life...stronger and even more apparent - durable.

"The swords are slowly losing their effectiveness. You can cut him but he just seems to heal from every injury and then adapts to it. Slashing him will get harder every strike you make."

Chase observed.

"Fine then. Time to change tactics."

Davian ground out, releasing another wave of Respira at the Kryptonian Monster to create some time for his next move.

The Respira blew forward, doing what it did best, destroy.

Doomsday's flesh slouched off, the epidermis of It's skin disintegrating from the winds of time erosion that buffeted It.

It roared in pain and anger, slapping it's gigantic hands together and causing a spread out wind to rip out and blow away the Respira.

Meanwhile the swords in Davian's hands had just finished unravelling into threads, closing around his body and forming his purple string armor.

"Round tw...ack!"

In a speed that was astonishing, Doomsday shot out his hand and grabbed Davian's neck.

Davian widened his eyes, staring into the green orbs full of hate staring back at him. How had IT dealt with the Respira so quickly!?


Hundreds of thousands of strings jumped from Davian's armored body and tore into Doomsday's healing skin.

slowly but surely the strings burrowed through the monster's flesh, nerves, the lines of energy around it's body and...something else, the power running within IT.

'Heat.' the soul reaper realized.

Heat accompanied by so much raw power. Power that could not be contained. There was so much of it...

"Davian! Snap out of it!"

Chase yelled.

Davian blinked, only to find Doomsday's eyes glowing yellow while still staring straight at him.

The Reaper flicked his wrist, using the strings that had crept into the monster to turn it's head to the side.

Not a second later, a wide beam of yellow energy tore a hole through dozens of floating rocks, leaving dust and small stones occupying the dull red sky.

"That was close..."

Davian sweat dropped, gazing at his surroundings.

The distraction at the display of power Doomsday wielded, cost the soul reaper.

Despite not underestimating Doomsday's growth, he had still underestimated it's crazed intellect.

The monster lifted one of it's trunk like legs and with a bellow, slammed it onto the ground, destabilizing Davian's footing and causing him issues with controlling the strings inside Doomsday.

It's eyes glowed once more and Davian could almost imagine a smile of victory on it's face because they both knew, he wasn't going to escape this.

Then the eye beams struck true, destroying everything in their path.



Chase yelled in shocked surprise. That attack...the creature... it wasn't only adapting to Davian's strength but also his tactics, it was learning to bait and attack.

How abominable.

Chase decided he couldn't sit back any more, those heat beams had dealt a lot of damage to Davian.

Chase was his Zanpakuto spirit, if there was anyone else who could gauge the extent of his injuries, it was him.

He needed to intervene. Help his wielder face this threat.

Just as he was ready to leave the Inner World and join in the fight...a voice echoed out across the entire Inner World.

"Oi, you damn cat. This is my fight. Stay the fuck out of it."

Davian spoke.

Chase blinked, then shook his head, turning around to walk back to his usual spot.

How could he have forgotten who Davian was? He thought almost sardonically.

Doomsday's attack had been potent enough to take out everything that had been behind Davian.

The Phantom Zone itself had been shaken to it's core.


Where Doomsday was an abomination, Davian was something else entirely.

He was Death.

He had wielded the Hand of God and the Hand of the Devil.

"Alright then. Win."

The cat said, making itself comfortable in its usual spot on the tree looking out into the cemetery.

His wielder's power was frankly unexplainable.

Chase would have been amused to learn that apart from him, someone was finally understanding how dangerous Davian Mabuz could be.


"How!? He should be dead!"

In the deep layers of space, Batmite was shocked.

There was a lot he was aware of and a lot more he was manipulating but even he knew, this growth - it was too fast. Too fast and unpredictable.

The fight was never supposed to happen..

But Batmite had manipulated the chances. Touched upon fortune and changed it to misfortune for his very hated foe yet...Davian had survived.

Somehow his essence was sustained by Limbo's very air.

Maybe...maybe messing with this scary guy wasn't a good idea. Maybe he should quit while he can. The Imp had thrown a lot at him but he never seemed to lose or give in.

Batmite couldn't forget Mr.Mzlyptlk's mess up with the Joker.

And this guy...this guy was just as scary.

Yeah he should leave... He should leave and go pran- play with Batman a little! That would surely be fun! Oh the chao- crime fighting! Crime fighting they could get up to!


Silently and unknown to almost anyone, Batmite quietly left the scene with a wide mischievous smirk, leaving behind a final on-looker.

Desire groaned to him/herself from the echoes of elation and desire left behind by Batmite.

The Imp's glee at the thought of messing with Batman was almost too much.

Boohoo, now her/his entertainment was gone.

