I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 58: The Final Showdown part 3

17 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(Davian's P.O.V)

"That was harsh. I liked it. Shows a different side of you, my Wielder. One that is worthy."

Chase commented about my encounter with the soldiers. They weren't regular soldiers either. Dressed in black combat gear with the symbol of an inverted Triangle, the base being an eyehole. They gave me the SHIELD vibe from Marvel.

"I was annoyed. People were in danger but those guys were hiding like cowards."

I answered, jumping off the roof to the wall of a shattered brick house, a hundred meters away. I was approaching the Dome really quickly, getting to the edge of East End.

The Dome stretched out across Coventry, Gotham Proper and a small section of East End. Past Coventry was Gotham river which had a small island attached to Gotham's larger landmass by bridges.

The high walls and strong structural build had probably prevented the explosion from destroying Arkham Asylum. However, the inmates inside were some of the most dangerous people in the world. Geniuses, serial killers, psychiatrists...Clowns.

I had no doubt that they would have taken advantage of the incident to escape. Either way, it wasn't my problem.

"Up ahead."

Chase called out, cutting into my thoughts.

"I see them."

I replied, shattering apart the roof below me, while unsheathing Chesha Neko.

A wall of Man Bats were in formation before the dome.

"They seem to have been waiting for you. "

I would have noticed them earlier if there were any Shrouds this way but, this close to the dome... everyone probably died too fast that the Souls moved on before I gained control of the Shrouds. There were lesser buildings here as well. The ground evened out from concrete and tarmac to dark scorched soil.

A platform made of Reiryoku appeared under my foot. I pushed off it as I approached them.

A frown marred my features the minute they got within my Reikaku range. The Man Bats must have been an upwards of a hundred but that wasn't what had grabbed my attention. Below them, was Wonder Woman. She had a dark scar that looked like a nasty burn going up her right arm.

Through my Reikaku the scar had a necrotic energy signature. Like a rot.

"Must have been a spell from the magician."

Chase said, bringing into my attention Zatara, who was ensnared by the Lasso of Truth. The Amazon had a foot on his back, looking up at me with her four eyes narrowed.

"I believe she wants you to go down to her."

Chase pointed out.

"I say we humor her request."

I replied, hair whipping at the back of my head as I descended.

Reiryoku surged through my legs as I landed, fracturing the ground and producing a dust cloud. Then I pushed through with the fastest speed I could go, using the dust as cover.

"I don't have time for this!"

I yelled just as Chesha Neko clashed against Wonder Woman's bracelets, producing a loud clang that made the very air vibrate.

She ground her teeth, getting thrown back through the air. She arrested her momentum, flying down over hundreds of meters away. She had her arms held up before her face in a guard.

"Are you okay?"

I turned to the magician, while untying him from the Lasso. Zatara blinked. He seemed to have seen better days. There was a large red bruise across his neck and his clothes were caked with blood from his own scratches. He gave a small nod but even the action made him wince.

"You'll pay for that boy."

Wonder Woman snarled from the distance, taking a step forward and blurring. Behind her the sound barrier popped like an inflated balloon.

"Hold on."

I told Zatara then similarly moved at fast speeds.

We met in the middle, both of us going at it in supersonic speeds. Chesha Neko rang out, the slash blocked by a swipe of her forearm. I leaned to the side, as her other hand launched out in a fist. The punch whizzed past my nose, causing a pressure blast to crack the air behind me.

I pushed of my heel, flash-stepping to her back and immediately going on the offensive. Somehow her reaction was good enough that she blocked every attack that I threw.

"She's more coordinated than you. Not to mention faster too."

Chase observed just as a mule kick from the Amazon landed on my Zanpakuto. I took the chance to put more strength to my legs pulling away from her while my palm was placed right infront of me.

"A little help here."

I asked him.

"Hado combo 1 and 4: Sho Byakurai!"

A straight beam of blue plasma surged out of my hand, our voices in perfect intonation. Wonder Woman's eyes widened as she hastily put her guard up. The Hado hit true, pushing her back due to the intensity.

My feet landed on the wall of the dome, the dome itself was meant to absorb any force and reflect it back at twice the intensity. My boots and pants ripped apart. A burst of kinetic energy surging up my body from the dome.

"Here goes nothing."

I pushed off.