She/he wanted to play around with the little man some more, control him to test her/his nephew.

Now the little dude was scampering off...

And she/he was back to boredom...oh wait.

The little man said something.

The clown. The Bat and The Ghost. How... promising. How exciting. What an excellent idea.

So much enjoyment to produce. All he/she had was to nudge a few nudges, break a few rules and he/she would see it all cascade down into a beautiful distraction before she/he moved on.

It wasn't like she/he hadn't been doing it all this time. Plus she/he couldn't help it. She/he was desire. Whether that meant granting it, denying it, fulfilling it...all was under his/her purview.

After all, the Joker had to be feeling left out and abandoned by Batman's new obsession with Desire's nephew.

Let's do something about that...



Despite missing half of his body...he was still alive.

Smoking and hissing from his left side, where he was down half of his head, half of his torso, half of his groin and the left side's limbs, Davian still stood strong, his right eye shocked at the damage he'd sustained.

Then the eye glowed purple. A dark purple that seemed to pull in everything.

No one had ever injured him like this before. Nothing had ever forced him into such a position.

He was furious. And with that fury, came a clarity that wiped away all doubt. He was going to reap the soul of this thing.


The entire realm rumbled. Davian's voice echoing through as he instinctively used the gem hanging off his neck to touch upon the soul of Limbo itself.

His body floated to the sky. The non-existent wind inside the realm picked up. Sand started to vibrate, rising up to the sky.

Doomsday's chest rumbled out with laughter. It was an ugly sound.


It said.

"So, you can speak now..."

Limbo echoed out once more with Davian's voice.

"Good...this way, I can hear you scream."

The soul reaper pushed his right hand forward, and then pulled on the strings still inside Doomsday.

The look in the latter's eyes changed. It could feel something getting ripped out, muscles were shredded and twisted, bones shattered and organs exploded.

One side of the Kryptonian Monster's body burst open, green blood, flesh and other visceral material flying out into the air, purple threads dancing almost hypnotically.

Then the strings retracted, bits of flesh and blood still attached to them, leaving Doomsday missing half of It's body. Davian's way of getting payback.

The other half of the Kryptonian flesh was used by by the Soul Reaper to reconstruct his own soul form, threads weaving Doomsday's hybrid soul essence/physical material into the Soul Reaper's missing left side.

His soul form begun to undergo changes.

A storm of power begun brewing above the two as both escalated the scale of the fight by achieving even crazier levels of power.

Doomsday's body healed once more. It's entire left side regenerating as flesh coiled together stronger than ever.

It's body grew out of proportion. The left hand was bigger than the right, almost extending to touch upon the ground. The spurs and spikes were bleached white and seemed to vibrate with a monomolecular edge.

It took a step forward, releasing a fresh wave of energy that made the air close to it tremble with exotic energies.

It now had access to Reiryoku. The spirit energy manifesting as a green color from the earlier yellow lines.

The white mask that had hitherto occupied one side of it's face grew to cover the entire face.

The hollow hole in its torso had also grown bigger.

It's eyes opened and it roared, arms spread out in an act of defiance, a beckoning to the god floating above it.

The roar was an issue of challenge. For it could feel new power. Power that it had never had access to before. A new evolution.

With this it would rage. Kill... destroy. Shatter the Earth under and break the heavens above. It...

A heavy presence fell onto the floating rock Island Doomsday stood on, without warning.

A Reiatsu that was nothing like what the budding intelligence of the monster had sensed from its target before.

And with that presence, came a force. Like gravity itself, the spirit pressure slammed onto Doomsday's shoulders and pressed It onto the ground.

Veins popped across the monster's hideous skin, flesh rippled, muscles shifted and bones creaked.

The ground around it cratered. It's legs bent lower, head tilted up to stare at the sky.

Doomsday released a roar. The roar was immediately silenced as the Reiatsu from above increased. The pressure got even more oppressive. The Kryptonian Killing machine, took a knee.

For the first time ever, Doomsday knew fear.

It's instincts were screaming at it to flee. To run from whatever the gathering black energy above was.

For without knowing, Davian's actions of using Doomsday's own body to reconstruct his soul form had caused a long brewing change in the Soul Reaper to activate.

Something had re-awakened.

A metamorphosis that could now be completed as Davian's full spirit capabilities were no longer suppressed by a physical form.

A void within his soul grew with the taste of Doomsday's exotic energies.

A screech sounded out.

Limbo froze.

Then all sentient creatures within the prison turned as one to stare at the dark sun that had seemingly appeared in the sky out of nowhere.

A breath passed.

The heavy Reiatsu retracted or rather, nothing and no one could sense it anymore. The black sun rippled.

Then shadow wings burst out. Hollow Davian emerged. 

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