The was a streak of purple lightning around me. My surroundings washed away into streaks of lines passing by my vision. I sent every single dreg of energy I could safely spare onto my fist. 'You know, come to think of it, I've not really punched someone since coming to this world. Not a body shot either. Just an old fashioned right hook.'

A dull thunk of hard flesh meeting harder flesh rang out, resounding through the area as Wonder Woman's head whipped to the side. To her benefit, she only stepped back twice. Her neck cracked as she turned to me in anger. Eyes blazing with red energy.

"That didn't work?"

I asked Chase in more than a little surprise. I mean, I had hurt Superman during our fight. Defeated him even. What the fuck is up with this uneven power-scale?

"You were in your Shikai at that time. Shikai is not just specialized. When you release your Zanpakuto, your parameters similarly shoot up by almost a 1000% increment in power."

Chase explained as I brought my hand forward.

"Bakudo no 4: Hainawa!"

A yellow rope bolted out of my palm, cracking through the air to ensnare her. I read somewhere that to defeat Wonder Woman, you only needed to tie her up.

The electric energy surrounding the rope of energy made her seize up before she gritted her teeth and broke apart the rope.

"Any more tricks up your sleeve?"

She growled out dangerously, walking forward.

Then a glowing yellow Lasso managed to wrap around her, humming with divine energy. Zatara looked at his teammate in no small amount of concern, pulling on the Lasso of Truth with determination. Wonder Woman tried to jump away, her face tightening in panic as she found herself unable to extricate herself from the bind.

Zatara held onto the Lasso and the Amazon fell to the floor in a thud. Zatara and I made eye contact. I could see the unspoken words there. The regret. He knew that if it wasn't for them...if it wasn't for Batman...maybe none of this would have happened.

"We have company."

Chase dutifully informed me. With a loud unison screech the Man Bats flew down towards us, red eyes gleaming, sharp claws flashing and snarling teeth.

I snorted, turning away from Zatara to focus on the enemy.

"If she escapes it's your fault. I'm not cleaning up your mess again."

I threw over my shoulder before crouching and flinging myself towards the sky in one lunge.

A vicious smile appeared on my face.

"Hey Chase, how fast do you think I can dispatch them?"

My Zanpakuto took a split second to think about it. But a split second was all I needed. A platform of dense Reiryoku manifested under my foot as I Flash stepped towards the sky in a straight line. The air around me cried at being torn apart.

I wound my hand back and threw Chesha Neko at the creatures in the lead. A shower of blood followed by screeches of pain that sounded like nails across the board sounded. My Longsword carving a path for me to come in with my palms glowing in power.

"Hado 7: Akai Inazuma!"

The nature of this particular Kido was such that it was effective on a large number of enemies. The red streak of energy surrounding the ball that sped forward was indiscriminate in its destruction.

It was wild and unpredictable, jumping from one creature to another in a rough pattern.

The smell of burnt flesh permeated the air as over a quarter of them were turned into blackened bodies that fell, leaving behind a wet splat on the blackened ground. My hands lashed out like strikes from a king Cobra, making short work of any stragglers around me.

Each blow I landed left behind pulped flesh and shattered bones. One particular elbow made the chest of a Man Bat cave in. Still, despite that there was still over a half of them left. But I had a plan for that.

Chesha Neko wound up through the air like a boomerang, carving another path around me before I grabbed the sword and spun. A large funnel of wind formed around my form, the force pulling in the Man Bats trying to flee. However, I had had enough. I was saving Shikai for when I needed it but that didn't mean I was weak.

The funnel of wind around me became colored red. The scarlet tint a consequence of shredding every single Man Bat into strips of flesh. I was delivering slashes at dizzying speeds, Chesha Neko's bladed edge parting flesh and bones easily.

To keep the blood and flesh away from me, I covered myself in a green shield just as the wind died down.

(General P.O.V)

Zatara forgot about his the pain in his throat as he witnessed what was happening. Talking hurt and his body ached all around from his battle with the Amazon.

Yet...the boy had done what he couldn't.

Zatara couldn't imagine what he was seeing. Was Davian always this powerful? He managed to take down Wonder Woman. It could be argued that it was mostly because of his quick thinking that allowed Zatara to take advantage.

But this, this was something else entirely. He was merciless. Like a god of slaughter.

'What did you do Bruce? Why did you alienate such a formidable ally?'

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